jquery Programming Glossary: thru
Twitter Bootstrap add active class to li http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11533542/twitter-bootstrap-add-active-class-to-li append the class active to the current page. Have looked thru nearly every answer on Stack with no real joy. I had played..
Jquery clone-able inputs foreach overwrites values http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14374324/jquery-clone-able-inputs-foreach-overwrites-values 1' .attr 'id' group g_counter You don't need to Loop thru the inputs to set the value clonedDiv.find 'input type text..
duplicate-able inputs validation not working with non duplicate-able fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14400489/duplicate-able-inputs-validation-not-working-with-non-duplicate-able-fields .attr 'id' gender group g_counter You don't need to Loop thru the inputs to set the value clonedDiv.find 'input checkbox'.. .attr 'id' gender group g_counter You don't need to Loop thru the inputs to set the value clonedDiv.find 'input checkbox'..
jQuery - jqGrid - undesired behavior in onSelectRow event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16815395/jquery-jqgrid-undesired-behavior-in-onselectrow-event id lastSel lastSel if id lastSel if lastSel 1 first time thru lastSel id console.log beforeSelectRow first time thru new val.. thru lastSel id console.log beforeSelectRow first time thru new val lastSel gsr gsr return true else console.log beforeSelectRow..
Simple ASP.NET MVC CRUD views opening/closing in JavaScript UI dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1843894/simple-asp-net-mvc-crud-views-opening-closing-in-javascript-ui-dialog still support this simple pattern when opened directly thru URL in a web browser but should render some additional logic..
Loop through text nodes inside a div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2525368/loop-through-text-nodes-inside-a-div been looking for hours trying to find out how to both loop thru a div and get the text nodes... and this has to work in firefox.. text nodes there var mylen obj.length if mylen 0 loop thru each text node recurse ajax content function parent var childs.. 'box_title_small' myclass 'status_bar_select' loop thru english array to find matches for var x 0 x en_count x get..
Sequencing ajax requests http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3034874/sequencing-ajax-requests setting up some kind of iterator context that i step thru upon each success callback. I think there must be a cleaner.. anyone have a clever design pattern for how to neatly work thru a collection making ajax calls for each item javascript jquery..
jquery ui token http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4022778/jquery-ui-token widget my problem is i need to pass two values thru Json the ID and the NAME the server side script looks like this..
Looking for jQuery plugin (or code) to automatically scroll Carousel items on mousover http://stackoverflow.com/questions/464187/looking-for-jquery-plugin-or-code-to-automatically-scroll-carousel-items-on-mo at a time and instead of clicking next previous to scroll thru the images they scroll relative to the offset from center position..
Twitter Bootstrap add active class to li http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11533542/twitter-bootstrap-add-active-class-to-li active a href Home a li So just need to figure out how to append the class active to the current page. Have looked thru nearly every answer on Stack with no real joy. I had played with this menu handler function var url window.location.pathname..
Jquery clone-able inputs foreach overwrites values http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14374324/jquery-clone-able-inputs-foreach-overwrites-values the cloned object and set a new id's clonedDiv.find '#group 1' .attr 'id' group g_counter You don't need to Loop thru the inputs to set the value clonedDiv.find 'input type text ' .val '' Insert the cloned object clonedDiv.insertAfter #dependant..
duplicate-able inputs validation not working with non duplicate-able fields http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14400489/duplicate-able-inputs-validation-not-working-with-non-duplicate-able-fields 'id' age group g_counter clonedDiv.find '#gender group 1' .attr 'id' gender group g_counter You don't need to Loop thru the inputs to set the value clonedDiv.find 'input checkbox' .removeAttr 'checked' clonedDiv.find 'input type text ' .val.. 'id' age group g_counter clonedDiv.find '#gender group 1' .attr 'id' gender group g_counter You don't need to Loop thru the inputs to set the value clonedDiv.find 'input checkbox' .removeAttr 'checked' clonedDiv.find 'input type text ' .val..
jQuery - jqGrid - undesired behavior in onSelectRow event http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16815395/jquery-jqgrid-undesired-behavior-in-onselectrow-event if id id lastSel console.log id id lastSel console.log id id lastSel lastSel if id lastSel if lastSel 1 first time thru lastSel id console.log beforeSelectRow first time thru new val lastSel gsr gsr return true else console.log beforeSelectRow.. id id lastSel lastSel if id lastSel if lastSel 1 first time thru lastSel id console.log beforeSelectRow first time thru new val lastSel gsr gsr return true else console.log beforeSelectRow lastSel lastSel id id gsr gsr return false else..
Simple ASP.NET MVC CRUD views opening/closing in JavaScript UI dialog http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1843894/simple-asp-net-mvc-crud-views-opening-closing-in-javascript-ui-dialog The way views work now is POST Redirect GET. The view should still support this simple pattern when opened directly thru URL in a web browser but should render some additional logic when opened through JavaScript dialog. Hopefully you understand..
Loop through text nodes inside a div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2525368/loop-through-text-nodes-inside-a-div whole page and therefore is too resource intensive. I have been looking for hours trying to find out how to both loop thru a div and get the text nodes... and this has to work in firefox google chrome and ie6. Any thoughts or suggestions As Requested.. assign object handler var obj this .html check how many text nodes there var mylen obj.length if mylen 0 loop thru each text node recurse ajax content function parent var childs parent.childNodes if there are children to this if childs.. 'box_title' ist 'yes' myclass 'status_bar' myclass '' myclass 'box_title_small' myclass 'status_bar_select' loop thru english array to find matches for var x 0 x en_count x get current english phrase var from en_lang x get current other..
Sequencing ajax requests http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3034874/sequencing-ajax-requests set async to false and freeze the browser. Usually this involves setting up some kind of iterator context that i step thru upon each success callback. I think there must be a cleaner simpler way Does anyone have a clever design pattern for how.. callback. I think there must be a cleaner simpler way Does anyone have a clever design pattern for how to neatly work thru a collection making ajax calls for each item javascript jquery ajax design patterns queue share improve this question..
jquery ui token http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4022778/jquery-ui-token tutorials javascript ajax how to use the jquery ui autocomplete widget my problem is i need to pass two values thru Json the ID and the NAME the server side script looks like this header 'Content Type text html charset iso 8859 1' true..
Looking for jQuery plugin (or code) to automatically scroll Carousel items on mousover http://stackoverflow.com/questions/464187/looking-for-jquery-plugin-or-code-to-automatically-scroll-carousel-items-on-mo have a list of images and only X number of them are visible at a time and instead of clicking next previous to scroll thru the images they scroll relative to the offset from center position of your mouse. I've looked at JCarousel and it has everything..