jquery Programming Glossary: rate
jQuery ajax() vs get()/post() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1344303/jquery-ajax-vs-get-post it's immediately clear what the type of request is. At any rate it's just shorthand for the larger and more option ified ajax..
jQuery.getJSON( url, [data], [callback] ) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1586003/jquery-getjson-url-data-callback data callback To all I am trying to retrieve the exchange rate from Google with jQuery's .getJSON . Using the request http..
Idiomatic jQuery delayed event (only after a short pause in typing)? (e.g. timewatch/typewatch/keywatch) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2219924/idiomatic-jquery-delayed-event-only-after-a-short-pause-in-typing-e-g-timew queued events and make a new one at the standard delay rate. Use a global to store the setTimeout pointer. clearTimeout..
showing progressbar progress with ajax request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2474528/showing-progressbar-progress-with-ajax-request to 100 you need to have some way to measure the completion rate before the request is finished. If you can guess how long it..
SVG animation along path with Raphael http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2627436/svg-animation-along-path-with-raphael canvas.circlePath x y radius path canvas.path path generate path from path value string obj.animateAlong path rate false.. generate path from path value string obj.animateAlong path rate false The circlePath method is one I have created myself to.. The circlePath method is one I have created myself to generate the circle path in SVG path notation Raphael.fn.circlePath function..
how to convert xml to json using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3642789/how-to-convert-xml-to-json-using-jquery ' ' animals.dog 1 But how can I adapt this code to get the rate data from this European Central Bank page Reference http www.fyneworks.com..
jQuery animate() and browser performance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/459224/jquery-animate-and-browser-performance that the timer expires and is reset at a fairly high rate to generate a smooth animation. Since your animation takes a.. timer expires and is reset at a fairly high rate to generate a smooth animation. Since your animation takes a long time you.. might be able to modify the animate function so that the rate at which the animation proceeds can be set via an option. In..
jQuery on window scroll animate background image position http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5001447/jquery-on-window-scroll-animate-background-image-position is set to 10 scroll. You can change the background scroll rate by changing the 10 in the code. CSS html body height 100 min..
How to rate-limit ajax requests? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5031501/how-to-rate-limit-ajax-requests to rate limit ajax requests There are several divs and handler to send.. in the handler that you want to throttle and get back a rate limited version of the same function. var throttled _.throttle..
How to enforce a “smooth scrolling” rule for mousewheel, jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5560714/how-to-enforce-a-smooth-scrolling-rule-for-mousewheel-jquery moving too fast without first accelerating. settable as a rate of in px sec with the option to apply easing functions...There.. provides a way to anticipate the destination and decelerate. The corefunctions to start movement wouldn't want to be restarted.. but just a recalculated when and where to decelerate should be applied. Sorry again for not posting any actual code..
Smooth scroller based on mouse position (Jquery) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6136847/smooth-scroller-based-on-mouse-position-jquery 0 top 0 .right right 0 top 0 jquery function var x 0 y 0 rate 0 maxspeed 10 var backdrop '.backdrop' '.direction' backdrop.. this var left this.is '.left' if left var w this.width rate w e.pageX this .offset .left 1 w else var w this.width rate.. w e.pageX this .offset .left 1 w else var w this.width rate e.pageX this .offset .left 1 w backdrop.hover function var..
Asynchronous and Synchronous Terms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7131991/asynchronous-and-synchronous-terms in time contemporaneous simultaneous. going on at the same rate and exactly together recurring together. Yet Wikipedia says..
jQuery Memory Leak Suspicion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8348182/jquery-memory-leak-suspicion pm new PageManager pm.timeoutHandler EDIT I have incorporated some people's ideas and a little of the success handler internals... of the success handler internals. I see a smaller growth rate but not by much. javascript jquery jquery ajax share improve..
Move a div in a curved path (like tweening in Flash old days)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8438830/move-a-div-in-a-curved-path-like-tweening-in-flash-old-days or want to calculate it yourself while controlling the rate of traversal you can create an SVG path and just use getPointAtLength..
Select all text on focus using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6124394/select-all-text-on-focus-using-jquery Code script type text javascript Select all text in Cost Rate Text Boxes when they have focus document .ready function .CostRateTextBox.. Boxes when they have focus document .ready function .CostRateTextBox .live 'focus' function this .select script Edit script.. Edit script type text javascript Select all text in Cost Rate Text Boxes when they have focus document .ready function .CostRateTextBox..
Save data using AJAX and CakePHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6285006/save-data-using-ajax-and-cakephp dbo expression will fire it function intricate dbo this Rate Status getDataSource subquery dbo buildStatement array 'fields'.. array '`Status`.`id`' 'table' dbo fullTableName this Rate Status 'alias' 'Status' 'limit' null 'offset' null 'joins' array.. subqueryConditions 'order' null 'group' null this Rate Status subquery Status.id . subquery. status dbo expression..
Best method for passing Data from Java/JSF2 bean to Javascript/jQuery Components http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7930047/best-method-for-passing-data-from-java-jsf2-bean-to-javascript-jquery-components 'y' events load updateChartData title text 'Feed Flow Rate ' xAxis type 'datetime' tickPixelInterval 150 yAxis title..
jQuery ajax() vs get()/post() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1344303/jquery-ajax-vs-get-post share improve this question In this case I'd say .get as it's immediately clear what the type of request is. At any rate it's just shorthand for the larger and more option ified ajax call and converting between the two is trivial in the worst..
jQuery.getJSON( url, [data], [callback] ) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1586003/jquery-getjson-url-data-callback url data callback To all I am trying to retrieve the exchange rate from Google with jQuery's .getJSON . Using the request http www.google.com ig calculator hl en q 1USD CAD returns a simple..
Idiomatic jQuery delayed event (only after a short pause in typing)? (e.g. timewatch/typewatch/keywatch) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2219924/idiomatic-jquery-delayed-event-only-after-a-short-pause-in-typing-e-g-timew occurs. When keypress function is called wipe any previously queued events and make a new one at the standard delay rate. Use a global to store the setTimeout pointer. clearTimeout any pre existing pointers. Start a new delay. The Code set..
showing progressbar progress with ajax request http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2474528/showing-progressbar-progress-with-ajax-request If you do not want the progress bar to just jump from 0 to 100 you need to have some way to measure the completion rate before the request is finished. If you can guess how long it takes you could use a timer to have it incrementally advance..
SVG animation along path with Raphael http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2627436/svg-animation-along-path-with-raphael a circular path using Raphael obj canvas.circle x y size path canvas.circlePath x y radius path canvas.path path generate path from path value string obj.animateAlong path rate false The circlePath method is one I have created myself to generate.. path canvas.circlePath x y radius path canvas.path path generate path from path value string obj.animateAlong path rate false The circlePath method is one I have created myself to generate the circle path in SVG path notation Raphael.fn.circlePath.. path from path value string obj.animateAlong path rate false The circlePath method is one I have created myself to generate the circle path in SVG path notation Raphael.fn.circlePath function x y r var s M x y r A r r 0 1 1 x 0.1 y r z return s..
how to convert xml to json using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3642789/how-to-convert-xml-to-json-using-jquery xml var animals .xml2json xml alert animals.dog 1 .name ' ' animals.dog 1 But how can I adapt this code to get the rate data from this European Central Bank page Reference http www.fyneworks.com jquery xml to json #tab Usage getting data using..
jQuery animate() and browser performance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/459224/jquery-animate-and-browser-performance fair amount of screen real estate so I suspect without confirming that the timer expires and is reset at a fairly high rate to generate a smooth animation. Since your animation takes a long time you might be able to modify the animate function.. of screen real estate so I suspect without confirming that the timer expires and is reset at a fairly high rate to generate a smooth animation. Since your animation takes a long time you might be able to modify the animate function so that the.. smooth animation. Since your animation takes a long time you might be able to modify the animate function so that the rate at which the animation proceeds can be set via an option. In your case you'd only need to update every 250ms or so since..
jQuery on window scroll animate background image position http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5001447/jquery-on-window-scroll-animate-background-image-position share improve this question Here you go. Background is set to 10 scroll. You can change the background scroll rate by changing the 10 in the code. CSS html body height 100 min height 100 margin 0 padding 0 .bg width 100 height 100 background..
How to rate-limit ajax requests? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5031501/how-to-rate-limit-ajax-requests to rate limit ajax requests There are several divs and handler to send ajax requests when they are clicked. My problem is that.. The excellent Underscore.js has a throttle function. You pass in the handler that you want to throttle and get back a rate limited version of the same function. var throttled _.throttle someHandler 100 div .click throttled http documentcloud.github.com..
How to enforce a “smooth scrolling” rule for mousewheel, jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5560714/how-to-enforce-a-smooth-scrolling-rule-for-mousewheel-jquery Imposed acceleration this would prevent the page from moving too fast without first accelerating. settable as a rate of in px sec with the option to apply easing functions...There is a maximum px sec that the page can slide move drag. and.. before calculating the next totaldistancetoscroll which provides a way to anticipate the destination and decelerate. The corefunctions to start movement wouldn't want to be restarted cause multiple notch clicks will probably happen while.. cause multiple notch clicks will probably happen while accelerating but just a recalculated when and where to decelerate should be applied. Sorry again for not posting any actual code yet not exactly sure where to start and was hoping someone..
Smooth scroller based on mouse position (Jquery) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6136847/smooth-scroller-based-on-mouse-position-jquery x .direction position absolute width 50 height 100 .left left 0 top 0 .right right 0 top 0 jquery function var x 0 y 0 rate 0 maxspeed 10 var backdrop '.backdrop' '.direction' backdrop .mousemove function e var this this var left this.is '.left'.. '.direction' backdrop .mousemove function e var this this var left this.is '.left' if left var w this.width rate w e.pageX this .offset .left 1 w else var w this.width rate e.pageX this .offset .left 1 w backdrop.hover function var.. this var left this.is '.left' if left var w this.width rate w e.pageX this .offset .left 1 w else var w this.width rate e.pageX this .offset .left 1 w backdrop.hover function var scroller setInterval moveBackdrop 10 this .data 'scroller'..
Asynchronous and Synchronous Terms http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7131991/asynchronous-and-synchronous-terms synchronous means occurring at the same time coinciding in time contemporaneous simultaneous. going on at the same rate and exactly together recurring together. Yet Wikipedia says In programming asynchronous events are those occurring independently..
jQuery Memory Leak Suspicion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8348182/jquery-memory-leak-suspicion .trim this .text setTimeout slf.timeoutHandler 750 var pm new PageManager pm.timeoutHandler EDIT I have incorporated some people's ideas and a little of the success handler internals. I see a smaller growth rate but not by much. javascript.. EDIT I have incorporated some people's ideas and a little of the success handler internals. I see a smaller growth rate but not by much. javascript jquery jquery ajax share improve this question To avoid that any newly created function..
Move a div in a curved path (like tweening in Flash old days)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8438830/move-a-div-in-a-curved-path-like-tweening-in-flash-old-days point rotation. Alternatively if you don't want the rotation or want to calculate it yourself while controlling the rate of traversal you can create an SVG path and just use getPointAtLength getTotalLength to find where you should be along the..
Select all text on focus using jQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6124394/select-all-text-on-focus-using-jquery two gridviews inside a multiview if that makes a difference Code script type text javascript Select all text in Cost Rate Text Boxes when they have focus document .ready function .CostRateTextBox .live 'focus' function this .select script.. type text javascript Select all text in Cost Rate Text Boxes when they have focus document .ready function .CostRateTextBox .live 'focus' function this .select script Edit script type text javascript Select all text in Cost Rate Text Boxes.. .CostRateTextBox .live 'focus' function this .select script Edit script type text javascript Select all text in Cost Rate Text Boxes when they have focus document .ready function .CostRateTextBox .live 'focus' function this .select preventDefault..
Save data using AJAX and CakePHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6285006/save-data-using-ajax-and-cakephp right dbo buildStatement will construct your SQL statement and dbo expression will fire it function intricate dbo this Rate Status getDataSource subquery dbo buildStatement array 'fields' array '`Status`.`id`' 'table' dbo fullTableName this Rate.. Status getDataSource subquery dbo buildStatement array 'fields' array '`Status`.`id`' 'table' dbo fullTableName this Rate Status 'alias' 'Status' 'limit' null 'offset' null 'joins' array 'conditions' subqueryConditions 'order' null 'group' null.. 'Status' 'limit' null 'offset' null 'joins' array 'conditions' subqueryConditions 'order' null 'group' null this Rate Status subquery Status.id . subquery. status dbo expression subquery options 'fields' array Rate.id Rate.plan_id Rate.status_id..
Best method for passing Data from Java/JSF2 bean to Javascript/jQuery Components http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7930047/best-method-for-passing-data-from-java-jsf2-bean-to-javascript-jquery-components 'area' margin 10 marginLeft 30 marginBottom 17 zoomType 'y' events load updateChartData title text 'Feed Flow Rate ' xAxis type 'datetime' tickPixelInterval 150 yAxis title text '' plotLines value 0 width 1 color '#808080' tooltip..