jquery Programming Glossary: underline
Jquery validation form with TinyMCE field who gives no error by empty value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10131526/jquery-validation-form-with-tinymce-field-who-gives-no-error-by-empty-value theme_advanced_buttons1 save newdocument bold italic underline strikethrough justifyleft justifycenter justifyright justifyfull..
Problems implementing TinyMCE in CodeIgniter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11128740/problems-implementing-tinymce-in-codeigniter theme_advanced_buttons1 save newdocument bold italic underline strikethrough justifyleft justifycenter justifyright justifyfull..
How to fire loadComplete after new row is added in jqgrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761222/how-to-fire-loadcomplete-after-new-row-is-added-in-jqgrid and I defined the following CSS .myLink text decoration underline cursor pointer The resulting grid will look exactly as before..
JqGrid need hyperlink - need to capture value through Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14529358/jqgrid-need-hyperlink-need-to-capture-value-through-jquery the answer . You define CSS class .myLink text decoration underline cursor pointer Then you can use custom formatter like below..
jquery scrollpane ms ajax updatepanel doesn?™t work after post back http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1565478/jquery-scrollpane-ms-ajax-updatepanel-doesnt-work-after-post-back text decoration none #contentVlak a hover text decoration underline Scrollpane styles .scroll_pane overflow auto .jScrollPaneContainer..
Problem jquery and tinymce : textarea value doesn't submit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2122085/problem-jquery-and-tinymce-textarea-value-doesnt-submit advanced Theme options theme_advanced_buttons1 bold italic underline separator image separator justifyleft justifycenter justifyright..
Add numeric pager to jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5800400/add-numeric-pager-to-jqgrid not displayed in the list. How one can see I inserted the underlined style for the links. If you don't like it you should remove.. like it you should remove td.myPager a text decoration underline important from the demo. The working live demos you can see..
Invoke the JEdtiable Submit Button By Modifying Plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5914169/invoke-the-jedtiable-submit-button-by-modifying-plugin separator delete_table theme_advanced_buttons1 bold italic underline strikethrough justifyleft justifycenter justifyright justifyfull..
Style a certain character in a string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6444183/style-a-certain-character-in-a-string situation a href accesskey i Link a Now i want to underline the character in the accesskey so the 'i' in this case in the.. case in the clickable link. So the 'i' in 'Link' should be underlined Does anybody know how jquery share improve this question..
text-decoration:none doesn't remove text decoration http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7113520/text-decorationnone-doesnt-remove-text-decoration 'c1' Home sup id 'id1' 2 sup span CSS .c1 text decoration underline #id1 text decoration none important Now I expected Home to have.. decoration none important Now I expected Home to have an underline while the superscript 2 doesn't have the underline. But it so.. have an underline while the superscript 2 doesn't have the underline. But it so happens that the superscript is also getting the..
Scrolling to an anchor within a DIV on external click, via jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8159264/scrolling-to-an-anchor-within-a-div-on-external-click-via-jquery auto height 50px .scrollto color blue text decoration underline cursor pointer HTML span class scrollto a span span class scrollto..
selection change event in contenteditable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8442158/selection-change-event-in-contenteditable that I can detect whether the selected text block has bold underline etc. I've tried some event handlers jQuery but without success..
Jquery Mobile - Using image as link - Blue line below image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9593259/jquery-mobile-using-image-as-link-blue-line-below-image as I want them except for one thing on my phone a blue underline is added to all images that are being used as links. Some info..
Jquery validation form with TinyMCE field who gives no error by empty value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10131526/jquery-validation-form-with-tinymce-field-who-gives-no-error-by-empty-value visualchars nonbreaking xhtmlxtras template Theme options theme_advanced_buttons1 save newdocument bold italic underline strikethrough justifyleft justifycenter justifyright justifyfull styleselect formatselect fontselect fontsizeselect theme_advanced_buttons2..
Problems implementing TinyMCE in CodeIgniter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11128740/problems-implementing-tinymce-in-codeigniter template wordcount advlist autosave visualblocks Theme options theme_advanced_buttons1 save newdocument bold italic underline strikethrough justifyleft justifycenter justifyright justifyfull styleselect formatselect fontselect fontsizeselect theme_advanced_buttons2..
How to fire loadComplete after new row is added in jqgrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761222/how-to-fire-loadcomplete-after-new-row-is-added-in-jqgrid make the code more easy. Instead of that I use classes myLink and I defined the following CSS .myLink text decoration underline cursor pointer The resulting grid will look exactly as before To execute some JavaScript code on click on the link and even..
JqGrid need hyperlink - need to capture value through Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14529358/jqgrid-need-hyperlink-need-to-capture-value-through-jquery Alternatively you can use the simple trick described in the answer . You define CSS class .myLink text decoration underline cursor pointer Then you can use custom formatter like below formatter function cellValue options rowObject return span class..
jquery scrollpane ms ajax updatepanel doesn?™t work after post back http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1565478/jquery-scrollpane-ms-ajax-updatepanel-doesnt-work-after-post-back bottom 10px font size 11.5px #contentVlak a font weight bold text decoration none #contentVlak a hover text decoration underline Scrollpane styles .scroll_pane overflow auto .jScrollPaneContainer position relative overflow hidden z index 1 .jScrollPaneTrack..
Problem jquery and tinymce : textarea value doesn't submit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2122085/problem-jquery-and-tinymce-textarea-value-doesnt-submit false tinyMCE.init General options mode textareas theme advanced Theme options theme_advanced_buttons1 bold italic underline separator image separator justifyleft justifycenter justifyright jformatselect fontselect fontsizeselect justifyfull bullist..
Add numeric pager to jqGrid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5800400/add-numeric-pager-to-jqgrid are used or in the form In both cases the current page will not displayed in the list. How one can see I inserted the underlined style for the links. If you don't like it you should remove td.myPager a text decoration underline important from the demo... see I inserted the underlined style for the links. If you don't like it you should remove td.myPager a text decoration underline important from the demo. The working live demos you can see here and here . The corresponding JavaScript code is full inside..
Invoke the JEdtiable Submit Button By Modifying Plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5914169/invoke-the-jedtiable-submit-button-by-modifying-plugin theme_advanced_buttons1_add_before tinyautosave code separator delete_table theme_advanced_buttons1 bold italic underline strikethrough justifyleft justifycenter justifyright justifyfull fontsizeselect search replace bullist numlist outdent indent..
Style a certain character in a string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6444183/style-a-certain-character-in-a-string jQuery but have no clue how to approach that. I have the following situation a href accesskey i Link a Now i want to underline the character in the accesskey so the 'i' in this case in the clickable link. So the 'i' in 'Link' should be underlined.. underline the character in the accesskey so the 'i' in this case in the clickable link. So the 'i' in 'Link' should be underlined Does anybody know how jquery share improve this question My own approach would be 'a accesskey ' .each selects only..
text-decoration:none doesn't remove text decoration http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7113520/text-decorationnone-doesnt-remove-text-decoration text decoration Consider the following code HTML span class 'c1' Home sup id 'id1' 2 sup span CSS .c1 text decoration underline #id1 text decoration none important Now I expected Home to have an underline while the superscript 2 doesn't have the underline... 'id1' 2 sup span CSS .c1 text decoration underline #id1 text decoration none important Now I expected Home to have an underline while the superscript 2 doesn't have the underline. But it so happens that the superscript is also getting the underline... #id1 text decoration none important Now I expected Home to have an underline while the superscript 2 doesn't have the underline. But it so happens that the superscript is also getting the underline. What am i missing here http jsfiddle.net sasidhar..
Scrolling to an anchor within a DIV on external click, via jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8159264/scrolling-to-an-anchor-within-a-div-on-external-click-via-jquery Added a more complete dynamic example. CSS #container overflow auto height 50px .scrollto color blue text decoration underline cursor pointer HTML span class scrollto a span span class scrollto e span span class scrollto i span div id 'container'..
selection change event in contenteditable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8442158/selection-change-event-in-contenteditable a selection change event for the body contenteditable So that I can detect whether the selected text block has bold underline etc. I've tried some event handlers jQuery but without success var richText .rich_text richTextDoc richText.contents 0 richTextBody..
Jquery Mobile - Using image as link - Blue line below image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9593259/jquery-mobile-using-image-as-link-blue-line-below-image styles. I have the image buttons looking and behaving exactly as I want them except for one thing on my phone a blue underline is added to all images that are being used as links. Some info My phone is a Samsung Galaxy SII Skyrocket Android version..