jquery Programming Glossary: reload
Persisting the changes of range objects after selection in HTML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13949059/persisting-the-changes-of-range-objects-after-selection-in-html highlighting the text as yellow remain until the page is reloaded. But when the page is reloaded these changes are not there... remain until the page is reloaded. But when the page is reloaded these changes are not there. What i want is to save somehow.. these changes like in local DB sqlite so that when page is reloaded refreshed the changes in HTML page should appear. Any idea..
How to escape apostrophe or quotes on a JSP ( used by javascript ) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1470768/how-to-escape-apostrophe-or-quotes-on-a-jsp-used-by-javascript and saved correctly to the DB. My problem is when I reload the page all entries can be modified and are loaded into a list..
How to reload/refresh an element(image) in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2104949/how-to-reload-refresh-an-elementimage-in-jquery to reload refresh an element image in jQuery Is it possible to reload.. refresh an element image in jQuery Is it possible to reload an image with an identical file name from a server using jQuery.. you wrote in your question . You can force the browser to reload the image by passing an extra variable like so d new Date #myimg..
Should one replace the usage addJSONData of jqGrid to the usage of setGridParam(), and trigger('reloadGrid')? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2660226/should-one-replace-the-usage-addjsondata-of-jqgrid-to-the-usage-of-setgridparam of jqGrid to the usage of setGridParam and trigger 'reloadGrid' I wrote recently an answer to the question jqGrid display.. and refreshing jqGrid data with respect to trigger 'reloadGrid' At the beginning I wanted to recommend using 'reloadGrid'.. 'reloadGrid' At the beginning I wanted to recommend using 'reloadGrid' but after thinking about this I understood that I am not..
How to filter the jqGrid data NOT using the built in search/filter box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2928371/how-to-filter-the-jqgrid-data-not-using-the-built-in-search-filter-box of postData parameter including functions and trigger 'reloadGrid' . I try explain the idea more detailed. Let us use mtype.. additional parameters to the url sending to server and reloading the grid data. If you have your own interface for searching.. for example you should just append your url yourself and reload the grid with respect of trigger 'reloadGrid' . For resetting..
Scroll to a div using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3432656/scroll-to-a-div-using-jquery 'slow' #sidebar ul li a .click function e Prevent a page reload when a link is pressed e.preventDefault Call the scroll function..
jqGrid paging question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3807623/jqgrid-paging-question sense. Now when you're on this second page and you hit the reload button on the nav set datatype 'json' when the grid reloads.. reload button on the nav set datatype 'json' when the grid reloads the nav is showing that the grid is displaying 16 30 of 17... I used always before #list .setGridParam page 1 .trigger 'reloadGrid' but there is another way. The trigger 'reloadGrid' support..
Reload an iframe with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4249809/reload-an-iframe-with-jquery document.getElementById FrameID .contentDocument.location.reload true But since the iframe is on a different domain you will.. . But you can hackishly force the cross domain iframe to reload if your code is running on the iframe's parent page by setting.. attribute to itself. Like this hackishly force iframe to reload var iframe document.getElementById FrameId iframe.src iframe.src..
is there an api in jqgrid to add advanced filters to post data? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5272850/is-there-an-api-in-jqgrid-to-add-advanced-filters-to-post-data myfilter if the grid already exist you want to reload the grid with the settings you can use grid 0 .p.search myfilter.rules.length.. 0 .p.postData filters JSON.stringify myfilter grid.trigger reloadGrid page 1 instead. The function JSON.stringify is supported..
jqgrid reloadGrid with loadonce set to true http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5397671/jqgrid-reloadgrid-with-loadonce-set-to-true reloadGrid with loadonce set to true I am using two jqgrids in one.. since i need column sort in the second grid. i need to reload both grids after a server post back. need to show updated value.. need to show updated value in the second grid . first grid reload fine since it won't use the loadonce attribute. my question..
How can I refresh a page with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5404839/how-can-i-refresh-a-page-with-jquery I refresh a page with jQuery javascript jquery refresh reload share improve this question '#something' .click function.. this question '#something' .click function location.reload Like mplungjan explained in the comment below the reload function.. Like mplungjan explained in the comment below the reload function takes an optional parameter that can be set to true..
detect back button click in browser http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6359327/detect-back-button-click-in-browser button. But this event is also fired if a user click F5 or reload button of browser. How do I fix this javascript jquery share..
Get current scroll position and pass it as a variable with a link? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1022652/get-current-scroll-position-and-pass-it-as-a-variable-with-a-link jump scroll position share improve this question Reload the items using AJAX instead of reloading the whole page. Get..
Reload MySQL data inside a DIV using Ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11070607/reload-mysql-data-inside-a-div-using-ajax MySQL data inside a DIV using Ajax I need to make a moderate..
Reload parent window from child window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1318006/reload-parent-window-from-child-window parent window from child window How can i reaload my parent..
jQuery ajax Page Reload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14632753/jquery-ajax-page-reload ajax Page Reload We are making multiple ajax requests to save data in a web..
Function inside jquery returns undefined http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2504950/function-inside-jquery-returns-undefined rendered_item #files .html filebrowser_list Reload Playlist console.log rendered_item return rendered_item error..
How to detect that Ctrl+R was pressed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2767126/how-to-detect-that-ctrlr-was-pressed A' Ctrl R is tougher because in most browsers that is Reload Page which means the javascript doesn't run the page is refreshed...
Reload AJAX data every X minutes/seconds, jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2881934/reload-ajax-data-every-x-minutes-seconds-jquery AJAX data every X minutes seconds jQuery I programmed a CMS..
Ajax Reload iframe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3555984/ajax-reload-iframe Reload iframe How can I reload iframe using jquery html head script.. src jquery 1.4.2.js script script type text javascript Reload Iframe Function script head body iframe name f1 id f1 src http.. width 500px height 250px iframe button onClick abc Reload button body html Thanks in Advance jquery ajax share improve..
Reload single jqGrid row? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3786445/reload-single-jqgrid-row single jqGrid row How can you reload a SINGLE jqGrid row We..
problem with jquery post data to jsp page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4142919/problem-with-jquery-post-data-to-jsp-page in chrome to open the developer's panel. Go to 'Network'. Reload index.html your main page Make sure there are no errors displayed..
Reload chart data via JSON with Highcharts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4210879/reload-chart-data-via-json-with-highcharts chart data via JSON with Highcharts I am trying to reload the..
Reload an iframe with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4249809/reload-an-iframe-with-jquery an iframe with jQuery I have two iframes on a page and one..
jQuery AJAX producing 304 responses when it shouldn't http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5502002/jquery-ajax-producing-304-responses-when-it-shouldnt json success function result if result.Success true Reload grid .ajax async false #DocumentListByPartRecordsGrid .setGridParam..
Reload of jqgrid not happening with loadonce:true http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7067439/reload-of-jqgrid-not-happening-with-loadoncetrue of jqgrid not happening with loadonce true I am newbie in using.. If I understand you correct now you want that Reload Grid button from the navigator bar reloads the grid from the.. from the server. To do so you should redefine the standard Reload Grid button with your implementation which do the code which..
How can i get jqgrid frozen columns to work with word wrap on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8686616/how-can-i-get-jqgrid-frozen-columns-to-work-with-word-wrap-on 0 .id .width 560 myAddButton gridSelector caption title Reload Grid buttonicon 'ui icon refresh' onClickButton function gridSelector..
Persisting the changes of range objects after selection in HTML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13949059/persisting-the-changes-of-range-objects-after-selection-in-html document.execCommand BackColor false 'yellow' The changes highlighting the text as yellow remain until the page is reloaded. But when the page is reloaded these changes are not there. What i want is to save somehow these changes like in local.. false 'yellow' The changes highlighting the text as yellow remain until the page is reloaded. But when the page is reloaded these changes are not there. What i want is to save somehow these changes like in local DB sqlite so that when page is.. these changes are not there. What i want is to save somehow these changes like in local DB sqlite so that when page is reloaded refreshed the changes in HTML page should appear. Any idea how to do it. Do i need to save its range start offset and..
How to escape apostrophe or quotes on a JSP ( used by javascript ) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1470768/how-to-escape-apostrophe-or-quotes-on-a-jsp-used-by-javascript with ' or as part of it I have no problem. The form is submitted and saved correctly to the DB. My problem is when I reload the page all entries can be modified and are loaded into a list in the jsp before being displayed . On loading the page..
How to reload/refresh an element(image) in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2104949/how-to-reload-refresh-an-elementimage-in-jquery to reload refresh an element image in jQuery Is it possible to reload an image with an identical file name from a server using jQuery.. to reload refresh an element image in jQuery Is it possible to reload an image with an identical file name from a server using jQuery For example I have an image on a page however the physical.. like it's your browser caching the image which I now notice you wrote in your question . You can force the browser to reload the image by passing an extra variable like so d new Date #myimg .attr src myimg.jpg d.getTime share improve this answer..
Should one replace the usage addJSONData of jqGrid to the usage of setGridParam(), and trigger('reloadGrid')? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2660226/should-one-replace-the-usage-addjsondata-of-jqgrid-to-the-usage-of-setgridparam one replace the usage addJSONData of jqGrid to the usage of setGridParam and trigger 'reloadGrid' I wrote recently an answer to the question jqGrid display default śloading message when updating a table on custom.. the grid instead of changing the URL with respect to setGridParam and refreshing jqGrid data with respect to trigger 'reloadGrid' At the beginning I wanted to recommend using 'reloadGrid' but after thinking about this I understood that I am not.. and refreshing jqGrid data with respect to trigger 'reloadGrid' At the beginning I wanted to recommend using 'reloadGrid' but after thinking about this I understood that I am not quite sure what the best way is. At least I can't explain..
How to filter the jqGrid data NOT using the built in search/filter box http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2928371/how-to-filter-the-jqgrid-data-not-using-the-built-in-search-filter-box question You problem can be very easy solved with respect of postData parameter including functions and trigger 'reloadGrid' . I try explain the idea more detailed. Let us use mtype GET . The only thing which standard search filter box do after.. box do after displaying the interface is appending of some additional parameters to the url sending to server and reloading the grid data. If you have your own interface for searching filtering some select controls or checkboxes for example.. for searching filtering some select controls or checkboxes for example you should just append your url yourself and reload the grid with respect of trigger 'reloadGrid' . For resetting of the information in the grid you can choose any way which..
Scroll to a div using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3432656/scroll-to-a-div-using-jquery link Scroll 'html body' .animate scrollTop # id .offset .top 'slow' #sidebar ul li a .click function e Prevent a page reload when a link is pressed e.preventDefault Call the scroll function goToByScroll this .attr id Live Example Scroll to function..
jqGrid paging question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3807623/jqgrid-paging-question when you're on page 2 you see records 16 17 of 17 makes sense. Now when you're on this second page and you hit the reload button on the nav set datatype 'json' when the grid reloads the nav is showing that the grid is displaying 16 30 of 17... sense. Now when you're on this second page and you hit the reload button on the nav set datatype 'json' when the grid reloads the nav is showing that the grid is displaying 16 30 of 17. This seems to be a bug is there a workaround The grid still.. improve this question You are right. It is an old problem. I used always before #list .setGridParam page 1 .trigger 'reloadGrid' but there is another way. The trigger 'reloadGrid' support additional options 'current' and 'page'. #list .trigger..
Reload an iframe with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4249809/reload-an-iframe-with-jquery not on a different domain you could do something like this document.getElementById FrameID .contentDocument.location.reload true But since the iframe is on a different domain you will be denied access to the iframe's contentDocument property by.. iframe's contentDocument property by the same origin policy . But you can hackishly force the cross domain iframe to reload if your code is running on the iframe's parent page by setting it's src attribute to itself. Like this hackishly force iframe.. is running on the iframe's parent page by setting it's src attribute to itself. Like this hackishly force iframe to reload var iframe document.getElementById FrameId iframe.src iframe.src If you are trying to reload the iframe from another iframe..
is there an api in jqgrid to add advanced filters to post data? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5272850/is-there-an-api-in-jqgrid-to-add-advanced-filters-to-post-data true if you want to force the searching postData filters JSON.stringify myfilter if the grid already exist you want to reload the grid with the settings you can use grid 0 .p.search myfilter.rules.length 0 .extend grid 0 .p.postData filters JSON.stringify.. use grid 0 .p.search myfilter.rules.length 0 .extend grid 0 .p.postData filters JSON.stringify myfilter grid.trigger reloadGrid page 1 instead. The function JSON.stringify is supported by the most web browsers natively but to be sure you should..
jqgrid reloadGrid with loadonce set to true http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5397671/jqgrid-reloadgrid-with-loadonce-set-to-true reloadGrid with loadonce set to true I am using two jqgrids in one page. second grid i used loadonce true since i need column.. using two jqgrids in one page. second grid i used loadonce true since i need column sort in the second grid. i need to reload both grids after a server post back. need to show updated value in the second grid . first grid reload fine since it won't.. grid. i need to reload both grids after a server post back. need to show updated value in the second grid . first grid reload fine since it won't use the loadonce attribute. my question is can we use loadonce attribute and reloadGrid together by..
How can I refresh a page with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5404839/how-can-i-refresh-a-page-with-jquery can I refresh a page with jQuery How can I refresh a page with jQuery javascript jquery refresh reload share improve this question '#something' .click function location.reload Like mplungjan explained in the comment below.. with jQuery javascript jquery refresh reload share improve this question '#something' .click function location.reload Like mplungjan explained in the comment below the reload function takes an optional parameter that can be set to true to.. improve this question '#something' .click function location.reload Like mplungjan explained in the comment below the reload function takes an optional parameter that can be set to true to reload from the server rather than the cache. The parameter..
detect back button click in browser http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6359327/detect-back-button-click-in-browser function e It works if a user clicks back button. But this event is also fired if a user click F5 or reload button of browser. How do I fix this javascript jquery share improve this question So as far as AJAX is concerned.....
Get current scroll position and pass it as a variable with a link? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1022652/get-current-scroll-position-and-pass-it-as-a-variable-with-a-link click function script... Where do I go from ehre jquery scroll jump scroll position share improve this question Reload the items using AJAX instead of reloading the whole page. Get and set the scroll position using window.pageYOffset and window.scrollTo..
Reload MySQL data inside a DIV using Ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11070607/reload-mysql-data-inside-a-div-using-ajax MySQL data inside a DIV using Ajax I need to make a moderate system like the one in fmylife.com. Basically the problem..
Reload parent window from child window http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1318006/reload-parent-window-from-child-window parent window from child window How can i reaload my parent window from child window using jquery Please help. javascript..
jQuery ajax Page Reload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14632753/jquery-ajax-page-reload ajax Page Reload We are making multiple ajax requests to save data in a web app then reload the page. We have run into a situation where..
Function inside jquery returns undefined http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2504950/function-inside-jquery-returns-undefined render_list_item_image folder_name ' ' i file i pl_list_no rendered_item #files .html filebrowser_list Reload Playlist console.log rendered_item return rendered_item error function alert An error occured while updating. Try again..
How to detect that Ctrl+R was pressed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2767126/how-to-detect-that-ctrlr-was-pressed .keydown function e if e.keyCode 65 e.ctrlKey alert 'ctrl A' Ctrl R is tougher because in most browsers that is Reload Page which means the javascript doesn't run the page is refreshed. Just a note as well the keyCode value are different in..
Reload AJAX data every X minutes/seconds, jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2881934/reload-ajax-data-every-x-minutes-seconds-jquery AJAX data every X minutes seconds jQuery I programmed a CMS that has a log of who has recently logged into the system...
Ajax Reload iframe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3555984/ajax-reload-iframe Reload iframe How can I reload iframe using jquery html head script type text javascript src jquery 1.4.2.js script script type.. iframe using jquery html head script type text javascript src jquery 1.4.2.js script script type text javascript Reload Iframe Function script head body iframe name f1 id f1 src http www.google.com.pk search q usa current time ie utf 8 oe utf.. current time ie utf 8 oe utf 8 aq t client firefox a rlz 1R1GGLL_en width 500px height 250px iframe button onClick abc Reload button body html Thanks in Advance jquery ajax share improve this question Based on your comment to Haim's post what..
Reload single jqGrid row? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3786445/reload-single-jqgrid-row single jqGrid row How can you reload a SINGLE jqGrid row We know how to reload the entire grid but we just want to update..
problem with jquery post data to jsp page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4142919/problem-with-jquery-post-data-to-jsp-page to chrome as it is easiest with it. Click ctrl j in chrome to open the developer's panel. Go to 'Network'. Reload index.html your main page Make sure there are no errors displayed in the console below. if there are please post them here..
Reload chart data via JSON with Highcharts http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4210879/reload-chart-data-via-json-with-highcharts chart data via JSON with Highcharts I am trying to reload the data for a Highcharts chart via JSON based on a button click..
Reload an iframe with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4249809/reload-an-iframe-with-jquery an iframe with jQuery I have two iframes on a page and one makes changes to the other but the other iframe doesnt show..
jQuery AJAX producing 304 responses when it shouldn't http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5502002/jquery-ajax-producing-304-responses-when-it-shouldnt associationId ' id ' pcid ' pcid async true dataType json success function result if result.Success true Reload grid .ajax async false #DocumentListByPartRecordsGrid .setGridParam url Drm Pc DeAssociatePartRecordsWithDocument pcid..
Reload of jqgrid not happening with loadonce:true http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7067439/reload-of-jqgrid-not-happening-with-loadoncetrue of jqgrid not happening with loadonce true I am newbie in using jqgrid. While new page load the grid is properly loading.. I hope that I know where you have problem with the implementation. If I understand you correct now you want that Reload Grid button from the navigator bar reloads the grid from the server. To do so you should redefine the standard Reload Grid.. Reload Grid button from the navigator bar reloads the grid from the server. To do so you should redefine the standard Reload Grid button with your implementation which do the code which I included in my answer see above . So you should use refresh..
How can i get jqgrid frozen columns to work with word wrap on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8686616/how-can-i-get-jqgrid-frozen-columns-to-work-with-word-wrap-on function form '#searchmodfbox_' gridSelector 0 .id .width 560 myAddButton gridSelector caption title Reload Grid buttonicon 'ui icon refresh' onClickButton function gridSelector .trigger reloadGrid jquery jqgrid word wrap ..