jquery Programming Glossary: removal
jquery draggable and resizable is not working on cloned div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10672180/jquery-draggable-and-resizable-is-not-working-on-cloned-div UI resizable cloned element .clone true doesn't resize the removal of the resize handlers before applying a resizable on the cloned..
Should I use .done() and .fail() for new jQuery AJAX code instead of success and error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10931836/should-i-use-done-and-fail-for-new-jquery-ajax-code-instead-of-success-and in jQuery 1.8. To prepare your code for their eventual removal use jqXHR.done jqXHR.fail and jqXHR.always instead. If you are..
Getting the “match” object in a Custom Filter Selector in jQuery 1.8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11624345/getting-the-match-object-in-a-custom-filter-selector-in-jquery-1-8 in this rewrite . Maybe this is what they mean by the removal of the now unnecessary Sizzle.filter Now that we have no access..
Adding event handler to newly created element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11888570/adding-event-handler-to-newly-created-element to add new element to ordered list with link for it's removal '#list ol' .append ' li ' label ' a href #remove_' id ' remove..
How to know if a font (@font-face) has already been loaded? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12312323/how-to-know-if-a-font-font-face-has-already-been-loaded and on fail with the inclusion of classes addition and removal. You can now do whatever you like to the font. I would only..
Download a file using jQuery after creating it in the server http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13954657/download-a-file-using-jquery-after-creating-it-in-the-server Infinite thinking let's put a small delay on the frame removal. setTimeout function jFrame.remove 100 var form ' form ' .attr..
jQuery memory leak with DOM removal http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1462649/jquery-memory-leak-with-dom-removal memory leak with DOM removal Here's a dead simple webpage that leaks memory in IE8 using..
very simple JavaScript / jQuery example: unexpected evaluation order of instructions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15186245/very-simple-javascript-jquery-example-unexpected-evaluation-order-of-instruct two classes. The height is then modified with jQuery via removal of one class '.container' .removeClass 'active' This reduces..
jQueryMobile uncaught exception when REMOVING checkboxradio http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17003064/jquerymobile-uncaught-exception-when-removing-checkboxradio occurs before refresh takes place so if you delay the removal process by 1ms refresh will before the checkbox is removed...
Using jQuery to dynamically add form fields (or fieldsets) based on a dropdown box value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1894009/using-jquery-to-dynamically-add-form-fields-or-fieldsets-based-on-a-dropdown-b clones.push clone if clones.length maxClones Fieldsets removal function goes here. The object that is being cloned is something..
disable text highlighting on double click in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2132172/disable-text-highlighting-on-double-click-in-jquery it appears to be due to a site restructuring rather than removal and the new location for the article can be found here http..
Hiding Options of a Select with JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4699410/hiding-options-of-a-select-with-jquery it later on. But the issue now is this Can I toggle the removal of the options according to what has been typed Is it possible..
jQuery memory leak patterns and causes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5046016/jquery-memory-leak-patterns-and-causes of questions related to the ajax call or jsonp or DOM removal on StackOverflow. Most of the jQuery memory leak questions are..
Where do you include the jQuery library from? Google JSAPI? CDN? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/547384/where-do-you-include-the-jquery-library-from-google-jsapi-cdn jquery 1.4.3 jquery.min.js script The difference is the removal of http . By removing this you don't need to worry about switching..
Javascript set CSS :after styles http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7330355/javascript-set-css-after-styles which you can use to get a reference to it for editing or removal. Edit added basic functionality to convert an object into a..
Javascript - How to remove all extra spacing between words http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7635952/javascript-how-to-remove-all-extra-spacing-between-words I can use .trim str to achieve the trailing ending space removal. But I'm not sure how to do the 1 space between words trick...
what is difference between success and .done() method of $.ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8847829/what-is-difference-between-success-and-done-method-of-ajax in jQuery 1.8. To prepare your code for their eventual removal use jqXHR.done jqXHR.fail and jqXHR.always instead. http api.jquery.com..
Detect IF hovering over element with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8981463/detect-if-hovering-over-element-with-jquery This ' hover' selector was removed with the .hover method removal in jQuery 1.9.x. Interestingly a recent answer by allicarn shows..
Deferring removal of a view so it can be animated http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9925171/deferring-removal-of-a-view-so-it-can-be-animated removal of a view so it can be animated Say I have a template which..
jquery draggable and resizable is not working on cloned div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10672180/jquery-draggable-and-resizable-is-not-working-on-cloned-div
Should I use .done() and .fail() for new jQuery AJAX code instead of success and error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10931836/should-i-use-done-and-fail-for-new-jquery-ajax-code-instead-of-success-and jqXHR.error and jqXHR.complete callbacks will be deprecated in jQuery 1.8. To prepare your code for their eventual removal use jqXHR.done jqXHR.fail and jqXHR.always instead. If you are using the callback manipulation function using method chaining..
Getting the “match” object in a Custom Filter Selector in jQuery 1.8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11624345/getting-the-match-object-in-a-custom-filter-selector-in-jquery-1-8 it clearly states that the old API for Sizzle was not changed in this rewrite . Maybe this is what they mean by the removal of the now unnecessary Sizzle.filter Now that we have no access to the match array is there any other way to get to the..
Adding event handler to newly created element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11888570/adding-event-handler-to-newly-created-element event handler to newly created element I'm trying to add new element to ordered list with link for it's removal '#list ol' .append ' li ' label ' a href #remove_' id ' remove a li ' but this is not working 'a href^ #remove ' .on 'click'..
How to know if a font (@font-face) has already been loaded? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12312323/how-to-know-if-a-font-font-face-has-already-been-loaded added greater control over what happens during font loading and on fail with the inclusion of classes addition and removal. You can now do whatever you like to the font. I would only recommend modifying the fonts size line spacing etc to get your..
Download a file using jQuery after creating it in the server http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13954657/download-a-file-using-jquery-after-creating-it-in-the-server iFrame from the document. Because FireFox has some issues with Infinite thinking let's put a small delay on the frame removal. setTimeout function jFrame.remove 100 var form ' form ' .attr action upload_act.cfm .attr method post .attr enctype multipart..
jQuery memory leak with DOM removal http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1462649/jquery-memory-leak-with-dom-removal memory leak with DOM removal Here's a dead simple webpage that leaks memory in IE8 using jQuery I detect memory leaks by watching the memory usage of..
very simple JavaScript / jQuery example: unexpected evaluation order of instructions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15186245/very-simple-javascript-jquery-example-unexpected-evaluation-order-of-instruct height 200px due to the default CSS properties of these two classes. The height is then modified with jQuery via removal of one class '.container' .removeClass 'active' This reduces the height from 200px to 15px. After that a transition rule..
jQueryMobile uncaught exception when REMOVING checkboxradio http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17003064/jquerymobile-uncaught-exception-when-removing-checkboxradio 'refresh' to enhance the markup. It seems that .remove occurs before refresh takes place so if you delay the removal process by 1ms refresh will before the checkbox is removed. It's worth mentioning that stopImmediatePropagation didn't help..
Using jQuery to dynamically add form fields (or fieldsets) based on a dropdown box value http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1894009/using-jquery-to-dynamically-add-form-fields-or-fieldsets-based-on-a-dropdown-b true .insertAfter clones clones.length 1 source clones.push clone if clones.length maxClones Fieldsets removal function goes here. The object that is being cloned is something like fieldset id item_dup_1 input input input fieldset..
disable text highlighting on double click in jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2132172/disable-text-highlighting-on-double-click-in-jquery from @Herb Caudill . While the original link is indeed dead it appears to be due to a site restructuring rather than removal and the new location for the article can be found here http chris barr.com index.php entry disable_text_selection_with_jquery..
Hiding Options of a Select with JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4699410/hiding-options-of-a-select-with-jquery php echo select Yes I know it is very messy. I plan to change it later on. But the issue now is this Can I toggle the removal of the options according to what has been typed Is it possible to do so with a dropdown made from a loop Because I sure..
jQuery memory leak patterns and causes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5046016/jquery-memory-leak-patterns-and-causes in jQuery which lead to memory leaks I have seen a number of questions related to the ajax call or jsonp or DOM removal on StackOverflow. Most of the jQuery memory leak questions are focussed on specific issues or browsers and it would be nice..
Where do you include the jQuery library from? Google JSAPI? CDN? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/547384/where-do-you-include-the-jquery-library-from-google-jsapi-cdn for the last year script src ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.4.3 jquery.min.js script The difference is the removal of http . By removing this you don't need to worry about switching between http and https. javascript jquery ssl google..
Javascript set CSS :after styles http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7330355/javascript-set-css-after-styles them. sheet.insertRule returns the index of the new rule which you can use to get a reference to it for editing or removal. Edit added basic functionality to convert an object into a css property string for convenience. share improve this answer..
Javascript - How to remove all extra spacing between words http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7635952/javascript-how-to-remove-all-extra-spacing-between-words not worry about moving the . . Just as above is fine. I know I can use .trim str to achieve the trailing ending space removal. But I'm not sure how to do the 1 space between words trick. javascript jquery share improve this question var string..
what is difference between success and .done() method of $.ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8847829/what-is-difference-between-success-and-done-method-of-ajax
Detect IF hovering over element with jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8981463/detect-if-hovering-over-element-with-jquery was the best solution at the time the question was answered. This ' hover' selector was removed with the .hover method removal in jQuery 1.9.x. Interestingly a recent answer by allicarn shows it's possible to use hover as CSS selector vs. Sizzle when..
Deferring removal of a view so it can be animated http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9925171/deferring-removal-of-a-view-so-it-can-be-animated removal of a view so it can be animated Say I have a template which displays a view based on a property #if App.contentsAreVisible..