jquery Programming Glossary: ul.menu
jQuery Animate text-color on hover http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11018483/jquery-animate-text-color-on-hover img .stop true true .fadeIn 'marginTop' 30px 'slow' jQuery ul.menu li .hover function jQuery this .find a .stop true true .animate.. I have rewritten your last hover to something like this 'ul.menu li a' .hover function do this on hover this .animate 'borderBottomColor'..
Keep parent with children open when linking to new page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12494387/keep-parent-with-children-open-when-linking-to-new-page I have working... script type text javascript function ul.menu main li .hover function Don't do this again if the same menu..
jQuery : add css class to menu item based on browser scroller position http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2703086/jquery-add-css-class-to-menu-item-based-on-browser-scroller-position function find the li with class 'active' and remove it ul.menu bottom li.active .removeClass active get the amount the window..
How reload (refresh) styles of an element (using cufon font) using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9906679/how-reload-refresh-styles-of-an-element-using-cufon-font-using-jquery 1500 and related css to that menu is like this ul.menu li.active a link ul.menu li.active a visited color rgb 255 255.. css to that menu is like this ul.menu li.active a link ul.menu li.active a visited color rgb 255 255 255 important ul.menu.. li.active a visited color rgb 255 255 255 important ul.menu li a hover ul.menu li a active ul li a focus i am so confused..
jQuery Animate text-color on hover http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11018483/jquery-animate-text-color-on-hover .fadeOut 'marginTop' 30px 'slow' function jQuery this .find img .stop true true .fadeIn 'marginTop' 30px 'slow' jQuery ul.menu li .hover function jQuery this .find a .stop true true .animate 'borderBottomColor' '#2E9ECE' 'color' '2E9ECE' 'slow' function.. 'color' '#2E9ECE' . You may also want to work on your style I have rewritten your last hover to something like this 'ul.menu li a' .hover function do this on hover this .animate 'borderBottomColor' '#2E9ECE' 'color' '#2E9ECE' 'slow' function ..
Keep parent with children open when linking to new page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12494387/keep-parent-with-children-open-when-linking-to-new-page Then when another link is clicked it closed again. Here's what I have working... script type text javascript function ul.menu main li .hover function Don't do this again if the same menu is hovered if this .hasClass 'selected' Ensure any open sub..
jQuery : add css class to menu item based on browser scroller position http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2703086/jquery-add-css-class-to-menu-item-based-on-browser-scroller-position class every time the user scrolls the window window .scroll function find the li with class 'active' and remove it ul.menu bottom li.active .removeClass active get the amount the window has scrolled var scroll window .scrollTop add the 'active'..
How reload (refresh) styles of an element (using cufon font) using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9906679/how-reload-refresh-styles-of-an-element-using-cufon-font-using-jquery 'none' j '#Projects' .slideUp 1500 function j '#AboutMe' .slideDown 1500 and related css to that menu is like this ul.menu li.active a link ul.menu li.active a visited color rgb 255 255 255 important ul.menu li a hover ul.menu li a active ul li.. 1500 function j '#AboutMe' .slideDown 1500 and related css to that menu is like this ul.menu li.active a link ul.menu li.active a visited color rgb 255 255 255 important ul.menu li a hover ul.menu li a active ul li a focus i am so confused.. css to that menu is like this ul.menu li.active a link ul.menu li.active a visited color rgb 255 255 255 important ul.menu li a hover ul.menu li a active ul li a focus i am so confused about this issue. why these jquery codes can't do their jobs..