jquery Programming Glossary: requestingdevice
What are available solutions of a browser / mobile phone detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15055277/what-are-available-solutions-of-a-browser-mobile-phone-detection if isset _GET 'ua' trim _GET 'ua' ua _GET 'ua' requestingDevice wurflManager getDeviceForUserAgent _GET 'ua' else ua _SERVER.. the visiting device by looking at its HTTP Request _SERVER requestingDevice wurflManager getDeviceForHttpRequest _SERVER html head title.. Agent b php echo htmlspecialchars ua b ul li ID php echo requestingDevice id li li Brand Name php echo requestingDevice getCapability..
What are available solutions of a browser / mobile phone detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15055277/what-are-available-solutions-of-a-browser-mobile-phone-detection '. inc wurfl_config_standard.php' wurflInfo wurflManager getWURFLInfo if isset _GET 'ua' trim _GET 'ua' ua _GET 'ua' requestingDevice wurflManager getDeviceForUserAgent _GET 'ua' else ua _SERVER 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' This line detects the visiting device by.. 'ua' else ua _SERVER 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' This line detects the visiting device by looking at its HTTP Request _SERVER requestingDevice wurflManager getDeviceForHttpRequest _SERVER html head title WURFL PHP API Example title head body h3 WURFL XML INFO h3.. php echo wurflInfo version h4 li ul div id content User Agent b php echo htmlspecialchars ua b ul li ID php echo requestingDevice id li li Brand Name php echo requestingDevice getCapability 'brand_name' li li Model Name php echo requestingDevice getCapability..