jquery Programming Glossary: tx
Very Simple, Very Smooth, JavaScript Marquee http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10547797/very-simple-very-smooth-javascript-marquee 10 parseInt tWidth px mq.innerHTML ' span id tx ' content ' span ' aw document.getElementById tx .offsetWidth.. ' span id tx ' content ' span ' aw document.getElementById tx .offsetWidth lefttime setInterval scrollticker 50 function scrollticker..
Table cellIndex and rowIndex with colspan/rowspan http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13407348/table-cellindex-and-rowindex-with-colspan-rowspan cspan cell.attr colspan 0 rspan cell.attr rowspan 0 tx ty cspan cspan cspan 1 rspan rspan rspan 1 for m y m y x.. y m y x x skip already occupied cells in current row for tx x tx x cspan tx mark matrix elements occupied by current cell.. y x x skip already occupied cells in current row for tx x tx x cspan tx mark matrix elements occupied by current cell with..
How can I fetch data synchronously from cordova-sqlite? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17752946/how-can-i-fetch-data-synchronously-from-cordova-sqlite create table and insert some record function createTable tx tx.executeSql 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS CaseTable id INTEGER.. table and insert some record function createTable tx tx.executeSql 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS CaseTable id INTEGER.. unique NOT NULL CaseDate INTEGER TextArea TEXT NOT NULL ' tx.executeSql 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO CaseTable CaseName CaseDate..
Get caret XY coordinates in text area http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5082921/get-caret-xy-coordinates-in-text-area from body tag to whereever textarea might be html wise var tx parseInt this .css 'left' var ty parseInt this .css 'top' var.. this .css 'left' var ty parseInt this .css 'top' var fx x tx final x var fy y ty final y console.log 'X ' fx console.log..
HTML5 WebSQL: how to know when a db transaction finishes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7607677/html5-websql-how-to-know-when-a-db-transaction-finishes .each json.results function i res db.transaction function tx tx.executeSql INSERT INTO table1 A B C D VALUES res.A res.B.. json.results function i res db.transaction function tx tx.executeSql INSERT INTO table1 A B C D VALUES res.A res.B res.C.. .each json.results function i res db.transaction function tx tx.executeSql INSERT INTO table1 A B C D VALUES res.A res.B..
Difference in JSON objects using Javascript/JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1200562/difference-in-json-objects-using-javascript-jquery for the numerical values. It looks like this var data eth0 Tx 4136675 Rx 13232319 eth1 Tx 4 Rx 0 lo Tx 471290 Rx 471290 var.. looks like this var data eth0 Tx 4136675 Rx 13232319 eth1 Tx 4 Rx 0 lo Tx 471290 Rx 471290 var old eth0 Tx 4136575 Rx 13232219.. var data eth0 Tx 4136675 Rx 13232319 eth1 Tx 4 Rx 0 lo Tx 471290 Rx 471290 var old eth0 Tx 4136575 Rx 13232219 eth1 Tx..
Very Simple, Very Smooth, JavaScript Marquee http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10547797/very-simple-very-smooth-javascript-marquee 'ticker' .innerHTML tick mq document.getElementById mq mq.style.right 10 parseInt tWidth px mq.innerHTML ' span id tx ' content ' span ' aw document.getElementById tx .offsetWidth lefttime setInterval scrollticker 50 function scrollticker.. mq mq.style.right 10 parseInt tWidth px mq.innerHTML ' span id tx ' content ' span ' aw document.getElementById tx .offsetWidth lefttime setInterval scrollticker 50 function scrollticker mq.style.right parseInt mq.style.right 10 aw mq.style.right..
Table cellIndex and rowIndex with colspan/rowspan http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13407348/table-cellindex-and-rowindex-with-colspan-rowspan y row row .children td th .each function x cell var cell cell cspan cell.attr colspan 0 rspan cell.attr rowspan 0 tx ty cspan cspan cspan 1 rspan rspan rspan 1 for m y m y x x skip already occupied cells in current row for tx x tx x.. 0 tx ty cspan cspan cspan 1 rspan rspan rspan 1 for m y m y x x skip already occupied cells in current row for tx x tx x cspan tx mark matrix elements occupied by current cell with true for ty y ty y rspan ty if m ty fill missing rows.. tx ty cspan cspan cspan 1 rspan rspan rspan 1 for m y m y x x skip already occupied cells in current row for tx x tx x cspan tx mark matrix elements occupied by current cell with true for ty y ty y rspan ty if m ty fill missing rows m..
How can I fetch data synchronously from cordova-sqlite? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17752946/how-can-i-fetch-data-synchronously-from-cordova-sqlite db.transaction createTable errorCB afterSuccessTableCreation create table and insert some record function createTable tx tx.executeSql 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS CaseTable id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT CaseName TEXT unique NOT NULL CaseDate.. createTable errorCB afterSuccessTableCreation create table and insert some record function createTable tx tx.executeSql 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS CaseTable id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT CaseName TEXT unique NOT NULL CaseDate.. CaseTable id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT CaseName TEXT unique NOT NULL CaseDate INTEGER TextArea TEXT NOT NULL ' tx.executeSql 'INSERT OR IGNORE INTO CaseTable CaseName CaseDate TextArea VALUES ' '.caseName_h' .val ' ' '.caseDate_h' .val..
Get caret XY coordinates in text area http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5082921/get-caret-xy-coordinates-in-text-area to calculate parents grandparents to find true position from body tag to whereever textarea might be html wise var tx parseInt this .css 'left' var ty parseInt this .css 'top' var fx x tx final x var fy y ty final y console.log 'X ' fx console.log.. tag to whereever textarea might be html wise var tx parseInt this .css 'left' var ty parseInt this .css 'top' var fx x tx final x var fy y ty final y console.log 'X ' fx console.log 'Y ' fy NOTE I might have mixed up the x and y axes with top..
HTML5 WebSQL: how to know when a db transaction finishes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7607677/html5-websql-how-to-know-when-a-db-transaction-finishes 8888 iOS mobilesrv index.php ACT one function json .each json.results function i res db.transaction function tx tx.executeSql INSERT INTO table1 A B C D VALUES res.A res.B res.C res.D onSuccess onError table two .getJSON http 8888 iOS mobilesrv index.php ACT one function json .each json.results function i res db.transaction function tx tx.executeSql INSERT INTO table1 A B C D VALUES res.A res.B res.C res.D onSuccess onError table two .getJSON http 8888 iOS mobilesrv index.php ACT two function json .each json.results function i res db.transaction function tx tx.executeSql INSERT INTO table1 A B C D VALUES res.A res.B res.C res.D onSuccess onError table three .getJSON http..
Difference in JSON objects using Javascript/JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1200562/difference-in-json-objects-using-javascript-jquery I have two JSON objects in Javascript identical except for the numerical values. It looks like this var data eth0 Tx 4136675 Rx 13232319 eth1 Tx 4 Rx 0 lo Tx 471290 Rx 471290 var old eth0 Tx 4136575 Rx 13232219 eth1 Tx 4 Rx 0 lo Tx 471290.. in Javascript identical except for the numerical values. It looks like this var data eth0 Tx 4136675 Rx 13232319 eth1 Tx 4 Rx 0 lo Tx 471290 Rx 471290 var old eth0 Tx 4136575 Rx 13232219 eth1 Tx 4 Rx 0 lo Tx 471290 Rx 471290 One object called.. identical except for the numerical values. It looks like this var data eth0 Tx 4136675 Rx 13232319 eth1 Tx 4 Rx 0 lo Tx 471290 Rx 471290 var old eth0 Tx 4136575 Rx 13232219 eth1 Tx 4 Rx 0 lo Tx 471290 Rx 471290 One object called data has the..