jquery Programming Glossary: rx
$(xml).find('someElement') : pulling values with jquery from xml with Namespaces http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10181087/xml-findsomeelement-pulling-values-with-jquery-from-xml-with-namespace 04 netduplex netdx Address http docs.oasis open.org ws rx wsmc 200702 anonymous id 4ed8a7ee b124 e03e abf0 a294e99cff73..
Multiple pictures and prewievs in Jcrop. How to pass many id's to javascript function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3583831/multiple-pictures-and-prewievs-in-jcrop-how-to-pass-many-ids-to-javascript-fun function showPreview coords if parseInt coords.w 0 var rx 100 coords.w var ry 100 coords.h jQuery '#preview' .css width.. ry 100 coords.h jQuery '#preview' .css width Math.round rx 500 'px' height Math.round ry 370 'px' marginLeft ' ' Math.round.. height Math.round ry 370 'px' marginLeft ' ' Math.round rx coords.x 'px' marginTop ' ' Math.round ry coords.y 'px' ..
How to hide email in this jquery form and send blind or carbon copy to another owner? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9233922/how-to-hide-email-in-this-jquery-form-and-send-blind-or-carbon-copy-to-another-o 'a data type reset a data type submit ' validate true rx .name rx ^ a zA Z' a zA Z ' a zA Z' target 'input' .state.. type reset a data type submit ' validate true rx .name rx ^ a zA Z' a zA Z ' a zA Z' target 'input' .state rx ^ a zA.. .name rx ^ a zA Z' a zA Z ' a zA Z' target 'input' .state rx ^ a zA Z' a zA Z ' a zA Z' target 'input' .email rx ^ w s w..
Difference in JSON objects using Javascript/JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1200562/difference-in-json-objects-using-javascript-jquery values. It looks like this var data eth0 Tx 4136675 Rx 13232319 eth1 Tx 4 Rx 0 lo Tx 471290 Rx 471290 var old eth0.. like this var data eth0 Tx 4136675 Rx 13232319 eth1 Tx 4 Rx 0 lo Tx 471290 Rx 471290 var old eth0 Tx 4136575 Rx 13232219.. eth0 Tx 4136675 Rx 13232319 eth1 Tx 4 Rx 0 lo Tx 471290 Rx 471290 var old eth0 Tx 4136575 Rx 13232219 eth1 Tx 4 Rx 0 lo..
$(xml).find('someElement') : pulling values with jquery from xml with Namespaces http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10181087/xml-findsomeelement-pulling-values-with-jquery-from-xml-with-namespace Action netdx Duplex xmlns netdx http schemas.microsoft.com 2008 04 netduplex netdx Address http docs.oasis open.org ws rx wsmc 200702 anonymous id 4ed8a7ee b124 e03e abf0 a294e99cff73 netdx Address netdx SessionId 177b4f47 5664 d96c 7ffa 0a8d879b67dd..
Multiple pictures and prewievs in Jcrop. How to pass many id's to javascript function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3583831/multiple-pictures-and-prewievs-in-jcrop-how-to-pass-many-ids-to-javascript-fun onSelect event handlers as per the Jcrop invocation above function showPreview coords if parseInt coords.w 0 var rx 100 coords.w var ry 100 coords.h jQuery '#preview' .css width Math.round rx 500 'px' height Math.round ry 370 'px' .. coords if parseInt coords.w 0 var rx 100 coords.w var ry 100 coords.h jQuery '#preview' .css width Math.round rx 500 'px' height Math.round ry 370 'px' marginLeft ' ' Math.round rx coords.x 'px' marginTop ' ' Math.round ry coords.y.. jQuery '#preview' .css width Math.round rx 500 'px' height Math.round ry 370 'px' marginLeft ' ' Math.round rx coords.x 'px' marginTop ' ' Math.round ry coords.y 'px' Working example with one picture is here link text What I want..
How to hide email in this jquery form and send blind or carbon copy to another owner? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9233922/how-to-hide-email-in-this-jquery-form-and-send-blind-or-carbon-copy-to-another-o smtpMailServer 'localhost' targets 'input textarea' controls 'a data type reset a data type submit ' validate true rx .name rx ^ a zA Z' a zA Z ' a zA Z' target 'input' .state rx ^ a zA Z' a zA Z ' a zA Z' target 'input' .email rx ^ w.. 'localhost' targets 'input textarea' controls 'a data type reset a data type submit ' validate true rx .name rx ^ a zA Z' a zA Z ' a zA Z' target 'input' .state rx ^ a zA Z' a zA Z ' a zA Z' target 'input' .email rx ^ w s w . w w.. 'a data type reset a data type submit ' validate true rx .name rx ^ a zA Z' a zA Z ' a zA Z' target 'input' .state rx ^ a zA Z' a zA Z ' a zA Z' target 'input' .email rx ^ w s w . w w s w . w @ w . w w 0 66 . a z 2 6 . a z 2 @ 25 0 5 . 2..
Difference in JSON objects using Javascript/JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1200562/difference-in-json-objects-using-javascript-jquery two JSON objects in Javascript identical except for the numerical values. It looks like this var data eth0 Tx 4136675 Rx 13232319 eth1 Tx 4 Rx 0 lo Tx 471290 Rx 471290 var old eth0 Tx 4136575 Rx 13232219 eth1 Tx 4 Rx 0 lo Tx 471290 Rx 471290.. identical except for the numerical values. It looks like this var data eth0 Tx 4136675 Rx 13232319 eth1 Tx 4 Rx 0 lo Tx 471290 Rx 471290 var old eth0 Tx 4136575 Rx 13232219 eth1 Tx 4 Rx 0 lo Tx 471290 Rx 471290 One object called data.. except for the numerical values. It looks like this var data eth0 Tx 4136675 Rx 13232319 eth1 Tx 4 Rx 0 lo Tx 471290 Rx 471290 var old eth0 Tx 4136575 Rx 13232219 eth1 Tx 4 Rx 0 lo Tx 471290 Rx 471290 One object called data has the current..