jquery Programming Glossary: radians
How to make the text write in counterclockwise direction http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12312752/how-to-make-the-text-write-in-counterclockwise-direction 2 var centerY canvas.height 30 var angle Math.PI 0.8 radians var radius 150 drawTextAlongArc context Text along arc path..
Getting similar longitude and latitude from database http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13951056/getting-similar-longitude-and-latitude-from-database formula. Please see below SELECT id 3959 acos cos radians 37 cos radians lat cos radians lng radians 122 sin radians 37.. Please see below SELECT id 3959 acos cos radians 37 cos radians lat cos radians lng radians 122 sin radians 37 sin radians lat.. SELECT id 3959 acos cos radians 37 cos radians lat cos radians lng radians 122 sin radians 37 sin radians lat AS distance FROM..
Rotate sprite javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3851896/rotate-sprite-javascript .offset .left var cannonY obj.cannon .offset .top Get radians using atan2 var radians Math.atan2 e.pageY cannonY e.pageX cannonX.. obj.cannon .offset .top Get radians using atan2 var radians Math.atan2 e.pageY cannonY e.pageX cannonX Convert to degrees.. cannonY e.pageX cannonX Convert to degrees var degrees radians 180 Math.PI And this is where I am I mean since the image width..
How to rotate image in relation to mouse position? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7195825/how-to-rotate-image-in-relation-to-mouse-position 2 var mouse_x evt.pageX var mouse_y evt.pageY var radians Math.atan2 mouse_x center_x mouse_y center_y var degree radians.. Math.atan2 mouse_x center_x mouse_y center_y var degree radians 180 Math.PI 1 90 img.css ' moz transform' 'rotate ' degree 'deg..
Rotating an element based on cursor position in a separate element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9972449/rotating-an-element-based-on-cursor-position-in-a-separate-element 2 var mouse_x evt.pageX var mouse_y evt.pageY var radians Math.atan2 mouse_x center_x mouse_y center_y var degree radians.. Math.atan2 mouse_x center_x mouse_y center_y var degree radians 180 Math.PI 1 90 img.css ' moz transform' 'rotate ' degree 'deg..
How to make the text write in counterclockwise direction http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12312752/how-to-make-the-text-write-in-counterclockwise-direction blue context.lineWidth 4 var centerX canvas.width 2 var centerY canvas.height 30 var angle Math.PI 0.8 radians var radius 150 drawTextAlongArc context Text along arc path centerX centerY radius angle draw circle underneath text context.arc..
Getting similar longitude and latitude from database http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13951056/getting-similar-longitude-and-latitude-from-database share improve this question You should look into the Haversine formula. Please see below SELECT id 3959 acos cos radians 37 cos radians lat cos radians lng radians 122 sin radians 37 sin radians lat AS distance FROM markers HAVING distance 25.. this question You should look into the Haversine formula. Please see below SELECT id 3959 acos cos radians 37 cos radians lat cos radians lng radians 122 sin radians 37 sin radians lat AS distance FROM markers HAVING distance 25 ORDER BY distance.. You should look into the Haversine formula. Please see below SELECT id 3959 acos cos radians 37 cos radians lat cos radians lng radians 122 sin radians 37 sin radians lat AS distance FROM markers HAVING distance 25 ORDER BY distance This will return..
Rotate sprite javascript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3851896/rotate-sprite-javascript Get the X Y of the cannon loc in the dom var cannonX obj.cannon .offset .left var cannonY obj.cannon .offset .top Get radians using atan2 var radians Math.atan2 e.pageY cannonY e.pageX cannonX Convert to degrees var degrees radians 180 Math.PI And.. loc in the dom var cannonX obj.cannon .offset .left var cannonY obj.cannon .offset .top Get radians using atan2 var radians Math.atan2 e.pageY cannonY e.pageX cannonX Convert to degrees var degrees radians 180 Math.PI And this is where I am I mean.. .top Get radians using atan2 var radians Math.atan2 e.pageY cannonY e.pageX cannonX Convert to degrees var degrees radians 180 Math.PI And this is where I am I mean since the image width is 100px and I need to move the background position by 100px..
How to rotate image in relation to mouse position? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7195825/how-to-rotate-image-in-relation-to-mouse-position center_x offset.left img.width 2 var center_y offset.top img.height 2 var mouse_x evt.pageX var mouse_y evt.pageY var radians Math.atan2 mouse_x center_x mouse_y center_y var degree radians 180 Math.PI 1 90 img.css ' moz transform' 'rotate ' degree.. 2 var mouse_x evt.pageX var mouse_y evt.pageY var radians Math.atan2 mouse_x center_x mouse_y center_y var degree radians 180 Math.PI 1 90 img.css ' moz transform' 'rotate ' degree 'deg ' img.css ' webkit transform' 'rotate ' degree 'deg ' img.css..
Rotating an element based on cursor position in a separate element http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9972449/rotating-an-element-based-on-cursor-position-in-a-separate-element center_x offset.left img.width 2 var center_y offset.top img.height 2 var mouse_x evt.pageX var mouse_y evt.pageY var radians Math.atan2 mouse_x center_x mouse_y center_y var degree radians 180 Math.PI 1 90 img.css ' moz transform' 'rotate ' degree.. 2 var mouse_x evt.pageX var mouse_y evt.pageY var radians Math.atan2 mouse_x center_x mouse_y center_y var degree radians 180 Math.PI 1 90 img.css ' moz transform' 'rotate ' degree 'deg ' img.css ' webkit transform' 'rotate ' degree 'deg ' img.css..