jquery Programming Glossary: threshold
Problems with Mobiscroll - orientationchange and access address bar crashes some mobile browsers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13710834/problems-with-mobiscroll-orientationchange-and-access-address-bar-crashes-some debouncing javascript methods var debounce function func threshold execAsap var timeout return function debounced var obj this.. execAsap func.apply obj args timeout setTimeout delayed threshold 100 smartresize jQuery.fn sr function fn threshold execAsap.. threshold 100 smartresize jQuery.fn sr function fn threshold execAsap return fn this.bind 'resize' debounce fn threshold..
Facebook Style AJAX Search http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1568312/facebook-style-ajax-search at the bottom of all my scripts var debounce function func threshold execAsap var timeout return function debounced var obj this.. if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout setTimeout delayed threshold 100 And then whenever I do anything that will benefit from..
Horizontal scrolling and vertical scrolling in JqueryMobile [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20565126/horizontal-scrolling-and-vertical-scrolling-in-jquerymobile set minimum maximum values of touch duration distance and threshold for both X and Y axis. Moreover images now are preloaded for.. touch distance swipeDistanceY 50 Y axis min touch distance thresholdX 30 X axis max touch displacement thresholdY 30 Y axis max touch.. touch distance thresholdX 30 X axis max touch displacement thresholdY 30 Y axis max touch displacement Preload images Wrap each one..
jQuery or javascript to find memory usage of page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2530228/jquery-or-javascript-to-find-memory-usage-of-page only limit them once memory usage has gone above a certain threshold. Based on the answers I'd like to make some clarfications I'm..
Standalone jQuery “touch” method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2701139/standalone-jquery-touch-method question function .fn.swipe function options Default thresholds swipe functions var defaults threshold x 30 y 10 swipeLeft.. options Default thresholds swipe functions var defaults threshold x 30 y 10 swipeLeft function alert 'swiped left' swipeRight.. changeY originalCoord.y finalCoord.y if changeY defaults.threshold.y changeY defaults.threshold.y 1 changeX originalCoord.x finalCoord.x..
Delay jquery hover event? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/435732/delay-jquery-hover-event function hiConfig sensitivity 3 number sensitivity threshold must be 1 or higher interval 200 number milliseconds for onMouseOver..
Help with Scroll/Follow Sidebar http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4716795/help-with-scroll-follow-sidebar nothing if window .scrollTop is greater than a certain threshold. The problem lies in setting that threshold as I assume you.. than a certain threshold. The problem lies in setting that threshold as I assume you want it to work on pages of varying heights... the footer and the height of the sidebar to determine this threshold. The following might need some tweaking for your particular..
How to get position/coordinates of a tap-event with jquery-mobile? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4992355/how-to-get-position-coordinates-of-a-tap-event-with-jquery-mobile tap or click it's a touch event that didn't move over a threshold and was quick enough. I encountered the same thing when using..
window.resize in jquery firing multiple times http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6658517/window-resize-in-jquery-firing-multiple-times debouncing javascript methods var debounce function func threshold execAsap var timeout return function debounced var obj this.. execAsap func.apply obj args timeout setTimeout delayed threshold 100 smartresize jQuery.fn sr function fn return fn this.bind..
jQuery: Fix div when browser scrolls to it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8644248/jquery-fix-div-when-browser-scrolls-to-it trace scrollTop property and if it's higher than desired threshold you apply position fixed and some other css properties. jQuery..
Problems with Mobiscroll - orientationchange and access address bar crashes some mobile browsers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13710834/problems-with-mobiscroll-orientationchange-and-access-address-bar-crashes-some from John Hann http unscriptable.com index.php 2009 03 20 debouncing javascript methods var debounce function func threshold execAsap var timeout return function debounced var obj this args arguments function delayed if execAsap func.apply obj.. args timeout null if timeout clearTimeout timeout else if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout setTimeout delayed threshold 100 smartresize jQuery.fn sr function fn threshold execAsap return fn this.bind 'resize' debounce fn threshold execAsap.. else if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout setTimeout delayed threshold 100 smartresize jQuery.fn sr function fn threshold execAsap return fn this.bind 'resize' debounce fn threshold execAsap this.trigger sr jQuery 'smartresize' function createDatePicker..
Facebook Style AJAX Search http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1568312/facebook-style-ajax-search to is called Debouncing I usually have a Debounce function at the bottom of all my scripts var debounce function func threshold execAsap var timeout return function debounced var obj this args arguments function delayed if execAsap func.apply obj.. obj args timeout null if timeout clearTimeout timeout else if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout setTimeout delayed threshold 100 And then whenever I do anything that will benefit from a debounce I can use it generically So your code would be re..
Horizontal scrolling and vertical scrolling in JqueryMobile [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20565126/horizontal-scrolling-and-vertical-scrolling-in-jquerymobile which give more control over touch events. You can now set minimum maximum values of touch duration distance and threshold for both X and Y axis. Moreover images now are preloaded for smoother transition between images. I have made this rather.. 1000 max touch duration swipeDistanceX 50 X axis min touch distance swipeDistanceY 50 Y axis min touch distance thresholdX 30 X axis max touch displacement thresholdY 30 Y axis max touch displacement Preload images Wrap each one in holder and.. 50 X axis min touch distance swipeDistanceY 50 Y axis min touch distance thresholdX 30 X axis max touch displacement thresholdY 30 Y axis max touch displacement Preload images Wrap each one in holder and then append them to inner div on pageinit event..
jQuery or javascript to find memory usage of page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2530228/jquery-or-javascript-to-find-memory-usage-of-page tabs they can create but was thinking it would be nice to only limit them once memory usage has gone above a certain threshold. Based on the answers I'd like to make some clarfications I'm looking for a runtime solution not just developer tools so..
Standalone jQuery “touch” method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2701139/standalone-jquery-touch-method the answer. javascript jquery iphone ipad share improve this question function .fn.swipe function options Default thresholds swipe functions var defaults threshold x 30 y 10 swipeLeft function alert 'swiped left' swipeRight function alert 'swiped.. share improve this question function .fn.swipe function options Default thresholds swipe functions var defaults threshold x 30 y 10 swipeLeft function alert 'swiped left' swipeRight function alert 'swiped right' preventDefaultEvents true var.. touchEnd event console.log 'Ending swipe gesture...' var changeY originalCoord.y finalCoord.y if changeY defaults.threshold.y changeY defaults.threshold.y 1 changeX originalCoord.x finalCoord.x if changeX defaults.threshold.x defaults.swipeLeft..
Delay jquery hover event? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/435732/delay-jquery-hover-event changed to the following to implement it. Very simple to implement. function hiConfig sensitivity 3 number sensitivity threshold must be 1 or higher interval 200 number milliseconds for onMouseOver polling interval timeout 200 number milliseconds delay..
Help with Scroll/Follow Sidebar http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4716795/help-with-scroll-follow-sidebar You just need to add an extra conditional statement that does nothing if window .scrollTop is greater than a certain threshold. The problem lies in setting that threshold as I assume you want it to work on pages of varying heights. Fortunately we.. statement that does nothing if window .scrollTop is greater than a certain threshold. The problem lies in setting that threshold as I assume you want it to work on pages of varying heights. Fortunately we can use the offset of the footer and the height.. of varying heights. Fortunately we can use the offset of the footer and the height of the sidebar to determine this threshold. The following might need some tweaking for your particular situation but basically function var sidebar #scroll menu window..
How to get position/coordinates of a tap-event with jquery-mobile? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4992355/how-to-get-position-coordinates-of-a-tap-event-with-jquery-mobile information it's a non touch after all . It's not an actual tap or click it's a touch event that didn't move over a threshold and was quick enough. I encountered the same thing when using the touchswipe plugin for jQuery and had to work around it..
window.resize in jquery firing multiple times http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6658517/window-resize-in-jquery-firing-multiple-times from John Hann http unscriptable.com index.php 2009 03 20 debouncing javascript methods var debounce function func threshold execAsap var timeout return function debounced var obj this args arguments function delayed if execAsap func.apply obj.. args timeout null if timeout clearTimeout timeout else if execAsap func.apply obj args timeout setTimeout delayed threshold 100 smartresize jQuery.fn sr function fn return fn this.bind 'resize' debounce fn this.trigger sr jQuery 'smartresize'..
jQuery: Fix div when browser scrolls to it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8644248/jquery-fix-div-when-browser-scrolls-to-it Basically you attach a function to window 's scroll event and trace scrollTop property and if it's higher than desired threshold you apply position fixed and some other css properties. jQuery function function fixDiv var cache '#getFixed' if window..