jquery Programming Glossary: rows
Why is gridview:true used for and what does it mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12513004/why-is-gridviewtrue-used-for-and-what-does-it-mean JavaScript and write his first program which run in web browser after they have some style of writing of programs. I had the.. 3 year before. It's important to understand what the web browser have to do after you make some changes on the HTML page ... or many other CSS settings you will understand that web browser can't just move the bitmap representation of the existing..
How to generate a simple popup using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1328723/how-to-generate-a-simple-popup-using-jquery email id email p p label for body Message label textarea rows 6 name body id body cols 35 textarea p p input type submit value..
Add table row in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/171027/add-table-row-in-jquery add to a table like this such as inputs selects number of rows javascript jquery table html table share improve this question.. after method as long as it's valid HTML including multiple rows as per the example above. Update Revisiting this answer following.. true but only if there is at least one row. If you have no rows there will be no tbody unless you have specified one yourself...
Difference between jQuery `click`, `bind`, `live`, `delegate`, `trigger` and `on` functions (with an example)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2954932/difference-between-jquery-click-bind-live-delegate-trigger-and-on use these when your elements may change e.g. adding new rows list items etc. If you don't have a parent common ancestor that..
jqGrid paging question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3807623/jqgrid-paging-question to be a bug is there a workaround The grid still has 17 rows but it's trying to show a full 15 rows the rowNum setting on.. grid still has 17 rows but it's trying to show a full 15 rows the rowNum setting on the second page when it should only be.. on the second page when it should only be showing two rows 16 17 . And the nav pagination text is incorrect referring to..
jQuery - How to Use slideDown (or show) function on a table row? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/467336/jquery-how-to-use-slidedown-or-show-function-on-a-table-row this question Animations are not supported on table rows. From Learning jQuery by Chaffer and Swedberg Table rows present.. rows. From Learning jQuery by Chaffer and Swedberg Table rows present particular obstacles to animation since browsers use.. rows present particular obstacles to animation since browsers use different values table row and block for their visible..
Linking from a column value in jqGrid to a new page using GET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5010761/linking-from-a-column-value-in-jqgrid-to-a-new-page-using-get IE. In addition to this when displaying a large number of rows in the jqGrid it takes a extremely long time to load say 5 seconds.. takes a extremely long time to load say 5 seconds for 500 rows. I'm going to keep working on this but is this something that.. demo . To show the performance of the method on 1000 rows I created one more demo . One can see that the new method works..
jqgrid server side error message/validation handling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6960208/jqgrid-server-side-error-message-validation-handling the client. The loading data in the grid editing of the rows and all Ajax communication with the server are implemented with..
Large dynamically sized html table with a fixed scroll row and fixed scroll column http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10838700/large-dynamically-sized-html-table-with-a-fixed-scroll-row-and-fixed-scroll-colu improve this question Edit 5 Added configurable fixed Rows and Columns. Fixed column width and height issues Reduced usage.. Usage '#cTable' .cTable width 1300 height 500 fCols 2 fRows 2 DEMO http jsfiddle.net rCuPf 7 embedded result updated demo.. creating sub tables var row1 this.find 'tr' .slice 0 o.fRows .clone var r1c1ColSpan 0 for var i 0 i o.fCols i r1c1ColSpan..
Freezing column in jqgrid is not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12067945/freezing-column-in-jqgrid-is-not-working 'Delivery' 'Result' 'Feedback' 'Total' 'Data' 'Views' 'Rows' 'Columns' 'Table' colModel name 'id' index 'id' width 90.. index 'Views' width 90 sorttype int editable true name 'Rows' index 'Rows' width 90 sorttype int editable true name 'Columns'.. width 90 sorttype int editable true name 'Rows' index 'Rows' width 90 sorttype int editable true name 'Columns' index 'Columns'..
jqgrid : drag and drop multiple rows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3235828/jqgrid-drag-and-drop-multiple-rows the corresponding feature in jqGrid Moreover both Sortable Rows amd Drag and Drop Rows features of jqGrid are currently not.. in jqGrid Moreover both Sortable Rows amd Drag and Drop Rows features of jqGrid are currently not supported if multiselect..
jqGrid does not populate with data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3912008/jqgrid-does-not-populate-with-data 'WeatherDataService.svc GetWeatherData' jsonReader root Rows page Page total Total records Records repeatitems false userdata.. from the web service Total 14975 Page 1 Records 149746 Rows StationId 50130 StationName ALAMOSA WSO AP Timestamp Date.. Order 3 Name rows public IEnumerable WeatherData Rows get set DataContract public class WeatherData DataMember Order..
$(“#dialog”).parent().appendTo($(“form:first”)); http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4157342/dialog-parent-appendtoformfirst ID txtNote runat server CssClass notetext Width 740px Rows 6 TextMode MultiLine BorderColor #CCCCCC BorderStyle Solid..
parsing out ajax json results http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5426974/parsing-out-ajax-json-results .length Data Returned is this. d Columns UserID Name Email Rows U99999 Lees Smith someemail1@canfor.com U99999 Lees Mark someemail1@canforpulp.com..
Extending Clone Table Rows functionality - changing row ID http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6985899/extending-clone-table-rows-functionality-changing-row-id Clone Table Rows functionality changing row ID I have this fiddle at http jsfiddle.net..
How do I get jqGrid to work using ASP.NET + JSON on the backend? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/727502/how-do-i-get-jqgrid-to-work-using-asp-net-json-on-the-backend total 1 page 1 records 5 rows 5 Page 1 Records 5 Total 1 Rows Object ID 1 PartnerID BCN Object ID 2 PartnerID BCN Object ID.. new JQGrid int i 1 foreach DataRow dataRow in ds.Tables 0 .Rows JQGrid.Row row new JQGrid.Row row.id Convert.ToInt32 dataRow..
How can i get jqgrid frozen columns to work with word wrap on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8686616/how-can-i-get-jqgrid-frozen-columns-to-work-with-word-wrap-on themes steel images rowNum 20 rowList 10 20 50 999 altRows true altclass altRow jsonReader root Rows page Page total Total.. 10 20 50 999 altRows true altclass altRow jsonReader root Rows page Page total Total records Records repeatitems false id Id..
How to initialize a jqGrid with the proper events for row re-ordering (Sortable) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9039780/how-to-initialize-a-jqgrid-with-the-proper-events-for-row-re-ordering-sortable a Sortable drag and drop operation New in 3.6 Sortable Rows as I need to persist this information back to storage. I've.. multipleSearch true showQuery false .jqGrid 'sortableRows' .jqGrid 'gridDnD' EDIT1 The table generated from jqGrid IS.. rows you can do the following favoriteGrid.jqGrid 'sortableRows' update function ev ui alert The row with the id ui.item 0 .id..
jQuery :FadeOut not working with table Rows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/944110/jquery-fadeout-not-working-with-table-rows FadeOut not working with table Rows I have the following HTML table is rendered to my browser.I..
Custom Resizable Handles in JQuery UI http://stackoverflow.com/questions/958419/custom-resizable-handles-in-jquery-ui runat server ID codeTextBox TextMode MultiLine Wrap false Rows 15 asp TextBox div class resizable s style width 100 height..
Why is gridview:true used for and what does it mean? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12513004/why-is-gridviewtrue-used-for-and-what-does-it-mean . Many people start with some other computer languages as JavaScript and write his first program which run in web browser after they have some style of writing of programs. I had the same problem 3 year before. It's important to understand.. some style of writing of programs. I had the same problem 3 year before. It's important to understand what the web browser have to do after you make some changes on the HTML page . In usage of usage of jQuery it's the thing what you permanently.. If you think about floating model like with float left or many other CSS settings you will understand that web browser can't just move the bitmap representation of the existing page and insert the new inserted element. So the web browser..
How to generate a simple popup using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1328723/how-to-generate-a-simple-popup-using-jquery email Your email or name label input type text size 30 name email id email p p label for body Message label textarea rows 6 name body id body cols 35 textarea p p input type submit value Send Message name commit id message_submit or a class close..
Add table row in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/171027/add-table-row-in-jquery td more data td tr ' Are there limitations to what you can add to a table like this such as inputs selects number of rows javascript jquery table html table share improve this question The approach you suggest is not guaranteed to give you.. ' tr ... tr tr ... tr ' You can include anything within the after method as long as it's valid HTML including multiple rows as per the example above. Update Revisiting this answer following recent activity with this question. eyelidlessness makes.. that there will always be a tbody in the DOM this is true but only if there is at least one row. If you have no rows there will be no tbody unless you have specified one yourself. DaRKoN_ suggests appending to the tbody rather than adding..
Difference between jQuery `click`, `bind`, `live`, `delegate`, `trigger` and `on` functions (with an example)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2954932/difference-between-jquery-click-bind-live-delegate-trigger-and-on for new and old elements they bubble events the same way. You use these when your elements may change e.g. adding new rows list items etc. If you don't have a parent common ancestor that will stay in the page and not be replaced at any point use..
jqGrid paging question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3807623/jqgrid-paging-question is showing that the grid is displaying 16 30 of 17. This seems to be a bug is there a workaround The grid still has 17 rows but it's trying to show a full 15 rows the rowNum setting on the second page when it should only be showing two rows 16.. 16 30 of 17. This seems to be a bug is there a workaround The grid still has 17 rows but it's trying to show a full 15 rows the rowNum setting on the second page when it should only be showing two rows 16 17 . And the nav pagination text is incorrect.. rows but it's trying to show a full 15 rows the rowNum setting on the second page when it should only be showing two rows 16 17 . And the nav pagination text is incorrect referring to 30 rows when there is only 17 . jquery jqgrid pagination..
jQuery - How to Use slideDown (or show) function on a table row? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/467336/jquery-how-to-use-slidedown-or-show-function-on-a-table-row jquery table animation html table slidedown share improve this question Animations are not supported on table rows. From Learning jQuery by Chaffer and Swedberg Table rows present particular obstacles to animation since browsers use different.. improve this question Animations are not supported on table rows. From Learning jQuery by Chaffer and Swedberg Table rows present particular obstacles to animation since browsers use different values table row and block for their visible display.. table rows. From Learning jQuery by Chaffer and Swedberg Table rows present particular obstacles to animation since browsers use different values table row and block for their visible display property. The .hide and .show methods without animation..
Linking from a column value in jqGrid to a new page using GET http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5010761/linking-from-a-column-value-in-jqgrid-to-a-new-page-using-get id text e.preventDefault But this is not compatible with IE. In addition to this when displaying a large number of rows in the jqGrid it takes a extremely long time to load say 5 seconds for 500 rows. I'm going to keep working on this but is.. this when displaying a large number of rows in the jqGrid it takes a extremely long time to load say 5 seconds for 500 rows. I'm going to keep working on this but is this something that anyone else has done jquery json hyperlink jqgrid share.. the improved version of the demo works exactly as the original demo . To show the performance of the method on 1000 rows I created one more demo . One can see that the new method works quickly. Now back to your main problem. The best performance..
jqgrid server side error message/validation handling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6960208/jqgrid-server-side-error-message-validation-handling HTTP protocol used for communication between the server and the client. The loading data in the grid editing of the rows and all Ajax communication with the server are implemented with respect of HTTP protocol. Every HTTP response has the status..
Large dynamically sized html table with a fixed scroll row and fixed scroll column http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10838700/large-dynamically-sized-html-table-with-a-fixed-scroll-row-and-fixed-scroll-colu form BODY HTML javascript jquery html css html table share improve this question Edit 5 Added configurable fixed Rows and Columns. Fixed column width and height issues Reduced usage of complex selectors Usage '#cTable' .cTable width 1300.. width and height issues Reduced usage of complex selectors Usage '#cTable' .cTable width 1300 height 500 fCols 2 fRows 2 DEMO http jsfiddle.net rCuPf 7 embedded result updated demo Edit 4 Updated for colSpan on column 1. Demo http jsfiddle.net.. 0 align center width 95 table ' get row 1 and clone it for creating sub tables var row1 this.find 'tr' .slice 0 o.fRows .clone var r1c1ColSpan 0 for var i 0 i o.fCols i r1c1ColSpan this 0 .rows 0 .cells i .colSpan create table with just..
Freezing column in jqgrid is not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12067945/freezing-column-in-jqgrid-is-not-working 'ID Number' 'Name' 'Stock' 'department' 'Notes' 'Service' 'Delivery' 'Result' 'Feedback' 'Total' 'Data' 'Views' 'Rows' 'Columns' 'Table' colModel name 'id' index 'id' width 90 sorttype int editable true frozen true name 'name' index 'name'.. 'Data' width 90 sorttype int editable true name 'Views' index 'Views' width 90 sorttype int editable true name 'Rows' index 'Rows' width 90 sorttype int editable true name 'Columns' index 'Columns' width 90 sorttype int editable true name.. 90 sorttype int editable true name 'Views' index 'Views' width 90 sorttype int editable true name 'Rows' index 'Rows' width 90 sorttype int editable true name 'Columns' index 'Columns' width 90 sorttype int editable true name 'Table' index..
jqgrid : drag and drop multiple rows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3235828/jqgrid-drag-and-drop-multiple-rows UI see http jqueryui.com demos sortable which are bais for the corresponding feature in jqGrid Moreover both Sortable Rows amd Drag and Drop Rows features of jqGrid are currently not supported if multiselect is set to true . share improve this..
jqGrid does not populate with data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3912008/jqgrid-does-not-populate-with-data '' '#waitIndicator' .hide #list .jqGrid datatype 'json' url 'WeatherDataService.svc GetWeatherData' jsonReader root Rows page Page total Total records Records repeatitems false userdata UserData id StationId loadui block mtype 'GET' rowNum.. ' errorThrown ' errorThrown Here is the JSON data from the web service Total 14975 Page 1 Records 149746 Rows StationId 50130 StationName ALAMOSA WSO AP Timestamp Date 725871600000 MaxTemperature null MinTemperature null Precipitation.. records public int Records get set total number of records DataMember Order 3 Name rows public IEnumerable WeatherData Rows get set DataContract public class WeatherData DataMember Order 0 public int StationId get set DataMember Order 1 public..
$(“#dialog”).parent().appendTo($(“form:first”)); http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4157342/dialog-parent-appendtoformfirst overflow auto height 310px width 780px fieldset br asp TextBox ID txtNote runat server CssClass notetext Width 740px Rows 6 TextMode MultiLine BorderColor #CCCCCC BorderStyle Solid BorderWidth 1px br nbsp div style width 743px asp Button..
parsing out ajax json results http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5426974/parsing-out-ajax-json-results populateTable function populateTable result alert result d .length Data Returned is this. d Columns UserID Name Email Rows U99999 Lees Smith someemail1@canfor.com U99999 Lees Mark someemail1@canforpulp.com 99999 Lees Bob someemail1@canforpulp.com..
Extending Clone Table Rows functionality - changing row ID http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6985899/extending-clone-table-rows-functionality-changing-row-id Clone Table Rows functionality changing row ID I have this fiddle at http jsfiddle.net radi8 EwQUW 33 Notice that the initial table is defined..
How do I get jqGrid to work using ASP.NET + JSON on the backend? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/727502/how-do-i-get-jqgrid-to-work-using-asp-net-json-on-the-backend is showing when I receive this message objGridData Object total 1 page 1 records 5 rows 5 Page 1 Records 5 Total 1 Rows Object ID 1 PartnerID BCN Object ID 2 PartnerID BCN Object ID 3 PartnerID BCN 2 more... 0 Object 1 Object 2 Object 3 Object.. throw new Exception Unable to retrieve data. JQGrid jqGrid new JQGrid int i 1 foreach DataRow dataRow in ds.Tables 0 .Rows JQGrid.Row row new JQGrid.Row row.id Convert.ToInt32 dataRow MyIdColumn row.cell.Add dataRow MyIdColumn .ToString row.cell.Add..
How can i get jqgrid frozen columns to work with word wrap on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8686616/how-can-i-get-jqgrid-frozen-columns-to-work-with-word-wrap-on model shrinkToFit false imgpath siteRoot Scripts jqGrid431 themes steel images rowNum 20 rowList 10 20 50 999 altRows true altclass altRow jsonReader root Rows page Page total Total records Records repeatitems false id Id search true postData.. Scripts jqGrid431 themes steel images rowNum 20 rowList 10 20 50 999 altRows true altclass altRow jsonReader root Rows page Page total Total records Records repeatitems false id Id search true postData myfilter filters JSON.stringify myfilter..
How to initialize a jqGrid with the proper events for row re-ordering (Sortable) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9039780/how-to-initialize-a-jqgrid-with-the-proper-events-for-row-re-ordering-sortable to be able to subscribe to the events that are raised during a Sortable drag and drop operation New in 3.6 Sortable Rows as I need to persist this information back to storage. I've tried onstop and onstart from http www.trirand.com jqgridwiki.. add false edit false del false search true refresh false multipleSearch true showQuery false .jqGrid 'sortableRows' .jqGrid 'gridDnD' EDIT1 The table generated from jqGrid IS sortable so I think it's a matter of using these jquery functions.. 0.8 see the next demo UPDATE To monitor the reordering of rows you can do the following favoriteGrid.jqGrid 'sortableRows' update function ev ui alert The row with the id ui.item 0 .id is moved. New row index is ui.item 0 .rowIndex see the..
jQuery :FadeOut not working with table Rows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/944110/jquery-fadeout-not-working-with-table-rows FadeOut not working with table Rows I have the following HTML table is rendered to my browser.I am creating this table from my ASP.NET codebehind file. table..
Custom Resizable Handles in JQuery UI http://stackoverflow.com/questions/958419/custom-resizable-handles-in-jquery-ui is my markup ASP.NET XHTML and JavaScript code asp TextBox runat server ID codeTextBox TextMode MultiLine Wrap false Rows 15 asp TextBox div class resizable s style width 100 height 22px background red div script type text javascript function..