jquery Programming Glossary: tia
JuiceUI Change Theme / Style http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10342263/juiceui-change-theme-style CSS like other controls That didn't seem to work either. TIA Edit Here's how the button looks I had no preinstalled jquery..
FancyBox displaying contents of a DIV as type iFrame http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11678956/fancybox-displaying-contents-of-a-div-as-type-iframe will have a button that prints the iFrame's document. TIA UPDATE 07 28 12 As @arttronics suggested I put together a jsFiddle.. meet my objective are appreciated and will get an up vote TIA. Update 07 31 2012 This new jsFiddle example Iframe report viewer..
JQuery event.stopPropagation() not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1184955/jquery-event-stoppropagation-not-working being called for mousedown up events on the dragHandle TIA Adam javascript jquery share improve this question How..
jQuery & AJAX login form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1271880/jquery-ajax-login-form on the replaced HTML Any help appreciated. Regards TIA jquery ajax login share improve this question Just to elaborate..
jQuery HOW TO?? pass additional parameters to success callback for $.ajax call? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2602981/jquery-how-to-pass-additional-parameters-to-success-callback-for-ajax-call link. Please help in your typical ninja stealthy ways. TIA UPDATE Nick is a true Ninja. They should invent a new badge..
jQuery won't parse xml with nodes called option http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2908899/jquery-wont-parse-xml-with-nodes-called-option using the current version of jQuery 1.4.2. Anyone any idea TIA. bg javascript jquery xml share improve this question Update..
Change option dynamically in JQuery UI DatePicker fails http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4373072/change-option-dynamically-in-jquery-ui-datepicker-fails dd yyyy minDate dateMin #dteEnd .datepicker DateOptions TIA REV jquery jquery ui datepicker share improve this question..
Controlling the value of 'this' in a jQuery event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/520019/controlling-the-value-of-this-in-a-jquery-event value of 'this' was in the event. What is the jQuery way TIA Pat Long jquery scope this share improve this question ..
jQuery: prev(<selector>) not working? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5452917/jquery-prevselector-not-working works beautifully. Any ideas on how to skip the hr on prev TIA jquery jquery selectors dom traversal share improve this..
iPad HTML Focus http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5978470/ipad-html-focus this occurs and how I might be able to get this to work TIA Adam jquery html ipad share improve this question Unfortunately..
Any downsides to using ASP.Net AJAX and JQuery together http://stackoverflow.com/questions/65129/any-downsides-to-using-asp-net-ajax-and-jquery-together of We also use Telerik controls that use ASP.Net AJAX. TIA jquery asp.net ajax share improve this question We have..
Resetting a multi-stage form with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/680241/resetting-a-multi-stage-form-with-jquery each field by ID which doesn't seem very efficient. TIA for any help. jquery forms reset share improve this question..
jQuery to parse our a part of a url path http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6894093/jquery-to-parse-our-a-part-of-a-url-path community alert category category.length 1 Thoughts TIA. javascript jquery html regex share improve this question..
AJAX and MVC (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/799404/ajax-and-mvc-c combination of both And remember it is in a MVC based app. TIA jquery asp.net mvc ajax share improve this question The..
jQuery converts & into & and breaks my code. How can I stop this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8067074/jquery-converts-into-amp-and-breaks-my-code-how-can-i-stop-this replace all the amp with Sorry for the long question and TIA. javascript jquery character encoding share improve this..
JuiceUI Change Theme / Style http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10342263/juiceui-change-theme-style find any documentation on it. Do I style them with regular CSS like other controls That didn't seem to work either. TIA Edit Here's how the button looks I had no preinstalled jquery themes in this one this is a new website. I did notice JuiceUI..
FancyBox displaying contents of a DIV as type iFrame http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11678956/fancybox-displaying-contents-of-a-div-as-type-iframe display it as a FancyBox type iFrame The content of the iFrame will have a button that prints the iFrame's document. TIA UPDATE 07 28 12 As @arttronics suggested I put together a jsFiddle To summarize ultimately the objective is to be able to.. jsFiddle code to see what I mean. Any ideas for how I can meet my objective are appreciated and will get an up vote TIA. Update 07 31 2012 This new jsFiddle example Iframe report viewer works but not in FancyBox As you can see I've tried several..
JQuery event.stopPropagation() not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1184955/jquery-event-stoppropagation-not-working mousedown and mouseup handlers. How do I stop the click event being called for mousedown up events on the dragHandle TIA Adam javascript jquery share improve this question How do I stop the click event being called for mousedown up events..
jQuery & AJAX login form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1271880/jquery-ajax-login-form itself. Is there a way that I must refresh my jQuery to reactivate on the replaced HTML Any help appreciated. Regards TIA jquery ajax login share improve this question Just to elaborate on redsquare's answer you would need to change your..
jQuery HOW TO?? pass additional parameters to success callback for $.ajax call? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2602981/jquery-how-to-pass-additional-parameters-to-success-callback-for-ajax-call I feel I am close but I just cant put my finger on the missing link. Please help in your typical ninja stealthy ways. TIA UPDATE Nick is a true Ninja. They should invent a new badge for that His answer below does the trick. As he mentions it's..
jQuery won't parse xml with nodes called option http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2908899/jquery-wont-parse-xml-with-nodes-called-option nodes called option everything else I tested works ok I'm using the current version of jQuery 1.4.2. Anyone any idea TIA. bg javascript jquery xml share improve this question Update jQuery has this method built in now. You can use .parseXML..
Change option dynamically in JQuery UI DatePicker fails http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4373072/change-option-dynamically-in-jquery-ui-datepicker-fails dateMin.getDate 1 var DateOptions dateformat mm dd yyyy minDate dateMin #dteEnd .datepicker DateOptions TIA REV jquery jquery ui datepicker share improve this question put #dteEnd .datepicker destroy before #dteEnd .datepicker..
Controlling the value of 'this' in a jQuery event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/520019/controlling-the-value-of-this-in-a-jquery-event I remember a bind syntax that allowed you to control what the value of 'this' was in the event. What is the jQuery way TIA Pat Long jquery scope this share improve this question You can use jQuery.proxy with anonymous function just a little..
jQuery: prev(<selector>) not working? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5452917/jquery-prevselector-not-working reading the docs wrong... If I take out the hr everything works beautifully. Any ideas on how to skip the hr on prev TIA jquery jquery selectors dom traversal share improve this question I think I may be reading the docs wrong... The API..
iPad HTML Focus http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5978470/ipad-html-focus focusTextArea '#textArea' .focus Does anybody know why this occurs and how I might be able to get this to work TIA Adam jquery html ipad share improve this question Unfortunately focusing is not possible with the iPad. The only way..
Any downsides to using ASP.Net AJAX and JQuery together http://stackoverflow.com/questions/65129/any-downsides-to-using-asp-net-ajax-and-jquery-together purposes. Are there any conflicts that we need to be aware of We also use Telerik controls that use ASP.Net AJAX. TIA jquery asp.net ajax share improve this question We have used ASP.NET Ajax JQuery and Telerik components on a large..
Resetting a multi-stage form with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/680241/resetting-a-multi-stage-form-with-jquery not sure how to go about this other than individually referencing each field by ID which doesn't seem very efficient. TIA for any help. jquery forms reset share improve this question updated on March 2012. So two years after I originally..
jQuery to parse our a part of a url path http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6894093/jquery-to-parse-our-a-part-of-a-url-path if this.href 'http example.com community ' var category url.split community alert category category.length 1 Thoughts TIA. javascript jquery html regex share improve this question You can fetch everything after the community with a regular..
AJAX and MVC (C#) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/799404/ajax-and-mvc-c as to where. or how to start. Should it be AJAX JQuery A combination of both And remember it is in a MVC based app. TIA jquery asp.net mvc ajax share improve this question The answer to your question is definitely yes . I've got one in..
jQuery converts & into & and breaks my code. How can I stop this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8067074/jquery-converts-into-amp-and-breaks-my-code-how-can-i-stop-this with jQuery Failing that how can I get this bit of code to replace all the amp with Sorry for the long question and TIA. javascript jquery character encoding share improve this question A bare unescaped is simply invalid HTML. There is..