jquery Programming Glossary: rc
Large dynamically sized html table with a fixed scroll row and fixed scroll column http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10838700/large-dynamically-sized-html-table-with-a-fixed-scroll-row-and-fixed-scroll-colu page content to make it as tall as possible without forcing the browser window to have a vertical scrollbar. browser.. HTML HEAD TITLE big scrolling table example TITLE script src https ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.7.2 jquery.min.js.. .height '.SBWrapper' .scroll function var rc this .closest '.relativeContainer' var lfW rc.find '.leftSBWrapper'..
How to get an AJAX get-request to wait for the page to be rendered before returning a response? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11486256/how-to-get-an-ajax-get-request-to-wait-for-the-page-to-be-rendered-before-return this hotel is also listed on Site2. If so display the search results from Site2 on Site1. The problem is that Site2 displays.. it should actually have the complete contents of the search results from Site2 like so Click for larger image I have tried.. How can I get the AJAX request to wait for the the search on Site2 to be completely rendered before returning the response..
How to get selected text/caret position of an input that doesn't have focus? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5149683/how-to-get-selected-text-caret-position-of-an-input-that-doesnt-have-focus if r null return 0 var re el.createTextRange rc re.duplicate re.moveToBookmark r.getBookmark rc.setEndPoint.. rc re.duplicate re.moveToBookmark r.getBookmark rc.setEndPoint 'EndToStart' re return rc.text.length return 0 function.. r.getBookmark rc.setEndPoint 'EndToStart' re return rc.text.length return 0 function InsertText var textarea document.getElementById..
How do I detect “shift+enter” and generate a new line in Textarea? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6014702/how-do-i-detect-shiftenter-and-generate-a-new-line-in-textarea if r null return 0 var re el.createTextRange rc re.duplicate re.moveToBookmark r.getBookmark rc.setEndPoint.. rc re.duplicate re.moveToBookmark r.getBookmark rc.setEndPoint 'EndToStart' re return rc.text.length return 0 And.. r.getBookmark rc.setEndPoint 'EndToStart' re return rc.text.length return 0 And then replacing the textarea value accordingly..
jqGrid treeGrid catch expand collaps events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9178682/jqgrid-treegrid-catch-expand-collaps-events .fn.jqGrid.collapseNode .jgrid.extend expandNode function rc alert 'before expandNode rowid ' rc._id_ ' name ' rc.name '.. expandNode function rc alert 'before expandNode rowid ' rc._id_ ' name ' rc.name ' ' return orgExpandNode.call this rc.. rc alert 'before expandNode rowid ' rc._id_ ' name ' rc.name ' ' return orgExpandNode.call this rc collapseNode function..
Send expanded TreeGrid Nodes in cookie http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9192276/send-expanded-treegrid-nodes-in-cookie .fn.jqGrid.collapseNode .jgrid.extend expandNode function rc orgExpandNode.call this rc setCookie collapseNode function.. expandNode function rc orgExpandNode.call this rc setCookie collapseNode function rc orgCollapseNode.call.. this rc setCookie collapseNode function rc orgCollapseNode.call this rc setCookie P.S. I allways get..
How do I synchronize the scroll position of two divs? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9236314/how-do-i-synchronize-the-scroll-position-of-two-divs
jqgrid treegrid custom css-class for each tree-level http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9480708/jqgrid-treegrid-custom-css-class-for-each-tree-level ui icon carat 1 e .jgrid.extend expandNode function rc var ret orgExpandNode.call this rc if rc.isLeaf rc.level 0 rc.level.. expandNode function rc var ret orgExpandNode.call this rc if rc.isLeaf rc.level 0 rc.level 0 # rc._id_ div.treeclick.. function rc var ret orgExpandNode.call this rc if rc.isLeaf rc.level 0 rc.level 0 # rc._id_ div.treeclick .removeClass..
Using jQuery with Windows 8 Metro JavaScript App causes security error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10859523/using-jquery-with-windows-8-metro-javascript-app-causes-security-error to Windows 8 dev. I installed Visual Studio 2012 Express RC and started a new project both empty and grid templates have..
Where is the typeahead javascript module in bootstrap 3 RC 1? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17903645/where-is-the-typeahead-javascript-module-in-bootstrap-3-rc-1 is the typeahead javascript module in bootstrap 3 RC 1 As you know boostrap RC 1 is here and I have been reading.. module in bootstrap 3 RC 1 As you know boostrap RC 1 is here and I have been reading about all the new awesome..
jQuery in an ASP.net MVC application using Master Pages http://stackoverflow.com/questions/371591/jquery-in-an-asp-net-mvc-application-using-master-pages type text javascript script Edit Since the release of the RC 1 Refresh there's been a know bug about placing elements with.. solving it... Edit 2 Apparently this has been fixed since RC 2 was released... Code nuggets that are direct children of the..
PartialView and unobtrusive client validation not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4187742/partialview-and-unobtrusive-client-validation-not-working validation not working I'm currently using ASP.NET MVC3 RC and I'm using the unobtrusive JQuery validations as described..
window bind POPSTATE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4688164/window-bind-popstate and now fires popstate on page load but Firefox 4 since RC has departed from the spec and now does not fire popstate ..
jQuery Templates not working in IE9 RC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5004437/jquery-templates-not-working-in-ie9-rc Templates not working in IE9 RC Just upgraded to the RC of IE9 and found that my web pages.. Templates not working in IE9 RC Just upgraded to the RC of IE9 and found that my web pages using jQuery Templates are.. templates share improve this question There is now a RC version of jQuery v1.5 here That should fix your problems with..
Large dynamically sized html table with a fixed scroll row and fixed scroll column http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10838700/large-dynamically-sized-html-table-with-a-fixed-scroll-row-and-fixed-scroll-colu size of this table between some static size header footer page content to make it as tall as possible without forcing the browser window to have a vertical scrollbar. browser window fixed static web page header fields and text.. Strict EN http www.w3.org TR xhtml1 DTD xhtml1 strict.dtd HTML HEAD TITLE big scrolling table example TITLE script src https ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.7.2 jquery.min.js script script function .fn.cTable function o this.wrap '.. '.SBWrapper' .css 'height' '.relativeContainer' .height '.topSBWrapper' .height '.SBWrapper' .scroll function var rc this .closest '.relativeContainer' var lfW rc.find '.leftSBWrapper' var tpW rc.find '.topSBWrapper' lfW.css 'top' this..
How to get an AJAX get-request to wait for the page to be rendered before returning a response? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11486256/how-to-get-an-ajax-get-request-to-wait-for-the-page-to-be-rendered-before-return offer on Site1 the script queries Site2 to find out whether this hotel is also listed on Site2. If so display the search results from Site2 on Site1. The problem is that Site2 displays a progress bar Loading Results and then displays the results... this See the red boxed portion Click for larger image However it should actually have the complete contents of the search results from Site2 like so Click for larger image I have tried a synchronous Ajax request as well as GM_xmlhttpRequest.. is the problematic progress bar of Site 2 Click for larger image How can I get the AJAX request to wait for the the search on Site2 to be completely rendered before returning the response to Site1 For reference my complete working script code..
How to get selected text/caret position of an input that doesn't have focus? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5149683/how-to-get-selected-text-caret-position-of-an-input-that-doesnt-have-focus else if document.selection el.focus var r document.selection.createRange if r null return 0 var re el.createTextRange rc re.duplicate re.moveToBookmark r.getBookmark rc.setEndPoint 'EndToStart' re return rc.text.length return 0 function InsertText.. if r null return 0 var re el.createTextRange rc re.duplicate re.moveToBookmark r.getBookmark rc.setEndPoint 'EndToStart' re return rc.text.length return 0 function InsertText var textarea document.getElementById 'txtArea'.. 0 var re el.createTextRange rc re.duplicate re.moveToBookmark r.getBookmark rc.setEndPoint 'EndToStart' re return rc.text.length return 0 function InsertText var textarea document.getElementById 'txtArea' var currentPos getCaret textarea..
How do I detect “shift+enter” and generate a new line in Textarea? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6014702/how-do-i-detect-shiftenter-and-generate-a-new-line-in-textarea else if document.selection el.focus var r document.selection.createRange if r null return 0 var re el.createTextRange rc re.duplicate re.moveToBookmark r.getBookmark rc.setEndPoint 'EndToStart' re return rc.text.length return 0 And then replacing.. if r null return 0 var re el.createTextRange rc re.duplicate re.moveToBookmark r.getBookmark rc.setEndPoint 'EndToStart' re return rc.text.length return 0 And then replacing the textarea value accordingly when Shift.. 0 var re el.createTextRange rc re.duplicate re.moveToBookmark r.getBookmark rc.setEndPoint 'EndToStart' re return rc.text.length return 0 And then replacing the textarea value accordingly when Shift Enter together submit the form if Enter..
jqGrid treeGrid catch expand collaps events http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9178682/jqgrid-treegrid-catch-expand-collaps-events var orgExpandNode .fn.jqGrid.expandNode orgCollapseNode .fn.jqGrid.collapseNode .jgrid.extend expandNode function rc alert 'before expandNode rowid ' rc._id_ ' name ' rc.name ' ' return orgExpandNode.call this rc collapseNode function rc.. orgCollapseNode .fn.jqGrid.collapseNode .jgrid.extend expandNode function rc alert 'before expandNode rowid ' rc._id_ ' name ' rc.name ' ' return orgExpandNode.call this rc collapseNode function rc alert 'before collapseNode rowid '.. .fn.jqGrid.collapseNode .jgrid.extend expandNode function rc alert 'before expandNode rowid ' rc._id_ ' name ' rc.name ' ' return orgExpandNode.call this rc collapseNode function rc alert 'before collapseNode rowid ' rc._id_ ' name '..
Send expanded TreeGrid Nodes in cookie http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9192276/send-expanded-treegrid-nodes-in-cookie 365 var orgExpandNode .fn.jqGrid.expandNode orgCollapseNode .fn.jqGrid.collapseNode .jgrid.extend expandNode function rc orgExpandNode.call this rc setCookie collapseNode function rc orgCollapseNode.call this rc setCookie P.S. I allways.. orgCollapseNode .fn.jqGrid.collapseNode .jgrid.extend expandNode function rc orgExpandNode.call this rc setCookie collapseNode function rc orgCollapseNode.call this rc setCookie P.S. I allways get this stupid alert Your.. .jgrid.extend expandNode function rc orgExpandNode.call this rc setCookie collapseNode function rc orgCollapseNode.call this rc setCookie P.S. I allways get this stupid alert Your post does not have much context to..
How do I synchronize the scroll position of two divs? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9236314/how-do-i-synchronize-the-scroll-position-of-two-divs
jqgrid treegrid custom css-class for each tree-level http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9480708/jqgrid-treegrid-custom-css-class-for-each-tree-level div.treeclick .removeClass ui icon triangle 1 e .addClass ui icon carat 1 e .jgrid.extend expandNode function rc var ret orgExpandNode.call this rc if rc.isLeaf rc.level 0 rc.level 0 # rc._id_ div.treeclick .removeClass ui icon triangle.. icon triangle 1 e .addClass ui icon carat 1 e .jgrid.extend expandNode function rc var ret orgExpandNode.call this rc if rc.isLeaf rc.level 0 rc.level 0 # rc._id_ div.treeclick .removeClass ui icon triangle 1 s ui icon carat 1 e .addClass.. 1 e .addClass ui icon carat 1 e .jgrid.extend expandNode function rc var ret orgExpandNode.call this rc if rc.isLeaf rc.level 0 rc.level 0 # rc._id_ div.treeclick .removeClass ui icon triangle 1 s ui icon carat 1 e .addClass ui..
Using jQuery with Windows 8 Metro JavaScript App causes security error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10859523/using-jquery-with-windows-8-metro-javascript-app-causes-security-error for Metro JavaScript apps I was starting to look forward to Windows 8 dev. I installed Visual Studio 2012 Express RC and started a new project both empty and grid templates have the same problem . I made a local copy of jQuery 1.7.2 and..
Where is the typeahead javascript module in bootstrap 3 RC 1? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17903645/where-is-the-typeahead-javascript-module-in-bootstrap-3-rc-1 is the typeahead javascript module in bootstrap 3 RC 1 As you know boostrap RC 1 is here and I have been reading about all the new awesome features in this new framework. But.. is the typeahead javascript module in bootstrap 3 RC 1 As you know boostrap RC 1 is here and I have been reading about all the new awesome features in this new framework. But guess what typehead is out..
jQuery in an ASP.net MVC application using Master Pages http://stackoverflow.com/questions/371591/jquery-in-an-asp-net-mvc-application-using-master-pages intellisense script src .. .. Scripts jquery 1.2.6 vsdoc.js type text javascript script Edit Since the release of the RC 1 Refresh there's been a know bug about placing elements with code blocks in the header Philip Haacked has a nice article.. blocks in the header Philip Haacked has a nice article about solving it... Edit 2 Apparently this has been fixed since RC 2 was released... Code nuggets that are direct children of the head element do not cause an exception if the runat server..
PartialView and unobtrusive client validation not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4187742/partialview-and-unobtrusive-client-validation-not-working and unobtrusive client validation not working I'm currently using ASP.NET MVC3 RC and I'm using the unobtrusive JQuery validations as described by Brad Wilson on his blog . It works great but when I send..
window bind POPSTATE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4688164/window-bind-popstate
jQuery Templates not working in IE9 RC http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5004437/jquery-templates-not-working-in-ie9-rc Templates not working in IE9 RC Just upgraded to the RC of IE9 and found that my web pages using jQuery Templates are not rendering the template content... Templates not working in IE9 RC Just upgraded to the RC of IE9 and found that my web pages using jQuery Templates are not rendering the template content. Pages work fine when I.. etc . Anyone got any ideas jquery internet explorer jquery templates share improve this question There is now a RC version of jQuery v1.5 here That should fix your problems with jQuery on IE9 RC. Full version of jQuery 1.5.1 is due to..