jquery Programming Glossary: uniquetexts
can jqgrid support dropdowns in the toolbar filter fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5328072/can-jqgrid-support-dropdowns-in-the-toolbar-filter-fields Subcategory mathematics grid #list getUniqueNames function columnName var texts grid.jqGrid 'getCol' columnName uniqueTexts textsLength texts.length text textsMap i for i 0 i textsLength i text texts i if text undefined textsMap text undefined.. undefined textsMap text undefined to test whether the texts is unique we place it in the map. textsMap text true uniqueTexts.push text return uniqueTexts buildSearchSelect function uniqueNames var values All .each uniqueNames function values.. to test whether the texts is unique we place it in the map. textsMap text true uniqueTexts.push text return uniqueTexts buildSearchSelect function uniqueNames var values All .each uniqueNames function values this this return values setSearchSelect..
Jqgrid search toolbar filter unique drop lists http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6376698/jqgrid-search-toolbar-filter-unique-drop-lists Subcategory mathematics grid #list getUniqueNames function columnName var texts grid.jqGrid 'getCol' columnName uniqueTexts textsLength texts.length text textsMap i for i 0 i textsLength i text texts i if text undefined textsMap text undefined.. text undefined textsMap text undefined to test whether the texts is unique we place it in the map. textsMap text true uniqueTexts.push text return uniqueTexts buildSearchSelect function uniqueNames var values All .each uniqueNames function values this.. to test whether the texts is unique we place it in the map. textsMap text true uniqueTexts.push text return uniqueTexts buildSearchSelect function uniqueNames var values All .each uniqueNames function values this this return values setSearchSelect..
jqGrid colmodel change in loadComplete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9666290/jqgrid-colmodel-change-in-loadcomplete .ready function var getUniqueNames function grid columnName data dataIndex var data grid.getGridParam 'data' var uniqueTexts text textsMap i for i 0 i data.rows.length i text data.rows i .cell dataIndex if text undefined textsMap text undefined.. 0 i data.rows.length i text data.rows i .cell dataIndex if text undefined textsMap text undefined textsMap text true uniqueTexts.push text return uniqueTexts buildSearchSelect function uniqueNames var values All .each uniqueNames function values this.. i .cell dataIndex if text undefined textsMap text undefined textsMap text true uniqueTexts.push text return uniqueTexts buildSearchSelect function uniqueNames var values All .each uniqueNames function values this this return values setSearchSelect..