jquery Programming Glossary: thumbs
Fancybox Imagemap Gallery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11299553/fancybox-imagemap-gallery document .ready function area.fancybox .fancybox helpers thumbs width 50 height 50 fancybox ready NOTICE that we used the data..
Jquery Masonry Seamless Responsive Image Grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12115037/jquery-masonry-seamless-responsive-image-grid div div class box a href # img src assets images archive thumbs one.jpg alt title span class bike name span Bicycle #001 span.. a div div class box a href # img src assets images archive thumbs two.jpg alt title span class bike name span Bicycle #002 span.. a div div class box a href # img src assets images archive thumbs three.jpg alt title span class bike name span Bicycle #003..
Horizontal scroll on mouseMove - wide div in smaller div with overflow:hidden (Can't get the math to work) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16050564/horizontal-scroll-on-mousemove-wide-div-in-smaller-div-with-overflowhidden-c get the math to work I'm trying to make a line of image thumbs where it scrolls on mousemove. And I got it to work but my problem.. work This is the script I have now MouseMove scrolling on thumbs var box '.thumbs block' innerBox '.thumbs' lastElement innerBox.find.. script I have now MouseMove scrolling on thumbs var box '.thumbs block' innerBox '.thumbs' lastElement innerBox.find 'a last..
Prev & Next button with counter for overlay using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16825046/prev-next-button-with-counter-for-overlay-using-jquery Image gallery using jquerytools im using scrollable div on thumbs and overlay on the main image... Everything works like charm.... tried. but api.next its working for the scrolling on the thumbs so i dont know how can i tell this script.. hey if next is clicked.. on thubs if previous btn is clicked pls go to prev url on thumbs.. But i cant Also and no less important a Counter like 1 8 have..
Showing Slide Count with Nivo Slider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5441617/showing-slide-count-with-nivo-slider Control Nav controlNavThumbsFromRel true Use image rel for thumbs pauseOnHover false Stop animation while hovering captionOpacity..
jQuery Mobile CSS3 Page Transitions without jQuery Mobile Library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7920730/jquery-mobile-css3-page-transitions-without-jquery-mobile-library Needed to work around an iOS 3.1 bug that causes listview thumbs to disappear when webkit visibility hidden is used. .flip.out..
Fancybox2 - different content for tooltip and image title, both from title attribute? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8418721/fancybox2-different-content-for-tooltip-and-image-title-both-from-title-attri imagetag alt Sculpture1 Height 1232mm src images thumbs Sculpture1_thumb.jpg class thumb a a class fancybox rel works.. imagetag alt Sculpture2 Height 1232mm src images thumbs Sculpture2_thumb.jpg class thumb a UDATE My current options.. img alt Sculpture1 Height 1232mm src images thumbs Sculpture1_thumb.jpg class thumb a a class fancybox rel works..
call Fancybox in parent from iframe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8853727/call-fancybox-in-parent-from-iframe html in IFrame page img src img picture1.jpg alt class thumbs onclick parent.showImage 'picture1.jpg' PS both pages are on..
How to create a direct link to any fancybox box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9028310/how-to-create-a-direct-link-to-any-fancybox-box 'none' closeBtn false arrows true nextClick true helpers thumbs width 80 height 80 title type 'inside' buttons afterLoad.. 'none' closeBtn false arrows true nextClick true helpers thumbs width 80 height 80 title type 'inside' buttons afterLoad..
FancyBox get href for images via AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9842741/fancybox-get-href-for-images-via-ajax opts prevEffect 'none' nextEffect 'none' helpers thumbs width 75 height 50 .fancybox img opts This.. var opts prevEffect 'none' nextEffect 'none' helpers thumbs width 75 height 50 .fancybox dataXarrayObj opts ..
JQuery: Thumbs up and down rating system? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1049874/jquery-thumbs-up-and-down-rating-system Thumbs up and down rating system I'm want to implement thumbs up and..
How do I get my jQuery Validator Code to run a second time after a form has already been submitted? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10609567/how-do-i-get-my-jquery-validator-code-to-run-a-second-time-after-a-form-has-alre div class RateComment img src content images icons Thumbs Up 16x16.png alt Thumbs Up title Uprate Comment style margin.. img src content images icons Thumbs Up 16x16.png alt Thumbs Up title Uprate Comment style margin top 10px div class CommentRating.. class CommentRating 8 div img src content images icons Thumbs Down 16x16.png alt Thumbs Down title Downrate Comment style..
jQuery voting system http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3722874/jquery-voting-system voting system So I am making a voting system basically a Thumbs Up Thumbs Down voting system. I am using CakePHP and jQuery.. So I am making a voting system basically a Thumbs Up Thumbs Down voting system. I am using CakePHP and jQuery with MySQL..
get text of an element without children in javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9955955/get-text-of-an-element-without-children-in-javascript HTML body h1 Test Heading h1 div Awesome video and music. Thumbs way up. Love it. Happy weekend to you and your family. Love..
Fancybox Imagemap Gallery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11299553/fancybox-imagemap-gallery gallery shape rect coords 27 166 134 293 title 03 map JS document .ready function area.fancybox .fancybox helpers thumbs width 50 height 50 fancybox ready NOTICE that we used the data fancybox group gallery attribute in order to set the gallery..
Jquery Masonry Seamless Responsive Image Grid http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12115037/jquery-masonry-seamless-responsive-image-grid a href # Archive a li li a href # class active Blog a li ul div div class box a href # img src assets images archive thumbs one.jpg alt title span class bike name span Bicycle #001 span span a div div class box a href # img src assets images archive.. alt title span class bike name span Bicycle #001 span span a div div class box a href # img src assets images archive thumbs two.jpg alt title span class bike name span Bicycle #002 span span a div div class box a href # img src assets images archive.. alt title span class bike name span Bicycle #002 span span a div div class box a href # img src assets images archive thumbs three.jpg alt title span class bike name span Bicycle #003 span span a div div CSS for each box .box margin 0px 0px 0px..
Horizontal scroll on mouseMove - wide div in smaller div with overflow:hidden (Can't get the math to work) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16050564/horizontal-scroll-on-mousemove-wide-div-in-smaller-div-with-overflowhidden-c mouseMove wide div in smaller div with overflow hidden Can't get the math to work I'm trying to make a line of image thumbs where it scrolls on mousemove. And I got it to work but my problem now is that i wanted to make a padding on the sides so.. the first last thumb. But I really really can't get it to work This is the script I have now MouseMove scrolling on thumbs var box '.thumbs block' innerBox '.thumbs' lastElement innerBox.find 'a last child' var offsetPx 100 var boxOffset box.offset.. thumb. But I really really can't get it to work This is the script I have now MouseMove scrolling on thumbs var box '.thumbs block' innerBox '.thumbs' lastElement innerBox.find 'a last child' var offsetPx 100 var boxOffset box.offset .left var boxWidth..
Prev & Next button with counter for overlay using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16825046/prev-next-button-with-counter-for-overlay-using-jquery button with counter for overlay using jquery i build this Image gallery using jquerytools im using scrollable div on thumbs and overlay on the main image... Everything works like charm.. EDIT Before I make this a bounty...i have to explain that.. see what i am saying. http jsfiddle.net s6TGs 5 I have really tried. but api.next its working for the scrolling on the thumbs so i dont know how can i tell this script.. hey if next is clicked yo pls insert next url on thubs if previous btn is clicked.. this script.. hey if next is clicked yo pls insert next url on thubs if previous btn is clicked pls go to prev url on thumbs.. But i cant Also and no less important a Counter like 1 8 have to be displayed S... how in the name of javascript you do..
Showing Slide Count with Nivo Slider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5441617/showing-slide-count-with-nivo-slider true 1 2 3... controlNavThumbs true Use thumbnails for Control Nav controlNavThumbsFromRel true Use image rel for thumbs pauseOnHover false Stop animation while hovering captionOpacity 0.3 Universal caption opacity startSlide 0 Set starting..
jQuery Mobile CSS3 Page Transitions without jQuery Mobile Library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7920730/jquery-mobile-css3-page-transitions-without-jquery-mobile-library backface visibility hidden webkit transform translateX 0 Needed to work around an iOS 3.1 bug that causes listview thumbs to disappear when webkit visibility hidden is used. .flip.out webkit transform rotateY 180deg scale .8 webkit animation..
Fancybox2 - different content for tooltip and image title, both from title attribute? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8418721/fancybox2-different-content-for-tooltip-and-image-title-both-from-title-attri title Sculpture1 Height 1232mm href images Sculpture1_large_res.jpg imagetag alt Sculpture1 Height 1232mm src images thumbs Sculpture1_thumb.jpg class thumb a a class fancybox rel works title Sculpture2 Height 1232mm href images Sculpture2_large_res.jpg.. title Sculpture2 Height 1232mm href images Sculpture2_large_res.jpg imagetag alt Sculpture2 Height 1232mm src images thumbs Sculpture2_thumb.jpg class thumb a UDATE My current options document .ready function .fancybox .fancybox openEffect 'elastic'.. fancybox rel works title Sculpture1 href images Sculpture1_large_res.jpg img alt Sculpture1 Height 1232mm src images thumbs Sculpture1_thumb.jpg class thumb a a class fancybox rel works title Sculpture2 href images Sculpture2_large_res.jpg img..
call Fancybox in parent from iframe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8853727/call-fancybox-in-parent-from-iframe 0 width 579 height 505 allowtransparency true iframe body html in IFrame page img src img picture1.jpg alt class thumbs onclick parent.showImage 'picture1.jpg' PS both pages are on same domain... EDIT video.js this is from fancybox I didn't..
How to create a direct link to any fancybox box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9028310/how-to-create-a-direct-link-to-any-fancybox-box thisHash .fancybox prevEffect 'none' nextEffect 'none' closeBtn false arrows true nextClick true helpers thumbs width 80 height 80 title type 'inside' buttons afterLoad function this.title this.index 1 ' de ' this.group.length.. 'click' '.fancylink' .fancybox prevEffect 'none' nextEffect 'none' closeBtn false arrows true nextClick true helpers thumbs width 80 height 80 title type 'inside' buttons afterLoad function this.title this.index 1 ' de ' this.group.length..
FancyBox get href for images via AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9842741/fancybox-get-href-for-images-via-ajax galleries gallery1 wallpapers_by_ellin 23424.jpg' var opts prevEffect 'none' nextEffect 'none' helpers thumbs width 75 height 50 .fancybox img opts This solution works fine. But when I use var img dataX instead of.. after .split dataXarrayObj i .parseJSON dataXsplit i var opts prevEffect 'none' nextEffect 'none' helpers thumbs width 75 height 50 .fancybox dataXarrayObj opts jquery ajax fancybox share improve this question Well..
JQuery: Thumbs up and down rating system? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1049874/jquery-thumbs-up-and-down-rating-system Thumbs up and down rating system I'm want to implement thumbs up and down rating system in my web app using jquery. Please tell..
How do I get my jQuery Validator Code to run a second time after a form has already been submitted? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10609567/how-do-i-get-my-jquery-validator-code-to-run-a-second-time-after-a-form-has-alre div foreach var item in Model.Comment div class CommentContainer div class RateComment img src content images icons Thumbs Up 16x16.png alt Thumbs Up title Uprate Comment style margin top 10px div class CommentRating 8 div img src content images.. Model.Comment div class CommentContainer div class RateComment img src content images icons Thumbs Up 16x16.png alt Thumbs Up title Uprate Comment style margin top 10px div class CommentRating 8 div img src content images icons Thumbs Down 16x16.png.. alt Thumbs Up title Uprate Comment style margin top 10px div class CommentRating 8 div img src content images icons Thumbs Down 16x16.png alt Thumbs Down title Downrate Comment style margin top 5px div div class CommentHeader div class CommentAuthor..
jQuery voting system http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3722874/jquery-voting-system voting system So I am making a voting system basically a Thumbs Up Thumbs Down voting system. I am using CakePHP and jQuery with MySQL but want to make sure the front end is correct and.. voting system So I am making a voting system basically a Thumbs Up Thumbs Down voting system. I am using CakePHP and jQuery with MySQL but want to make sure the front end is correct and this is..
get text of an element without children in javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9955955/get-text-of-an-element-without-children-in-javascript nor element.innerText seem to be working. HTML body h1 Test Heading h1 div Awesome video and music. Thumbs way up. Love it. Happy weekend to you and your family. Love Sasha div body script src http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs..