jquery Programming Glossary: range
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14550396/jquery-mobile-markup-enhancement-of-dynamically-added-content 9UQ9k Sliders Flip toggle switch Markup enhancement ' type range ' .slider Enhancement example http jsfiddle.net Gajotres caCsf.. button. Encapsulates the idiosyncracies of how jquery re arranges the DOM to display a button for either an a link or input type..
jQuery Set Cursor Position in Text Area http://stackoverflow.com/questions/499126/jquery-set-cursor-position-in-text-area pos pos else if this .get 0 .createTextRange var range this .get 0 .createTextRange range.collapse true range.moveEnd.. 0 .createTextRange var range this .get 0 .createTextRange range.collapse true range.moveEnd 'character' pos range.moveStart.. var range this .get 0 .createTextRange range.collapse true range.moveEnd 'character' pos range.moveStart 'character' pos range.select..
Can the jQuery UI Datepicker be made to disable Saturdays and Sundays (and holidays)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/501943/can-the-jquery-ui-datepicker-be-made-to-disable-saturdays-and-sundays-and-holid for choosing an appointment day. I already set the date range to be only for the next month. That works fine. I want to exclude..
Insert html at caret in a contenteditable div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6690752/insert-html-at-caret-in-a-contenteditable-div to the question above actually works in IE as it uses the range.pasteHTML method but in other browsers the br tag would appear.. jwvha 1 Code function pasteHtmlAtCaret html var sel range if window.getSelection IE9 and non IE sel window.getSelection.. and non IE sel window.getSelection if sel.getRangeAt sel.rangeCount range sel.getRangeAt 0 range.deleteContents Range.createContextualFragment..
JQuery: Selecting Text in an Element (akin to highlighting with your mouse) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/985272/jquery-selecting-text-in-an-element-akin-to-highlighting-with-your-mouse text document.getElementById element if .browser.msie var range document.body.createTextRange range.moveToElementText text range.select.. if .browser.msie var range document.body.createTextRange range.moveToElementText text range.select else if .browser.mozilla.. document.body.createTextRange range.moveToElementText text range.select else if .browser.mozilla .browser.opera var selection..
Replacing selected with another text http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14196312/replacing-selected-with-another-text To get the current selection in HTML5 use the DOM Range API . To edit the selection the Selections API can be used...
Javascript Highlight Selected Range Button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1622629/javascript-highlight-selected-range-button Highlight Selected Range Button I'm attempting to create a study tool for a page that.. colour sel window.getSelection if sel.rangeCount sel.getRangeAt range sel.getRangeAt 0 document.designMode on if range sel.removeAllRanges.. if sel.rangeCount sel.getRangeAt range sel.getRangeAt 0 document.designMode on if range sel.removeAllRanges sel.addRange..
Preserve text selection in contenteditable while interacting with jQuery UI Dialog and text input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3315824/preserve-text-selection-in-contenteditable-while-interacting-with-jquery-ui-dial opening and closing. The first saveSelection returns you a Range or TextRange object that you should store in a variable which.. The first saveSelection returns you a Range or TextRange object that you should store in a variable which you later pass.. if window.getSelection sel window.getSelection if sel.getRangeAt sel.rangeCount return sel.getRangeAt 0 else if document.selection..
Custom Range/Variable Set with jQuery UI Slider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3336709/custom-range-variable-set-with-jquery-ui-slider Range Variable Set with jQuery UI Slider I wanted to see if I could..
Cross Browser Selection Range Library? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3454152/cross-browser-selection-range-library Browser Selection Range Library Does any one know of any cross browser user selection.. improve this question I've developed a cross browser Range and selection library called Rangy . Its core is not dissimilar.. called Rangy . Its core is not dissimilar in concept to IERange but goes beyond it in terms of implementation of the DOM level..
jQuery Validate (Date Range) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3761185/jquery-validate-date-range Validate Date Range Im using the jQuery validate plugin and was wondering if there..
How to modify my tooltip on a td http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5005654/how-to-modify-my-tooltip-on-a-td pointer Address th th scope col style cursor pointer Price Range th th scope col style cursor pointer Date Added th th scope..
How do I wrap a text selection from window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0) with an html tag? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5765381/how-do-i-wrap-a-text-selection-from-window-getselection-getrangeat0-with-an do I wrap a text selection from window.getSelection .getRangeAt 0 with an html tag How do I take a selection from window.getSelection.. How do I take a selection from window.getSelection .getRangeAt 0 and surround it with an HTML tag such as 'span' or 'mark'.. text node you can use the surroundContents method of the Range. However that doesn't work in the general case. The thing to..
Drag the Range of a UI Input Range Slider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5955343/drag-the-range-of-a-ui-input-range-slider the Range of a UI Input Range Slider 0 10 90 100 I need an input.. the Range of a UI Input Range Slider 0 10 90 100 I need an input range slider with..
How to set caret(cursor) position in contenteditable element (div)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6249095/how-to-set-caretcursor-position-in-contenteditable-element-div but it doesn't work FF Chrome var range document.createRange var myDiv document.getElementById editable range.setStart myDiv.. improve this question In most browsers you need the Range and Selection objects. You specify each of the selection boundaries.. document.getElementById editable var range document.createRange var sel window.getSelection range.setStart el.childNodes 2 5..
Insert html at caret in a contenteditable div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6690752/insert-html-at-caret-in-a-contenteditable-div In most browsers you can use the insertNode method of the Range you obtain from the selection. In IE 9 you can use pasteHTML.. IE9 and non IE sel window.getSelection if sel.getRangeAt sel.rangeCount range sel.getRangeAt 0 range.deleteContents.. if sel.getRangeAt sel.rangeCount range sel.getRangeAt 0 range.deleteContents Range.createContextualFragment would..
JavaScript Regex to match a URL in a field of text http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8188645/javascript-regex-to-match-a-url-in-a-field-of-text http ftp https w _ . w _ w . @ ^ amp ~ # w @ ^ amp ~ # Range out of order in character class for the following code var urlexp..
jQuery Date Picker - disable past dates http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8356358/jquery-date-picker-disable-past-dates Date Picker disable past dates I am trying to have a date Range select using the UI date picker. in the from to field people..
How to get the pixel offset from the current caret position in an iframe with contentEditable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8456652/how-to-get-the-pixel-offset-from-the-current-caret-position-in-an-iframe-with-co of the spec for the getBoundingClientRect method of Range shows that getBoundingClientRect is not obliged to return a.. is not obliged to return a Rect for a collapsed Range. Conceptually not every position in the document has a well..
jQuery Mobile: Markup Enhancement of dynamically added content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14550396/jquery-mobile-markup-enhancement-of-dynamically-added-content ' .textinput Enhancement example http jsfiddle.net Gajotres 9UQ9k Sliders Flip toggle switch Markup enhancement ' type range ' .slider Enhancement example http jsfiddle.net Gajotres caCsf Enhancement example during the pagebeforecreate event http.. function Changes the displayed text for a jquery mobile button. Encapsulates the idiosyncracies of how jquery re arranges the DOM to display a button for either an a link or input type button .fn.changeButtonText function newText return this.each..
jQuery Set Cursor Position in Text Area http://stackoverflow.com/questions/499126/jquery-set-cursor-position-in-text-area pos if this .get 0 .setSelectionRange this .get 0 .setSelectionRange pos pos else if this .get 0 .createTextRange var range this .get 0 .createTextRange range.collapse true range.moveEnd 'character' pos range.moveStart 'character' pos range.select.. this .get 0 .setSelectionRange pos pos else if this .get 0 .createTextRange var range this .get 0 .createTextRange range.collapse true range.moveEnd 'character' pos range.moveStart 'character' pos range.select jQuery javascript jquery html.. pos pos else if this .get 0 .createTextRange var range this .get 0 .createTextRange range.collapse true range.moveEnd 'character' pos range.moveStart 'character' pos range.select jQuery javascript jquery html textfield share improve..
Can the jQuery UI Datepicker be made to disable Saturdays and Sundays (and holidays)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/501943/can-the-jquery-ui-datepicker-be-made-to-disable-saturdays-and-sundays-and-holid disable Saturdays and Sundays and holidays I use a datepicker for choosing an appointment day. I already set the date range to be only for the next month. That works fine. I want to exclude Saturdays and Sundays from the available choices. Can..
Insert html at caret in a contenteditable div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6690752/insert-html-at-caret-in-a-contenteditable-div html for brevity we'll say its a br tag. Using the answer to the question above actually works in IE as it uses the range.pasteHTML method but in other browsers the br tag would appear as plain text and not html. How could I modify the answer.. after the end of the inserted content. jsFiddle http jsfiddle.net jwvha 1 Code function pasteHtmlAtCaret html var sel range if window.getSelection IE9 and non IE sel window.getSelection if sel.getRangeAt sel.rangeCount range sel.getRangeAt 0 range.deleteContents.. html var sel range if window.getSelection IE9 and non IE sel window.getSelection if sel.getRangeAt sel.rangeCount range sel.getRangeAt 0 range.deleteContents Range.createContextualFragment would be useful here but is only relatively..
JQuery: Selecting Text in an Element (akin to highlighting with your mouse) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/985272/jquery-selecting-text-in-an-element-akin-to-highlighting-with-your-mouse regardless of browser function SelectText element var text document.getElementById element if .browser.msie var range document.body.createTextRange range.moveToElementText text range.select else if .browser.mozilla .browser.opera var selection.. SelectText element var text document.getElementById element if .browser.msie var range document.body.createTextRange range.moveToElementText text range.select else if .browser.mozilla .browser.opera var selection window.getSelection var range.. document.getElementById element if .browser.msie var range document.body.createTextRange range.moveToElementText text range.select else if .browser.mozilla .browser.opera var selection window.getSelection var range document.createRange range.selectNodeContents..
Replacing selected with another text http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14196312/replacing-selected-with-another-text for this javascript jquery html5 share improve this question To get the current selection in HTML5 use the DOM Range API . To edit the selection the Selections API can be used. See also Where did the Text Selection API go If you use jQuery..
Javascript Highlight Selected Range Button http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1622629/javascript-highlight-selected-range-button Highlight Selected Range Button I'm attempting to create a study tool for a page that allows a user to select any text on the page and click a button... Fixed to work in IE 9. function makeEditableAndHighlight colour sel window.getSelection if sel.rangeCount sel.getRangeAt range sel.getRangeAt 0 document.designMode on if range sel.removeAllRanges sel.addRange range Use HiliteColor since some.. IE 9. function makeEditableAndHighlight colour sel window.getSelection if sel.rangeCount sel.getRangeAt range sel.getRangeAt 0 document.designMode on if range sel.removeAllRanges sel.addRange range Use HiliteColor since some browsers apply BackColor..
Preserve text selection in contenteditable while interacting with jQuery UI Dialog and text input http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3315824/preserve-text-selection-in-contenteditable-while-interacting-with-jquery-ui-dial dialogs to know the mechanism for hooking into the dialog opening and closing. The first saveSelection returns you a Range or TextRange object that you should store in a variable which you later pass to restoreSelection function saveSelection.. know the mechanism for hooking into the dialog opening and closing. The first saveSelection returns you a Range or TextRange object that you should store in a variable which you later pass to restoreSelection function saveSelection if window.getSelection.. you later pass to restoreSelection function saveSelection if window.getSelection sel window.getSelection if sel.getRangeAt sel.rangeCount return sel.getRangeAt 0 else if document.selection document.selection.createRange return document.selection.createRange..
Custom Range/Variable Set with jQuery UI Slider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3336709/custom-range-variable-set-with-jquery-ui-slider Range Variable Set with jQuery UI Slider I wanted to see if I could make a custom data set to use with jQuery UI Slider . I'm..
Cross Browser Selection Range Library? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3454152/cross-browser-selection-range-library Browser Selection Range Library Does any one know of any cross browser user selection range libraries written in javascript I have found a few.. javascript jquery cross browser range selection share improve this question I've developed a cross browser Range and selection library called Rangy . Its core is not dissimilar in concept to IERange but goes beyond it in terms of implementation.. I've developed a cross browser Range and selection library called Rangy . Its core is not dissimilar in concept to IERange but goes beyond it in terms of implementation of the DOM level 2 Range and HTML5 selection specifications and also in terms..
jQuery Validate (Date Range) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3761185/jquery-validate-date-range Validate Date Range Im using the jQuery validate plugin and was wondering if there was a way to validate if the date entered into a field was..
How to modify my tooltip on a td http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5005654/how-to-modify-my-tooltip-on-a-td pointer B House Dorm Name th th scope col style cursor pointer Address th th scope col style cursor pointer Price Range th th scope col style cursor pointer Date Added th th scope col style cursor pointer Status th tr thead tbody php q mysql_query..
How do I wrap a text selection from window.getSelection().getRangeAt(0) with an html tag? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5765381/how-do-i-wrap-a-text-selection-from-window-getselection-getrangeat0-with-an do I wrap a text selection from window.getSelection .getRangeAt 0 with an html tag How do I take a selection from window.getSelection .getRangeAt 0 and surround it with an HTML tag.. from window.getSelection .getRangeAt 0 with an html tag How do I take a selection from window.getSelection .getRangeAt 0 and surround it with an HTML tag such as 'span' or 'mark' I prefer a straight javascript or jQuery solution. I am able.. If the selected text is all contained within a single text node you can use the surroundContents method of the Range. However that doesn't work in the general case. The thing to do is surround each text node within the Range in a span ...
Drag the Range of a UI Input Range Slider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5955343/drag-the-range-of-a-ui-input-range-slider the Range of a UI Input Range Slider 0 10 90 100 I need an input range slider with two handles to select a range and the ability.. the Range of a UI Input Range Slider 0 10 90 100 I need an input range slider with two handles to select a range and the ability to drag the range..
How to set caret(cursor) position in contenteditable element (div)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6249095/how-to-set-caretcursor-position-in-contenteditable-element-div searching over the web I have this JS attached to button click but it doesn't work FF Chrome var range document.createRange var myDiv document.getElementById editable range.setStart myDiv 5 range.setEnd myDiv 5 Is it possible to set manually caret.. javascript jquery contenteditable caret cursor position share improve this question In most browsers you need the Range and Selection objects. You specify each of the selection boundaries as a node and an offset within that node. For example.. of the second line of text you'd do the following var el document.getElementById editable var range document.createRange var sel window.getSelection range.setStart el.childNodes 2 5 range.collapse true sel.removeAllRanges sel.addRange range..
Insert html at caret in a contenteditable div http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6690752/insert-html-at-caret-in-a-contenteditable-div jquery contenteditable share improve this question In most browsers you can use the insertNode method of the Range you obtain from the selection. In IE 9 you can use pasteHTML as you mentioned. Below is a function to do this in all major.. function pasteHtmlAtCaret html var sel range if window.getSelection IE9 and non IE sel window.getSelection if sel.getRangeAt sel.rangeCount range sel.getRangeAt 0 range.deleteContents Range.createContextualFragment would be useful here but is.. sel range if window.getSelection IE9 and non IE sel window.getSelection if sel.getRangeAt sel.rangeCount range sel.getRangeAt 0 range.deleteContents Range.createContextualFragment would be useful here but is only relatively recently standardized..
JavaScript Regex to match a URL in a field of text http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8188645/javascript-regex-to-match-a-url-in-a-field-of-text it to do but chrome throws an error Invalid regular expression http ftp https w _ . w _ w . @ ^ amp ~ # w @ ^ amp ~ # Range out of order in character class for the following code var urlexp new RegExp ' http ftp https w _ . w _ w . @ ^ amp ~ #..
jQuery Date Picker - disable past dates http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8356358/jquery-date-picker-disable-past-dates Date Picker disable past dates I am trying to have a date Range select using the UI date picker. in the from to field people should not be able to view or select dates previous to the..
How to get the pixel offset from the current caret position in an iframe with contentEditable http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8456652/how-to-get-the-pixel-offset-from-the-current-caret-position-in-an-iframe-with-co inserting the node. The reason for this is that careful reading of the spec for the getBoundingClientRect method of Range shows that getBoundingClientRect is not obliged to return a Rect for a collapsed Range. Conceptually not every position.. getBoundingClientRect method of Range shows that getBoundingClientRect is not obliged to return a Rect for a collapsed Range. Conceptually not every position in the document has a well defined bounding rectangle. The caret however does have physical..