

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 12:07:03

jquery Programming Glossary: render_to_response

Model has no attribute _committed


g.save HttpResponse else form BackgroundModelForm return render_to_response cover.html 'form' form context_instance RequestContext request..

How to submit form without refreshing page using Django, Ajax, jQuery?


'title' else message 'something wrong ' return render_to_response 'contact advert.html' 'message' message context_instance RequestContext.. context_instance RequestContext request else return render_to_response 'contact advert.html' 'form' AdvertForm context_instance RequestContext.. return HttpResponse json.dumps 'message' message return render_to_response 'contact advert.html' 'form' AdvertForm RequestContext request..

External django redirect with POST parameters


to where ever you want. View from django.shortcuts import render_to_response def view request return render_to_response 'test.html' 'foo'.. import render_to_response def view request return render_to_response 'test.html' 'foo' 123 'bar' 456 Template html head title test..

Django/jQuery Cascading Select Boxes?


None # ...Set the rest of the Context here... return render_to_response addressform.html context Then in the template select name country..

Model has no attribute _committed


data.user request.user data.save else g.background form g.save HttpResponse else form BackgroundModelForm return render_to_response cover.html 'form' form context_instance RequestContext request Urls.py url r'^cover ' 'cover.views.backgroundview' javascript..

How to submit form without refreshing page using Django, Ajax, jQuery?


if form.is_valid print request.POST 'title' message request.POST 'title' else message 'something wrong ' return render_to_response 'contact advert.html' 'message' message context_instance RequestContext request else return render_to_response 'contact.. return render_to_response 'contact advert.html' 'message' message context_instance RequestContext request else return render_to_response 'contact advert.html' 'form' AdvertForm context_instance RequestContext request forms.py form using ModelForm from django.. print request.POST 'title' message request.POST 'title' return HttpResponse json.dumps 'message' message return render_to_response 'contact advert.html' 'form' AdvertForm RequestContext request so that way you put the response in the message div. instead..

External django redirect with POST parameters


soon as the form loads the JavaScript will submit POST form to where ever you want. View from django.shortcuts import render_to_response def view request return render_to_response 'test.html' 'foo' 123 'bar' 456 Template html head title test title script type.. submit POST form to where ever you want. View from django.shortcuts import render_to_response def view request return render_to_response 'test.html' 'foo' 123 'bar' 456 Template html head title test title script type text javascript function load window.document.test.submit..

Django/jQuery Cascading Select Boxes?


request.POST 'state' else context 'states' context 'country' None # ...Set the rest of the Context here... return render_to_response addressform.html context Then in the template select name country id select_country for c in countries option value c.val..