jquery Programming Glossary: rules.length
Can jQuery change css style definition? (not individual css of each element) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3164740/can-jquery-change-css-style-definition-not-individual-css-of-each-element in sheet sheet.insertRule 'td padding 0.32em 2em ' rules.length else IE compatibility sheet.addRule 'td' 'padding 0.32em 2em'.. IE compatibility sheet.addRule 'td' 'padding 0.32em 2em' rules.length jQuery itself doesn't give you any special tools to access stylesheets..
Accessing Cross Domain Stylesheet with .cssRules http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3211536/accessing-cross-domain-stylesheet-with-cssrules i rules styleSheets i .cssRules for var j 0 j rules.length j rule rules j if element.is rule.selectorText matchedRules.push..
jQuery - How to get all styles/css (defined within internal/external document) with HTML of an element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4781410/jquery-how-to-get-all-styles-css-defined-within-internal-external-document-w var rules sheets i .rules sheets i .cssRules for var r 0 r rules.length r var selectorText rules r .selectorText var matchedElts selectorText.. var rules sheets c .rules sheets c .cssRules for var r 0 r rules.length r var selectorText rules r .selectorText var matchedElts selectorText..
How can I tell if a particular CSS property is inherited with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5000108/how-can-i-tell-if-a-particular-css-property-is-inherited-with-jquery var rules document.styleSheets 0 .cssRules for var i 0 i rules.length i if myElement.is rules i .selectorText console.log 'style was..
How to get All Defined CSS Selectors for a given DOM Element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5135600/how-to-get-all-defined-css-selectors-for-a-given-dom-element x var rules document.styleSheets x .cssRules for var i 0 i rules.length i if myElement.is rules i .selectorText ul .append li rules.. x var rules document.styleSheets x .cssRules for var i 0 i rules.length i if element.is rules i .selectorText appliedRules.push rules..
How to fallback to local stylesheet (not script) if CDN fails http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7383163/how-to-fallback-to-local-stylesheet-not-script-if-cdn-fails var rules sheet.rules sheet.rules sheet.cssRules if rules.length 0 ' link rel stylesheet type text css href path to local jquery.mobile..
jqGrid auto filter highlighting search result http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8501679/jqgrid-auto-filter-highlighting-search-result if filters null typeof filters.rules 'undefined' filters.rules.length 0 rules filters.rules l rules.length for i 0 i l i rule rules.. 'undefined' filters.rules.length 0 rules filters.rules l rules.length for i 0 i l i rule rules i iCol getColumnIndexByName this..
why doesn't Jqgrid frozen column seem to work with filter rows and filter heading? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8564198/why-doesnt-jqgrid-frozen-column-seem-to-work-with-filter-rows-and-filter-headin newCapture Filter var rules filters.rules for var i 0 i rules.length i var rule rules i var op rule.op the code name of the operation.. j break newCapture rule.field op ' rule.data ' if i 1 rules.length newCapture newCapture jQuery gridSelector .setCaption newCapture.. newCapture Filter rules filters.rules for i 0 i rules.length i rule rules i op rule.op the code name of the operation iOp..
How can i get jqgrid frozen columns to work with word wrap on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8686616/how-can-i-get-jqgrid-frozen-columns-to-work-with-word-wrap-on newCapture Filter rules filters.rules for i 0 i rules.length i rule rules i op rule.op the code name of the operation .. iOp newCapture rule.field op ' rule.data ' if i 1 rules.length newCapture newCapture jQuery gridSelector .jqGrid setCaption..
Can jQuery change css style definition? (not individual css of each element) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3164740/can-jquery-change-css-style-definition-not-individual-css-of-each-element add a new rule to the end overriding the old one if 'insertRule' in sheet sheet.insertRule 'td padding 0.32em 2em ' rules.length else IE compatibility sheet.addRule 'td' 'padding 0.32em 2em' rules.length jQuery itself doesn't give you any special tools.. sheet.insertRule 'td padding 0.32em 2em ' rules.length else IE compatibility sheet.addRule 'td' 'padding 0.32em 2em' rules.length jQuery itself doesn't give you any special tools to access stylesheets but it's possible there are plugins that might. ..
Accessing Cross Domain Stylesheet with .cssRules http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3211536/accessing-cross-domain-stylesheet-with-cssrules var matchedRules rules rule for var i 0 i styleSheets.length i rules styleSheets i .cssRules for var j 0 j rules.length j rule rules j if element.is rule.selectorText matchedRules.push rule.selectorText alert matchedRules Is there a..
jQuery - How to get all styles/css (defined within internal/external document) with HTML of an element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4781410/jquery-how-to-get-all-styles-css-defined-within-internal-external-document-w sheets document.styleSheets for var c 0 c sheets.length c var rules sheets i .rules sheets i .cssRules for var r 0 r rules.length r var selectorText rules r .selectorText var matchedElts selectorText for var i 0 i elts.length i if matchedElts.index elts.. sheets document.styleSheets for var c 0 c sheets.length c var rules sheets c .rules sheets c .cssRules for var r 0 r rules.length r var selectorText rules r .selectorText var matchedElts selectorText for var i 0 i elts.length i if matchedElts.index elts..
How can I tell if a particular CSS property is inherited with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5000108/how-can-i-tell-if-a-particular-css-property-is-inherited-with-jquery through each style in the first stylesheet var myElement '..' var rules document.styleSheets 0 .cssRules for var i 0 i rules.length i if myElement.is rules i .selectorText console.log 'style was directly applied to the element' share improve this answer..
How to get All Defined CSS Selectors for a given DOM Element? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5135600/how-to-get-all-defined-css-selectors-for-a-given-dom-element #content for var x 0 x document.styleSheets.length x var rules document.styleSheets x .cssRules for var i 0 i rules.length i if myElement.is rules i .selectorText ul .append li rules i .selectorText li Given the following dom div div id content.. var appliedRules for var x 0 x document.styleSheets.length x var rules document.styleSheets x .cssRules for var i 0 i rules.length i if element.is rules i .selectorText appliedRules.push rules i .selectorText return appliedRules share improve this..
How to fallback to local stylesheet (not script) if CDN fails http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7383163/how-to-fallback-to-local-stylesheet-not-script-if-cdn-fails 'http code.jquery.com mobile 1.0b3 jquery.mobile 1.0b3.min.css' var rules sheet.rules sheet.rules sheet.cssRules if rules.length 0 ' link rel stylesheet type text css href path to local jquery.mobile 1.0b3.min.css ' .appendTo 'head' script share..
jqGrid auto filter highlighting search result http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8501679/jqgrid-auto-filter-highlighting-search-result true filters .parseJSON this.p.postData.filters if filters null typeof filters.rules 'undefined' filters.rules.length 0 rules filters.rules l rules.length for i 0 i l i rule rules i iCol getColumnIndexByName this rule.field if iCol 0.. if filters null typeof filters.rules 'undefined' filters.rules.length 0 rules filters.rules l rules.length for i 0 i l i rule rules i iCol getColumnIndexByName this rule.field if iCol 0 ' tbody tr.jqgrow td nth child ' iCol..
why doesn't Jqgrid frozen column seem to work with filter rows and filter heading? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8564198/why-doesnt-jqgrid-frozen-column-seem-to-work-with-filter-rows-and-filter-headin undefined var filters jQuery.parseJSON postData.filters newCapture Filter var rules filters.rules for var i 0 i rules.length i var rule rules i var op rule.op the code name of the operation if jQuery.fn.searchFilter jQuery.fn.searchFilter.defaults.. j .op rule.op op operators j .text op .jgrid.search.odata j break newCapture rule.field op ' rule.data ' if i 1 rules.length newCapture newCapture jQuery gridSelector .setCaption newCapture can anyone think of anything that would prevent frozen.. typeof postData.filters undefined filters .parseJSON postData.filters newCapture Filter rules filters.rules for i 0 i rules.length i rule rules i op rule.op the code name of the operation iOp .inArray op arOps if iOp 0 typeof .jgrid.search.odata iOp..
How can i get jqgrid frozen columns to work with word wrap on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8686616/how-can-i-get-jqgrid-frozen-columns-to-work-with-word-wrap-on postData.filters undefined filters .parseJSON postData.filters newCapture Filter rules filters.rules for i 0 i rules.length i rule rules i op rule.op the code name of the operation iOp .inArray op arOps if iOp 0 typeof .jgrid.search.odata iOp.. typeof .jgrid.search.odata iOp undefined op .jgrid.search.odata iOp newCapture rule.field op ' rule.data ' if i 1 rules.length newCapture newCapture jQuery gridSelector .jqGrid setCaption newCapture fixPositionsOfFrozenDivs.call this gridSelector..