jquery Programming Glossary: rename
Equivalent of deprecated jQuery Toggle Event [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14338078/equivalent-of-deprecated-jquery-toggle-event handler eventObject ... gone I have suggested they rename it to fn.toggler instead of removing it Here is the code it..
Popover hides parent element if used with Prototype JS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15087129/popover-hides-parent-element-if-used-with-prototype-js a few options remove the lines marked above in the js file rename the event to something else not hide use the PrototypeJS fork..
Ajax jquery success scope http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1570146/ajax-jquery-success-scope First of all new is a reserved word . You need to rename that variable. To answer your question Yes you need to save..
Best way to start using jQuery in a Zend Framework 1.9 application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1616857/best-way-to-start-using-jquery-in-a-zend-framework-1-9-application the UI Lightness theme. Step 3 Extract the download and rename jquery ui 1.7.2 to jquery and move to your public js directory...
:nth-of-type() in jQuery / Sizzle? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2093355/nth-of-type-in-jquery-sizzle 1 parts 1 0 parseInt parts 0 10 0 Test case check in IE or rename the selector You can of course add even odd too match 3 match..
What minifier was used to generate the official JQuery “minified” version? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2207823/what-minifier-was-used-to-generate-the-official-jquery-minified-version to edit the current JQuery library 1.4.x and completely rename the JQuery object function in a high conflicting environment...
Should one replace the usage addJSONData of jqGrid to the usage of setGridParam(), and trigger('reloadGrid')? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2660226/should-one-replace-the-usage-addjsondata-of-jqgrid-to-the-usage-of-setgridparam to customize this process. First of all one can delete or rename any standard parameter sent to the server with respect to the..
How can I change HTML attribute names with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/317170/how-can-i-change-html-attribute-names-with-jquery html share improve this question I don't think you can rename an attribute but you can create new attributes and remove other..
how to use jquery.validate plugin in cakephp form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3289000/how-to-use-jquery-validate-plugin-in-cakephp-form . If I use this name in jquery its throwing an error. If I rename the field in cakephp the email value is not passed to the database...
Validation of file extension before uploading file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4234589/validation-of-file-extension-before-uploading-file to check only the file extension but user can easily rename virus.exe to virus.jpg and pass the validation. For what it's..
Configuring jstree right-click contextmenu for different node types http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4559543/configuring-jstree-right-click-contextmenu-for-different-node-types customMenu node The default set of all items var items renameItem The rename menu item label Rename action function ... deleteItem.. node The default set of all items var items renameItem The rename menu item label Rename action function ... deleteItem The delete..
JQM (jQueryMobile) Dynamically added elements not displaying correctly and CSS is not applied http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5249250/jqm-jquerymobile-dynamically-added-elements-not-displaying-correctly-and-css-i c return now take the current select and clone it then rename it var newSelect this .clone .attr 'name' 'select_options_'..
Jquery plugins occupy the same function name -> conflict http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5740974/jquery-plugins-occupy-the-same-function-name-conflict I vitally need this two plugins to work together. I would rename .mask in one of them to... let's say .msk but in this case I'll.. remember it and if I want to upgrade to new version I will rename again. Looking for better solution on how to cope with this..
jQuery Autocomplete Categories Select Label and Value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6716266/jquery-autocomplete-categories-select-label-and-value If you want the label returned to the search field then rename the value field. Updated fiddle http jsfiddle.net jensbits bM7ck..
How do I get jqGrid to work using ASP.NET + JSON on the backend? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/727502/how-do-i-get-jqgrid-to-work-using-asp-net-json-on-the-backend here are required to be lower case I cant find a way to rename them when they are serialized to JSON XmlElement yournamehere..
jQuery.easing - easeOutCubic - emphasizing on the ease http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7748617/jquery-easing-easeoutcubic-emphasizing-on-the-ease c t t d 1 t t 1 b Now you can edit the function and or rename it... .easing.myEasing function x t b c d return c t t d 1 t.. of the above code which contains the easeOutCubic function renamed as myEasing and applied to a slideToggle cube with a 3 second..
Prevent RequireJS from Caching Required Scripts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8315088/prevent-requirejs-from-caching-required-scripts If I make a change to one of the required files I have to rename the file in order for the changes to be applied. The common.. cacheing of RequireJS required scripts without having to rename my script files every time they are updated. Cross Platform..
Equivalent of deprecated jQuery Toggle Event [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14338078/equivalent-of-deprecated-jquery-toggle-event post about the same thing Where has fn.toggle handler eventObject handler eventObject ... gone I have suggested they rename it to fn.toggler instead of removing it Here is the code it is a self contained jQuery plugin and can be used as is. jQuery.fn.toggle..
Popover hides parent element if used with Prototype JS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15087129/popover-hides-parent-element-if-used-with-prototype-js and sets the style of the element to display none You have a few options remove the lines marked above in the js file rename the event to something else not hide use the PrototypeJS fork of BootStrap currently works with 2.3.2 http github.com jwestbrook..
Ajax jquery success scope http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1570146/ajax-jquery-success-scope javascript jquery ajax scope success share improve this question First of all new is a reserved word . You need to rename that variable. To answer your question Yes you need to save this in a variable outside the success callback and reference..
Best way to start using jQuery in a Zend Framework 1.9 application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1616857/best-way-to-start-using-jquery-in-a-zend-framework-1-9-application jQuery and the jQuery UI library from jqueryui.com . I chose the UI Lightness theme. Step 3 Extract the download and rename jquery ui 1.7.2 to jquery and move to your public js directory. Step 4 Add these lines to your bootstrap file protected..
:nth-of-type() in jQuery / Sizzle? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2093355/nth-of-type-in-jquery-sizzle n 1 return i 1 match 3 var parts match 3 .split return i 1 parts 1 0 parseInt parts 0 10 0 Test case check in IE or rename the selector You can of course add even odd too match 3 match 3 even 2n match 3 odd 2n 1 match 3 p share improve this answer..
What minifier was used to generate the official JQuery “minified” version? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2207823/what-minifier-was-used-to-generate-the-official-jquery-minified-version the official JQuery &ldquo minified&rdquo version I need to edit the current JQuery library 1.4.x and completely rename the JQuery object function in a high conflicting environment. My question is with what minifier has the official JQuery..
Should one replace the usage addJSONData of jqGrid to the usage of setGridParam(), and trigger('reloadGrid')? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2660226/should-one-replace-the-usage-addjsondata-of-jqgrid-to-the-usage-of-setgridparam the grid. There are a lot of jqGrid options which allow you to customize this process. First of all one can delete or rename any standard parameter sent to the server with respect to the prmNames option of jqGrid or add any more additional parameters..
How can I change HTML attribute names with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/317170/how-can-i-change-html-attribute-names-with-jquery function for this or a simple method Thank you Ice jquery html share improve this question I don't think you can rename an attribute but you can create new attributes and remove other ones... 'a.testingCase title ' .each function var t this..
how to use jquery.validate plugin in cakephp form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3289000/how-to-use-jquery-validate-plugin-in-cakephp-form attribute 'name' but cakephp names it as data Student email . If I use this name in jquery its throwing an error. If I rename the field in cakephp the email value is not passed to the database. Is there any other round about way Kindly help jquery..
Validation of file extension before uploading file http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4234589/validation-of-file-extension-before-uploading-file file upload share improve this question It's possible to check only the file extension but user can easily rename virus.exe to virus.jpg and pass the validation. For what it's worth here is the code to check file extension and abort if..
Configuring jstree right-click contextmenu for different node types http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4559543/configuring-jstree-right-click-contextmenu-for-different-node-types the delete menu item by deleting it from the object function customMenu node The default set of all items var items renameItem The rename menu item label Rename action function ... deleteItem The delete menu item label Delete action function.. item by deleting it from the object function customMenu node The default set of all items var items renameItem The rename menu item label Rename action function ... deleteItem The delete menu item label Delete action function ... if node .hasClass..
JQM (jQueryMobile) Dynamically added elements not displaying correctly and CSS is not applied http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5249250/jqm-jquerymobile-dynamically-added-elements-not-displaying-correctly-and-css-i we can apply var c 'alreadyMadeASelection' if this .hasClass c return now take the current select and clone it then rename it var newSelect this .clone .attr 'name' 'select_options_' counter .attr 'id' 'select_options_' counter .appendTo '#select_option_groups'..
Jquery plugins occupy the same function name -> conflict http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5740974/jquery-plugins-occupy-the-same-function-name-conflict they both occupy .mask function which leads to conflict. But I vitally need this two plugins to work together. I would rename .mask in one of them to... let's say .msk but in this case I'll always need to remember it and if I want to upgrade to new.. to... let's say .msk but in this case I'll always need to remember it and if I want to upgrade to new version I will rename again. Looking for better solution on how to cope with this kind of conflicts between jquery plugins. jquery jquery plugins..
jQuery Autocomplete Categories Select Label and Value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6716266/jquery-autocomplete-categories-select-label-and-value
How do I get jqGrid to work using ASP.NET + JSON on the backend? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/727502/how-do-i-get-jqgrid-to-work-using-asp-net-json-on-the-backend files. Paste this to a webservice The lower case properties here are required to be lower case I cant find a way to rename them when they are serialized to JSON XmlElement yournamehere does not work for JSON public class JQGrid public class Row..
jQuery.easing - easeOutCubic - emphasizing on the ease http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7748617/jquery-easing-easeoutcubic-emphasizing-on-the-ease for more . .easing.easeOutCubic function x t b c d return c t t d 1 t t 1 b Now you can edit the function and or rename it... .easing.myEasing function x t b c d return c t t d 1 t t 1 b All of the following examples use a 375 pixel blue square.. the Name of your easing function Here is a demo of the above code which contains the easeOutCubic function renamed as myEasing and applied to a slideToggle cube with a 3 second duration. http jsfiddle.net kJZxQ Ok now to your issue You..
Prevent RequireJS from Caching Required Scripts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8315088/prevent-requirejs-from-caching-required-scripts something internally that caches required javascript files. If I make a change to one of the required files I have to rename the file in order for the changes to be applied. The common trick of appending a version number as a querystring param to.. What I am looking for is a way to prevent this internal cacheing of RequireJS required scripts without having to rename my script files every time they are updated. Cross Platform Solution I am now using urlArgs bust new Date .getTime for automatic..
populating the uploaded file name and size in a html table, appending new values when user choose files at second time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12775443/populating-the-uploaded-file-name-and-size-in-a-html-table-appending-new-values tbody' '#renameFile' .empty '#removeFile' .empty if input.files.length 0 '#renameFile' .append ' a id renameRec Rename Selected a ' '#removeFile' .append ' a id removeRec Remove Selected a ' '#startButton' .removeAttr disabled disabled '#clearButton'..
JQuery ajax call to httpget webmethod (c#) not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2651091/jquery-ajax-call-to-httpget-webmethod-c-not-working makes you code working without using any Microsoft technologies on the client side. First of all verify Server side. Rename webmethods.aspx to webmethods.asmx. Verify that you placed Inside of and a httpHandlers for asmx extension ScriptHandlerFactory..
jQuery doesn't submit a form http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3117755/jquery-doesnt-submit-a-form
jquery conflict with identical scripts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3689660/jquery-conflict-with-identical-scripts current.parent .next .children .hide .filter activeTab .fadeIn return false There a single script for all your tabs. Rename all your tab containers to tabs . This uses some pretty heavy chaining which really isn't very efficient but given the DOM..
Configuring jstree right-click contextmenu for different node types http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4559543/configuring-jstree-right-click-contextmenu-for-different-node-types from the object function customMenu node The default set of all items var items renameItem The rename menu item label Rename action function ... deleteItem The delete menu item label Delete action function ... if node .hasClass folder Delete..
Phonegap in Dreamweaver CS5.5 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8643581/phonegap-in-dreamweaver-cs5-5 Extract the downloaded zip file Open the œAndroid folder in the extracted zip. Remove version from the filenames Rename phonegap.1.3.0.jar to phonegap.jar and phonegap.1.3.0.js to phonegap.js Copy and overwrite phonegap.js to C Program Files..