jquery Programming Glossary: tweaks
How to do AJAX POST cross-domain with custom headers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12405459/how-to-do-ajax-post-cross-domain-with-custom-headers and the server side service so if I have to make any tweaks to either side to make this work I am able to make those changes...
Prev & Next button with counter for overlay using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16825046/prev-next-button-with-counter-for-overlay-using-jquery html document .ready function img rel .overlay some mask tweaks suitable for modal dialogs mask color '#ebecff' loadSpeed 200..
jQuery UI Dialog Button Icons http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2525524/jquery-ui-dialog-button-icons sprite on the Delete button as well. Edit I made a pair of tweaks to the accepted answer var btnDelete '.ui dialog buttonpane'..
How does StackOverflow's 'tags' textbox autocomplete work? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/282282/how-does-stackoverflows-tags-textbox-autocomplete-work is the plugin used originally albeit with various tweaks and customizations made to it over the years. See also What..
A Jquery rotator that doesn't suck? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5062684/a-jquery-rotator-that-doesnt-suck next you can see this code with real images and a few css tweaks running at jsFiddle http jsfiddle.net SXcNy . share improve..
JQuery UI bounce effect aligns elements left in Firefox and IE8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5080902/jquery-ui-bounce-effect-aligns-elements-left-in-firefox-and-ie8 that uses this answer I wanted to add a couple minor tweaks that made it work. First #notice container text align center..
How to create a jQuery Mobile theme http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5328001/how-to-create-a-jquery-mobile-theme the best way to work out which elements need the styling tweaks is to inspect them via Firebug Its also worth noting its not..
jQuery dropdown hide show div based on value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7019096/jquery-dropdown-hide-show-div-based-on-value question You were close. You probably want a few small tweaks to the behaviours to make sure all the divs hide and that correct..
How to do AJAX POST cross-domain with custom headers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12405459/how-to-do-ajax-post-cross-domain-with-custom-headers headers. I have full control of both the client side script and the server side service so if I have to make any tweaks to either side to make this work I am able to make those changes. I am currently using jQuery however if jQuery is unable..
Prev & Next button with counter for overlay using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16825046/prev-next-button-with-counter-for-overlay-using-jquery first .click This makes the image Overlay with a div and html document .ready function img rel .overlay some mask tweaks suitable for modal dialogs mask color '#ebecff' loadSpeed 200 opacity 0.9 closeOnClick true I know here is part of my..
jQuery UI Dialog Button Icons http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2525524/jquery-ui-dialog-button-icons That's not bad but I'd really like that little trash can sprite on the Delete button as well. Edit I made a pair of tweaks to the accepted answer var btnDelete '.ui dialog buttonpane' .find 'button contains Delete ' btnDelete.prepend ' span style..
How does StackOverflow's 'tags' textbox autocomplete work? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/282282/how-does-stackoverflows-tags-textbox-autocomplete-work see this Meta question Can I use the tag textbox script Autocomplete is the plugin used originally albeit with various tweaks and customizations made to it over the years. See also What ™s a good AJAX Autocomplete Plugin for jQuery share improve..
A Jquery rotator that doesn't suck? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5062684/a-jquery-rotator-that-doesnt-suck
JQuery UI bounce effect aligns elements left in Firefox and IE8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5080902/jquery-ui-bounce-effect-aligns-elements-left-in-firefox-and-ie8 text align center #notice display inline block EDIT For anyone that uses this answer I wanted to add a couple minor tweaks that made it work. First #notice container text align center display none Add this to make the parent invisible until the..
How to create a jQuery Mobile theme http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5328001/how-to-create-a-jquery-mobile-theme http code.jquery.com mobile latest jquery.mobile.css Often the best way to work out which elements need the styling tweaks is to inspect them via Firebug Its also worth noting its not a great idea to try and create a theme from scratch as a large..
jQuery dropdown hide show div based on value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7019096/jquery-dropdown-hide-show-div-based-on-value #fixed .hide jquery drop down menu share improve this question You were close. You probably want a few small tweaks to the behaviours to make sure all the divs hide and that correct div is showing on page load. Have a play with the code..