jquery Programming Glossary: ru
Passing a js array to PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11071584/passing-a-js-array-to-php
jQuery Validate 1.7 brakes $.getJSON() on jQuery 1.5? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4888226/jquery-validate-1-7-brakes-getjson-on-jquery-1-5 Validate 1.7 brakes .getJSON on jQuery 1.5 Good day I'm running a plugin on jQuery 1.4.4 with getJSON after uprade to 1.5.. html xmlns http www.w3.org 1999 xhtml lang ru head title title meta http equiv content type content text html..
Cannot set content-type to 'application/json' in jQuery.ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9754767/cannot-set-content-type-to-application-json-in-jquery-ajax application json text javascript q 0.01 Accept Language ru ru ru q 0.8 en us q 0.5 en q 0.3 Accept Encoding gzip deflate.. application json text javascript q 0.01 Accept Language ru ru ru q 0.8 en us q 0.5 en q 0.3 Accept Encoding gzip deflate Connection.. json text javascript q 0.01 Accept Language ru ru ru q 0.8 en us q 0.5 en q 0.3 Accept Encoding gzip deflate Connection..
Passing a js array to PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11071584/passing-a-js-array-to-php
jQuery Validate 1.7 brakes $.getJSON() on jQuery 1.5? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4888226/jquery-validate-1-7-brakes-getjson-on-jquery-1-5 Validate 1.7 brakes .getJSON on jQuery 1.5 Good day I'm running a plugin on jQuery 1.4.4 with getJSON after uprade to 1.5 the callback is not called. The returned JSON is valid I've.. 1.0 Transitional EN http www.w3.org TR xhtml1 DTD xhtml1 transitional.dtd html xmlns http www.w3.org 1999 xhtml lang ru head title title meta http equiv content type content text html charset utf8 script type text javascript src js jquery 1.5.min.js..
Cannot set content-type to 'application/json' in jQuery.ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9754767/cannot-set-content-type-to-application-json-in-jquery-ajax NT 6.1 WOW64 rv 10.0.2 Gecko 20100101 Firefox 10.0.2 Accept application json text javascript q 0.01 Accept Language ru ru ru q 0.8 en us q 0.5 en q 0.3 Accept Encoding gzip deflate Connection keep alive Content Type application x www form.. NT 6.1 WOW64 rv 10.0.2 Gecko 20100101 Firefox 10.0.2 Accept application json text javascript q 0.01 Accept Language ru ru ru q 0.8 en us q 0.5 en q 0.3 Accept Encoding gzip deflate Connection keep alive Content Type application x www form urlencoded.. 6.1 WOW64 rv 10.0.2 Gecko 20100101 Firefox 10.0.2 Accept application json text javascript q 0.01 Accept Language ru ru ru q 0.8 en us q 0.5 en q 0.3 Accept Encoding gzip deflate Connection keep alive Content Type application x www form urlencoded..