jquery Programming Glossary: tw
Large dynamically sized html table with a fixed scroll row and fixed scroll column http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10838700/large-dynamically-sized-html-table-with-a-fixed-scroll-row-and-fixed-scroll-colu prevent the first column and first row from scrolling. I'd like to dynamically set the vertical size of this table between some static size header footer page content to make it as tall as possible without forcing the browser window to have.. 1st column fixed from horizontal scroll but can scroll vertical dynamically size this table to fill the screen between the static size header footer html location of the scroll bars as depicted in my awesome ascii art above isn't critical... o.height this.wrap ' div class SBWrapper ' this.parent .appendTo '.rightContainer' this.prop 'width' o.width var tw 0 set width and height of rendered tables for var i 0 i o.fCols i tw this 0 .rows 0 .cells i .outerWidth true tr1c1.width..