jquery Programming Glossary: rownum
Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12281463/local-form-editing-demo-and-jqgrid-4-4-1 width 60 sortable false editable true edittype 'textarea' rowNum 10 rowList 5 10 20 pager '#pager' gridview true rownumbers true..
How to fire loadComplete after new row is added in jqgrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761222/how-to-fire-loadcomplete-after-new-row-is-added-in-jqgrid width 10 align left hidden true pager '#gridpager' rowNum 10 rowList 10 50 100 scrollOffset 0 height 'auto' emptyrecords.. .sortGrid 'updateDate' true 'desc' #list1 .setGridParam rowNum 10 Update Server Response list Response cfgId 1223 cfgId cfgName..
JQuery Grid-SubGrid for Parent-Child relation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14194754/jquery-grid-subgrid-for-parent-child-relation true editrules required true editoptions size 10 postData rowNum 20 rowList 20 40 60 height 200 autowidth true rownumbers true.. editable true editrules required true editoptions size 10 rowNum 20 rowList 20 40 60 pager #pager gridview true caption Contacts.. date name actionNote sortname actionDueDate height 100 rowNum 10000 autoencode true autowidth true jsonReader repeatitems..
jqGrid and dynamic column binding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2277962/jqgrid-and-dynamic-column-binding colD colNames colN colModel colM pager jQuery '#pager' rowNum 5 rowList 5 10 20 50 viewrecords true error function x e..
jquery with ASP.NET MVC - calling ajax enabled web service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2835957/jquery-with-asp-net-mvc-calling-ajax-enabled-web-service editoptions readonly true size 10 pager jQuery '#pager' rowNum 5 rowList 5 10 20 sortname 'id' sortorder desc height '100.. width 55 hidden true pager jQuery '#pager' pginput false rowNum 0 height '100 ' viewrecords true rownumbers true caption 'Movies.. example I choosed there because 1 I like there and 2 I set rowNum 0 to make possible the options rownumbers true works correct..
jqGrid paging question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3807623/jqgrid-paging-question has 17 rows but it's trying to show a full 15 rows the rowNum setting on the second page when it should only be showing two..
jqGrid does not populate with data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3912008/jqgrid-does-not-populate-with-data userdata UserData id StationId loadui block mtype 'GET' rowNum 10 rowList 10 20 30 viewrecords true colNames 'Station ID' 'Station.. jsonReader repeatitems false loadui block mtype 'GET' rowNum 5 rowList 5 10 20 30 viewrecords true colNames 'Station ID'..
jqgrid add row and send data to webservice for insert http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3917102/jqgrid-add-row-and-send-data-to-webservice-for-insert true caption 'MyFitnessApplication' pager '#pager' rowNum 10 rowList 10 20 30 sortorder desc viewrecords true height '250px'..
jqGrid access cell data while it is being edited http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5121350/jqgrid-access-cell-data-while-it-is-being-edited false name 'note' index 'note' width 100 sortable false rowNum 1000 pager '#pager' viewrecords true sortorder desc caption..
is it possible to have html inside of a jqgrid treegrid cell http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6507186/is-it-possible-to-have-html-inside-of-a-jqgrid-treegrid-cell the tree grid don't support data paging so you should set rowNum parameter to the large enough value like 10000. I recommend.. color Tomato ' treeGridModel 'adjacency' height 'auto' rowNum 10000 treeGrid true ExpandColumn 'desc' caption TreeGrid Test..
Sorting of jqGrid (v4.1.2) treegrid not working with Ajacency Model http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7330572/sorting-of-jqgrid-v4-1-2-treegrid-not-working-with-ajacency-model formatoptions disabled false height 'auto' gridview true rowNum 10000 sortname 'id' treeGrid true treeGridModel 'adjacency'..
Local form editing demo and jqGrid 4.4.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12281463/local-form-editing-demo-and-jqgrid-4-4-1 ' All FE FedEx TN TNT IN Intim' name 'note' index 'note' width 60 sortable false editable true edittype 'textarea' rowNum 10 rowList 5 10 20 pager '#pager' gridview true rownumbers true autoencode true ignoreCase true sortname 'invdate' viewrecords..
How to fire loadComplete after new row is added in jqgrid? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13761222/how-to-fire-loadcomplete-after-new-row-is-added-in-jqgrid width 10 align left hidden true name 'converted' index 'converted' width 10 align left hidden true pager '#gridpager' rowNum 10 rowList 10 50 100 scrollOffset 0 height 'auto' emptyrecords 'No configurations loaded' autowidth true viewrecords true.. grid.parent #list1 .trigger reloadGrid #list1 .sortGrid 'updateDate' true 'desc' #list1 .setGridParam rowNum 10 Update Server Response list Response cfgId 1223 cfgId cfgName ld cfgName cfgDesc fhdf cfgDesc cfgType Production cfgType..
JQuery Grid-SubGrid for Parent-Child relation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14194754/jquery-grid-subgrid-for-parent-child-relation 10 name 'familyName' index 'familyName' width 100 editable true editrules required true editoptions size 10 postData rowNum 20 rowList 20 40 60 height 200 autowidth true rownumbers true pager '#pager' sortname 'id' viewrecords true sortorder asc.. name givenName name familyName cmTemplate width 100 editable true editrules required true editoptions size 10 rowNum 20 rowList 20 40 60 pager #pager gridview true caption Contacts rownumbers true autoencode true height 100 idPrefix mainGridPrefix.. Note colModel name actionDueDate formatter date sorttype date name actionNote sortname actionDueDate height 100 rowNum 10000 autoencode true autowidth true jsonReader repeatitems false id actionID gridview true idPrefix rowId _ UPDATED The..
jqGrid and dynamic column binding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2277962/jqgrid-and-dynamic-column-binding Getdata' datatype 'jsonstring' mtype 'POST' datastr colD colNames colN colModel colM pager jQuery '#pager' rowNum 5 rowList 5 10 20 50 viewrecords true error function x e alert x.readyState x.status e.msg setTimeout function #list..
jquery with ASP.NET MVC - calling ajax enabled web service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2835957/jquery-with-asp-net-mvc-calling-ajax-enabled-web-service index 'ImageURL' width 55 hidden true editable false editoptions readonly true size 10 pager jQuery '#pager' rowNum 5 rowList 5 10 20 sortname 'id' sortorder desc height '100 ' width '100 ' viewrecords true imgpath ' Content jqGridCss.. width 100 align 'right' name 'Plot' width 150 name 'ImageURL' width 55 hidden true pager jQuery '#pager' pginput false rowNum 0 height '100 ' viewrecords true rownumbers true caption 'Movies from 2008' .jqGrid 'navGrid' '#pager' add false edit false.. sortable and headertitles are not very important in this example I choosed there because 1 I like there and 2 I set rowNum 0 to make possible the options rownumbers true works correct and not show us negative row numbers started with 5 if rowNum..
jqGrid paging question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3807623/jqgrid-paging-question 17. This seems to be a bug is there a workaround The grid still has 17 rows but it's trying to show a full 15 rows the rowNum setting on the second page when it should only be showing two rows 16 17 . And the nav pagination text is incorrect referring..
jqGrid does not populate with data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3912008/jqgrid-does-not-populate-with-data Rows page Page total Total records Records repeatitems false userdata UserData id StationId loadui block mtype 'GET' rowNum 10 rowList 10 20 30 viewrecords true colNames 'Station ID' 'Station Name' 'Timestamp' 'Max Temp' 'Min Temp' 'Precipitation'.. datatype 'json' url 'WeatherDataService.svc GetWeatherData' jsonReader repeatitems false loadui block mtype 'GET' rowNum 5 rowList 5 10 20 30 viewrecords true colNames 'Station ID' 'Station Name' 'Timestamp' 'Max Temp' 'Min Temp' 'Precipitation'..
jqgrid add row and send data to webservice for insert http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3917102/jqgrid-add-row-and-send-data-to-webservice-for-insert false name 'exercise_value' index 'exercise_value' editable true caption 'MyFitnessApplication' pager '#pager' rowNum 10 rowList 10 20 30 sortorder desc viewrecords true height '250px' loadonce true editurl .. webService exercise_ws.asmx..
jqGrid access cell data while it is being edited http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5121350/jqgrid-access-cell-data-while-it-is-being-edited true width 60 formatter 'number' align 'right' sortable false name 'note' index 'note' width 100 sortable false rowNum 1000 pager '#pager' viewrecords true sortorder desc caption afterSaveCell Issue height 100 cellEdit true gridComplete function..
is it possible to have html inside of a jqgrid treegrid cell http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6507186/is-it-possible-to-have-html-inside-of-a-jqgrid-treegrid-cell at the small demo It is only important to understand that the tree grid don't support data paging so you should set rowNum parameter to the large enough value like 10000. I recommend you to examine the tree grid contain. You will see hidden columns.. 100 'style background color LightGreen ' 'style background color Tomato ' treeGridModel 'adjacency' height 'auto' rowNum 10000 treeGrid true ExpandColumn 'desc' caption TreeGrid Test where 'AdjacencyTreeWithHTML.json' total 1 page 1 records..
Sorting of jqGrid (v4.1.2) treegrid not working with Ajacency Model http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7330572/sorting-of-jqgrid-v4-1-2-treegrid-not-working-with-ajacency-model align 'center' formatter 'checkbox' editoptions value '1 0' formatoptions disabled false height 'auto' gridview true rowNum 10000 sortname 'id' treeGrid true treeGridModel 'adjacency' treedatatype local ExpandColumn 'name' caption Demonstrate how..