jquery Programming Glossary: trippleddldatetime
How to validate a date using 3 dropdowns( day, month, year ) using jquery unobtrusive validation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11475670/how-to-validate-a-date-using-3-dropdowns-day-month-year-using-jquery-unobtr attributes indicating the metadata we would like to attach to it public class MyViewModel DisplayName Date of birth TrippleDDLDateTime ErrorMessage Please select a valid DOB Required ErrorMessage Please select your DOB MinAge 18 ErrorMessage You must be at.. to display 3 dropdown lists for editing the DateTime field instead of a simple textbox ~ Views Shared EditorTemplates TrippleDDLDateTime.cshtml @ var now DateTime.Now var years Enumerable.Range 0 150 .Select x new SelectListItem Value now.Year x .ToString Text.. year @Html.DropDownList months month @Html.DropDownList days day @Html.ValidationMessage div Now let's see how the TrippleDDLDateTime attribute could be implemented public class TrippleDDLDateTimeAttribute ValidationAttribute IMetadataAware public void OnMetadataCreated..