jquery Programming Glossary: required
Parallel asynchronous Ajax requests using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1060539/parallel-asynchronous-ajax-requests-using-jquery
What's wrong with the jQuery live method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11115864/whats-wrong-with-the-jquery-live-method As of jQuery 1.7 the .on method provides all functionality required for attaching event handlers. For help in converting from older..
Convert form data to JS object with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1184624/convert-form-data-to-js-object-with-jquery exactly that you just need to massage the data into your required format .fn.serializeObject function var o var a this.serializeArray..
How to display messages from jQuery Validate plugin inside of Tooltipster tooltips? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14741688/how-to-display-messages-from-jquery-validate-plugin-inside-of-tooltipster-toolti initialize jQuery Validate other options rules field1 required true email true field2 required true minlength 5 jQuery.. options rules field1 required true email true field2 required true minlength 5 jQuery for Tooltipster plugin document .ready..
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14994391/how-do-i-think-in-angularjs-if-i-have-a-jquery-background that doesn't have jQuery. Third even assuming jQuery was required for this directive to work jqLite angular.element will always..
Choosing and activating the right controls on an AJAX-driven site http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15048223/choosing-and-activating-the-right-controls-on-an-ajax-driven-site visible Finally we use waitForKeyElements to send the required events to the key nodes and to sequence through the proper order..
Check file input size with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1601455/check-file-input-size-with-jquery specification it will only work for modern browsers v10 required for IE and I added here more details and links about other file..
Using jQuery, Restricting File Size Before Uploading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/307679/using-jquery-restricting-file-size-before-uploading specification it will only work for modern browsers v10 required for IE and I added here more details and links about other file..
jQuery watch div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3233991/jquery-watch-div fields. I wrote a little jQuery plugin for you jQuery is required script src http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.4.2 jquery.min.js..
How to add number of days to today's date? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3818193/how-to-add-number-of-days-to-todays-date improve this question You can use JavaScript no jQuery required var someDate new Date var numberOfDaysToAdd 6 someDate.setDate..
jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4469650/jqgrid-incorrect-select-drop-down-option-values-in-edit-box the code. Nevertheless I hope that I made the most of required changes. UPDATED 2 I extended the above code to support Inline..
How to get a cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) post request working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5750696/how-to-get-a-cross-origin-resource-sharing-cors-post-request-working to ensure the response header specifically includes the required headers. ie Access Control Allow Headers x requested with ..
Facebook how to check if user has liked page and show content? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6246449/facebook-how-to-check-if-user-has-liked-page-and-show-content .. Cheers UPDATE 2 As stated by somebody jQuery is required for the javascript version to work BUT you could easily remove..
What's the difference between `on` and `live` or `bind`? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8065305/whats-the-difference-between-on-and-live-or-bind As of jQuery 1.7 the .on method provides all functionality required for attaching event handlers. em What's the difference with..
Difference between .on('click') vs .click() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9122078/difference-between-onclick-vs-click As of jQuery 1.7 the .on method provides all functionality required for attaching event handlers. For help in converting from older..
Using JQuery Validate Plugin to validate multiple form fields with identical names http://stackoverflow.com/questions/931687/using-jquery-validate-plugin-to-validate-multiple-form-fields-with-identical-nam .click function input.years .each function this .rules add required true messages required Specify the years you worked input.employerName.. .each function this .rules add required true messages required Specify the years you worked input.employerName .each function.. worked input.employerName .each function this .rules add required true messages required Specify the employer name input.employerPhone..
Jquery Validation - Validate several time a field in a hidden area http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10825290/jquery-validation-validate-several-time-a-field-in-a-hidden-area the first name of a new recipient for this email. br br em Required em br Max 255 characters div div class row label for.. this new recipient should receives this email. br br em Required em br Must be a properly formatted email address e.g. psmith@homebuilder.com..
.js.erb VS .js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1127697/js-erb-vs-js .hide var name input#business_name .val if name name Required Field '#namelabel' .show #business_name .focus return false.. var address #business_address .val if address address Required Field '#addresslabel' .show #business_address .focus return.. return false var city #business_city .val if city city Required Field '#citylabel' .show '#business_city' .focus return false..
Change textbox's css class when ASP.NET Validation fails http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1301508/change-textboxs-css-class-when-asp-net-validation-fails Validation fails How can I execute some javascript when a Required Field Validator attached to a textbox fails client side validation.. form1 runat server asp TextBox ID txtOne runat server asp RequiredFieldValidator ID rfv runat server ControlToValidate txtOne.. Text SomeText 1 asp TextBox ID txtTwo runat server asp RequiredFieldValidator ID rfv2 runat server ControlToValidate txtTwo..
Set custom HTML5 required field validation message http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13798313/set-custom-html5-required-field-validation-message custom HTML5 required field validation message Required field custom validation I have one form with many input fields... input type submit form Validation messages I want like.. Required field Please Enter Email Address Wrong Email 'testing@.com'..
Jquery dialog partial view server side validation on Save button click http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16245584/jquery-dialog-partial-view-server-side-validation-on-save-button-click type button value Button Model public class SampleModule Required public String MyName get set Partial View @using Html.BeginForm..
How to use the jQuery Validation plugin with metadata, jQuery Forms and xVal together? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1996125/how-to-use-the-jquery-validation-plugin-with-metadata-jquery-forms-and-xval-tog model Fields FieldName title FieldRules RuleName Required RuleParameters RuleName StringLength RuleParameters .. MaxLength 250 FieldName body FieldRules RuleName Required RuleParameters script The above really just translates..
jQuery Validate Required Select http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2901125/jquery-validate-required-select Validate Required Select I am trying to validate html select element using jQuery..
Integrating qTip with MVC3 and jQuery Validation (errorPlacement) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6802045/integrating-qtip-with-mvc3-and-jquery-validation-errorplacement your help. What I have so far My Model public class User Required public string Id get set Required DataType DataType.EmailAddress.. Model public class User Required public string Id get set Required DataType DataType.EmailAddress public string Email get set public..
Get cursor or text position in pixels for input element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6930578/get-cursor-or-text-position-in-pixels-for-input-element users 938089 rob w @name getTextBoundingRect @param input Required HTMLElement with `value` attribute @param selectionStart Optional..
Prevent RequireJS from Caching Required Scripts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8315088/prevent-requirejs-from-caching-required-scripts RequireJS from Caching Required Scripts RequireJS seems to do something internally that caches..
Is a Modal Confirm Box Using JQuery Possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/878710/is-a-modal-confirm-box-using-jquery-possible confirmation behavior. div id dialog title Confirmation Required Are you sure about this div script type text javascript document..
How to implement “confirmation” dialog in Jquery UI dialog? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/887029/how-to-implement-confirmation-dialog-in-jquery-ui-dialog suitable for an example. div id dialog title Confirmation Required Are you sure about this div script type text javascript document..
Parallel asynchronous Ajax requests using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1060539/parallel-asynchronous-ajax-requests-using-jquery
What's wrong with the jQuery live method? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11115864/whats-wrong-with-the-jquery-live-method currently selected set of elements in the jQuery object. As of jQuery 1.7 the .on method provides all functionality required for attaching event handlers. For help in converting from older jQuery event methods see .bind .delegate and .live . To..
Convert form data to JS object with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1184624/convert-form-data-to-js-object-with-jquery share improve this question serializeArray already does exactly that you just need to massage the data into your required format .fn.serializeObject function var o var a this.serializeArray .each a function if o this.name undefined if o this.name..
How to display messages from jQuery Validate plugin inside of Tooltipster tooltips? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14741688/how-to-display-messages-from-jquery-validate-plugin-inside-of-tooltipster-toolti Validate plugin document .ready function '#myform' .validate initialize jQuery Validate other options rules field1 required true email true field2 required true minlength 5 jQuery for Tooltipster plugin document .ready function '.tooltip'.. '#myform' .validate initialize jQuery Validate other options rules field1 required true email true field2 required true minlength 5 jQuery for Tooltipster plugin document .ready function '.tooltip' .tooltipster options initialize tooltipster..
How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14994391/how-do-i-think-in-angularjs-if-i-have-a-jquery-background and our component will still work when dropped into a project that doesn't have jQuery. Third even assuming jQuery was required for this directive to work jqLite angular.element will always use jQuery if it was loaded So we needn't use the we can just..
Choosing and activating the right controls on an AJAX-driven site http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15048223/choosing-and-activating-the-right-controls-on-an-ajax-driven-site cart Node 5 div.mini cart div.cart item data a.checkout button visible Finally we use waitForKeyElements to send the required events to the key nodes and to sequence through the proper order of operations. The resulting complete working script is..
Check file input size with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1601455/check-file-input-size-with-jquery file. alert this.files 0 .size As it is a part of the HTML5 specification it will only work for modern browsers v10 required for IE and I added here more details and links about other file information you should know http i.ndigo.com.br 2012 01..
Using jQuery, Restricting File Size Before Uploading http://stackoverflow.com/questions/307679/using-jquery-restricting-file-size-before-uploading file. alert this.files 0 .size As it is a part of the HTML5 specification it will only work for modern browsers v10 required for IE and I added here more details and links about other file information you should know http i.ndigo.com.br 2012 01..
jQuery watch div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3233991/jquery-watch-div this question The jQuery .change method works only for form fields. I wrote a little jQuery plugin for you jQuery is required script src http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.4.2 jquery.min.js script this is the plugin script jQuery.fn.contentChange..
How to add number of days to today's date? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3818193/how-to-add-number-of-days-to-todays-date to today's date using jQuery. javascript jquery date share improve this question You can use JavaScript no jQuery required var someDate new Date var numberOfDaysToAdd 6 someDate.setDate someDate.getDate numberOfDaysToAdd Formatting to dd mm yyyy..
jqgrid incorrect select drop down option values in edit box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4469650/jqgrid-incorrect-select-drop-down-option-values-in-edit-box not support local editing for form editing I could not tested the code. Nevertheless I hope that I made the most of required changes. UPDATED 2 I extended the above code to support Inline editing Form editing Searching Toolbar and Advanced Searching..
How to get a cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) post request working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5750696/how-to-get-a-cross-origin-resource-sharing-cors-post-request-working
Facebook how to check if user has liked page and show content? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6246449/facebook-how-to-check-if-user-has-liked-page-and-show-content table FBJS FB.Data.query Don't hesitate if you have any question .. Cheers UPDATE 2 As stated by somebody jQuery is required for the javascript version to work BUT you could easily remove it it's only used for the document.ready and show hide ...
What's the difference between `on` and `live` or `bind`? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8065305/whats-the-difference-between-on-and-live-or-bind currently selected set of elements in the jQuery object. As of jQuery 1.7 the .on method provides all functionality required for attaching event handlers. em What's the difference with live and bind jquery events bind share improve this question..
Difference between .on('click') vs .click() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9122078/difference-between-onclick-vs-click .bind 'click' handler Documentation from the on function As of jQuery 1.7 the .on method provides all functionality required for attaching event handlers. For help in converting from older jQuery event methods see .bind .delegate and .live . To..
Using JQuery Validate Plugin to validate multiple form fields with identical names http://stackoverflow.com/questions/931687/using-jquery-validate-plugin-to-validate-multiple-form-fields-with-identical-nam as usual. I hope this might help someone else. #submit .click function input.years .each function this .rules add required true messages required Specify the years you worked input.employerName .each function this .rules add required true messages.. might help someone else. #submit .click function input.years .each function this .rules add required true messages required Specify the years you worked input.employerName .each function this .rules add required true messages required Specify.. add required true messages required Specify the years you worked input.employerName .each function this .rules add required true messages required Specify the employer name input.employerPhone .each function this .rules add required true minlength..
Jquery Validation - Validate several time a field in a hidden area http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10825290/jquery-validation-validate-several-time-a-field-in-a-hidden-area value REPORTRECIPIENT.first_name title Enter the first name of a new recipient for this email. br br em Required em br Max 255 characters div div class row label for fld_report_last_name Last Name label input type text name.. REPORTRECIPIENT.email title Enter the new email address where this new recipient should receives this email. br br em Required em br Must be a properly formatted email address e.g. psmith@homebuilder.com div input type hidden id fld_report_service_name..
.js.erb VS .js http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1127697/js-erb-vs-js .click function validate and process form here '.error' .hide var name input#business_name .val if name name Required Field '#namelabel' .show #business_name .focus return false var address #business_address .val if address address Required.. Field '#namelabel' .show #business_name .focus return false var address #business_address .val if address address Required Field '#addresslabel' .show #business_address .focus return false var city #business_city .val if city city Required Field.. Required Field '#addresslabel' .show #business_address .focus return false var city #business_city .val if city city Required Field '#citylabel' .show '#business_city' .focus return false var state #business_state .val if state state Required Field..
Change textbox's css class when ASP.NET Validation fails http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1301508/change-textboxs-css-class-when-asp-net-validation-fails textbox's css class when ASP.NET Validation fails How can I execute some javascript when a Required Field Validator attached to a textbox fails client side validation What I am trying to do is change the css class of the.. Here is quick and dirty thing but it works form id form1 runat server asp TextBox ID txtOne runat server asp RequiredFieldValidator ID rfv runat server ControlToValidate txtOne Text SomeText 1 asp TextBox ID txtTwo runat server asp RequiredFieldValidator.. ID rfv runat server ControlToValidate txtOne Text SomeText 1 asp TextBox ID txtTwo runat server asp RequiredFieldValidator ID rfv2 runat server ControlToValidate txtTwo Text SomeText 2 asp Button ID btnOne runat server OnClientClick..
Set custom HTML5 required field validation message http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13798313/set-custom-html5-required-field-validation-message custom HTML5 required field validation message Required field custom validation I have one form with many input fields. I have put html5 validations input type text name topicName.. HTML form form id myform input id email name email type email input type submit form Validation messages I want like.. Required field Please Enter Email Address Wrong Email 'testing@.com' is not a Valid Email Address. here entered email address displayed..
Jquery dialog partial view server side validation on Save button click http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16245584/jquery-dialog-partial-view-server-side-validation-on-save-button-click ControllerName new area Area Name div input id BTN type button value Button Model public class SampleModule Required public String MyName get set Partial View @using Html.BeginForm Action Name Controller Name FormMethod.Post new id myForm..
How to use the jQuery Validation plugin with metadata, jQuery Forms and xVal together? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1996125/how-to-use-the-jquery-validation-plugin-with-metadata-jquery-forms-and-xval-tog client side script type text javascript xVal.AttachValidator model Fields FieldName title FieldRules RuleName Required RuleParameters RuleName StringLength RuleParameters MaxLength 250 FieldName body FieldRules RuleName Required.. RuleParameters RuleName StringLength RuleParameters MaxLength 250 FieldName body FieldRules RuleName Required RuleParameters script The above really just translates into a series of calls to rules add options which the jQuery..
jQuery Validate Required Select http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2901125/jquery-validate-required-select Validate Required Select I am trying to validate html select element using jQuery Validate plugin. I set required rule to true but it always..
Integrating qTip with MVC3 and jQuery Validation (errorPlacement) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6802045/integrating-qtip-with-mvc3-and-jquery-validation-errorplacement did not require me to alter existing scripts. Thank you for your help. What I have so far My Model public class User Required public string Id get set Required DataType DataType.EmailAddress public string Email get set public string FirstName get.. scripts. Thank you for your help. What I have so far My Model public class User Required public string Id get set Required DataType DataType.EmailAddress public string Email get set public string FirstName get set public string SecondName get..
Get cursor or text position in pixels for input element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6930578/get-cursor-or-text-position-in-pixels-for-input-element value's character. Code @author Rob W http stackoverflow.com users 938089 rob w @name getTextBoundingRect @param input Required HTMLElement with `value` attribute @param selectionStart Optional number Start offset. Default 0 @param selectionEnd Optional..
Prevent RequireJS from Caching Required Scripts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8315088/prevent-requirejs-from-caching-required-scripts RequireJS from Caching Required Scripts RequireJS seems to do something internally that caches required javascript files. If I make a change to one of..
Is a Modal Confirm Box Using JQuery Possible? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/878710/is-a-modal-confirm-box-using-jquery-possible I use a CSS class to indicate which links should have the confirmation behavior. div id dialog title Confirmation Required Are you sure about this div script type text javascript document .ready function #dialog .dialog autoOpen false modal true..
How to implement “confirmation” dialog in Jquery UI dialog? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/887029/how-to-implement-confirmation-dialog-in-jquery-ui-dialog behavior. Here's my solution abstracted away to be suitable for an example. div id dialog title Confirmation Required Are you sure about this div script type text javascript document .ready function #dialog .dialog autoOpen false modal true..