jquery Programming Glossary: understandable
Calculate total width of Children with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1015669/calculate-total-width-of-children-with-jquery total width of Children with jQuery I've tried finding an understandable answer to this but given up. In order to have dymnamic content..
jQuery & history.js example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13553037/jquery-history-js-example does not replace as it should. To make this a little more understandable here's some code. ul class content_links li a href historyapi..
jQuery.browser: Javascript Uncaught TypeError http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14337859/jquery-browser-javascript-uncaught-typeerror
Simple javascript inheritance using $.extend and module pattern http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16659326/simple-javascript-inheritance-using-extend-and-module-pattern prototypal inheritance can be written in an easy understandable manner. I have rewritten your code using the techniques described..
jquery ui dialog opens only once http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1701942/jquery-ui-dialog-opens-only-once action generally clicking a link or a button . This is an understandable mistake because at first glance it seems like calling .dialog..
Rework jQuery Scripts to Utilize Wildcard Targeting of Classes/Ids http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20292203/rework-jquery-scripts-to-utilize-wildcard-targeting-of-classes-ids .addClass 'glyphicon check' ... I think the idea is understandable. You'll have to rewrite each of those four blocks in a similar..
How to recreate the GitHub Network Graph http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4759492/how-to-recreate-the-github-network-graph reverse engineer at first. However the code becomes quite understandable after de minifying it with http jsbeautifier.org . So run bundle_github.js..
Consume jQuery.serializeArray in ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4807218/consume-jquery-serializearray-in-asp-net-mvc answer which transforms the form elements into an object understandable by the default model binder and could be aggregated with some..
Get element width in px http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5525049/get-element-width-in-px width of two elements is not really possible or logically understandable IMO . I made a little demo and for me it outputs the width in..
API design and jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6063874/api-design-and-jquery collection 'selector' .index 'selector' The first one is understandable if you remember that it only operates on the first element The..
CSS rotate text - complicated http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6995645/css-rotate-text-complicated WMVMW 157 Any help would be awesome. I hope this is understandable enough. jquery css css3 transform share improve this question..
javascript code formatter and highlighter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8471556/javascript-code-formatter-and-highlighter apply formatting and Highlights to make the code easily understandable. Just like jsfiddle.net. As of now I have found many sites like..
Calculate total width of Children with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1015669/calculate-total-width-of-children-with-jquery total width of Children with jQuery I've tried finding an understandable answer to this but given up. In order to have dymnamic content like blog posts and images in a horizontal website like on..
jQuery & history.js example http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13553037/jquery-history-js-example the old which again is good and what I want but the content does not replace as it should. To make this a little more understandable here's some code. ul class content_links li a href historyapi pages content_page_1.html Content page 1 a li li a href historyapi..
jQuery.browser: Javascript Uncaught TypeError http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14337859/jquery-browser-javascript-uncaught-typeerror
Simple javascript inheritance using $.extend and module pattern http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16659326/simple-javascript-inheritance-using-extend-and-module-pattern Prototypal Inheritance I think the combination of functional prototypal inheritance can be written in an easy understandable manner. I have rewritten your code using the techniques described above. var Animal function var helloCount 0 var self this..
jquery ui dialog opens only once http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1701942/jquery-ui-dialog-opens-only-once instantiate a new dialog every time the user performs some action generally clicking a link or a button . This is an understandable mistake because at first glance it seems like calling .dialog on an element is what causes the dialog to open. In reality..
Rework jQuery Scripts to Utilize Wildcard Targeting of Classes/Ids http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20292203/rework-jquery-scripts-to-utilize-wildcard-targeting-of-classes-ids 'glyphicon unchecked' jQuery '.tutorial glyph check step ' stepnum .addClass 'glyphicon check' ... I think the idea is understandable. You'll have to rewrite each of those four blocks in a similar way. By the way was it intended that the first and the second..
How to recreate the GitHub Network Graph http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4759492/how-to-recreate-the-github-network-graph question The Github network views seem very difficult to reverse engineer at first. However the code becomes quite understandable after de minifying it with http jsbeautifier.org . So run bundle_github.js and bundle_common.js through and grab a jQuery..
Consume jQuery.serializeArray in ASP.NET MVC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4807218/consume-jquery-serializearray-in-asp-net-mvc how you could proceed You could use the plugin from this answer which transforms the form elements into an object understandable by the default model binder and could be aggregated with some other information .fn.serializeObject function var o var a..
Get element width in px http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5525049/get-element-width-in-px myElement Consider using an id not a class as getting the width of two elements is not really possible or logically understandable IMO . I made a little demo and for me it outputs the width in pixels for a single span element with a width of 100 for me..
API design and jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6063874/api-design-and-jquery v get index 'selector' .index element v get index v from collection 'selector' .index 'selector' The first one is understandable if you remember that it only operates on the first element The second one makes the most sense since jQuery methods usually..
CSS rotate text - complicated http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6995645/css-rotate-text-complicated the JSfiddle here... with all css styles and the http jsfiddle.net WMVMW 157 Any help would be awesome. I hope this is understandable enough. jquery css css3 transform share improve this question The trick is to rotate the whole a and not just the span..
javascript code formatter and highlighter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8471556/javascript-code-formatter-and-highlighter jQuery plugin that can take a string of code as input and will apply formatting and Highlights to make the code easily understandable. Just like jsfiddle.net. As of now I have found many sites like jsbeautifier.org.. But I need a standalone jquery plugin..