jquery Programming Glossary: thx
Animating background position works on jQuery 1.4.4 but not on 1.7.2 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10533509/animating-background-position-works-on-jquery-1-4-4-but-not-on-1-7-2 rgBeW 2 I'm a beginner with jQuery so bare with me. Thx for the help. p jquery versions share improve this question..
wait for a jquery ajax callback from calling function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11576176/wait-for-a-jquery-ajax-callback-from-calling-function case its on success clear a form on error keep it as is Thx for any advice Art EDIT There was a typo as you guys spotted..
jquery IE Fadein and Fadeout Opacity http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1284163/jquery-ie-fadein-and-fadeout-opacity correct filters etc its just the fadein and fadeout in IE Thx jquery html css internet explorer opacity share improve this..
how to store an array in jquery cookie? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1959455/how-to-store-an-array-in-jquery-cookie cookieName items.join ' ' remove function val EDIT Thx to Assef and luke for remove. indx items.indexOf val if indx..
jQuery onmouseover + onmouseout / hover on two different divs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2404478/jquery-onmouseover-onmouseout-hover-on-two-different-divs div in the first div... Is there another way with jQuery Thx Ahmet jquery html hover onmouseover onmouseout share improve..
galleria auto play slideshow? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2845312/galleria-auto-play-slideshow play I'm really stuck on this one. Any help would be great Thx Paul jquery slideshow galleria share improve this question..
.attr(“disabled”, “disabled”) issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3004885/attrdisabled-disabled-issue firebug bug by your self here http jsbin.com uneti3 3# . Thx to aSeptik for the example page. update 2. June 2012 Firebug..
How to add a 'submitHandler' function when using jQuery Unobtrusive Validation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4747017/how-to-add-a-submithandler-function-when-using-jquery-unobtrusive-validation ideas where how I can add a submit handler in that case Thx jquery asp.net mvc 3 jquery validate unobtrusive validation..
Registration form validation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7059441/registration-form-validation field with its default value el.val defaultValues name Thx in advance. God bless you jquery validation jquery validate..
Populating drop-down based on previous selection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7203860/populating-drop-down-based-on-previous-selection on the fly. I'm newbie to js. Please help me to fix it. Thx in advance. php jquery mysql ajax share improve this question..
Raphael paper zoom animation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7736690/raphael-paper-zoom-animation to transform the function to make it zoom smoothly Thx by advance jquery animation svg zoom raphael share improve..
jquery.validate error placement http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7956866/jquery-validate-error-placement unsure how to modify the errorPlacement script to comply. Thx so very mch. jquery share improve this question If you..
Marquee Text When Text Overflows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/835684/marquee-text-when-text-overflows marquee to show if the text overflows. How would i do this Thx Tony javascript jquery html css marquee share improve this..
Script Tag - async & defer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10808109/script-tag-async-defer leave things as they are until HTML5 is more commonly used thx jquery html5 share improve this question Keep your scripts..
Writing to a data-* attribute and getting it with jQuery .data() [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12271362/writing-to-a-data-attribute-and-getting-it-with-jquery-data of this event I thought this was what document .on does. thx jquery jquery events jquery event binding share improve this..
jquery mobile change to the next and previous data-role=page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17546576/jquery-mobile-change-to-the-next-and-previous-data-role-page with this javascript but i dont know why isn't working thx for any help. HTML div data role page id p1 div data role header..
How do I scroll a row of a table into view (element.scrollintoView) using jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1805808/how-do-i-scroll-a-row-of-a-table-into-view-element-scrollintoview-using-jquery last row. What's the jQuery version of tr.scrollintoView thx jquery scroll share improve this question var rowpos '#table..
conditional form validation using jquery.validate.js plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18897714/conditional-form-validation-using-jquery-validate-js-plugin is choosed AND the textfield #email2 is empty thx in advance for your help my form code form name my id myForm..
showing a preloading gif until the image is fully loaded? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5435211/showing-a-preloading-gif-until-the-image-is-fully-loaded of the original image and not with a fake div container thx javascript jquery html css share improve this question ..
JQUERY: Capture an Enter Key Pressed anywhere on the page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7005162/jquery-capture-an-enter-key-pressed-anywhere-on-the-page I would use for this and would I link it to the body tag thx jquery share improve this question document .keypress function..
How to select first parent DIV using jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7089229/how-to-select-first-parent-div-using-jquery want to get the classes of the first parent DIV of this . thx javascript jquery selectors share improve this question ..
Need a jQuery randomly selected identifier from options available http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7577047/need-a-jquery-randomly-selected-identifier-from-options-available randomly selected identifier when the page first loads. thx input type text id txtCompany value empty jquery jquery ajax..
Animating background position works on jQuery 1.4.4 but not on 1.7.2 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10533509/animating-background-position-works-on-jquery-1-4-4-but-not-on-1-7-2 '5px 5px' bounce this Play time http jsfiddle.net mdecler rgBeW 2 I'm a beginner with jQuery so bare with me. Thx for the help. p jquery versions share improve this question It's a documented bug http bugs.jquery.com ticket 8160..
wait for a jquery ajax callback from calling function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11576176/wait-for-a-jquery-ajax-callback-from-calling-function then complete the processing for success or error in this case its on success clear a form on error keep it as is Thx for any advice Art EDIT There was a typo as you guys spotted call should have been doAnAjax not doAjax function doAnAjax..
jquery IE Fadein and Fadeout Opacity http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1284163/jquery-ie-fadein-and-fadeout-opacity how to fix this bug Its really annoying I am using all the correct filters etc its just the fadein and fadeout in IE Thx jquery html css internet explorer opacity share improve this question I had the same problem in IE8. Setting the opacity..
how to store an array in jquery cookie? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1959455/how-to-store-an-array-in-jquery-cookie questions 3387251 how to store array in jquery cookie .cookie cookieName items.join ' ' remove function val EDIT Thx to Assef and luke for remove. indx items.indexOf val if indx 1 items.splice indx 1 .cookie cookieName items.join ' ' clear..
jQuery onmouseover + onmouseout / hover on two different divs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2404478/jquery-onmouseover-onmouseout-hover-on-two-different-divs div_1 but nothing is changing. I dont want do make the second div in the first div... Is there another way with jQuery Thx Ahmet jquery html hover onmouseover onmouseout share improve this question Here's another approach just apply the hover..
galleria auto play slideshow? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2845312/galleria-auto-play-slideshow an easy way to get the awesome galleria gallery to auto play I'm really stuck on this one. Any help would be great Thx Paul jquery slideshow galleria share improve this question '#galleria' .galleria extend function this.play 4000 will..
.attr(“disabled”, “disabled”) issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3004885/attrdisabled-disabled-issue
How to add a 'submitHandler' function when using jQuery Unobtrusive Validation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4747017/how-to-add-a-submithandler-function-when-using-jquery-unobtrusive-validation need to initialise when using the unobtrusive library. Any ideas where how I can add a submit handler in that case Thx jquery asp.net mvc 3 jquery validate unobtrusive validation share improve this question The unobtrusive library will..
Registration form validation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7059441/registration-form-validation field if name 'dob' el.unmask And finally repopulate the field with its default value el.val defaultValues name Thx in advance. God bless you jquery validation jquery validate share improve this question First I think you should add..
Populating drop-down based on previous selection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7203860/populating-drop-down-based-on-previous-selection menu based on id id of previous selection from schools table on the fly. I'm newbie to js. Please help me to fix it. Thx in advance. php jquery mysql ajax share improve this question region mysql_real_escape_string _POST 'region' query..
Raphael paper zoom animation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7736690/raphael-paper-zoom-animation I can call paper.zoomAndMove minx miny zoomRatio Is it possible to transform the function to make it zoom smoothly Thx by advance jquery animation svg zoom raphael share improve this question See this JS Fiddle example for utilizing jQuery..
jquery.validate error placement http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7956866/jquery-validate-error-placement div Currently nothing happens no error no highlight. I'm unsure how to modify the errorPlacement script to comply. Thx so very mch. jquery share improve this question If you want all labels to be highlighted with the error class use the..
Marquee Text When Text Overflows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/835684/marquee-text-when-text-overflows can be seen if you wait a little bit. But i only want the marquee to show if the text overflows. How would i do this Thx Tony javascript jquery html css marquee share improve this question solving the conditional part JS var el 'your element'..
Script Tag - async & defer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10808109/script-tag-async-defer one might not execute correct etc. Finally am I best to leave things as they are until HTML5 is more commonly used thx jquery html5 share improve this question Keep your scripts right before body . Async can be used with scripts located..
Writing to a data-* attribute and getting it with jQuery .data() [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12271362/writing-to-a-data-attribute-and-getting-it-with-jquery-data than 'follow' How could I tell jQuery to refresh the bindings of this event I thought this was what document .on does. thx jquery jquery events jquery event binding share improve this question The data attributes jQuery's .data method are..
jquery mobile change to the next and previous data-role=page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17546576/jquery-mobile-change-to-the-next-and-previous-data-role-page to the next and to the previous data role page. im trying with this javascript but i dont know why isn't working thx for any help. HTML div data role page id p1 div data role header data theme a data position fixed data id footer data fullscreen..
How do I scroll a row of a table into view (element.scrollintoView) using jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1805808/how-do-i-scroll-a-row-of-a-table-into-view-element-scrollintoview-using-jquery scrollbar. I now want to autoscroll my container div to the last row. What's the jQuery version of tr.scrollintoView thx jquery scroll share improve this question var rowpos '#table tr last' .position '#container' .scrollTop rowpos.top..
conditional form validation using jquery.validate.js plugin http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18897714/conditional-form-validation-using-jquery-validate-js-plugin the rule should only give a message if no checkbox option #myradiogroup is choosed AND the textfield #email2 is empty thx in advance for your help my form code form name my id myForm action method post input type radio name myradiogroup id myradiogroup..
showing a preloading gif until the image is fully loaded? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5435211/showing-a-preloading-gif-until-the-image-is-fully-loaded I want my initial html to be as I wrote there with the src of the original image and not with a fake div container thx javascript jquery html css share improve this question Using the same theory you could have 2 images in the HTML source..
JQUERY: Capture an Enter Key Pressed anywhere on the page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7005162/jquery-capture-an-enter-key-pressed-anywhere-on-the-page page. It will initiate a logon attempt. What is the JQUERY I would use for this and would I link it to the body tag thx jquery share improve this question document .keypress function e if e.which 13 enter pressed share improve this answer..
How to select first parent DIV using jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7089229/how-to-select-first-parent-div-using-jquery .attr 'class' .split ' ' just a quick try. Basically I want to get the classes of the first parent DIV of this . thx javascript jquery selectors share improve this question Use .parents to traverse up the DOM tree up to the specified..
Need a jQuery randomly selected identifier from options available http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7577047/need-a-jquery-randomly-selected-identifier-from-options-available I want to use ajax to populate my entire form with the randomly selected identifier when the page first loads. thx input type text id txtCompany value empty jquery jquery ajax jquery selectors share improve this question var options..