jquery Programming Glossary: twitter.com
capture the click of the Twitter “Tweet” button using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11757170/capture-the-click-of-the-twitter-tweet-button-using-jquery button div class social_button twitter_button a href https twitter.com share class twitter share button data count horizontal Tweet.. Tweet a script type text javascript src platform.twitter.com widgets.js script div javascript jquery twitter onclick share.. button. Example http jsfiddle.net ZwHBf 2 Docs https dev.twitter.com docs intents events Code HTML div class social_button twitter_button..
Multiple Fancybox 2 Galleries issue with “rel” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17032398/multiple-fancybox-2-galleries-issue-with-rel ' br ' Add tweet button this.title ' a href https twitter.com share class twitter share button data count none data url '..
if text contains '@' change color of '@' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17191076/if-text-contains-change-color-of http t.co s2y6b21S0I a via @ a target _blank href http twitter.com Knackweekend Knackweekend a javascript jquery html css share.. http t.co s2y6b21S0I a via @ a target _blank href twitter.com Knackweekend Knackweekend a ' newStatus status.replace @ g '.. http t.co s2y6b21S0I a via @ a target _blank href twitter.com Knackweekend Knackweekend a ' newStatus status.replace @. a..
How to callback a function on 404 in JSON ajax request with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2493974/how-to-callback-a-function-on-404-in-json-ajax-request-with-jquery is 404. If you want an URL wit 404 you can call http twitter.com status user_timeline jksqdlmjmsd.json count 3 callback jsonp1269278524295.. code 404 share improve this question .ajax url 'http twitter.com status user_timeline jksqdlmjmsd.json count 3 callback jsonp1269278524295..
Problem with Javascript Date function in IE 7, returns NaN http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3243546/problem-with-javascript-date-function-in-ie-7-returns-nan script script type text javascript function .getJSON http twitter.com statuses user_timeline google.json count 1 callback function.. code looking something like this function .getJSON http twitter.com statuses user_timeline google.json count 1 callback function..
Today's XSS onmouseover exploit on twitter.com http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3762746/todays-xss-onmouseover-exploit-on-twitter-com XSS onmouseover exploit on twitter.com Can you explain what exactly happened on Twitter today Basically..
Find twitter hashtags using jQuery, and apply a link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4913555/find-twitter-hashtags-using-jquery-and-apply-a-link to the hashtag as follows... a class hashtag href http twitter.com #search q foo #foo a The link has to also place the value of.. text.replace hashtag_regexp ' a class hashtag href http twitter.com #search q 1 # 1 a ' document .ready function 'p' .each function..
Hide A DIV if screen is narrower than 1024px http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5277872/hide-a-div-if-screen-is-narrower-than-1024px 65px allowTransparency true iframe br br a href http twitter.com share url http 3A 2F 2Fid0.me 2Fj0 amp counturl http www.itsdaniel0.com.. Tweet a script type text javascript src http platform.twitter.com widgets.js script br br script src http widgets.fbshare.me files.. null or not an object Line 1 Char 5207 Code 0 URI platform.twitter.com anywhere.js id 6vIPELyEeU5vcSc3c0Q5w v 1 Message 'twttr.anywhere._instances'..
What is the purpose of backbone.js? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5418369/what-is-the-purpose-of-backbone-js javascript application via a hashbang url for example http twitter.com #search q backbone.js Some pros that I discovered with Backbone..
How to prevent jquery from removing the <script> tags http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6532644/how-to-prevent-jquery-from-removing-the-script-tags src js custom.js script head div id box a href http twitter.com bedupako target _blank img src images twitter.png width 50 height.. width 50 height 50 alt Follow us on twitter longdesc http twitter.com bedupako border 0 a a href http www.youtube.com user Bedupako..
jQuery placeholder that shows the placeholder until text is typed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6630540/jquery-placeholder-that-shows-the-placeholder-until-text-is-typed ask a question title and on Twitter's Sign Up form https twitter.com signup The placeholder has two states No selected placeholder..
Using javascript with the twitter API http://stackoverflow.com/questions/671042/using-javascript-with-the-twitter-api using this library from ostermiller.org .ajax 'url' 'http twitter.com action ' 'otherSettings' 'othervalues' 'beforeSend' function..
Trouble Converting jQuery Script to Plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6767704/trouble-converting-jquery-script-to-plugin var defaults query 'from twitter rpp 10' url 'http search.twitter.com search.json callback q ' var options .extend defaults options.. user var username user.replace @ return user.link http twitter.com username Parse tweets for hashtags and convert to links String.prototype.parseHashtag.. hashtag hash.replace # 23 return hash.link http search.twitter.com search q hashtag jQuery The function is being called with..
How do you verify if a user is following you using PHP, JS and/or REST API? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8623495/how-do-you-verify-if-a-user-is-following-you-using-php-js-and-or-rest-api for users to follow me easily I made the button via http twitter.com about resources buttons#follow I guess the issue is this if.. user. You may want to also check out this post https dev.twitter.com discussions 3238 The relevant API call would be your followers.. The relevant API call would be your followers https api.twitter.com 1 followers ids.json screen_name twitterapi https dev.twitter.com..
capture the click of the Twitter “Tweet” button using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11757170/capture-the-click-of-the-twitter-tweet-button-using-jquery to the anchor. How can I capture the click of the 'Tweet' button div class social_button twitter_button a href https twitter.com share class twitter share button data count horizontal Tweet a script type text javascript src platform.twitter.com widgets.js.. twitter.com share class twitter share button data count horizontal Tweet a script type text javascript src platform.twitter.com widgets.js script div javascript jquery twitter onclick share improve this question You can't handle click events on.. twitter gives you the opportunity to bind events to the button. Example http jsfiddle.net ZwHBf 2 Docs https dev.twitter.com docs intents events Code HTML div class social_button twitter_button div id foo a href https google.com class twitter share..
Multiple Fancybox 2 Galleries issue with “rel” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17032398/multiple-fancybox-2-galleries-issue-with-rel .fancybox beforeShow function if this.title New line this.title ' br ' Add tweet button this.title ' a href https twitter.com share class twitter share button data count none data url ' http drewalbinson.com ' Tweet a ' Add FaceBook like button..
if text contains '@' change color of '@' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17191076/if-text-contains-change-color-of geprinte 3D jurk a target _blank href http t.co s2y6b21S0I http t.co s2y6b21S0I a via @ a target _blank href http twitter.com Knackweekend Knackweekend a javascript jquery html css share improve this question Without seeing your HTML the best.. the comments below var status ' a target _blank href t.co s2y6b21S0I http t.co s2y6b21S0I a via @ a target _blank href twitter.com Knackweekend Knackweekend a ' newStatus status.replace @ g ' span class atSign @ span ' console.log newStatus JS Fiddle.. within the span var status ' a target _blank href t.co s2y6b21S0I http t.co s2y6b21S0I a via @ a target _blank href twitter.com Knackweekend Knackweekend a ' newStatus status.replace @. a g function a return ' span class atSign ' a ' span ' console.log..
How to callback a function on 404 in JSON ajax request with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2493974/how-to-callback-a-function-on-404-in-json-ajax-request-with-jquery when a 404 is raised EDIT complete callback don't call is return is 404. If you want an URL wit 404 you can call http twitter.com status user_timeline jksqdlmjmsd.json count 3 callback jsonp1269278524295 _ 1269278536697 it's with this URL I have my problem... my problem. javascript jquery ajax jquery ajax http status code 404 share improve this question .ajax url 'http twitter.com status user_timeline jksqdlmjmsd.json count 3 callback jsonp1269278524295 _ 1269278536697' dataType json success function..
Problem with Javascript Date function in IE 7, returns NaN http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3243546/problem-with-javascript-date-function-in-ie-7-returns-nan Test title script type text javascript src jquery 1.4.2.js script script type text javascript function .getJSON http twitter.com statuses user_timeline google.json count 1 callback function data .each data function var created new Date this.created_at.. Jul 13 2010 19 18 36 GMT 0400 EDT So that should leave your code looking something like this function .getJSON http twitter.com statuses user_timeline google.json count 1 callback function data .each data function var created parseDate this.created_at..
Today's XSS onmouseover exploit on twitter.com http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3762746/todays-xss-onmouseover-exploit-on-twitter-com XSS onmouseover exploit on twitter.com Can you explain what exactly happened on Twitter today Basically the exploit was causing people to post a tweet containing..
Find twitter hashtags using jQuery, and apply a link http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4913555/find-twitter-hashtags-using-jquery-and-apply-a-link hashtags from these tweets ex. #foo and then apply a html link to the hashtag as follows... a class hashtag href http twitter.com #search q foo #foo a The link has to also place the value of the hashtag minus the # into the #search q part of the link... hashtag_regexp # a zA Z0 9 g function linkHashtags text return text.replace hashtag_regexp ' a class hashtag href http twitter.com #search q 1 # 1 a ' document .ready function 'p' .each function this .html linkHashtags this .html Edit I've moved the..
Hide A DIV if screen is narrower than 1024px http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5277872/hide-a-div-if-screen-is-narrower-than-1024px frameborder 0 style border none overflow hidden width 55px height 65px allowTransparency true iframe br br a href http twitter.com share url http 3A 2F 2Fid0.me 2Fj0 amp counturl http www.itsdaniel0.com 2011 03 unicorns are cool class twitter share button.. Are Cool data count vertical data via itsdaniel0 #itsdaniel0 Tweet a script type text javascript src http platform.twitter.com widgets.js script br br script src http widgets.fbshare.me files fbshare.js script div div script type text javascript src.. sidebar_size.js Message 'twttr.anywhere._instances' is null or not an object Line 1 Char 5207 Code 0 URI platform.twitter.com anywhere.js id 6vIPELyEeU5vcSc3c0Q5w v 1 Message 'twttr.anywhere._instances' is null or not an object Line 1 Char 5207 Code..
What is the purpose of backbone.js? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5418369/what-is-the-purpose-of-backbone-js that in this case allows you to save the state of your javascript application via a hashbang url for example http twitter.com #search q backbone.js Some pros that I discovered with Backbone No more Javascript Spaghetti code is organized and broken..
How to prevent jquery from removing the <script> tags http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6532644/how-to-prevent-jquery-from-removing-the-script-tags libs jquery 1.6.1 jquery.min.js script script type text javascript src js custom.js script head div id box a href http twitter.com bedupako target _blank img src images twitter.png width 50 height 50 alt Follow us on twitter longdesc http twitter.com.. bedupako target _blank img src images twitter.png width 50 height 50 alt Follow us on twitter longdesc http twitter.com bedupako border 0 a a href http www.youtube.com user Bedupako target _blank img src images youtube.png width 50 height 50..
jQuery placeholder that shows the placeholder until text is typed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6630540/jquery-placeholder-that-shows-the-placeholder-until-text-is-typed typed notice how the placeholder works on the Stackoverflow ask a question title and on Twitter's Sign Up form https twitter.com signup The placeholder has two states No selected placeholder shown Selected but 0 input placeholder shown lighter color..
Using javascript with the twitter API http://stackoverflow.com/questions/671042/using-javascript-with-the-twitter-api http basic authentication using ajax . The base64 is encoded using this library from ostermiller.org .ajax 'url' 'http twitter.com action ' 'otherSettings' 'othervalues' 'beforeSend' function xhr xhr.setRequestHeader Authorization Basic encodeBase64 username..
Trouble Converting jQuery Script to Plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6767704/trouble-converting-jquery-script-to-plugin for the plugin function .fn.tweetGet function options var defaults query 'from twitter rpp 10' url 'http search.twitter.com search.json callback q ' var options .extend defaults options return this.each function Get tweets from user query .getJSON.. function return this.replace ^ s @ a zA Z0 9_. b function user var username user.replace @ return user.link http twitter.com username Parse tweets for hashtags and convert to links String.prototype.parseHashtag function return this.replace #.. return this.replace # A Za z0 9 _ g function hash var hashtag hash.replace # 23 return hash.link http search.twitter.com search q hashtag jQuery The function is being called with '#target' .tweetGet query 'from twitter rpp 10' Everything..
How do you verify if a user is following you using PHP, JS and/or REST API? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8623495/how-do-you-verify-if-a-user-is-following-you-using-php-js-and-or-rest-api load my website. I have a follow button posted on my website for users to follow me easily I made the button via http twitter.com about resources buttons#follow I guess the issue is this if they aren't logged into twitter and they click the button to.. a cookie on your site determining the connected state of the user. You may want to also check out this post https dev.twitter.com discussions 3238 The relevant API call would be your followers https api.twitter.com 1 followers ids.json screen_name twitterapi.. check out this post https dev.twitter.com discussions 3238 The relevant API call would be your followers https api.twitter.com 1 followers ids.json screen_name twitterapi https dev.twitter.com docs api 1 get followers ids your following https api.twitter.com..