jquery Programming Glossary: request.term
jQuery UI autocomplete with JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11435433/jquery-ui-autocomplete-with-json response .getJSON example location example.json term request.term function data response .map data.dealers function value key..
JQuery UI autocomplete with json and ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11852282/jquery-ui-autocomplete-with-json-and-ajax function request response .ajax url fill_id.php data term request.term dataType json success function data what goes here Here is.. function request response .ajax url fill_id.php data term request.term dataType json success function data response .map data.myData..
jQuery AutoComplete multiple Output http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12855617/jquery-autocomplete-multiple-output url AutoComplete.asmx FetchEmailList data 'prefix' ' request.term ' dataType json type POST contentType application json charset.. url AutoComplete.asmx FetchEmailList data 'prefix' ' request.term ' dataType json type POST contentType application json charset..
jQuery UI Autocomplete widget search configuration http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2382497/jquery-ui-autocomplete-widget-search-configuration new yo in a city field that is set to do autocomplete the request.term will hold new yo . A response function a callback which expects..
How do you set a default value with jquery auto complete combobox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2749721/how-do-you-set-a-default-value-with-jquery-auto-complete-combobox source function request response var matcher new RegExp request.term i response select.children option .map function var text.. option .map function var text this .text if this.value request.term matcher.test text return id this.value label text.replace.. text.replace new RegExp ^ ^ .ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex request.term ^ ^ gi strong 1 strong value text delay 0 change function..
jQuery UI Autocomplete use startsWith http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3148195/jquery-ui-autocomplete-use-startswith .map orignalArray function item if item.value.startsWith request.term return item else return null response filteredArray This..
Detecting no results on jQuery UI autocomplete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4718968/detecting-no-results-on-jquery-ui-autocomplete request response var results .ui.autocomplete.filter src request.term if results.length #no results .text No results found else ..
Implementing jquery UI autocomplete to show suggestions when you type “@” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5972958/implementing-jquery-ui-autocomplete-to-show-suggestions-when-you-type minLength 0 source function request response var term request.term results If the user typed an @ if term.indexOf @ 0 term extractLast.. the user typed an @ if term.indexOf @ 0 term extractLast request.term If they've typed anything after the @ if term.length 0 results..
Trying to get tag-it to work with an AJAX call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6938802/trying-to-get-tag-it-to-work-with-an-ajax-call response console.log 1 .ajax url search.php data term request.term dataType json success function data response .map data function..
autocomplete in middle of text (like Google Plus) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7089406/autocomplete-in-middle-of-text-like-google-plus minLength 0 source function request response var term request.term results if term.indexOf @ 0 term extractLast request.term if.. request.term results if term.indexOf @ 0 term extractLast request.term if term.length 0 results .ui.autocomplete.filter availableTags..
Autocomplete combobox with Knockout JS template / JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7537002/autocomplete-combobox-with-knockout-js-template-jquery response currentResponse response query.call this request.term mappedSource else whenever the items that make up the source..
jQuery UI autocomplete with JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11435433/jquery-ui-autocomplete-with-json that array. '#dealerName' .autocomplete source function request response .getJSON example location example.json term request.term function data response .map data.dealers function value key return label value value key minLength 2 delay 100 Note..
JQuery UI autocomplete with json and ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11852282/jquery-ui-autocomplete-with-json-and-ajax 21111 2 25698 Here's some code #auto_id .autocomplete source function request response .ajax url fill_id.php data term request.term dataType json success function data what goes here Here is fill_id.php param _GET 'term' options array db new SQLite3.. actually a function inside your ajax success function source function request response .ajax url fill_id.php data term request.term dataType json success function data response .map data.myData function item return label item.title value item.turninId..
jQuery AutoComplete multiple Output http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12855617/jquery-autocomplete-multiple-output .tb .autocomplete source function request response .ajax url AutoComplete.asmx FetchEmailList data 'prefix' ' request.term ' dataType json type POST contentType application json charset utf 8 dataFilter function data return data success function.. tbAuto ' .autocomplete source function request response .ajax url AutoComplete.asmx FetchEmailList data 'prefix' ' request.term ' dataType json type POST contentType application json charset utf 8 dataFilter function data return data success function..
jQuery UI Autocomplete widget search configuration http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2382497/jquery-ui-autocomplete-widget-search-configuration in the text input. For example when the user entered new yo in a city field that is set to do autocomplete the request.term will hold new yo . A response function a callback which expects a single argument to contain the data to suggest to the..
How do you set a default value with jquery auto complete combobox? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2749721/how-do-you-set-a-default-value-with-jquery-auto-complete-combobox var input input .insertAfter select .autocomplete source function request response var matcher new RegExp request.term i response select.children option .map function var text this .text if this.value request.term matcher.test text .. matcher new RegExp request.term i response select.children option .map function var text this .text if this.value request.term matcher.test text return id this.value label text.replace new RegExp ^ ^ .ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex request.term.. matcher.test text return id this.value label text.replace new RegExp ^ ^ .ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex request.term ^ ^ gi strong 1 strong value text delay 0 change function event ui if ui.item remove invalid value as it didn't..
jQuery UI Autocomplete use startsWith http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3148195/jquery-ui-autocomplete-use-startswith solution source function request response var filteredArray .map orignalArray function item if item.value.startsWith request.term return item else return null response filteredArray This approach also made it possible to impose a limit e.g. 10 items..
Detecting no results on jQuery UI autocomplete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4718968/detecting-no-results-on-jquery-ui-autocomplete local source var src ... #auto .autocomplete source function request response var results .ui.autocomplete.filter src request.term if results.length #no results .text No results found else #no results .empty response results Inside the if is where..
Implementing jquery UI autocomplete to show suggestions when you type “@” http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5972958/implementing-jquery-ui-autocomplete-to-show-suggestions-when-you-type autocomplete .menu.active event.preventDefault .autocomplete minLength 0 source function request response var term request.term results If the user typed an @ if term.indexOf @ 0 term extractLast request.term If they've typed anything after the.. function request response var term request.term results If the user typed an @ if term.indexOf @ 0 term extractLast request.term If they've typed anything after the @ if term.length 0 results .ui.autocomplete.filter availableTags term Otherwise..
Trying to get tag-it to work with an AJAX call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6938802/trying-to-get-tag-it-to-work-with-an-ajax-call 2 removeConfirmation true tagSource function request response console.log 1 .ajax url search.php data term request.term dataType json success function data response .map data function item return label item.label item.id value item.value..
autocomplete in middle of text (like Google Plus) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7089406/autocomplete-in-middle-of-text-like-google-plus autocomplete .menu.active event.preventDefault .autocomplete minLength 0 source function request response var term request.term results if term.indexOf @ 0 term extractLast request.term if term.length 0 results .ui.autocomplete.filter availableTags.. minLength 0 source function request response var term request.term results if term.indexOf @ 0 term extractLast request.term if term.length 0 results .ui.autocomplete.filter availableTags term response results focus function prevent value inserted..
Autocomplete combobox with Knockout JS template / JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7537002/autocomplete-combobox-with-knockout-js-template-jquery mappedSource if query options.source function request response currentResponse response query.call this request.term mappedSource else whenever the items that make up the source are updated make sure that autocomplete knows it mappedSource.subscribe..