jquery Programming Glossary: range.setend
Persisting the changes of range objects after selection in HTML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13949059/persisting-the-changes-of-range-objects-after-selection-in-html savedSel.end charIndex savedSel.end nextCharIndex range.setEnd node savedSel.end charIndex stop true charIndex nextCharIndex..
How can I position an element next to user text selection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1589721/how-can-i-position-an-element-next-to-user-text-selection range.setStart sel.anchorNode sel.anchorOffset range.setEnd sel.focusNode sel.focusOffset Handle the case when the selection.. range.setStart sel.focusNode sel.focusOffset range.setEnd sel.anchorNode sel.anchorOffset range.collapse false Create..
Javascript Contenteditable - set Cursor / Caret to index http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16095155/javascript-contenteditable-set-cursor-caret-to-index true if foundStart end charIndex end nextCharIndex range.setEnd node end charIndex stop true charIndex nextCharIndex else..
Get the offset position of the caret in a textarea in pixels http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16212871/get-the-offset-position-of-the-caret-in-a-textarea-in-pixels end sel.start range.setStart div 0 .childNodes 0 index range.setEnd div 0 .childNodes 0 end var nextword range.toHtml range.deleteContents.. ' ' range.setStart div 0 .childNodes 0 index 1 range.setEnd div 0 .childNodes 0 index var prevchar span id 'prevchar' span..
how to get selection inside a div using jquery/javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5801347/how-to-get-selection-inside-a-div-using-jquery-javascript selRange.compareBoundaryPoints range.END_TO_END range 1 range.setEnd selRange.endContainer selRange.endOffset selectedText range.toString..
How to set caret(cursor) position in contenteditable element (div)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6249095/how-to-set-caretcursor-position-in-contenteditable-element-div document.getElementById editable range.setStart myDiv 5 range.setEnd myDiv 5 Is it possible to set manually caret position like this..
Persisting the changes of range objects after selection in HTML http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13949059/persisting-the-changes-of-range-objects-after-selection-in-html node savedSel.start charIndex foundStart true if foundStart savedSel.end charIndex savedSel.end nextCharIndex range.setEnd node savedSel.end charIndex stop true charIndex nextCharIndex else var i node.childNodes.length while i nodeStack.push..
How can I position an element next to user text selection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1589721/how-can-i-position-an-element-next-to-user-text-selection 0 .cloneRange else Older WebKit doesn't have getRangeAt range.setStart sel.anchorNode sel.anchorOffset range.setEnd sel.focusNode sel.focusOffset Handle the case when the selection was selected backwards from the end to the start in the.. end to the start in the document if range.collapsed sel.isCollapsed range.setStart sel.focusNode sel.focusOffset range.setEnd sel.anchorNode sel.anchorOffset range.collapse false Create the marker element containing a single invisible character..
Javascript Contenteditable - set Cursor / Caret to index http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16095155/javascript-contenteditable-set-cursor-caret-to-index nextCharIndex range.setStart node start charIndex foundStart true if foundStart end charIndex end nextCharIndex range.setEnd node end charIndex stop true charIndex nextCharIndex else var i node.childNodes.length while i nodeStack.push node.childNodes..
Get the offset position of the caret in a textarea in pixels http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16212871/get-the-offset-position-of-the-caret-in-a-textarea-in-pixels i i 1 var sel this .getSelection endchar sel.text end sel.start range.setStart div 0 .childNodes 0 index range.setEnd div 0 .childNodes 0 end var nextword range.toHtml range.deleteContents var position span id 'nextword' nextword span 0 range.insertNode.. preceding character is a space wrap it in a span if previouscharacter ' ' range.setStart div 0 .childNodes 0 index 1 range.setEnd div 0 .childNodes 0 index var prevchar span id 'prevchar' span 0 range.insertNode prevchar var prevchartop #prevchar .position..
how to get selection inside a div using jquery/javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5801347/how-to-get-selection-inside-a-div-using-jquery-javascript selRange.startContainer selRange.startOffset if selRange.compareBoundaryPoints range.END_TO_END range 1 range.setEnd selRange.endContainer selRange.endOffset selectedText range.toString else if typeof document.selection undefined document.selection.type..
How to set caret(cursor) position in contenteditable element (div)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6249095/how-to-set-caretcursor-position-in-contenteditable-element-div work FF Chrome var range document.createRange var myDiv document.getElementById editable range.setStart myDiv 5 range.setEnd myDiv 5 Is it possible to set manually caret position like this javascript jquery contenteditable caret cursor position..