jquery Programming Glossary: unbind
How to reenable event.preventDefault? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1164132/how-to-reenable-event-preventdefault jquery share improve this question You would have to unbind the event and either rebind to a separate event that does not.. call the default event yourself later in the method after unbinding. There is no magical event.cancelled false As requested 'form'..
If a DOM Element is removed, are its listeners also removed from memory? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12528049/if-a-dom-element-is-removed-are-its-listeners-also-removed-from-memory and not jQuery specific . Of course there are ways to unbind event listeners efficiently without removing the element at..
Equivalent of deprecated jQuery Toggle Event [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14338078/equivalent-of-deprecated-jquery-toggle-event arguments false link all the functions so any of them can unbind this click handler toggler.guid guid while i args.length args..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events tnx andleer for reminding me use on off for event binding unbinding live die and bind unbind are deprecated. The .live method.. use on off for event binding unbinding live die and bind unbind are deprecated. The .live method of jQuery was seen as a godsend..
Browser window close event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1631959/browser-window-close-event events browser share improve this question Maybe just unbind the beforeunload event handler within the form's submit event..
Best way to remove an event handler in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/209029/best-way-to-remove-an-event-handler-in-jquery jQuery 1.7 onward the event API has been updated .bind .unbind are still available for backwards compatibility but the preferred.. will then get fired. As people have said you can use unbind to remove all click events '#myimage' .unbind 'click' If you.. you can use unbind to remove all click events '#myimage' .unbind 'click' If you want to add a single event and then remove it..
Waiting on multiple asynchronous calls to complete before continuing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2768293/waiting-on-multiple-asynchronous-calls-to-complete-before-continuing 0 stack.splice index 1 if stack.length 0 callback this.unbind ajaxComplete var this this this.ajaxSend trackAjaxSend this.ajaxComplete.. this.ajaxComplete trackAjaxComplete methods this.unbind ajaxSend jQuery This binds to the ajaxSend event while the methods.. need a better unique id though that are called. It then unbinds from ajaxSend so only the requests we care about are tracked...
Asp.Net UpdatePanel in Gridview Jquery DatePicker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3341623/asp-net-updatepanel-in-gridview-jquery-datepicker .datepicker function InitializeRequest sender args make unbind to avoid memory leaks. .clDate .unbind function EndRequest sender.. sender args make unbind to avoid memory leaks. .clDate .unbind function EndRequest sender args after update occur on UpdatePanel..
How to check/uncheck radio button on click? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4957207/how-to-check-uncheck-radio-button-on-click setTimeout function self.removeAttr 'checked' 0 var unbind function self.unbind 'mouseup' up var up function uncheck unbind.. self.removeAttr 'checked' 0 var unbind function self.unbind 'mouseup' up var up function uncheck unbind self.bind 'mouseup'.. function self.unbind 'mouseup' up var up function uncheck unbind self.bind 'mouseup' up self.one 'mouseout' unbind I hope this..
disable a hyperlink using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5085584/disable-a-hyperlink-using-jquery link' .click function return false To re enable it again unbind the handler '.my link' .unbind 'click' Note that disabled doesn't.. false To re enable it again unbind the handler '.my link' .unbind 'click' Note that disabled doesn't work because it is designed.. as of jQuery 1.4.3 '.my link' .bind 'click' false And to unbind re enable '.my link' .unbind 'click' false share improve this..
jQuery: Unbind event handlers to bind them again later http://stackoverflow.com/questions/516265/jquery-unbind-event-handlers-to-bind-them-again-later to bind them again later Does anybody know how to unbind set of event handlers but memorize them in order to bind them.. your elements and store the handlers in an array before unbinding. Comment if you need more help. I got this idea from reading.. e alert 'test' var events '#test' .data events '#test' .unbind 'click' events.click 0 a id test test a share improve this..
jQuery plugin template - best practice, convention, performance and memory impact http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5980194/jquery-plugin-template-best-practice-convention-performance-and-memory-impac created. Internal.prototype.destroy function this. elem.unbind this.getEventNs this. elem.removeData PLUGIN_NAME TODO Unbind.. method has been refactored away by overriding .bind and .unbind to automatically inject namespaces. These methods are overwritten.. return jQuery.fn.bind.call this nsKey data fn override unbind so it uses a namespace by default. add new override. .unbind..
Dialog box runs for 1 sec and disappears? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6063522/dialog-box-runs-for-1-sec-and-disappears .dialog 'open' .dialog 'option' 'href' this.href unbind function if user clicks a link 'a' .click function event window.. if user clicks a link 'a' .click function event window .unbind event.preventDefault '#confirmDialog' .dialog 'option' 'href'.. .dialog 'option' 'href' this.href .dialog 'open' unbind function if user submits a form 'form' .submit function window..
How do I unbind “hover” in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/805133/how-do-i-unbind-hover-in-jquery do I unbind &ldquo hover&rdquo in jQuery How do I unbind hover in jQuery.. do I unbind &ldquo hover&rdquo in jQuery How do I unbind hover in jQuery This does not work this .unbind 'hover' javascript.. How do I unbind hover in jQuery This does not work this .unbind 'hover' javascript jquery share improve this question this..
Click event called twice on touchend in iPad http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8503453/click-event-called-twice-on-touchend-in-ipad id of the arrow at the end of the slide. I have tried to unbind touchstart and touchend event but during slide scroll due to.. and touchend event but during slide scroll due to unbind the item does not come inside the slide after single item. No.nextItem.. .event.handle.call this event teardown function this .unbind .myDownEvent After jQuery 1.9.0 .event.handle changed name..
JQuery Unbind and then bind http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11784257/jquery-unbind-and-then-bind Unbind and then bind I've found lots of examples on this topic.. however..
Unbind jquery plugins http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1548426/unbind-jquery-plugins jquery plugins I'm sure this is simple but I'm banging my head..
ASP.NET MVC - JSON response sends me a file instead of updating the jqueryUI http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15742617/asp-net-mvc-json-response-sends-me-a-file-instead-of-updating-the-jqueryui data dialogDiv.html data var form #updateEmployeeForm Unbind existing validation form.unbind dialogDiv.dialog 'open' ..
Unbind - Remove - Kill a jQuery plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3502468/unbind-remove-kill-a-jquery-plugin Remove Kill a jQuery plugin Is there a way to unbind a jQuery..
Adding validation with MVC 3 & jQuery Validator in execution time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5104288/adding-validation-with-mvc-3-jquery-validator-in-execution-time how I've done it. Target Form var form form selector Unbind existing validation form.unbind form.data validator null Check..
jQuery: Unbind event handlers to bind them again later http://stackoverflow.com/questions/516265/jquery-unbind-event-handlers-to-bind-them-again-later Unbind event handlers to bind them again later Does anybody know how..
jqzoom on multiple images http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5305777/jqzoom-on-multiple-images Get the photo linked to var photo this .attr 'rel' Unbind the zoom .jqclass .unbind .jqclass Hide the current image via..
jQuery plugin template - best practice, convention, performance and memory impact http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5980194/jquery-plugin-template-best-practice-convention-performance-and-memory-impac this.getEventNs this. elem.removeData PLUGIN_NAME TODO Unbind listeners attached to other elements of the page and window...
Best unobtrusive way to add JQuery confirm to an arbitrary element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8094008/best-unobtrusive-way-to-add-jquery-confirm-to-an-arbitrary-element No false callback function v m f if v User clicked Yes. Unbind handler to avoid recursion then click the target element again..
How do I explicitly execute default action from jQuery event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8105556/how-do-i-explicitly-execute-default-action-from-jquery-event No false callback function v m f if v User clicked Yes. Unbind handler to avoid recursion then click the target element again..
jquery ujs not functioning when I remotely load partials/content with remote calls or jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9950332/jquery-ujs-not-functioning-when-i-remotely-load-partials-content-with-remote-cal may need to kick jQuery in the ass var main top level tag Unbind validation main.unbind main.data validator null Reparse document..
How to reenable event.preventDefault? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1164132/how-to-reenable-event-preventdefault I do this dynamically when the button is clicked javascript jquery share improve this question You would have to unbind the event and either rebind to a separate event that does not preventDefault or just call the default event yourself later.. to a separate event that does not preventDefault or just call the default event yourself later in the method after unbinding. There is no magical event.cancelled false As requested 'form' .submit function ev ev.preventDefault later you decide..
If a DOM Element is removed, are its listeners also removed from memory? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12528049/if-a-dom-element-is-removed-are-its-listeners-also-removed-from-memory these issues were later attributed to be a Javascript problem and not jQuery specific . Of course there are ways to unbind event listeners efficiently without removing the element at the same time for example using the off method when binding..
Equivalent of deprecated jQuery Toggle Event [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14338078/equivalent-of-deprecated-jquery-toggle-event and execute the function return args lastToggle .apply this arguments false link all the functions so any of them can unbind this click handler toggler.guid guid while i args.length args i .guid guid return this.click toggler Shorter non tested..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events Don ™t Use .live .bind .delegate I forgot to mention and tnx andleer for reminding me use on off for event binding unbinding live die and bind unbind are deprecated. The .live method of jQuery was seen as a godsend when it was introduced to the.. I forgot to mention and tnx andleer for reminding me use on off for event binding unbinding live die and bind unbind are deprecated. The .live method of jQuery was seen as a godsend when it was introduced to the API in version 1.3. In a..
Browser window close event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1631959/browser-window-close-event only when the user closes the window. javascript jquery events browser share improve this question Maybe just unbind the beforeunload event handler within the form's submit event handler jQuery 'form' .submit function jQuery window .unbind..
Best way to remove an event handler in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/209029/best-way-to-remove-an-event-handler-in-jquery input share improve this question 2011 jQuery 1.7 With jQuery 1.7 onward the event API has been updated .bind .unbind are still available for backwards compatibility but the preferred method is using the on off functions. The below would.. function return false Adds another click event Both click events will then get fired. As people have said you can use unbind to remove all click events '#myimage' .unbind 'click' If you want to add a single event and then remove it without removing.. Both click events will then get fired. As people have said you can use unbind to remove all click events '#myimage' .unbind 'click' If you want to add a single event and then remove it without removing any others that might have been added then..
Waiting on multiple asynchronous calls to complete before continuing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2768293/waiting-on-multiple-asynchronous-calls-to-complete-before-continuing ajaxOptions.url var index jQuery.inArray url stack if index 0 stack.splice index 1 if stack.length 0 callback this.unbind ajaxComplete var this this this.ajaxSend trackAjaxSend this.ajaxComplete trackAjaxComplete methods this.unbind ajaxSend.. this.unbind ajaxComplete var this this this.ajaxSend trackAjaxSend this.ajaxComplete trackAjaxComplete methods this.unbind ajaxSend jQuery This binds to the ajaxSend event while the methods are being called and keeps a list of urls need a better.. while the methods are being called and keeps a list of urls need a better unique id though that are called. It then unbinds from ajaxSend so only the requests we care about are tracked. It also binds to ajaxComplete and removes items from the..
Asp.Net UpdatePanel in Gridview Jquery DatePicker http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3341623/asp-net-updatepanel-in-gridview-jquery-datepicker Place here the first init of the DatePicker .clDate .datepicker function InitializeRequest sender args make unbind to avoid memory leaks. .clDate .unbind function EndRequest sender args after update occur on UpdatePanel re init the DatePicker.. the DatePicker .clDate .datepicker function InitializeRequest sender args make unbind to avoid memory leaks. .clDate .unbind function EndRequest sender args after update occur on UpdatePanel re init the DatePicker .clDate .datepicker script Update..
How to check/uncheck radio button on click? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4957207/how-to-check-uncheck-radio-button-on-click e var self this if self.is ' checked' var uncheck function setTimeout function self.removeAttr 'checked' 0 var unbind function self.unbind 'mouseup' up var up function uncheck unbind self.bind 'mouseup' up self.one 'mouseout' unbind I hope.. if self.is ' checked' var uncheck function setTimeout function self.removeAttr 'checked' 0 var unbind function self.unbind 'mouseup' up var up function uncheck unbind self.bind 'mouseup' up self.one 'mouseout' unbind I hope this helps share..
disable a hyperlink using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5085584/disable-a-hyperlink-using-jquery You can bind a click handler that returns false '.my link' .click function return false To re enable it again unbind the handler '.my link' .unbind 'click' Note that disabled doesn't work because it is designed for form inputs only. jQuery.. that returns false '.my link' .click function return false To re enable it again unbind the handler '.my link' .unbind 'click' Note that disabled doesn't work because it is designed for form inputs only. jQuery has anticipated this already..
jQuery: Unbind event handlers to bind them again later http://stackoverflow.com/questions/516265/jquery-unbind-event-handlers-to-bind-them-again-later Unbind event handlers to bind them again later Does anybody know how to unbind set of event handlers but memorize them in order to bind them again later Any suggestions javascript jquery events share.. data of the item. This should get your started you can read your elements and store the handlers in an array before unbinding. Comment if you need more help. I got this idea from reading the .fn.clone method so take a look at that as well. document..
jQuery plugin template - best practice, convention, performance and memory impact http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5980194/jquery-plugin-template-best-practice-convention-performance-and-memory-impac all event listeners data and HTML elements automatically created. Internal.prototype.destroy function this. elem.unbind this.getEventNs this. elem.removeData PLUGIN_NAME TODO Unbind listeners attached to other elements of the page and window... it's a prototypical OO approach. getEventNs As mentioned this method has been refactored away by overriding .bind and .unbind to automatically inject namespaces. These methods are overwritten on the private version of jQuery .sub . The overwritten.. key fn return this nsKey type this.data PLUGIN_NAME ._ns return jQuery.fn.bind.call this nsKey data fn override unbind so it uses a namespace by default. add new override. .unbind with 0 arguments unbinds all methods for that element for this..
Dialog box runs for 1 sec and disappears? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6063522/dialog-box-runs-for-1-sec-and-disappears .dialog 'option' 'href' this.href For Safari e. '#confirmDialog' .dialog 'open' .dialog 'option' 'href' this.href unbind function if user clicks a link 'a' .click function event window .unbind event.preventDefault '#confirmDialog' .dialog 'option'.. 'open' .dialog 'option' 'href' this.href unbind function if user clicks a link 'a' .click function event window .unbind event.preventDefault '#confirmDialog' .dialog 'option' 'href' this.href .dialog 'open' unbind function if user submits.. function event window .unbind event.preventDefault '#confirmDialog' .dialog 'option' 'href' this.href .dialog 'open' unbind function if user submits a form 'form' .submit function window .unbind jquery jquery ui share improve this question..
How do I unbind “hover” in jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/805133/how-do-i-unbind-hover-in-jquery do I unbind &ldquo hover&rdquo in jQuery How do I unbind hover in jQuery This does not work this .unbind 'hover' javascript jquery.. do I unbind &ldquo hover&rdquo in jQuery How do I unbind hover in jQuery This does not work this .unbind 'hover' javascript jquery share improve this question this .unbind.. do I unbind &ldquo hover&rdquo in jQuery How do I unbind hover in jQuery This does not work this .unbind 'hover' javascript jquery share improve this question this .unbind 'mouseenter' .unbind 'mouseleave' or more succinctly..
Click event called twice on touchend in iPad http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8503453/click-event-called-twice-on-touchend-in-ipad MozTouchRelease' function e No.nextItem #next_item is the id of the arrow at the end of the slide. I have tried to unbind touchstart and touchend event but during slide scroll due to unbind the item does not come inside the slide after single.. the arrow at the end of the slide. I have tried to unbind touchstart and touchend event but during slide scroll due to unbind the item does not come inside the slide after single item. No.nextItem moves one item inside the slide. left in '.slide'.. .bind myDown .myDownEvent function event event.type myDown .event.handle.call this event teardown function this .unbind .myDownEvent After jQuery 1.9.0 .event.handle changed name to .event.dispatch to support both you can write use this fallback..
JQuery Unbind and then bind http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11784257/jquery-unbind-and-then-bind Unbind and then bind I've found lots of examples on this topic.. however I do not fully understand. Does my logic seem correct..
Unbind jquery plugins http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1548426/unbind-jquery-plugins jquery plugins I'm sure this is simple but I'm banging my head I'm using the excellent jQuery plugin editable http www.appelsiini.net..
ASP.NET MVC - JSON response sends me a file instead of updating the jqueryUI http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15742617/asp-net-mvc-json-response-sends-me-a-file-instead-of-updating-the-jqueryui var viewUrl linkObj.attr 'href' .get viewUrl function data dialogDiv.html data var form #updateEmployeeForm Unbind existing validation form.unbind dialogDiv.dialog 'open' return false function updateSuccess data I want to make sure..
Unbind - Remove - Kill a jQuery plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3502468/unbind-remove-kill-a-jquery-plugin Remove Kill a jQuery plugin Is there a way to unbind a jQuery plugin from a jquery selector jquery jquery plugins share..
Adding validation with MVC 3 & jQuery Validator in execution time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5104288/adding-validation-with-mvc-3-jquery-validator-in-execution-time improve this question Feels like a bit of a hack but here's how I've done it. Target Form var form form selector Unbind existing validation form.unbind form.data validator null Check document for changes .validator.unobtrusive.parse document..
jQuery: Unbind event handlers to bind them again later http://stackoverflow.com/questions/516265/jquery-unbind-event-handlers-to-bind-them-again-later Unbind event handlers to bind them again later Does anybody know how to unbind set of event handlers but memorize them in order..
jqzoom on multiple images http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5305777/jqzoom-on-multiple-images React to clicking on a thumbnail .thumbs img .click function Get the photo linked to var photo this .attr 'rel' Unbind the zoom .jqclass .unbind .jqclass Hide the current image via its parent DIV .jqclass .parent .hide Remove teh jqclass .jqclass..
jQuery plugin template - best practice, convention, performance and memory impact http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5980194/jquery-plugin-template-best-practice-convention-performance-and-memory-impac created. Internal.prototype.destroy function this. elem.unbind this.getEventNs this. elem.removeData PLUGIN_NAME TODO Unbind listeners attached to other elements of the page and window. var publicMethods init function Object customOptions return..
Best unobtrusive way to add JQuery confirm to an arbitrary element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8094008/best-unobtrusive-way-to-add-jquery-confirm-to-an-arbitrary-element .prompt confirmPrompt buttons Yes true No false callback function v m f if v User clicked Yes. Unbind handler to avoid recursion then click the target element again event.currentTarget .unbind 'click' event.currentTarget.click..
How do I explicitly execute default action from jQuery event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8105556/how-do-i-explicitly-execute-default-action-from-jquery-event .prompt confirmPrompt buttons Yes true No false callback function v m f if v User clicked Yes. Unbind handler to avoid recursion then click the target element again event.currentTarget .unbind 'click' event.currentTarget.click..
jquery ujs not functioning when I remotely load partials/content with remote calls or jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9950332/jquery-ujs-not-functioning-when-i-remotely-load-partials-content-with-remote-cal #another_div Edit Bit of a hack but we may need to kick jQuery in the ass var main top level tag Unbind validation main.unbind main.data validator null Reparse document .validator.unobtrusive.parse document Re add to Main main.validate..