jquery Programming Glossary: unescape
button will not perform action after activating http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11476712/button-will-not-perform-action-after-activating 0 pos var value pairs i .substring pos 1 args argname unescape value document.forms 0 .action args.switch_url if equalIndex.. 0 pos var value pairs i .substring pos 1 args argname unescape value document.forms 0 .action args.switch_url script form method..
docCookie is not getting saved instantly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11641662/doccookie-is-not-getting-saved-instantly sKey if sKey this.hasItem sKey return null return unescape document.cookie.replace new RegExp ^ . s escape sKey .replace..
Generate excel sheet from html tables using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15567086/generate-excel-sheet-from-html-tables-using-jquery table body html ' base64 function s return window.btoa unescape encodeURIComponent s format function s c return s.replace w..
Stop IE from loading dynamically included script twice http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1661224/stop-ie-from-loading-dynamically-included-script-twice solves. Incidentally with this initial call document.write unescape 3Cscript src 'js_test1.js' type 'text javascript' 3E 3C script.. type 'text javascript' 3E 3C script 3E You don't need to unescape here I don't know why so many people do. The sequence needs..
Export HTML Table to EXCEL in Java script http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19539274/export-html-table-to-excel-in-java-script i table body html ' base64 function s return window.btoa unescape encodeURIComponent s format function s c return s.replace w..
Is Google?™s CDN for jQuery available in China? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2607425/is-googles-cdn-for-jquery-available-in-china javascript if typeof jQuery 'undefined' document.write unescape 3Cscript src ' Scripts jquery 1.4.2.min.js' type 'text javascript'.. type 'text javascript' 3E 3C script 3E document.write unescape 3Cscript src ' Scripts jqueryui 1.7.2.min.js' type 'text javascript'..
Fallback for jQuery UI from google CDN http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5014040/fallback-for-jquery-ui-from-google-cdn from Google CDN fails script window.jQuery document.write unescape ' 3Cscript src js libs jquery 1.4.2.js 3E 3C script 3E' script.. type text javascript window.jQuery.ui document.write unescape ' 3Cscript src path to jquery UI lib' script Do this after the..
How can I make this link clickable in JQuery UI Autocomplete? Uncaught TypeError http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6577761/how-can-i-make-this-link-clickable-in-jquery-ui-autocomplete-uncaught-typeerror src ' main_image_thumb ' .cell h2 link_to ' label ' CGI unescape product_path ' id ' .clear link_to ' customer_count people have..
JQGRID: any easy way to implement undo on excel like jqGrid implementation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7016109/jqgrid-any-easy-way-to-implement-undo-on-excel-like-jqgrid-implementation line break and break clipboard info into lines datarows unescape info .replace r n '' .split r n if datarows datarows.length..
How to fallback to local stylesheet (not script) if CDN fails http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7383163/how-to-fallback-to-local-stylesheet-not-script-if-cdn-fails javascript if typeof jQuery 'undefined' document.write unescape 3Cscript src 'jquery 1.6.3.min.js' 3E script I would like to..
Load Google Analytics from jQuery document ready? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/852892/load-google-analytics-from-jquery-document-ready https ssl. http www. document.write unescape 3Cscript src ' gaJsHost google analytics.com ga.js' type 'text..
How to extract relative URL from argument values from request string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9048360/how-to-extract-relative-url-from-argument-values-from-request-string for var i 0 i parts.length i var p parts i .split vars unescape p 0 p 1 unescape p 1 vars contain all the variables in an array... parts.length i var p parts i .split vars unescape p 0 p 1 unescape p 1 vars contain all the variables in an array. return vars..
Parsing XML JQuery Ajax Response with Namespace http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9625487/parsing-xml-jquery-ajax-response-with-namespace data var ndx 0 row txt data .find return .text xml unescape txt xmlDoc .parseXML xml firstrow xmlDoc .find results .children.. var txt xmlDoc.find 'ns1 return return' No need to use unescape or something just use DOM manipulation `results` is the immediate..
Chained Select Boxes jquery php http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9724087/chained-select-boxes-jquery-php finishAjax id response '#wait_1' .hide '#' id .html unescape response '#' id .fadeIn function finishAjax_tier_three id response.. id response '#wait_2' .hide '#' id .html unescape response '#' id .fadeIn script body p form action method post..
button will not perform action after activating http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11476712/button-will-not-perform-action-after-activating i .indexOf ' ' if pos 1 continue var argname pairs i .substring 0 pos var value pairs i .substring pos 1 args argname unescape value document.forms 0 .action args.switch_url if equalIndex 0 equalIndex searchString.length redirectUrl redirectUrl.. i .indexOf ' ' if pos 1 continue var argname pairs i .substring 0 pos var value pairs i .substring pos 1 args argname unescape value document.forms 0 .action args.switch_url script form method post input TYPE hidden NAME buttonClicked SIZE 16 MAXLENGTH..
docCookie is not getting saved instantly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11641662/doccookie-is-not-getting-saved-instantly error. Please help. docCookie code is docCookies getItem function sKey if sKey this.hasItem sKey return null return unescape document.cookie.replace new RegExp ^ . s escape sKey .replace . g s s ^ ^ . 1 setItem function sKey sValue vEnd sPath..
Generate excel sheet from html tables using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15567086/generate-excel-sheet-from-html-tables-using-jquery ExcelWorksheets x ExcelWorkbook xml endif head body table table table body html ' base64 function s return window.btoa unescape encodeURIComponent s format function s c return s.replace w g function m p return c p return function table name if table.nodeType..
Stop IE from loading dynamically included script twice http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1661224/stop-ie-from-loading-dynamically-included-script-twice seems to me likely to cause as many problems as it solves. Incidentally with this initial call document.write unescape 3Cscript src 'js_test1.js' type 'text javascript' 3E 3C script 3E You don't need to unescape here I don't know why so many.. call document.write unescape 3Cscript src 'js_test1.js' type 'text javascript' 3E 3C script 3E You don't need to unescape here I don't know why so many people do. The sequence needs to be avoided in an inline script as it would end the script..
Export HTML Table to EXCEL in Java script http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19539274/export-html-table-to-excel-in-java-script endif head body for var i 0 i tables.length i table tables i table body html ' base64 function s return window.btoa unescape encodeURIComponent s format function s c return s.replace w g function m p return c p return function tableList name ..
Is Google?™s CDN for jQuery available in China? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2607425/is-googles-cdn-for-jquery-available-in-china ajax libs jqueryui 1.7.2 jquery ui.js script script type text javascript if typeof jQuery 'undefined' document.write unescape 3Cscript src ' Scripts jquery 1.4.2.min.js' type 'text javascript' 3E 3C script 3E document.write unescape 3Cscript src.. unescape 3Cscript src ' Scripts jquery 1.4.2.min.js' type 'text javascript' 3E 3C script 3E document.write unescape 3Cscript src ' Scripts jqueryui 1.7.2.min.js' type 'text javascript' 3E 3C script 3E script I appreciate that this doesn't..
Fallback for jQuery UI from google CDN http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5014040/fallback-for-jquery-ui-from-google-cdn trick for fallback to locally stored JQuery if grabbing it from Google CDN fails script window.jQuery document.write unescape ' 3Cscript src js libs jquery 1.4.2.js 3E 3C script 3E' script How would you implement this trick to perform the same trick.. UI jquery performance cdn share improve this question script type text javascript window.jQuery.ui document.write unescape ' 3Cscript src path to jquery UI lib' script Do this after the fallback for jQuery itself. Or if you don't like the script..
How can I make this link clickable in JQuery UI Autocomplete? Uncaught TypeError http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6577761/how-can-i-make-this-link-clickable-in-jquery-ui-autocomplete-uncaught-typeerror html id product autocomplete result template .cell.img img src ' main_image_thumb ' .cell h2 link_to ' label ' CGI unescape product_path ' id ' .clear link_to ' customer_count people have this' '#' span Rating rating div id stars wrapper id select..
JQGRID: any easy way to implement undo on excel like jqGrid implementation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7016109/jqgrid-any-easy-way-to-implement-undo-on-excel-like-jqgrid-implementation firstselectedcolindex var prevcell null remove the last line break and break clipboard info into lines datarows unescape info .replace r n '' .split r n if datarows datarows.length 0 currentrow firstcell.parent currentcell firstcell if the..
How to fallback to local stylesheet (not script) if CDN fails http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7383163/how-to-fallback-to-local-stylesheet-not-script-if-cdn-fails code.jquery.com jquery 1.6.3.min.js script script type text javascript if typeof jQuery 'undefined' document.write unescape 3Cscript src 'jquery 1.6.3.min.js' 3E script I would like to do something similar for a style sheet link rel stylesheet..
Load Google Analytics from jQuery document ready? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/852892/load-google-analytics-from-jquery-document-ready body tag script type text javascript var gaJsHost https document.location.protocol https ssl. http www. document.write unescape 3Cscript src ' gaJsHost google analytics.com ga.js' type 'text javascript' 3E 3C script 3E script script type text javascript..
How to extract relative URL from argument values from request string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9048360/how-to-extract-relative-url-from-argument-values-from-request-string qs 1 url.substr qs 1 fr qs 1 var parts q.split var vars for var i 0 i parts.length i var p parts i .split vars unescape p 0 p 1 unescape p 1 vars contain all the variables in an array. return vars Let me know if any of your test cases fails... qs 1 fr qs 1 var parts q.split var vars for var i 0 i parts.length i var p parts i .split vars unescape p 0 p 1 unescape p 1 vars contain all the variables in an array. return vars Let me know if any of your test cases fails. share improve..
Parsing XML JQuery Ajax Response with Namespace http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9625487/parsing-xml-jquery-ajax-response-with-namespace not Safari index.js function .ajax url url success function data var ndx 0 row txt data .find return .text xml unescape txt xmlDoc .parseXML xml firstrow xmlDoc .find results .children first populate the table based on the results returned.. .parseXML data Then look for the element with the namespace var txt xmlDoc.find 'ns1 return return' No need to use unescape or something just use DOM manipulation `results` is the immediate child. Don't use .find but .children var firstrow txt.children..
Chained Select Boxes jquery php http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9724087/chained-select-boxes-jquery-php 'result_1' ' escape response ' 400 return false function finishAjax id response '#wait_1' .hide '#' id .html unescape response '#' id .fadeIn function finishAjax_tier_three id response '#wait_2' .hide '#' id .html unescape response '#' id.. '#' id .html unescape response '#' id .fadeIn function finishAjax_tier_three id response '#wait_2' .hide '#' id .html unescape response '#' id .fadeIn script body p form action method post select name drop_1 id drop_1 option value selected selected..