jquery Programming Glossary: rowid
How to fire loadComplete after new row is added in jqgrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761222/how-to-fire-loadcomplete-after-new-row-is-added-in-jqgrid e.target .closest 'td' text td.text tr td.closest 'tr' rowid tr 0 .id goToViewAllPage rowid for iRow 0 iRow cRows iRow.. tr td.closest 'tr' rowid tr 0 .id goToViewAllPage rowid for iRow 0 iRow cRows iRow 1 row rows iRow row.id is the rowid.. for iRow 0 iRow cRows iRow 1 row rows iRow row.id is the rowid trClasses row.className.split ' ' if .inArray 'jqgrow' trClasses..
jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4469650/jqgrid-incorrect-select-drop-down-option-values-in-edit-box id true null null 'clientArray' null function rowid response aftersavefunc grid.setColProp 'State' editoptions.. true onclickPgButtons function whichButton form rowid var row '#' .jgrid.jqID rowid countryId if whichButton 'next'.. function whichButton form rowid var row '#' .jgrid.jqID rowid countryId if whichButton 'next' row row.next else if whichButton..
is there an api in jqgrid to add advanced filters to post data? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5272850/is-there-an-api-in-jqgrid-to-add-advanced-filters-to-post-data editurl Project UpdateMe ondblClickRow function rowid editProject rowid window.location.href Project Detail rowid.. Project UpdateMe ondblClickRow function rowid editProject rowid window.location.href Project Detail rowid var grid #grid var.. editProject rowid window.location.href Project Detail rowid var grid #grid var f groupOp AND rules f.rules.push field Name..
Browser Memory Usage Comparison: inline onClick vs. using JQuery .bind() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5303471/browser-memory-usage-comparison-inline-onclick-vs-using-jquery-bind any event binding. The code of beforeSelectRow function rowid e var iCol .jgrid.getCellIndex e.target if iCol firstButtonColumnIndex.. e.target if iCol firstButtonColumnIndex alert rowid rowid nButton name buttonNames iCol prevent row selection if.. e.target if iCol firstButtonColumnIndex alert rowid rowid nButton name buttonNames iCol prevent row selection if one..
JQuery Grid-SubGrid for Parent-Child relation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14194754/jquery-grid-subgrid-for-parent-child-relation subgrids subGridRowExpanded function subgridDivId rowId var subgrid table id ' subgridDivId _t' table pureRowId .jgrid.stripPref.. _t' table pureRowId .jgrid.stripPref mainGridPrefix rowId subgrids this .jqGrid getGridParam userData subgrid.appendTo.. repeatitems false id actionID gridview true idPrefix rowId _ UPDATED The JSON data used in the demo one can see below...
jqgrid showLink http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4390999/jqgrid-showlink MyBase.GetAndShowUserData jQuery '#userlist' ' id rowId' where rowId will be the id of the corresponding grid row. Inside.. jQuery '#userlist' ' id rowId' where rowId will be the id of the corresponding grid row. Inside of your..
jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4469650/jqgrid-incorrect-select-drop-down-option-values-in-edit-box has id constructed from row id '_' and the column name rowId _State . Moreover it is important that the the value of the.. editing var row e.target .closest 'tr.jqgrow' var rowId row.attr 'id' select# rowId _State row 0 .html newOptions.. .closest 'tr.jqgrow' var rowId row.attr 'id' select# rowId _State row 0 .html newOptions name 'State' width 100..
How to merge cells in jqGrid 4.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5625325/how-to-merge-cells-in-jqgrid-4-0 like this colModel name a width 50 cellattr function rowId tv rawObject cm rdata if rowId 5 return 'sytle border right.. 50 cellattr function rowId tv rawObject cm rdata if rowId 5 return 'sytle border right 0px ' name b width 50 cellattr.. border right 0px ' name b width 50 cellattr function rowId tv rawObject cm rdata if rowId 5 return 'sytle border left..
jqgrid load large data set without pagination http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5664587/jqgrid-load-large-data-set-without-pagination false cell cell id id loadComplete function data var rowId alert data.length alert 'load complete' data.rows.length .. is set to true if mode for var i 0 i data.rows.length i rowId data.rows i .id disableRow rowId var searchVal #gs_amount.. 0 i data.rows.length i rowId data.rows i .id disableRow rowId var searchVal #gs_amount .val .trim if searchVal data.rows..
jqGrid custom format fails on addClass http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6048378/jqgrid-custom-format-fails-on-addclass you need. In you case you can define cellattr function rowId cellValue rawObject cm rdata if cellValue 0 return ' class Fail..
is it possible to have html inside of a jqgrid treegrid cell http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6507186/is-it-possible-to-have-html-inside-of-a-jqgrid-treegrid-cell width 80 sortable false align 'center' cellattr function rowId tv rawObject cm rdata return Number tv 100 'style background..
Can jqGrid hover text be defined with AddRowData? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7405248/can-jqgrid-hover-text-be-defined-with-addrowdata use name 'name' index 'name' width 70 cellattr function rowId val rawObject cm rdata return 'title ' rawObject.name ' ' rawObject.note..
DatePicker options “changemonth” and “changeyear” not working in jqGrid's edit form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12270509/datepicker-options-changemonth-and-changeyear-not-working-in-jqgrids-edit-f the modal true so fixed it. grid.jqGrid 'editGridRow' rowID addCaption Agregar Proyecto topinfo Introduzca los nuevos datos..
jqGrid inline edit: how to save again if post returns error [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6217630/jqgrid-inline-edit-how-to-save-again-if-post-returns-error function rowid doeditRow rowid function doeditRow rowID var grid2 #grid if rowID rowID lastSelectedRow grid2.jqGrid.. rowid function doeditRow rowID var grid2 #grid if rowID rowID lastSelectedRow grid2.jqGrid 'restoreRow' lastSelectedRow.. function doeditRow rowID var grid2 #grid if rowID rowID lastSelectedRow grid2.jqGrid 'restoreRow' lastSelectedRow ..
Passing parameter to WebMethod with jQuery Ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/736058/passing-parameter-to-webmethod-with-jquery-ajax CType JsonConvert.DeserializeObject ID IDictionary 'Dim rowID As String objParam ID Dim objController As New HealthComp.BLL.X12Partners.TradingPartnersController..
jqGrid, ASP.NET, JSON is Driving me crazy. Please Help http://stackoverflow.com/questions/723801/jqgrid-asp-net-json-is-driving-me-crazy-please-help that says invalid property id total 1 page 1 records 5 ROWID 1 ...rName BCC SubmitterID BCC4010 Su ANY HELP WOULD BE SO GREATLY.. xhr var res xhr.responseText alert res colNames ROWID ID PartnerID Direction InterchangeVersion InterchangeSenderID.. isDeleted DateTimeInserted KeyID colModel name ROWID width 1 hidden true key false sorttype 'int' editrules..
How to fire loadComplete after new row is added in jqgrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761222/how-to-fire-loadcomplete-after-new-row-is-added-in-jqgrid rows mygrid.rows cRows rows.length myLink function e var td e.target .closest 'td' text td.text tr td.closest 'tr' rowid tr 0 .id goToViewAllPage rowid for iRow 0 iRow cRows iRow 1 row rows iRow row.id is the rowid trClasses row.className.split.. myLink function e var td e.target .closest 'td' text td.text tr td.closest 'tr' rowid tr 0 .id goToViewAllPage rowid for iRow 0 iRow cRows iRow 1 row rows iRow row.id is the rowid trClasses row.className.split ' ' if .inArray 'jqgrow'.. tr td.closest 'tr' rowid tr 0 .id goToViewAllPage rowid for iRow 0 iRow cRows iRow 1 row rows iRow row.id is the rowid trClasses row.className.split ' ' if .inArray 'jqgrow' trClasses 0 the row is a standard row only if subGrid true are used..
jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4469650/jqgrid-incorrect-select-drop-down-option-values-in-edit-box grid.restoreRow lastSel lastSel id resetStatesValues grid.editRow id true null null 'clientArray' null function rowid response aftersavefunc grid.setColProp 'State' editoptions value states return editurl 'clientArray' sortname 'Name'.. row.attr 'id' _state .html newOptions editGridRowOptions recreateForm true onclickPgButtons function whichButton form rowid var row '#' .jgrid.jqID rowid countryId if whichButton 'next' row row.next else if whichButton 'prev' row row.prev .. editGridRowOptions recreateForm true onclickPgButtons function whichButton form rowid var row '#' .jgrid.jqID rowid countryId if whichButton 'next' row row.next else if whichButton 'prev' row row.prev if row.length 0 countryId grid.jqGrid..
is there an api in jqgrid to add advanced filters to post data? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5272850/is-there-an-api-in-jqgrid-to-add-advanced-filters-to-post-data code i tried this but it doesn't seem to work .jqGrid setGridParam editurl Project UpdateMe ondblClickRow function rowid editProject rowid window.location.href Project Detail rowid var grid #grid var f groupOp AND rules f.rules.push field.. but it doesn't seem to work .jqGrid setGridParam editurl Project UpdateMe ondblClickRow function rowid editProject rowid window.location.href Project Detail rowid var grid #grid var f groupOp AND rules f.rules.push field Name op cn data volat.. editurl Project UpdateMe ondblClickRow function rowid editProject rowid window.location.href Project Detail rowid var grid #grid var f groupOp AND rules f.rules.push field Name op cn data volat grid.p.search f.rules.length 0 .extend..
Browser Memory Usage Comparison: inline onClick vs. using JQuery .bind() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5303471/browser-memory-usage-comparison-inline-onclick-vs-using-jquery-bind the code above I do use custom formatter of jqGrid but without any event binding. The code of beforeSelectRow function rowid e var iCol .jgrid.getCellIndex e.target if iCol firstButtonColumnIndex alert rowid rowid nButton name buttonNames iCol .. code of beforeSelectRow function rowid e var iCol .jgrid.getCellIndex e.target if iCol firstButtonColumnIndex alert rowid rowid nButton name buttonNames iCol prevent row selection if one click on the button return iCol firstButtonColumnIndex.. of beforeSelectRow function rowid e var iCol .jgrid.getCellIndex e.target if iCol firstButtonColumnIndex alert rowid rowid nButton name buttonNames iCol prevent row selection if one click on the button return iCol firstButtonColumnIndex false..
JQuery Grid-SubGrid for Parent-Child relation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14194754/jquery-grid-subgrid-for-parent-child-relation i if item.actionSet subgrids item.id item.actionSet data.userdata subgrids subGridRowExpanded function subgridDivId rowId var subgrid table id ' subgridDivId _t' table pureRowId .jgrid.stripPref mainGridPrefix rowId subgrids this .jqGrid getGridParam.. function subgridDivId rowId var subgrid table id ' subgridDivId _t' table pureRowId .jgrid.stripPref mainGridPrefix rowId subgrids this .jqGrid getGridParam userData subgrid.appendTo # .jgrid.jqID subgridDivId subgrid.jqGrid datatype local data.. 100 rowNum 10000 autoencode true autowidth true jsonReader repeatitems false id actionID gridview true idPrefix rowId _ UPDATED The JSON data used in the demo one can see below. I added id property which is required for jqGrid. I used actionID..
jqgrid showLink http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4390999/jqgrid-showlink answer for details . It will produce the a link with href javascript MyBase.GetAndShowUserData jQuery '#userlist' ' id rowId' where rowId will be the id of the corresponding grid row. Inside of your custom global function MyBase.GetAndShowUserData.. . It will produce the a link with href javascript MyBase.GetAndShowUserData jQuery '#userlist' ' id rowId' where rowId will be the id of the corresponding grid row. Inside of your custom global function MyBase.GetAndShowUserData you should..
jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4469650/jqgrid-incorrect-select-drop-down-option-values-in-edit-box To do so one have to understand that the select HTML element has id constructed from row id '_' and the column name rowId _State . Moreover it is important that the the value of the editoptions must be reset to the initial value so that any state.. select#State.FormElement form 0 .html newOptions else inline editing var row e.target .closest 'tr.jqgrow' var rowId row.attr 'id' select# rowId _State row 0 .html newOptions name 'State' width 100 editable true formatter 'select'.. 0 .html newOptions else inline editing var row e.target .closest 'tr.jqgrow' var rowId row.attr 'id' select# rowId _State row 0 .html newOptions name 'State' width 100 editable true formatter 'select' edittype 'select' editoptions..
How to merge cells in jqGrid 4.0 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5625325/how-to-merge-cells-in-jqgrid-4-0 using the cellattr option in the column model with something like this colModel name a width 50 cellattr function rowId tv rawObject cm rdata if rowId 5 return 'sytle border right 0px ' name b width 50 cellattr function rowId tv rawObject.. the column model with something like this colModel name a width 50 cellattr function rowId tv rawObject cm rdata if rowId 5 return 'sytle border right 0px ' name b width 50 cellattr function rowId tv rawObject cm rdata if rowId 5 return 'sytle.. function rowId tv rawObject cm rdata if rowId 5 return 'sytle border right 0px ' name b width 50 cellattr function rowId tv rawObject cm rdata if rowId 5 return 'sytle border left 0px ' This just removes the border for the cells that I want..
jqgrid load large data set without pagination http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5664587/jqgrid-load-large-data-set-without-pagination rows page page total total records records repeatitems false cell cell id id loadComplete function data var rowId alert data.length alert 'load complete' data.rows.length set checkboxes false if mode is set to true if mode for var.. complete' data.rows.length set checkboxes false if mode is set to true if mode for var i 0 i data.rows.length i rowId data.rows i .id disableRow rowId var searchVal #gs_amount .val .trim if searchVal data.rows i .amount jQuery #testgrid.. checkboxes false if mode is set to true if mode for var i 0 i data.rows.length i rowId data.rows i .id disableRow rowId var searchVal #gs_amount .val .trim if searchVal data.rows i .amount jQuery #testgrid .jqGrid 'setSelection' rowId heighlightSearch..
jqGrid custom format fails on addClass http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6048378/jqgrid-custom-format-fails-on-addclass in your case style and so on the new cellattr option is what you need. In you case you can define cellattr function rowId cellValue rawObject cm rdata if cellValue 0 return ' class Fail ' See a small demo here In the demo I added calsses ui..
is it possible to have html inside of a jqgrid treegrid cell http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6507186/is-it-possible-to-have-html-inside-of-a-jqgrid-treegrid-cell true key true name 'desc' width 180 sortable false name 'num' width 80 sortable false align 'center' cellattr function rowId tv rawObject cm rdata return Number tv 100 'style background color LightGreen ' 'style background color Tomato ' treeGridModel..
Can jqGrid hover text be defined with AddRowData? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7405248/can-jqgrid-hover-text-be-defined-with-addrowdata cell value you can better use cellattr . For example you can use name 'name' index 'name' width 70 cellattr function rowId val rawObject cm rdata return 'title ' rawObject.name ' ' rawObject.note ' ' See the demo here which display the following..
DatePicker options “changemonth” and “changeyear” not working in jqGrid's edit form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12270509/datepicker-options-changemonth-and-changeyear-not-working-in-jqgrids-edit-f the div calendar on the body and its out the modal div . Comment the modal true so fixed it. grid.jqGrid 'editGridRow' rowID addCaption Agregar Proyecto topinfo Introduzca los nuevos datos del proyecto. viewPagerButtons false modal true jqModal..
jqGrid inline edit: how to save again if post returns error [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6217630/jqgrid-inline-edit-how-to-save-again-if-post-returns-error asc editurl ' Grid Edit' #grid .jqGrid 'bindKeys' onEnter function rowid doeditRow rowid function doeditRow rowID var grid2 #grid if rowID rowID lastSelectedRow grid2.jqGrid 'restoreRow' lastSelectedRow lastSelectedRow rowID invokeEditRow.. #grid .jqGrid 'bindKeys' onEnter function rowid doeditRow rowid function doeditRow rowID var grid2 #grid if rowID rowID lastSelectedRow grid2.jqGrid 'restoreRow' lastSelectedRow lastSelectedRow rowID invokeEditRow function errorfunc.. .jqGrid 'bindKeys' onEnter function rowid doeditRow rowid function doeditRow rowID var grid2 #grid if rowID rowID lastSelectedRow grid2.jqGrid 'restoreRow' lastSelectedRow lastSelectedRow rowID invokeEditRow function errorfunc rowID..
Passing parameter to WebMethod with jQuery Ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/736058/passing-parameter-to-webmethod-with-jquery-ajax ByVal ID As String As String 'Dim objParam As IDictionary CType JsonConvert.DeserializeObject ID IDictionary 'Dim rowID As String objParam ID Dim objController As New HealthComp.BLL.X12Partners.TradingPartnersController Dim objInfo As TradingPartnersInfo..
jqGrid, ASP.NET, JSON is Driving me crazy. Please Help http://stackoverflow.com/questions/723801/jqgrid-asp-net-json-is-driving-me-crazy-please-help as of right now I am getting an error from Firebug that says invalid property id total 1 page 1 records 5 ROWID 1 ...rName BCC SubmitterID BCC4010 Su ANY HELP WOULD BE SO GREATLY APPRECIATED I Want to use this plug in so much but I.. success function data alert 'success ' data error function xhr var res xhr.responseText alert res colNames ROWID ID PartnerID Direction InterchangeVersion InterchangeSenderID InterchangeReceiverID ProductionMode SubmitterName.. PartnerType PartnerNotes IncomingSP OutgoingSP ExchangeAck isDeleted DateTimeInserted KeyID colModel name ROWID width 1 hidden true key false sorttype 'int' editrules searchhidden false hidedlg true index 'ROWID' jsonmap 'ROWID'..