jquery Programming Glossary: res.writehead
Stream data with Node.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2558606/stream-data-with-node-js http require 'http' http.createServer function req res res.writeHead 200 'Content Type' 'text html' var currentTime new Date setInterval.. http require 'http' http.createServer function req res res.writeHead 200 'Content Type' 'text html' var currentTime new Date sys.puts..
NodeJS won't return data to jQuery.getJSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3295040/nodejs-wont-return-data-to-jquery-getjson output message Hello World var body JSON.stringify output res.writeHead 200 'Content Type' 'application json' 'Content Length' body.length.. Control Allow Origin property to your writeHead call res.writeHead 200 Content Type application json Access Control Allow Origin..
how to use jQuery ajax calls with node.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5373987/how-to-use-jquery-ajax-calls-with-node-js function req res console.log 'request received' res.writeHead 200 'Content Type' 'text plain' res.end 'Hello World n' .listen.. function req res console.log 'request received' res.writeHead 200 'Content Type' 'text plain' res.end '_testcb ' message Hello..
Cross-domain jQuery.getJSON from a Node.JS (using express) server does not work in Internet Explorer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7596885/cross-domain-jquery-getjson-from-a-node-js-using-express-server-does-not-work 200 console.log body Print the google web page. res.writeHead 200 'Content Type' 'application json' 'Cache Control' 'no.. app.get ' getJSONPResponse' function req res res.writeHead 200 'Content Type' 'application javascript' res.end __parseJSONPResponse..
Stream data with Node.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2558606/stream-data-with-node-js that i use to achieve this. Node.js code var sys require 'sys' http require 'http' http.createServer function req res res.writeHead 200 'Content Type' 'text html' var currentTime new Date setInterval function res.write currentTime.getHours ' ' currentTime.getMinutes.. EDIT this is the code I actually tested var sys require 'sys' http require 'http' http.createServer function req res res.writeHead 200 'Content Type' 'text html' var currentTime new Date sys.puts 'Starting sending time' setInterval function res.write..
NodeJS won't return data to jQuery.getJSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3295040/nodejs-wont-return-data-to-jquery-getjson the server side JS http.createServer function req res var output message Hello World var body JSON.stringify output res.writeHead 200 'Content Type' 'application json' 'Content Length' body.length res.end body .listen 80 Any ideas jquery..
how to use jQuery ajax calls with node.js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5373987/how-to-use-jquery-ajax-calls-with-node-js data script body html and var http require 'http' http.createServer function req res console.log 'request received' res.writeHead 200 'Content Type' 'text plain' res.end 'Hello World n' .listen 8124 javascript jquery html ajax node.js share improve.. For example node.js code var http require 'http' http.createServer function req res console.log 'request received' res.writeHead 200 'Content Type' 'text plain' res.end '_testcb ' message Hello world ' ' .listen 8124 and client side JavaScript jQuery..
Cross-domain jQuery.getJSON from a Node.JS (using express) server does not work in Internet Explorer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7596885/cross-domain-jquery-getjson-from-a-node-js-using-express-server-does-not-work options.path function error response body if error response.statusCode 200 console.log body Print the google web page. res.writeHead 200 'Content Type' 'application json' 'Cache Control' 'no cache' 'Connection' 'keep alive' 'Access Control Allow Origin'.. to handle this GET request in the express app for crossDomainServer.com app.get ' getJSONPResponse' function req res res.writeHead 200 'Content Type' 'application javascript' res.end __parseJSONPResponse JSON.stringify 'some data' Then in our client..