jquery Programming Glossary: require_once
How to send a json string back to jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10454516/how-to-send-a-json-string-back-to-jquery the data and is required to send some data back php require_once 'FaceRestClient.php' apiKey ' ' apiSecret ' ' api new FaceRestClient..
after ajax call jquery function not working properly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11083768/after-ajax-call-jquery-function-not-working-properly .' td ' tr php table div cmdajax.php php session_start require_once includes database.php if isset _GET 'id' id _GET 'id' uid _SESSION..
Javascript after Ajax [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14417862/javascript-after-ajax .dialog 'close' #loadingdialog .dialog 'open' script php require_once '.. .. config.php' icao _REQUEST icao query SELECT FROM aircrafts..
Setting up Twitter API, getting the last few Tweets http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17049821/setting-up-twitter-api-getting-the-last-few-tweets twitter feed timeline oauth php session_start require_once twitteroauth twitteroauth twitteroauth.php Path to twitteroauth..
check if email already exists in database jquery +php http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17070635/check-if-email-already-exists-in-database-jquery-php else return true the check_email.php looks like this require_once 'db.php' if isset _POST 'email' email mysqli_real_escape_string..
index undefined when receiving $.post from jQuery? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17903067/index-undefined-when-receiving-post-from-jquery error Which alerts me twice with the value of 6 PHP php require_once _SERVER DOCUMENT_ROOT core init.php if isset _POST aid _POST.. deeper check to my if else and it now looks like this php require_once _SERVER DOCUMENT_ROOT core init.php account_id if isset _POST.. brief time I posted a response here was because I left my 'require_once' off and I had my code commented out. There is something odd..
PHP / Ajax : How to show/hide DIV on $_SESSION variable value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19110684/php-ajax-how-to-show-hide-div-on-session-variable-value inventory sections.html div ... html authenticate.php php require_once data data_access.php userName password if isset _REQUEST userName..
Wordpress: how to call a plugin function with an ajax call? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2908823/wordpress-how-to-call-a-plugin-function-with-an-ajax-call sample ajax.js.php php if function_exists 'add_action' require_once .. .. .. wp config.php jQuery document .ready function jQuery.. sample sample ajax.php php if function_exists 'add_action' require_once .. .. .. wp config.php if isset sample_plugin sample_plugin..
How to pause form submit, for 1 last validation, at the very end and after that release/trigger/continue the submission? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5571353/how-to-pause-form-submit-for-1-last-validation-at-the-very-end-and-after-that type submit value submit name submit form Part 2 fly.php require_once 'obj.php' .blackwindow position fixed top 0px left 0px width..
Saving Changes in SlickGrid with php http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6573277/saving-changes-in-slickgrid-with-php it all implemented php include includes check_session.php require_once 'includes functions.php' require_once 'includes config.php'.. check_session.php require_once 'includes functions.php' require_once 'includes config.php' data '' i 0 query SELECT FROM `prices`..
Cascade Dropdown List using jQuery/PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7137357/cascade-dropdown-list-using-jquery-php a seperate file named crlist.php. Code for crlist.php php require_once 'yourconfigfile.php' cname _GET 'country' query select ID Name..
building a MailChimp signup form, get a PHP parse error mystery [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7153678/building-a-mailchimp-signup-form-get-a-php-parse-error-mystery . a z0 9 i _GET 'email' return Email address is invalid require_once 'MCAPI.class.php' grab an API Key from http admin.mailchimp.com.. me name subscribe class button div span id response php require_once 'inc store address.php' if isset _GET 'submit' echo storeAddress.. response block on multiple lines. span id response php require_once 'inc store address.php' if isset _GET 'submit' echo storeAddress..
How to populate second dropdown based on selection of first dropdown using jQuery/AJAX and PHP/MySQL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8749326/how-to-populate-second-dropdown-based-on-selection-of-first-dropdown-using-jquer #2 label select id item_2 name item_2 select PHP php require_once '.. includes connect.php' item_1_id _GET 'item_1_id' dbh get_org_dbh..
How to send a json string back to jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10454516/how-to-send-a-json-string-back-to-jquery data 'url' url success SetTag This is the PHP code htat receives the data and is required to send some data back php require_once 'FaceRestClient.php' apiKey ' ' apiSecret ' ' api new FaceRestClient apiKey apiSecret active_url _POST 'url' photos api..
after ajax call jquery function not working properly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11083768/after-ajax-call-jquery-function-not-working-properly src images cmd close.jpg class cmdclose id '. result_set 'id' .' td ' tr php table div cmdajax.php php session_start require_once includes database.php if isset _GET 'id' id _GET 'id' uid _SESSION 'uid' query SELECT FROM `cmds` WHERE `pid` id ORDER BY..
Javascript after Ajax [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14417862/javascript-after-ajax economyclassseats economyclassseats #editaircraftdialog .dialog 'close' #loadingdialog .dialog 'open' script php require_once '.. .. config.php' icao _REQUEST icao query SELECT FROM aircrafts WHERE ICAO ' icao' result mysql_query query if result..
Setting up Twitter API, getting the last few Tweets http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17049821/setting-up-twitter-api-getting-the-last-few-tweets Thanks to Tom Elliot http www.webdevdoor.com php authenticating twitter feed timeline oauth php session_start require_once twitteroauth twitteroauth twitteroauth.php Path to twitteroauth library you downloaded in step 3 twitteruser twitterusername..
check if email already exists in database jquery +php http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17070635/check-if-email-already-exists-in-database-jquery-php error dataExist 0 if dataExist 1 return false else return true the check_email.php looks like this require_once 'db.php' if isset _POST 'email' email mysqli_real_escape_string con _POST 'email' sql SELECT FROM users WHERE `username`..
index undefined when receiving $.post from jQuery? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17903067/index-undefined-when-receiving-post-from-jquery '#pcd' .fadeIn 1000 .fail function jqXHR status error alert error Which alerts me twice with the value of 6 PHP php require_once _SERVER DOCUMENT_ROOT core init.php if isset _POST aid _POST 'aid' echo aid else echo 'fail' I receive this error Notice.. core functions projects.php on line 5 So I added a little deeper check to my if else and it now looks like this php require_once _SERVER DOCUMENT_ROOT core init.php account_id if isset _POST 'aid' aid _POST 'aid' echo aid else echo 'fail' and now it.. aid 0D 0A6 RESPONSE There is nothing in the response the brief time I posted a response here was because I left my 'require_once' off and I had my code commented out. There is something odd in the source though. It says SOURCE aid 0D 0A6 instead of..
PHP / Ajax : How to show/hide DIV on $_SESSION variable value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19110684/php-ajax-how-to-show-hide-div-on-session-variable-value post ... form div div id section php echo file_get_contents inventory sections.html div ... html authenticate.php php require_once data data_access.php userName password if isset _REQUEST userName userName _REQUEST userName if isset _REQUEST password..
Wordpress: how to call a plugin function with an ajax call? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2908823/wordpress-how-to-call-a-plugin-function-with-an-ajax-call 'the_content' array sample_plugin 'addLink' mu plugins sample sample ajax.js.php php if function_exists 'add_action' require_once .. .. .. wp config.php jQuery document .ready function jQuery .foobar .bind click function var aref this jQuery this .toggleClass.. function value jQuery aref .html value mu plugins sample sample ajax.php php if function_exists 'add_action' require_once .. .. .. wp config.php if isset sample_plugin sample_plugin doAjax else echo unset 1 Note The following tutorial got me..
How to pause form submit, for 1 last validation, at the very end and after that release/trigger/continue the submission? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5571353/how-to-pause-form-submit-for-1-last-validation-at-the-very-end-and-after-that callmeback input type text value 100.00 name amount input type submit value submit name submit form Part 2 fly.php require_once 'obj.php' .blackwindow position fixed top 0px left 0px width 100 height 100 z index 1000 background color #000000 .nospam..
Saving Changes in SlickGrid with php http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6573277/saving-changes-in-slickgrid-with-php a little bit of refinements that will happen once I've got it all implemented php include includes check_session.php require_once 'includes functions.php' require_once 'includes config.php' data '' i 0 query SELECT FROM `prices` result mysql_query query.. happen once I've got it all implemented php include includes check_session.php require_once 'includes functions.php' require_once 'includes config.php' data '' i 0 query SELECT FROM `prices` result mysql_query query while row mysql_fetch_array result..
Cascade Dropdown List using jQuery/PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7137357/cascade-dropdown-list-using-jquery-php path alert this.value fillSelect country.value Now make a seperate file named crlist.php. Code for crlist.php php require_once 'yourconfigfile.php' cname _GET 'country' query select ID Name from city where CountryCode select code from country where..
building a MailChimp signup form, get a PHP parse error mystery [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7153678/building-a-mailchimp-signup-form-get-a-php-parse-error-mystery address provided if preg_match ^ _a z0 9 . _a z0 9 @ a z0 9 . a z0 9 i _GET 'email' return Email address is invalid require_once 'MCAPI.class.php' grab an API Key from http admin.mailchimp.com account api api new MCAPI 'XXXXXXX' grab your List's Unique.. required div class clear input type submit value Notify me name subscribe class button div span id response php require_once 'inc store address.php' if isset _GET 'submit' echo storeAddress span form php jquery mailchimp share improve this question.. the file. Also it might be a good idea to have the storeAddress response block on multiple lines. span id response php require_once 'inc store address.php' if isset _GET 'submit' echo storeAddress span The require_once certainly should be on a separate..
How to populate second dropdown based on selection of first dropdown using jQuery/AJAX and PHP/MySQL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8749326/how-to-populate-second-dropdown-based-on-selection-of-first-dropdown-using-jquer '. n select label id item_2_label for item_2 class label #2 label select id item_2 name item_2 select PHP php require_once '.. includes connect.php' item_1_id _GET 'item_1_id' dbh get_org_dbh org_id return_arr array sth dbh query SELECT id name..