jquery Programming Glossary: request.post
Model has no attribute _committed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10150301/model-has-no-attribute-committed request if request.is_ajax form BackgroundModelForm request.POST request.FILES if form.is_valid try g BackgroundModel.objects.get.. commit False .background g.save # or BackgroundModelForm request.POST request.FILES instance g .save Only a value of accepted types..
How to submit form without refreshing page using Django, Ajax, jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11647715/how-to-submit-form-without-refreshing-page-using-django-ajax-jquery def advert request if request.method POST form AdvertForm request.POST if form.is_valid print request.POST 'title' message request.POST.. POST form AdvertForm request.POST if form.is_valid print request.POST 'title' message request.POST 'title' else message 'something.. if form.is_valid print request.POST 'title' message request.POST 'title' else message 'something wrong ' return render_to_response..
Django jQuery post request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12744159/django-jquery-post-request context def post self request args kwargs name request.POST 'name' age request.POST 'age' ...something... And I get 05 Oct.. post self request args kwargs name request.POST 'name' age request.POST 'age' ...something... And I get 05 Oct 2012 12 03 58 POST something..
Django/jQuery Cascading Select Boxes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3233850/django-jquery-cascading-select-boxes Country.objects.all .order_by 'name' if 'country' in request.POST context 'country' request.POST 'country' context 'states' State.objects.filter.. 'name' if 'country' in request.POST context 'country' request.POST 'country' context 'states' State.objects.filter country context.. country context 'country' .order_by 'name' if 'state' in request.POST context 'state' request.POST 'state' else context 'states' context..
Django app for image crop using a cropping tool http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7907803/django-app-for-image-crop-using-a-cropping-tool a view that processes all this def some_view request form request.POST if form.is_valid crop_coords form.cleaned_data 'crop_coords'..
Model has no attribute _committed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10150301/model-has-no-attribute-committed exclude 'user' Views.py @login_required def backgroundview request if request.is_ajax form BackgroundModelForm request.POST request.FILES if form.is_valid try g BackgroundModel.objects.get user request.user except BackgroundModel.DoesNotExist.. data.user request.user data.save else g.background form.save commit False .background g.save # or BackgroundModelForm request.POST request.FILES instance g .save Only a value of accepted types could be assigned to corresponding field of a model instance...
How to submit form without refreshing page using Django, Ajax, jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11647715/how-to-submit-form-without-refreshing-page-using-django-ajax-jquery import RequestContext from linki.forms import def advert request if request.method POST form AdvertForm request.POST if form.is_valid print request.POST 'title' message request.POST 'title' else message 'something wrong ' return render_to_response.. from linki.forms import def advert request if request.method POST form AdvertForm request.POST if form.is_valid print request.POST 'title' message request.POST 'title' else message 'something wrong ' return render_to_response 'contact advert.html' 'message'.. request if request.method POST form AdvertForm request.POST if form.is_valid print request.POST 'title' message request.POST 'title' else message 'something wrong ' return render_to_response 'contact advert.html' 'message' message context_instance..
Django jQuery post request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12744159/django-jquery-post-request self request args kwargs ...something... return self.render_to_response context def post self request args kwargs name request.POST 'name' age request.POST 'age' ...something... And I get 05 Oct 2012 12 03 58 POST something HTTP 1.1 403 2294 I'd like to.. ...something... return self.render_to_response context def post self request args kwargs name request.POST 'name' age request.POST 'age' ...something... And I get 05 Oct 2012 12 03 58 POST something HTTP 1.1 403 2294 I'd like to send this data name and..
Django/jQuery Cascading Select Boxes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3233850/django-jquery-cascading-select-boxes form classes. In the view context 'state' None 'countries' Country.objects.all .order_by 'name' if 'country' in request.POST context 'country' request.POST 'country' context 'states' State.objects.filter country context 'country' .order_by 'name'.. context 'state' None 'countries' Country.objects.all .order_by 'name' if 'country' in request.POST context 'country' request.POST 'country' context 'states' State.objects.filter country context 'country' .order_by 'name' if 'state' in request.POST context.. request.POST 'country' context 'states' State.objects.filter country context 'country' .order_by 'name' if 'state' in request.POST context 'state' request.POST 'state' else context 'states' context 'country' None # ...Set the rest of the Context here.....
Django app for image crop using a cropping tool http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7907803/django-app-for-image-crop-using-a-cropping-tool attrs 'style' 'display none' class Meta model MyModel a view that processes all this def some_view request form request.POST if form.is_valid crop_coords form.cleaned_data 'crop_coords' # decode the coords using simpleson or however you passed them..