jquery Programming Glossary: true
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events .on 'click' '#test button' function e if e.handled true This will prevent event triggering more then once alert 'Clicked'.. event triggering more then once alert 'Clicked' e.handled true Working jsFiddle example http jsfiddle.net Gajotres Yerv9.. page2.html paremeter 123 data 'paremeter' '123' reloadPage true changeHash true And read them like this document .on 'pagebeforeshow'..
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14550396/jquery-mobile-markup-enhancement-of-dynamically-added-content 'id' 'test listview' 'data role' 'listview' 'data filter' 'true' 'data filter placeholder' 'Search...' .appendTo '#index data.. refresh or input type 'radio' .eq 0 .attr checked true .checkboxradio refresh Enhancement example http jsfiddle.net.. be used only once per page refresh I found it to be untrue http jsfiddle.net Gajotres 5rzxJ 3rd party enhancement plugins..
How to set/unset cookie with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1458724/how-to-set-unset-cookie-with-jquery default domain of page that created the cookie . secure true If set to true the secure attribute of the cookie will be set.. of page that created the cookie . secure true If set to true the secure attribute of the cookie will be set and the cookie..
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14994391/how-do-i-think-in-angularjs-if-i-have-a-jquery-background .directive 'whenActive' function location return scope true link function scope element attrs scope. on ' routeChangeSuccess'.. like so .directive 'myDirective' function return scope true template ' a class btn ng class active on ng click toggle Toggle..
Can I use multiple versions of jQuery on the same page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1566595/can-i-use-multiple-versions-of-jquery-on-the-same-page script type text javascript var jQuery_1_1_3 .noConflict true script load jQuery 1.3.2 script type text javascript src http.. script type text javascript var jQuery_1_3_2 .noConflict true script Then instead of '#selector' .function you'd do jQuery_1_3_2..
How do I check a checkbox with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/426258/how-do-i-check-a-checkbox-with-jquery I want to do something like this .myCheckBox .checked true or .myCheckBox .selected true I wish to set the value. Is such.. this .myCheckBox .checked true or .myCheckBox .selected true I wish to set the value. Is such a thing built into jQuery .. Use the new .prop function '.myCheckbox' .prop 'checked' true '.myCheckbox' .prop 'checked' false jQuery 1.5 and below The..
jQuery Ajax POST example with php http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5004233/jquery-ajax-post-example-with-php for the duration of the ajax request inputs.prop disabled true fire off the request to form.php request .ajax url form.php..
.prop() vs .attr() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5874652/prop-vs-attr find the following suggestions if #cb .attr checked true ... if #cb .attr checked checked ... if #cb .is checked .....
$(document).ready equivalent without jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/799981/document-ready-equivalent-without-jquery Source function bindReady if readyBound return readyBound true Mozilla Opera and webkit nightlies currently support this event..
Stop form from submitting , Using Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10092580/stop-form-from-submitting-using-jquery function showMsg hasCurrentJob sender if hasCurrentJob True alert The current clients has a job in progress. No changes.. .select function showMsg hasCurrentJob if hasCurrentJob True alert The current clients has a job in progress. No changes..
Disable Submit Button after one click with validation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13959256/disable-submit-button-after-one-click-with-validation ValidationSummary1 ValidationSummary1.showmessagebox True ValidationSummary1.showsummary False javascript jquery share..
jquery 1.9.0 and modernizr cannot be minified with the ASP.NET Web Optimization Framework http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14402741/jquery-1-9-0-and-modernizr-cannot-be-minified-with-the-asp-net-web-optimization way that ASP.NET's Optimization Framework works when debug True it will serve up the unminified versions anyway so you probably..
Creating Excerpt text with a read more link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1528780/creating-excerpt-text-with-a-read-more-link strOutput Set objRegExp New Regexp objRegExp.IgnoreCase True objRegExp.Global True objRegExp.Pattern . n ''Replace all HTML.. New Regexp objRegExp.IgnoreCase True objRegExp.Global True objRegExp.Pattern . n ''Replace all HTML tag matches with the..
JQGrid Redrawing is slow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3530143/jqgrid-redrawing-is-slow editable true edittype select editoptions value true True false False name 'Groups' index 'Groups' editable false name.. seems me appropriate. Moreover one can see that you send True or False strings from the server as the value for the column...
JQuery full calendar, how to change view http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5637248/jquery-full-calendar-how-to-change-view if view.name 'month' if ' brsEnabled ' 'True' '#calendar' .fullCalendar 'removeEventSource' ' diaryFeed.aspx.. ' diaryFeed.aspx style brsBasic' if ' activeEnabled ' 'True' '#calendar' .fullCalendar 'removeEventSource' ' diaryFeed.aspx.. style fixturesBasic' if ' previousEnabled ' 'True' '#calendar' .fullCalendar 'removeEventSource' ' diaryFeed.aspx..
jquery ui dialog box need to return value, when user presses button, but not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6049687/jquery-ui-dialog-box-need-to-return-value-when-user-presses-button-but-not-wor deletion. When the user presses yes or no I need to return True or False to continue some javascript execution. The problem..
ASP.NET Form Fields Not POSTing from colorbox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6424638/asp-net-form-fields-not-posting-from-colorbox Static EnableViewState False EnablePageMethods True Scripts asp ScriptReference Path ~ js jquery 1.6.1.min.js asp..
How to select jqGrid row on checkbox click? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6466750/how-to-select-jqgrid-row-on-checkbox-click edittype 'checkbox' formatter checkbox editoptions value True False editable true formatoptions disabled false name 'cfgName'..
MVC3 custom validation: compare two dates http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7025198/mvc3-custom-validation-compare-two-dates StartDate data val isdateafter allowequaldates True data val isdateafter End date needs to be after start date data..
jqGrid, ASP.NET, JSON is Driving me crazy. Please Help http://stackoverflow.com/questions/723801/jqgrid-asp-net-json-is-driving-me-crazy-please-help 'text' editable true edittype select editoptions value True False editrules required true index 'ExchangeAck' jsonmap..
ASP.NET postback with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/751415/asp-net-postback-with-jquery UtilTMP.DisposeObjects Server.Transfer ~ Forms test.aspx True End But I was using a button with a JavaScript ALERT and I recently.. UtilTMP.DisposeObjects Server.Transfer ~ Forms test.aspx True End asp.net jquery user interface postback modal dialog share..
How to remove disabled attribute with jQuery (IE) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7637790/how-to-remove-disabled-attribute-with-jquery-ie input disabled False type text input or input disabled True type text input This works fine on Chrome and FF but on IE it.. should look like input type text input or input disabled True type text input my javascript looks like i've tried almost any..
jqGrid with an editable checkbox column http://stackoverflow.com/questions/928919/jqgrid-with-an-editable-checkbox-column editable true edittype 'checkbox' editoptions value True False cellEdit true Also on clicking checkbox is there a way.. editable true edittype 'checkbox' editoptions value True False formatter checkbox formatoptions disabled false ... To..
Ajax to php wont work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11610974/ajax-to-php-wont-work before opening a file ini_set 'auto_detect_line_endings' TRUE fgetcsv is returning a boolean value of false when it reaches..
jQuery Deferred and Dialog box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13758928/jquery-deferred-and-dialog-box answer.toString if ansbool alert this is obviously ansbool TRUE else alert and then there is ansbool FALSE This may seem wrong..
jqGrid: using beforeProcessing to populate filterToolbar selection boxes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17407378/jqgrid-using-beforeprocessing-to-populate-filtertoolbar-selection-boxes false stype 'select' searchoptions value 'FALSE No TRUE Yes' sorttype 'date' datefmt 'M d Y H i s A' name 'User'..
$_SERVER[“CONTENT_LENGTH”] returning zero when uploading a file using XmlHttpRequest http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3664502/servercontent-length-returning-zero-when-uploading-a-file-using-xmlhttpreq Save the file to the specified path @return boolean TRUE on success function save path input fopen php input r temp..
jQuery: How to bind an event for the div when it becomes visible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3859034/jquery-how-to-bind-an-event-for-the-div-when-it-becomes-visible based on the visibility. You can use .is to return a TRUE or FALSE for visible var timer Variable to start and top updating..
Slideshow in FancyBox Image Gallery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4019533/slideshow-in-fancybox-image-gallery
Enabling Highlight On Click for jQuery Map Highlighting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4729734/enabling-highlight-on-click-for-jquery-map-highlighting 'maphilight' data.alwaysOn true NOTICE I MADE THIS ALWAYS TRUE this .data 'maphilight' data .trigger 'alwaysOn.maphilight'..
JQuery Username Validation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5732331/jquery-username-validation username async false success function msg isSuccess msg TRUE true false return isSuccess #register_form .validate onkeyup.. ' username' if mysql_num_rows check_for_username echo TRUE else echo FALSE No Record Found Username is available..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events them all. document .on 'pagebeforeshow' '#index' function document .on 'click' '#test button' function e if e.handled true This will prevent event triggering more then once alert 'Clicked' e.handled true Working jsFiddle example http jsfiddle.net.. button' function e if e.handled true This will prevent event triggering more then once alert 'Clicked' e.handled true Working jsFiddle example http jsfiddle.net Gajotres Yerv9 Tnx to the sholsinger for this solution http sholsinger.com.. with changePage .mobile.changePage 'page2.html' dataUrl page2.html paremeter 123 data 'paremeter' '123' reloadPage true changeHash true And read them like this document .on 'pagebeforeshow' #index function event data var parameters this .data..
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14550396/jquery-mobile-markup-enhancement-of-dynamically-added-content .on 'pagebeforeshow' '#index' function ' ul ' .attr 'id' 'test listview' 'data role' 'listview' 'data filter' 'true' 'data filter placeholder' 'Search...' .appendTo '#index data role content ' ' li ' .append ' a href # Audi a ' .appendTo.. element input type 'radio' .eq 0 .attr checked false .checkboxradio refresh or input type 'radio' .eq 0 .attr checked true .checkboxradio refresh Enhancement example http jsfiddle.net Gajotres VAG6F Select menu Markup enhancement 'select' .selectmenu.. really really necessary. Note .trigger 'pagecreate' can suppose be used only once per page refresh I found it to be untrue http jsfiddle.net Gajotres 5rzxJ 3rd party enhancement plugins There are several 3rd party enhancement plugins. Some are..
How to set/unset cookie with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1458724/how-to-set-unset-cookie-with-jquery 'jquery.com' The value of the domain attribute of the cookie default domain of page that created the cookie . secure true If set to true the secure attribute of the cookie will be set and the cookie transmission will require a secure protocol.. value of the domain attribute of the cookie default domain of page that created the cookie . secure true If set to true the secure attribute of the cookie will be set and the cookie transmission will require a secure protocol defaults to..
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14994391/how-do-i-think-in-angularjs-if-i-have-a-jquery-background and confirm that it fails. So now we can write our directive .directive 'whenActive' function location return scope true link function scope element attrs scope. on ' routeChangeSuccess' function if location.path element.attr 'href' element.addClass.. be rewritten even for very complicated cases much more simply like so .directive 'myDirective' function return scope true template ' a class btn ng class active on ng click toggle Toggle me a ' link function scope element attrs scope.on false..
Can I use multiple versions of jQuery on the same page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1566595/can-i-use-multiple-versions-of-jquery-on-the-same-page text javascript src http example.com jquery 1.1.3.js script script type text javascript var jQuery_1_1_3 .noConflict true script load jQuery 1.3.2 script type text javascript src http example.com jquery 1.3.2.js script script type text javascript.. text javascript src http example.com jquery 1.3.2.js script script type text javascript var jQuery_1_3_2 .noConflict true script Then instead of '#selector' .function you'd do jQuery_1_3_2 '#selector' .function or jQuery_1_1_3 '#selector' .function..
How do I check a checkbox with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/426258/how-do-i-check-a-checkbox-with-jquery do I check a checkbox with jQuery I want to do something like this .myCheckBox .checked true or .myCheckBox .selected true I wish to set the value. Is such a thing built into jQuery javascript jquery checkbox share.. do I check a checkbox with jQuery I want to do something like this .myCheckBox .checked true or .myCheckBox .selected true I wish to set the value. Is such a thing built into jQuery javascript jquery checkbox share improve this question It.. share improve this question It certainly is in jQuery 1.6 Use the new .prop function '.myCheckbox' .prop 'checked' true '.myCheckbox' .prop 'checked' false jQuery 1.5 and below The .prop function is not available so you need to use .attr ...
jQuery Ajax POST example with php http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5004233/jquery-ajax-post-example-with-php var serializedData form.serialize let's disable the inputs for the duration of the ajax request inputs.prop disabled true fire off the request to form.php request .ajax url form.php type post data serializedData callback handler that will be..
.prop() vs .attr() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5874652/prop-vs-attr is checked with jQuery Look on Stack Overflow and you'll commonly find the following suggestions if #cb .attr checked true ... if #cb .attr checked checked ... if #cb .is checked ... This is actually the simplest thing in the world to do with..
$(document).ready equivalent without jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/799981/document-ready-equivalent-without-jquery It's much more complicated than just window.onload jQuery Source function bindReady if readyBound return readyBound true Mozilla Opera and webkit nightlies currently support this event if document.addEventListener Use the handy event callback..
Stop form from submitting , Using Jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10092580/stop-form-from-submitting-using-jquery Model.ClientId ' type text .focus function this .select function showMsg hasCurrentJob sender if hasCurrentJob True alert The current clients has a job in progress. No changes can be saved until current job completes if sender null sender.preventDefault.. new clientId Model.ClientId ' type text .focus function this .select function showMsg hasCurrentJob if hasCurrentJob True alert The current clients has a job in progress. No changes can be saved until current job completes return false else form..
Disable Submit Button after one click with validation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13959256/disable-submit-button-after-one-click-with-validation document.all ValidationSummary1 document.getElementById ValidationSummary1 ValidationSummary1.showmessagebox True ValidationSummary1.showsummary False javascript jquery share improve this question In your submit button code just..
jquery 1.9.0 and modernizr cannot be minified with the ASP.NET Web Optimization Framework http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14402741/jquery-1-9-0-and-modernizr-cannot-be-minified-with-the-asp-net-web-optimization while debugging in the browser. In your case because of the way that ASP.NET's Optimization Framework works when debug True it will serve up the unminified versions anyway so you probably don't have a need to use the sourceMappingURL. share improve..
Creating Excerpt text with a read more link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1528780/creating-excerpt-text-with-a-read-more-link strHTML ''Strips the HTML tags from strHTML Dim objRegExp strOutput Set objRegExp New Regexp objRegExp.IgnoreCase True objRegExp.Global True objRegExp.Pattern . n ''Replace all HTML tag matches with the empty string strOutput objRegExp.Replace.. the HTML tags from strHTML Dim objRegExp strOutput Set objRegExp New Regexp objRegExp.IgnoreCase True objRegExp.Global True objRegExp.Pattern . n ''Replace all HTML tag matches with the empty string strOutput objRegExp.Replace strHTML ''Replace..
JQGrid Redrawing is slow http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3530143/jqgrid-redrawing-is-slow editable true name 'HiddenVar' index 'HiddenVar' editable true edittype select editoptions value true True false False name 'Groups' index 'Groups' editable false name 'HiddenGroups' index 'HiddenGroups' hidden true editable.. the usage of formatter 'checkbox' for the column HiddenVar seems me appropriate. Moreover one can see that you send True or False strings from the server as the value for the column. Sending of 1 and 0 follows to the same results but reduce..
JQuery full calendar, how to change view http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5637248/jquery-full-calendar-how-to-change-view if lastView undefined lastView 'firstRun' if view.name lastView if view.name 'month' if ' brsEnabled ' 'True' '#calendar' .fullCalendar 'removeEventSource' ' diaryFeed.aspx style brsComplex' '#calendar' .fullCalendar 'addEventSource'.. style brsComplex' '#calendar' .fullCalendar 'addEventSource' ' diaryFeed.aspx style brsBasic' if ' activeEnabled ' 'True' '#calendar' .fullCalendar 'removeEventSource' ' diaryFeed.aspx style fixturesComplex' '#calendar' .fullCalendar 'addEventSource'.. '#calendar' .fullCalendar 'addEventSource' ' diaryFeed.aspx style fixturesBasic' if ' previousEnabled ' 'True' '#calendar' .fullCalendar 'removeEventSource' ' diaryFeed.aspx style previousComplex' '#calendar' .fullCalendar 'addEventSource'..
jquery ui dialog box need to return value, when user presses button, but not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6049687/jquery-ui-dialog-box-need-to-return-value-when-user-presses-button-but-not-wor ui dialog box I want to use to prompt the user to confirm a deletion. When the user presses yes or no I need to return True or False to continue some javascript execution. The problem with the code below is when the dialog box shows up it immediately..
ASP.NET Form Fields Not POSTing from colorbox http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6424638/asp-net-form-fields-not-posting-from-colorbox post asp ScriptManager ID ecommerceManager runat server ClientIDMode Static EnableViewState False EnablePageMethods True Scripts asp ScriptReference Path ~ js jquery 1.6.1.min.js asp ScriptReference Path ~ js jquery.colorbox.min.js asp ScriptReference..
How to select jqGrid row on checkbox click? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6466750/how-to-select-jqgrid-row-on-checkbox-click right hidden true name '' index '' width 15 align right edittype 'checkbox' formatter checkbox editoptions value True False editable true formatoptions disabled false name 'cfgName' index 'cfgName' width 90 align right name 'hostname' index..
MVC3 custom validation: compare two dates http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7025198/mvc3-custom-validation-compare-two-dates id CalendarEntry_EndDate data val isdateafter propertytested StartDate data val isdateafter allowequaldates True data val isdateafter End date needs to be after start date data val true And the data val isdateafter propertytested StartDate..
jqGrid, ASP.NET, JSON is Driving me crazy. Please Help http://stackoverflow.com/questions/723801/jqgrid-asp-net-json-is-driving-me-crazy-please-help width 50 resizable true sortable true sorttype 'text' editable true edittype select editoptions value True False editrules required true index 'ExchangeAck' jsonmap 'ExchangeAck' label 'ExchangeAck' resizable true search..
ASP.NET postback with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/751415/asp-net-postback-with-jquery ByVal sender As Object ByVal e As System.EventArgs UtilTMP.DisposeObjects Server.Transfer ~ Forms test.aspx True End But I was using a button with a JavaScript ALERT and I recently changed to a jQuery UI Modal dialog but it doesn't wait.. just postback it won't call the cleanup Protected Sub Cleanup UtilTMP.DisposeObjects Server.Transfer ~ Forms test.aspx True End asp.net jquery user interface postback modal dialog share improve this question While you can do Postbacks with..
How to remove disabled attribute with jQuery (IE) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7637790/how-to-remove-disabled-attribute-with-jquery-ie edit. input disabled disableInputs type text input that renders input disabled False type text input or input disabled True type text input This works fine on Chrome and FF but on IE it does not. Now I'm trying to remove those attributes where.. gor Chrome and FF but not for IE using 8 . at the end it should look like input type text input or input disabled True type text input my javascript looks like i've tried almost any combination 'document' .ready function input disabled 'false'..
jqGrid with an editable checkbox column http://stackoverflow.com/questions/928919/jqgrid-with-an-editable-checkbox-column appears when you click on the cell. name 'MyCol' index 'MyCol' editable true edittype 'checkbox' editoptions value True False cellEdit true Also on clicking checkbox is there a way of sending a AJAX post to server instantly rather than having.. checkbox formatter's disabled property name 'MyCol' index 'MyCol' editable true edittype 'checkbox' editoptions value True False formatter checkbox formatoptions disabled false ... To answer your second question you will have to setup an event..
Ajax to php wont work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11610974/ajax-to-php-wont-work Found someone with a similar problem here . Add line before opening a file ini_set 'auto_detect_line_endings' TRUE fgetcsv is returning a boolean value of false when it reaches the end of the file. From php manual fgetcsv returns NULL..
jQuery Deferred and Dialog box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13758928/jquery-deferred-and-dialog-box question .then function answer var ansbool Boolean.parse answer.toString if ansbool alert this is obviously ansbool TRUE else alert and then there is ansbool FALSE This may seem wrong for most people. But there is always some situations where..
jqGrid: using beforeProcessing to populate filterToolbar selection boxes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17407378/jqgrid-using-beforeprocessing-to-populate-filtertoolbar-selection-boxes index 'DeletedFlag' width 150 sortable false editable false stype 'select' searchoptions value 'FALSE No TRUE Yes' sorttype 'date' datefmt 'M d Y H i s A' name 'User' index 'User' width 75 sortable true editable false rowNum..
$_SERVER[“CONTENT_LENGTH”] returning zero when uploading a file using XmlHttpRequest http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3664502/servercontent-length-returning-zero-when-uploading-a-file-using-xmlhttpreq the function in question is getSize . class qqUploadedFileXhr Save the file to the specified path @return boolean TRUE on success function save path input fopen php input r temp tmpfile realSize stream_copy_to_stream input temp fclose input..
jQuery: How to bind an event for the div when it becomes visible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3859034/jquery-how-to-bind-an-event-for-the-div-when-it-becomes-visible share improve this question Start and stop the AJAX update based on the visibility. You can use .is to return a TRUE or FALSE for visible var timer Variable to start and top updating timer This if statement has to be part of the event handler..
Slideshow in FancyBox Image Gallery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4019533/slideshow-in-fancybox-image-gallery
Enabling Highlight On Click for jQuery Map Highlighting http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4729734/enabling-highlight-on-click-for-jquery-map-highlighting highlighting by trigger the alwaysOn var data this .data 'maphilight' data.alwaysOn true NOTICE I MADE THIS ALWAYS TRUE this .data 'maphilight' data .trigger 'alwaysOn.maphilight' there is also neverOn in the docs but not sure how to get it..
JQuery Username Validation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5732331/jquery-username-validation false .ajax url username_availability.php data username username async false success function msg isSuccess msg TRUE true false return isSuccess #register_form .validate onkeyup false rules username required true minlength 3 usernameCheck.. mysql_query SELECT user_id FROM users WHERE username ' username' if mysql_num_rows check_for_username echo TRUE else echo FALSE No Record Found Username is available HTML Source input class username id username type text name..