jquery Programming Glossary: rand
Could not convert JavaScript argument arg 0“ nsresult: ”0x80570009 (NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1326896/could-not-convert-javascript-argument-arg-0-nsresult-0x80570009-ns-error-xpc This is the line of code that causes the error .ajax fc rand .draggable containment '#ajax fc content' What I am assuming..
jQuery $.ajax Not Working in IE8 but it works on FireFox & Chrome http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2721970/jquery-ajax-not-working-in-ie8-but-it-works-on-firefox-chrome var year startDate.getFullYear var d new Date var randNum Math.floor Math.random 100000000 .ajax type GET dataType.. var d new Date var randNum Math.floor Math.random 100000000 .ajax type GET dataType json url availability ajax.. type GET dataType json url availability ajax bookings rand randNum cache false data 'month ' month ' day ' day ' year '..
preload an array of images with jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3862879/preload-an-array-of-images-with-jquery var imgCount php echo count files var imgNum php echo rand var imgDir php echo dir var imgBlurDir php echo blurdir document..
jQuery: setInterval http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4355076/jquery-setinterval 5000 script rotate.php img src images gallery best random.php . php echo rand 0 1000 . width 800 height 377 alt random.php.. img src images gallery best random.php . php echo rand 0 1000 . width 800 height 377 alt random.php contains a code.. . php echo rand 0 1000 . width 800 height 377 alt random.php contains a code which loads random image from selected..
JS/jQuery number increasing animation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4424099/js-jquery-number-increasing-animation this question function var ele '#haha' var clr null var rand Math.random 100000 0 loop function clearTimeout clr inloop function.. function var ele '#haha' var clr null var rand Math.random 100000 0 loop function clearTimeout clr inloop function ele.html.. 0 loop function clearTimeout clr inloop function ele.html rand 1 if rand 50 return clr setTimeout inloop 30 setTimeout loop..
Showing Slide Count with Nivo Slider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5441617/showing-slide-count-with-nivo-slider slider img' .length var current_slide_no 1 garbage var rand Math.floor Math.random total jQuery '#nivo slider' .nivoSlider.. var current_slide_no 1 garbage var rand Math.floor Math.random total jQuery '#nivo slider' .nivoSlider effect 'fade' Specify..
IE8 back button and dynamic content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5717206/ie8-back-button-and-dynamic-content included JavaScript files one solution is to just append random number in query parameter to the URL so that browser will.. will not cache the result. script src jquery.js t PHP echo rand This avoids the need to modify webserver settings to disable..
Long Polling using jQuery and PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6955554/long-polling-using-jquery-and-php head body div id 'info' div body html Ajax.php php if rand 1 100 2 echo 'even' else sleep rand 1 4 php jquery ajax long.. html Ajax.php php if rand 1 100 2 echo 'even' else sleep rand 1 4 php jquery ajax long polling share improve this question.. this question Try to use this for ajax.php php if rand 1 100 2 echo 'even br ' else sleep rand 8 12 watch this and..
Load Wordpress post content into DIV using AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7526113/load-wordpress-post-content-into-div-using-ajax href php the_permalink div class box element col php echo rand 2 4 id php category get_the_category echo category 0 cat_name..
Can't change z-index with JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8201855/cant-change-z-index-with-jquery above this .port1 width 200px height 200px left php echo rand 1 1000 px top 500px border radius 500px background red position..
PHP ajax call not showing ie7 or 8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8616719/php-ajax-call-not-showing-ie7-or-8 echo title2 script I have tried also the following adding random number to URL which did not fix the problem random_num_for_ie.. adding random number to URL which did not fix the problem random_num_for_ie rand 5 1500 script '#wishlist_icon' .load ' add_wishlist.php.. to URL which did not fix the problem random_num_for_ie rand 5 1500 script '#wishlist_icon' .load ' add_wishlist.php num_ie..
jQuery :FadeOut not working with table Rows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/944110/jquery-fadeout-not-working-with-table-rows model modelId cartItem itemindexId mode removefromcart rand Math.random function data document.getElementById rowId .style.display.. modelId cartItem itemindexId mode removefromcart rand Math.random function data document.getElementById rowId .style.display..
Could not convert JavaScript argument arg 0“ nsresult: ”0x80570009 (NS_ERROR_XPC_BAD_CONVERT_JS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1326896/could-not-convert-javascript-argument-arg-0-nsresult-0x80570009-ns-error-xpc The a certain line of code is executed the error pops up. This is the line of code that causes the error .ajax fc rand .draggable containment '#ajax fc content' What I am assuming is that there is some kind of conflict with the javascript..
jQuery $.ajax Not Working in IE8 but it works on FireFox & Chrome http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2721970/jquery-ajax-not-working-in-ie8-but-it-works-on-firefox-chrome opts var month startDate.getMonth 1 var day startDate.getDate var year startDate.getFullYear var d new Date var randNum Math.floor Math.random 100000000 .ajax type GET dataType json url availability ajax bookings rand randNum cache false.. 1 var day startDate.getDate var year startDate.getFullYear var d new Date var randNum Math.floor Math.random 100000000 .ajax type GET dataType json url availability ajax bookings rand randNum cache false data 'month ' month ' day.. d new Date var randNum Math.floor Math.random 100000000 .ajax type GET dataType json url availability ajax bookings rand randNum cache false data 'month ' month ' day ' day ' year ' year ' nights ' numberOfNights contentType 'application json..
preload an array of images with jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3862879/preload-an-array-of-images-with-jquery list of images and build array set vars var imgArray new Array var imgCount php echo count files var imgNum php echo rand var imgDir php echo dir var imgBlurDir php echo blurdir document .ready function php for i 0 i count files i echo imgArray..
jQuery: setInterval http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4355076/jquery-setinterval function '#center' .load 'images gallery best rotate.php' 5000 script rotate.php img src images gallery best random.php . php echo rand 0 1000 . width 800 height 377 alt random.php contains a code which loads random image from selected.. .load 'images gallery best rotate.php' 5000 script rotate.php img src images gallery best random.php . php echo rand 0 1000 . width 800 height 377 alt random.php contains a code which loads random image from selected folder it works good... 5000 script rotate.php img src images gallery best random.php . php echo rand 0 1000 . width 800 height 377 alt random.php contains a code which loads random image from selected folder it works good. Forgot to mention I got lightbox scripts..
JS/jQuery number increasing animation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4424099/js-jquery-number-increasing-animation Thanks javascript jquery animation share improve this question function var ele '#haha' var clr null var rand Math.random 100000 0 loop function clearTimeout clr inloop function ele.html rand 1 if rand 50 return clr setTimeout inloop.. javascript jquery animation share improve this question function var ele '#haha' var clr null var rand Math.random 100000 0 loop function clearTimeout clr inloop function ele.html rand 1 if rand 50 return clr setTimeout inloop 30 setTimeout.. var ele '#haha' var clr null var rand Math.random 100000 0 loop function clearTimeout clr inloop function ele.html rand 1 if rand 50 return clr setTimeout inloop 30 setTimeout loop 2500 DEMO Edit function var ele '#haha' var clr null var..
Showing Slide Count with Nivo Slider http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5441617/showing-slide-count-with-nivo-slider jQuery document .ready function var total jQuery '#nivo slider img' .length var current_slide_no 1 garbage var rand Math.floor Math.random total jQuery '#nivo slider' .nivoSlider effect 'fade' Specify sets like 'fold fade sliceDown slideInLeft'.. .ready function var total jQuery '#nivo slider img' .length var current_slide_no 1 garbage var rand Math.floor Math.random total jQuery '#nivo slider' .nivoSlider effect 'fade' Specify sets like 'fold fade sliceDown slideInLeft' animSpeed 600..
IE8 back button and dynamic content http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5717206/ie8-back-button-and-dynamic-content TO INCLUDE FULL SOLUTION FROM COMMENTS To disable caching of included JavaScript files one solution is to just append random number in query parameter to the URL so that browser will not cache the result. script src jquery.js t PHP echo rand This.. random number in query parameter to the URL so that browser will not cache the result. script src jquery.js t PHP echo rand This avoids the need to modify webserver settings to disable caching static JavaScript files system wide. share improve..
Long Polling using jQuery and PHP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6955554/long-polling-using-jquery-and-php data #info .append data setTimeout getData 1000 script head body div id 'info' div body html Ajax.php php if rand 1 100 2 echo 'even' else sleep rand 1 4 php jquery ajax long polling share improve this question Try to use this for.. getData 1000 script head body div id 'info' div body html Ajax.php php if rand 1 100 2 echo 'even' else sleep rand 1 4 php jquery ajax long polling share improve this question Try to use this for ajax.php php if rand 1 100 2 echo.. else sleep rand 1 4 php jquery ajax long polling share improve this question Try to use this for ajax.php php if rand 1 100 2 echo 'even br ' else sleep rand 8 12 watch this and sometimes you have to wait up to 12 seconds if you let him..
Load Wordpress post content into DIV using AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7526113/load-wordpress-post-content-into-div-using-ajax while have_posts the_post a class trick rel php the_ID href php the_permalink div class box element col php echo rand 2 4 id php category get_the_category echo category 0 cat_name php the_post_thumbnail span class title php the_title span..
Can't change z-index with JQuery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8201855/cant-change-z-index-with-jquery opacity 0.6 z index 900 CSS code of element that should go above this .port1 width 200px height 200px left php echo rand 1 1000 px top 500px border radius 500px background red position absolute z index 10 Does anyone know how I can fix this..
PHP ajax call not showing ie7 or 8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8616719/php-ajax-call-not-showing-ie7-or-8 echo userfromcookie PRid echo PRid cat_id echo cat_id item echo title2 script I have tried also the following adding random number to URL which did not fix the problem random_num_for_ie rand 5 1500 script '#wishlist_icon' .load ' add_wishlist.php.. item echo title2 script I have tried also the following adding random number to URL which did not fix the problem random_num_for_ie rand 5 1500 script '#wishlist_icon' .load ' add_wishlist.php num_ie echo random_num_for_ie ' userfromcookie.. script I have tried also the following adding random number to URL which did not fix the problem random_num_for_ie rand 5 1500 script '#wishlist_icon' .load ' add_wishlist.php num_ie echo random_num_for_ie ' userfromcookie echo userfromcookie..
jQuery :FadeOut not working with table Rows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/944110/jquery-fadeout-not-working-with-table-rows deleteItem modelId itemindexId rowId .get RemoveFromCart.aspx model modelId cartItem itemindexId mode removefromcart rand Math.random function data document.getElementById rowId .style.display none var row # rowId row.fadeOut 1000 But when i.. modelId itemindexId rowId .get RemoveFromCart.aspx model modelId cartItem itemindexId mode removefromcart rand Math.random function data document.getElementById rowId .style.display none var row # rowId row.fadeOut 1000 But when i call the..