jquery Programming Glossary: removed
jQuery Uncaught TypeError: Property '$' of object [object Window] is not a function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10807200/jquery-uncaught-typeerror-property-of-object-object-window-is-not-a-funct Fades out a box and slide it up before it will get removed .fn.fadeInSlide function speed callback if .isFunction speed.. Fades out a box and slide it up before it will get removed .fn.fadeOutSlide function speed callback if .isFunction.. Fades out a box and slide it up before it will get removed .fn.textFadeOut function text delay callback if text return..
How to know if a font (@font-face) has already been loaded? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12312323/how-to-know-if-a-font-font-face-has-already-been-loaded doesn't break your layout EDIT FontAwesome compatibility removed as it didn't work properly and ran into issues with different..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events pageremove can be fired and then handled when a page is removed from the DOM Page loading jsFiddle example http jsfiddle.net..
Choosing and activating the right controls on an AJAX-driven site http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15048223/choosing-and-activating-the-right-controls-on-an-ajax-driven-site Snapshot of the target HTML in case the target page is removed or changed by Nike javascript jquery greasemonkey tampermonkey..
What is the best way to add options to a select from an array with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/170986/what-is-the-best-way-to-add-options-to-a-select-from-an-array-with-jquery ' option ' value key .text value Changes from matdumsa's 1 removed the close tag for the option inside append and 2 moved the properties..
Detecting when a div's height changes using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/172821/detecting-when-a-divs-height-changes-using-jquery a div that contains some content that's being added and removed dynamically so its height is changing often. I also have a div..
jQuery - Trigger event when an element is removed from the DOM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2200494/jquery-trigger-event-when-an-element-is-removed-from-the-dom Trigger event when an element is removed from the DOM I'm trying to figure out how to execute some js.. figure out how to execute some js code when an element is removed from the page jQuery '#some element' .remove remove some element.. UI v1.10.2 #myDiv .on remove function alert Element was removed Important This is functionality of Jquery UI script not JQuery..
How can I override the OnBeforeUnload dialog and replace it with my own? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/276660/how-can-i-override-the-onbeforeunload-dialog-and-replace-it-with-my-own continue or Cancel to stay on the current page. cannot be removed or altered. The problem seems to be When onbeforeunload is called..
How to detect ctrl+v ,Ctrl+c using Javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2903991/how-to-detect-ctrlv-ctrlc-using-javascript to clarify this script requires the jQuery library. EDIT removed 3 redundant lines involving e.which thanks to Tim Down's suggestion..
Difference between jQuery `click`, `bind`, `live`, `delegate`, `trigger` and `on` functions (with an example)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2954932/difference-between-jquery-click-bind-live-delegate-trigger-and-on it's staying until that element is gone or the handler is removed via .unbind . Yet another common use for .live and .delegate..
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition sometimes works sometimes doesn't http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3397585/navigator-geolocation-getcurrentposition-sometimes-works-sometimes-doesnt are created with the lat long data as their value they're removed in the beginning so they don't get duplicated every time . There..
WebKit issues with event.layerX and event.layerY http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7825448/webkit-issues-with-event-layerx-and-event-layery are broken and deprecated in WebKit. They will be removed from the engine in the near future. Looks like jQuery is screwing..
What's the difference between `on` and `live` or `bind`? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8065305/whats-the-difference-between-on-and-live-or-bind . In future versions of jQuery these methods will be removed and only on and one will be left. Examples Using live .mySelector..
jQuery disable SELECT options based on Radio selected (Need support for all browsers) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/877328/jquery-disable-select-options-based-on-radio-selected-need-support-for-all-brow documentation In jQuery 1.3 @attr style selectors were removed they were previously deprecated in jQuery 1.2 . Simply remove..
Does jQuery.on() work for elements that are added after the event handler is created? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9814298/does-jquery-on-work-for-elements-that-are-added-after-the-event-handler-is-cre is present when you run this line of code and won't be removed or recreated. The dynamic selector is a selector that matches..
Large dynamically sized html table with a fixed scroll row and fixed scroll column http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10838700/large-dynamically-sized-html-table-with-a-fixed-scroll-row-and-fixed-scroll-colu the width of actual table will be increased as you resize. Removed fixed width on SBWrapper so that it can fully utilize the available..
how to use jquery with primefaces http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11112058/how-to-use-jquery-with-primefaces type text javascript src js main.js script h head EDIT Removed the line as suggested by BalusC. However after testing the application..
jQuery match multiple attributes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/155977/jquery-match-multiple-attributes radio value New name Foo New li li input type radio value Removed name Foo Removed li li input type radio value Updated name Foo.. name Foo New li li input type radio value Removed name Foo Removed li li input type radio value Updated name Foo Updated li ul.. radio value New name Foo New li li input type radio value Removed name Foo Removed li li input type radio value Updated name Foo..
Submit two html form in jsp using single submit button? tried ajax but not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15711443/submit-two-html-form-in-jsp-using-single-submit-button-tried-ajax-but-not-worki label div s form This is my Updated Submitted Button. Removed from Div and Placed inside a table. tr td td td input type submit..
Masonry with AngularJS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16504151/masonry-with-angularjs child.imagesLoaded addBrick else addBrick Removed bricks we only want to call masonry.reload once if a whole batch.. so push this async. var willReload false function hasRemovedBrick if willReload willReload true scope. evalAsync function.. reload this.removeBrick function brickId hasRemovedBrick var index bricks.indexOf brickId if index 1 bricks.splice..
Trying to use jQuery to display JSON text data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1974929/trying-to-use-jquery-to-display-json-text-data term hilton 20metropole location B26 203QJ ywsid APIKEY Removed function data .each data.businesses function i businesses content..
How to detect that Ctrl+R was pressed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2767126/how-to-detect-that-ctrlr-was-pressed keyupup functions than in the keypress functions. EDIT Removed ctrl variable forgot about ctrlKey share improve this answer..
jQuery not posting all inputs of a form after the .append() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3847492/jquery-not-posting-all-inputs-of-a-form-after-the-append 'click' function #list .append ' li style height 20px ' Removed repetitive ID and made prova an array ' input type text class..
Hide A DIV if screen is narrower than 1024px http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5277872/hide-a-div-if-screen-is-narrower-than-1024px anywhere.js id 6vIPELyEeU5vcSc3c0Q5w v 1 Removed http from URLs due to low rep error jquery wordpress screen..
jQuery AJAX producing 304 responses when it shouldn't http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5502002/jquery-ajax-producing-304-responses-when-it-shouldnt It's completely transparent for the user though. EDIT2 Removed the advice about preventing caching. Seems like Voodoo to me...
Target :before and :after pseudo-elements with jQuery [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5814810/target-before-and-after-pseudo-elements-with-jquery
Link to a particular slide of a jquery slider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5906030/link-to-a-particular-slide-of-a-jquery-slider to a slide http yourhost.com path to page.html#2 Update Removed # from fragment before using it in the selector. share improve..
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'dialog' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8786104/uncaught-typeerror-object-object-object-has-no-method-dialog and also in the partial view I was loading. . Removed the reference in the partial view and got it sorted. share..
jQuery Uncaught TypeError: Property '$' of object [object Window] is not a function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10807200/jquery-uncaught-typeerror-property-of-object-object-window-is-not-a-funct arguments i cache.push cacheImage fadeInSlide by revaxarts.com Fades out a box and slide it up before it will get removed .fn.fadeInSlide function speed callback if .isFunction speed callback speed if speed speed 200 if callback callback.. function callback return this fadeOutSlide by revaxarts.com Fades out a box and slide it up before it will get removed .fn.fadeOutSlide function speed callback if .isFunction speed callback speed if speed speed 200 if callback callback.. callback return this textFadeOut by revaxarts.com Fades out a box and slide it up before it will get removed .fn.textFadeOut function text delay callback if text return false if .isFunction delay callback delay if delay delay..
How to know if a font (@font-face) has already been loaded? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12312323/how-to-know-if-a-font-font-face-has-already-been-loaded important fall back font necessary styling so fallback font doesn't break your layout EDIT FontAwesome compatibility removed as it didn't work properly and ran into issues with different versions. A hacky fix can be found here https github.com patrickmarabeas..
jQuery Mobile: document ready vs page events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14468659/jquery-mobile-document-ready-vs-page-events pagecreate and pageinit are for page initialization. pageremove can be fired and then handled when a page is removed from the DOM Page loading jsFiddle example http jsfiddle.net Gajotres QGnft If AJAX is not enabled some events may not fire...
Choosing and activating the right controls on an AJAX-driven site http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15048223/choosing-and-activating-the-right-controls-on-an-ajax-driven-site true jNode 0 .dispatchEvent clickEvent Link to the target page Snapshot of the target HTML in case the target page is removed or changed by Nike javascript jquery greasemonkey tampermonkey share improve this question Rather than just alter the..
What is the best way to add options to a select from an array with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/170986/what-is-the-best-way-to-add-options-to-a-select-from-an-array-with-jquery .each selectValues function key value '#mySelect' .append ' option ' value key .text value Changes from matdumsa's 1 removed the close tag for the option inside append and 2 moved the properties attributes into an map as the second parameter of..
Detecting when a div's height changes using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/172821/detecting-when-a-divs-height-changes-using-jquery when a div's height changes using jQuery I've got a div that contains some content that's being added and removed dynamically so its height is changing often. I also have a div that is absolutely positioned directly underneath with javascript..
jQuery - Trigger event when an element is removed from the DOM http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2200494/jquery-trigger-event-when-an-element-is-removed-from-the-dom Trigger event when an element is removed from the DOM I'm trying to figure out how to execute some js code when an element is removed from the page jQuery '#some.. event when an element is removed from the DOM I'm trying to figure out how to execute some js code when an element is removed from the page jQuery '#some element' .remove remove some element from the page need to figure out how to independently detect.. built in in current version of JQuery jQuery v1.9.1 jQuery UI v1.10.2 #myDiv .on remove function alert Element was removed Important This is functionality of Jquery UI script not JQuery so you have to load both scripts jquery and jquery ui to..
How can I override the OnBeforeUnload dialog and replace it with my own? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/276660/how-can-i-override-the-onbeforeunload-dialog-and-replace-it-with-my-own you want to navigate away from this page ... Press OK to continue or Cancel to stay on the current page. cannot be removed or altered. The problem seems to be When onbeforeunload is called it will take the return value of the handler as window.event.returnValue..
How to detect ctrl+v ,Ctrl+c using Javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2903991/how-to-detect-ctrlv-ctrlc-using-javascript
Difference between jQuery `click`, `bind`, `live`, `delegate`, `trigger` and `on` functions (with an example)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2954932/difference-between-jquery-click-bind-live-delegate-trigger-and-on was used to find it is irrelevant...the event is bound and it's staying until that element is gone or the handler is removed via .unbind . Yet another common use for .live and .delegate is performance . If you're dealing with lots of elements attaching..
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition sometimes works sometimes doesn't http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3397585/navigator-geolocation-getcurrentposition-sometimes-works-sometimes-doesnt two fields that say Current Position and two hidden fields are created with the lat long data as their value they're removed in the beginning so they don't get duplicated every time . There are also two buttons that have a click function tied to..
WebKit issues with event.layerX and event.layerY http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7825448/webkit-issues-with-event-layerx-and-event-layery in the latest canary build of Chrome. event.layerX and event.layerY are broken and deprecated in WebKit. They will be removed from the engine in the near future. Looks like jQuery is screwing thing up. I'm using jquery 1.6.1.min.js . Would it help..
What's the difference between `on` and `live` or `bind`? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8065305/whats-the-difference-between-on-and-live-or-bind bonus of tidying up the inefficiencies with live vs delegate . In future versions of jQuery these methods will be removed and only on and one will be left. Examples Using live .mySelector .live click fn Equivalent `on` there isn't an exact equivalent..
jQuery disable SELECT options based on Radio selected (Need support for all browsers) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/877328/jquery-disable-select-options-based-on-radio-selected-need-support-for-all-brow it in action . EDIT Also forgot to add according to the jQuery documentation In jQuery 1.3 @attr style selectors were removed they were previously deprecated in jQuery 1.2 . Simply remove the '@' symbol from your selectors in order to make them work..
Does jQuery.on() work for elements that are added after the event handler is created? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9814298/does-jquery-on-work-for-elements-that-are-added-after-the-event-handler-is-cre that is both an ancestor of your dynamic objects and is static is present when you run this line of code and won't be removed or recreated. The dynamic selector is a selector that matches your dynamic elements. They do not have to exist at the time..
Large dynamically sized html table with a fixed scroll row and fixed scroll column http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10838700/large-dynamically-sized-html-table-with-a-fixed-scroll-row-and-fixed-scroll-colu event handler to set the width of the rightContainer so the width of actual table will be increased as you resize. Removed fixed width on SBWrapper so that it can fully utilize the available space inside the container. I have created 2 demo for..
how to use jquery with primefaces http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11112058/how-to-use-jquery-with-primefaces pagination #carousel_pager auto false script script type text javascript src js main.js script h head EDIT Removed the line as suggested by BalusC. However after testing the application for a little longer I found out that there are still..
jQuery match multiple attributes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/155977/jquery-match-multiple-attributes li input type radio value All name Foo All li li input type radio value New name Foo New li li input type radio value Removed name Foo Removed li li input type radio value Updated name Foo Updated li ul I'd like to do it via attribute match but I.. value All name Foo All li li input type radio value New name Foo New li li input type radio value Removed name Foo Removed li li input type radio value Updated name Foo Updated li ul I'd like to do it via attribute match but I need to match on.. li input type radio value All name Foo All li li input type radio value New name Foo New li li input type radio value Removed name Foo Removed li li input type radio value Updated name Foo Updated li ul a href Click here a body html When you click..
Submit two html form in jsp using single submit button? tried ajax but not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15711443/submit-two-html-form-in-jsp-using-single-submit-button-tried-ajax-but-not-worki s if name pSB.r2 label for notProgressing Not Progressing label div s form This is my Updated Submitted Button. Removed from Div and Placed inside a table. tr td td td input type submit value Save Note td tr I am using struts 2 and I want to..
Masonry with AngularJS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16504151/masonry-with-angularjs brickId if index 1 bricks.push brickId if waitForImage child.imagesLoaded addBrick else addBrick Removed bricks we only want to call masonry.reload once if a whole batch of bricks have been removed though so push this async... once if a whole batch of bricks have been removed though so push this async. var willReload false function hasRemovedBrick if willReload willReload true scope. evalAsync function willReload false element.masonry reload this.removeBrick.. true scope. evalAsync function willReload false element.masonry reload this.removeBrick function brickId hasRemovedBrick var index bricks.indexOf brickId if index 1 bricks.splice index 1 .directive 'masonryBrick' function compile..
Trying to use jQuery to display JSON text data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1974929/trying-to-use-jquery-to-display-json-text-data function .getJSON http api.yelp.com business_review_search term hilton 20metropole location B26 203QJ ywsid APIKEY Removed function data .each data.businesses function i businesses content ' p ' businesses.reviews.text_excerpt ' p ' content '..
How to detect that Ctrl+R was pressed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2767126/how-to-detect-that-ctrlr-was-pressed
jQuery not posting all inputs of a form after the .append() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3847492/jquery-not-posting-all-inputs-of-a-form-after-the-append to make prova an array by using the form prova #button .live 'click' function #list .append ' li style height 20px ' Removed repetitive ID and made prova an array ' input type text class text name prova value prova li ' jsFiddle example share..
Hide A DIV if screen is narrower than 1024px http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5277872/hide-a-div-if-screen-is-narrower-than-1024px is null or not an object Line 1 Char 5207 Code 0 URI platform.twitter.com anywhere.js id 6vIPELyEeU5vcSc3c0Q5w v 1 Removed http from URLs due to low rep error jquery wordpress screen resolution share improve this question function hideDiv..
jQuery AJAX producing 304 responses when it shouldn't http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5502002/jquery-ajax-producing-304-responses-when-it-shouldnt simply serve up the locally cached response from the server. It's completely transparent for the user though. EDIT2 Removed the advice about preventing caching. Seems like Voodoo to me. EDIT3 Added that bit in again because it apparently was necessary...
Target :before and :after pseudo-elements with jQuery [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5814810/target-before-and-after-pseudo-elements-with-jquery
Link to a particular slide of a jquery slider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5906030/link-to-a-particular-slide-of-a-jquery-slider
Uncaught TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'dialog' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8786104/uncaught-typeerror-object-object-object-has-no-method-dialog