jquery Programming Glossary: reloads
Get current scroll position and pass it as a variable with a link? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1022652/get-current-scroll-position-and-pass-it-as-a-variable-with-a-link created a pagination system where you click on a link it reloads the page and a certain number of list items are shown in an.. shows the tweets in your feed. The problem is when it reloads the page it stays at the top. What I would like is for it to..
Form inside of $.load not posting correctly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13734395/form-inside-of-load-not-posting-correctly isn't being passed onto it's self and the page basically reloads it's self as it was being passed onto the main parent... I was..
Flash video still playing on DIV that is removed using jQuery (IE bug) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1806032/flash-video-still-playing-on-div-that-is-removed-using-jquery-ie-bug stops along with the sound clicking back to the video tab reloads the content as expected. In Internet Explorer this is not the..
Change hash without reload in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1939041/change-hash-without-reload-in-jquery can copy and bookmark it. At the moment this effectively reloads the page when the hash tag is change. Is it possible to change..
jqgrid reload grid after successfull inline update / inline creation of record http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2109754/jqgrid-reload-grid-after-successfull-inline-update-inline-creation-of-record '' '' '' reload I have assigned your reload function which reloads the grid for ' aftersavefunc ' parameter the reload method itself..
iframe contents change event? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2433966/iframe-contents-change-event itself. edit yes it does seem to fire when the page reloads internally Thus you might try 'iframe#yourId' .load function..
Refresh (reload) a page once using jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2557480/refresh-reload-a-page-once-using-jquery reload the site window.setTimeout 'location.reload ' 3000 reloads after 3 seconds else you're inside a frame so you stop reloading..
Dynamically change embedded video src in IE/Chrome (works in Firefox) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2985205/dynamically-change-embedded-video-src-in-ie-chrome-works-in-firefox return false stop the default link so it just reloads in the video player Like I said the videos are changing perfectly..
jqGrid paging question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3807623/jqgrid-paging-question reload button on the nav set datatype 'json' when the grid reloads the nav is showing that the grid is displaying 16 30 of 17...
How to fire AJAX request Periodically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5052543/how-to-fire-ajax-request-periodically meta http equiv Refresh Content 5 This script reloads or refresh the page after every 5 seconds. But I want to do..
How to show a spinner while loading an image via JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/51352/how-to-show-a-spinner-while-loading-an-image-via-javascript are a set of links which when clicked the entire page reloads and looks exactly the same as before except for the chart in..
How to check if jQuery.ajax() request header Status is “304 Not Modified”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5173656/how-to-check-if-jquery-ajax-request-header-status-is-304-not-modified not persist cache information e.g. in cookies between page reloads however. Therefore the first fetch of a resource after a page..
How can I refresh a page with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5404839/how-can-i-refresh-a-page-with-jquery
jqGrid resolve the grid pager ID dynamically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7056859/jqgrid-resolve-the-grid-pager-id-dynamically page Check if there is a jqGrid on the page and if present reloads its data var jqGrid 'div.ui jqgrid bdiv table' if jqGrid.length.. data Check if there is a jqGrid on the page and if present reloads its data var jqGrids 'div.ui jqgrid bdiv table' jqGrids.each..
Reload of jqgrid not happening with loadonce:true http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7067439/reload-of-jqgrid-not-happening-with-loadoncetrue you want that Reload Grid button from the navigator bar reloads the grid from the server. To do so you should redefine the standard..
shadowbox stops working after jquery function call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9144577/shadowbox-stops-working-after-jquery-function-call benefit I can see for doing this is that the page never reloads but you need to take another approach to how to get and display.. that would allow you to prevent roundtrip page reloads Setup your AJAX calls to only request the .content portion of..
Get current scroll position and pass it as a variable with a link? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1022652/get-current-scroll-position-and-pass-it-as-a-variable-with-a-link a link I'll be honest I'm way out of my depth here. I've created a pagination system where you click on a link it reloads the page and a certain number of list items are shown in an unordered list. When you click it again it'll reload the page.. it'll reload the page and more items showing. Think how Twitter shows the tweets in your feed. The problem is when it reloads the page it stays at the top. What I would like is for it to jump to the same position on the page it previously had. I..
Form inside of $.load not posting correctly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13734395/form-inside-of-load-not-posting-correctly intended except for when passed to Monsterequest.php the post isn't being passed onto it's self and the page basically reloads it's self as it was being passed onto the main parent... I was unsure if it was but monsterrequest.php seems to work perfectly..
Flash video still playing on DIV that is removed using jQuery (IE bug) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1806032/flash-video-still-playing-on-div-that-is-removed-using-jquery-ie-bug in one tab and click to another in FF or Safari the video stops along with the sound clicking back to the video tab reloads the content as expected. In Internet Explorer this is not the case the video continues to play even when the tab is not..
Change hash without reload in jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1939041/change-hash-without-reload-in-jquery want the page url hash tag to change when you click so people can copy and bookmark it. At the moment this effectively reloads the page when the hash tag is change. Is it possible to change the hash tag and not reload the page to prevent the jumping..
jqgrid reload grid after successfull inline update / inline creation of record http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2109754/jqgrid-reload-grid-after-successfull-inline-update-inline-creation-of-record read as follows. jQuery '#grid' .jqGrid editRow id true '' '' '' '' reload I have assigned your reload function which reloads the grid for ' aftersavefunc ' parameter the reload method itself should be defined as follows function reload rowid result..
iframe contents change event? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2433966/iframe-contents-change-event src is changed not sure whether it fires when the iframe changes itself. edit yes it does seem to fire when the page reloads internally Thus you might try 'iframe#yourId' .load function alert the iframe has been loaded I can't try IE at the moment...
Refresh (reload) a page once using jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2557480/refresh-reload-a-page-once-using-jquery try this if window.top window you're not in a frame so you reload the site window.setTimeout 'location.reload ' 3000 reloads after 3 seconds else you're inside a frame so you stop reloading If it is once then just do '#div id' .triggerevent function..
Dynamically change embedded video src in IE/Chrome (works in Firefox) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2985205/dynamically-change-embedded-video-src-in-ie-chrome-works-in-firefox videoAddress this .attr href #embeddedPlayer .attr src videoAddress return false stop the default link so it just reloads in the video player Like I said the videos are changing perfectly in Firefox but in IE and Chrome nothing happens. Any..
jqGrid paging question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3807623/jqgrid-paging-question sense. Now when you're on this second page and you hit the reload button on the nav set datatype 'json' when the grid reloads the nav is showing that the grid is displaying 16 30 of 17. This seems to be a bug is there a workaround The grid still..
How to fire AJAX request Periodically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5052543/how-to-fire-ajax-request-periodically to fire AJAX request Periodically meta http equiv Refresh Content 5 This script reloads or refresh the page after every 5 seconds. But I want to do it using jQuery and AJAX call. Is it possible jquery ajax ..
How to show a spinner while loading an image via JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/51352/how-to-show-a-spinner-while-loading-an-image-via-javascript a single chart a .png image . On another part of this page there are a set of links which when clicked the entire page reloads and looks exactly the same as before except for the chart in the middle of the page. What I want to do is when a link is..
How to check if jQuery.ajax() request header Status is “304 Not Modified”? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5173656/how-to-check-if-jquery-ajax-request-header-status-is-304-not-modified for jQuery to use for its next fetch. jQuery does not persist cache information e.g. in cookies between page reloads however. Therefore the first fetch of a resource after a page reload will never be a 304 because jQuery has no cache information..
How can I refresh a page with jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5404839/how-can-i-refresh-a-page-with-jquery
jqGrid resolve the grid pager ID dynamically? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7056859/jqgrid-resolve-the-grid-pager-id-dynamically code that tells me if a jqGrid object is present in the page Check if there is a jqGrid on the page and if present reloads its data var jqGrid 'div.ui jqgrid bdiv table' if jqGrid.length time to reload jqGrid .trigger 'reloadGrid' I would like.. contentType application json charset utf 8 success function data Check if there is a jqGrid on the page and if present reloads its data var jqGrids 'div.ui jqgrid bdiv table' jqGrids.each function ix jqGrid var gridID .jgrid.jqID jqGrid.id reconfigPermissions..
Reload of jqgrid not happening with loadonce:true http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7067439/reload-of-jqgrid-not-happening-with-loadoncetrue with the implementation. If I understand you correct now you want that Reload Grid button from the navigator bar reloads the grid from the server. To do so you should redefine the standard Reload Grid button with your implementation which do..
shadowbox stops working after jquery function call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9144577/shadowbox-stops-working-after-jquery-function-call then selecting just an element with a class content . The only benefit I can see for doing this is that the page never reloads but you need to take another approach to how to get and display the data that doesn't involve downloading the entire page.. link them to the same content without issue. There are two alternatives that would allow you to prevent roundtrip page reloads Setup your AJAX calls to only request the .content portion of the markup if you have the contentonly true flag in the URL..