jquery Programming Glossary: render_to_response
Model has no attribute _committed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10150301/model-has-no-attribute-committed g.save HttpResponse else form BackgroundModelForm return render_to_response cover.html 'form' form context_instance RequestContext request..
How to submit form without refreshing page using Django, Ajax, jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11647715/how-to-submit-form-without-refreshing-page-using-django-ajax-jquery 'title' else message 'something wrong ' return render_to_response 'contact advert.html' 'message' message context_instance RequestContext.. context_instance RequestContext request else return render_to_response 'contact advert.html' 'form' AdvertForm context_instance RequestContext.. return HttpResponse json.dumps 'message' message return render_to_response 'contact advert.html' 'form' AdvertForm RequestContext request..
External django redirect with POST parameters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1345892/external-django-redirect-with-post-parameters to where ever you want. View from django.shortcuts import render_to_response def view request return render_to_response 'test.html' 'foo'.. import render_to_response def view request return render_to_response 'test.html' 'foo' 123 'bar' 456 Template html head title test..
Django/jQuery Cascading Select Boxes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3233850/django-jquery-cascading-select-boxes None # ...Set the rest of the Context here... return render_to_response addressform.html context Then in the template select name country..
Model has no attribute _committed http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10150301/model-has-no-attribute-committed data.user request.user data.save else g.background form g.save HttpResponse else form BackgroundModelForm return render_to_response cover.html 'form' form context_instance RequestContext request Urls.py url r'^cover ' 'cover.views.backgroundview' javascript..
How to submit form without refreshing page using Django, Ajax, jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11647715/how-to-submit-form-without-refreshing-page-using-django-ajax-jquery if form.is_valid print request.POST 'title' message request.POST 'title' else message 'something wrong ' return render_to_response 'contact advert.html' 'message' message context_instance RequestContext request else return render_to_response 'contact.. return render_to_response 'contact advert.html' 'message' message context_instance RequestContext request else return render_to_response 'contact advert.html' 'form' AdvertForm context_instance RequestContext request forms.py form using ModelForm from django.. print request.POST 'title' message request.POST 'title' return HttpResponse json.dumps 'message' message return render_to_response 'contact advert.html' 'form' AdvertForm RequestContext request so that way you put the response in the message div. instead..
External django redirect with POST parameters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1345892/external-django-redirect-with-post-parameters soon as the form loads the JavaScript will submit POST form to where ever you want. View from django.shortcuts import render_to_response def view request return render_to_response 'test.html' 'foo' 123 'bar' 456 Template html head title test title script type.. submit POST form to where ever you want. View from django.shortcuts import render_to_response def view request return render_to_response 'test.html' 'foo' 123 'bar' 456 Template html head title test title script type text javascript function load window.document.test.submit..
Django/jQuery Cascading Select Boxes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3233850/django-jquery-cascading-select-boxes request.POST 'state' else context 'states' context 'country' None # ...Set the rest of the Context here... return render_to_response addressform.html context Then in the template select name country id select_country for c in countries option value c.val..