jquery Programming Glossary: navigator.useragent
Why is $.browser deprecated - and what is a better alternative? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12372831/why-is-browser-deprecated-and-what-is-a-better-alternative work in the code. It's still using the plain javascript navigator.userAgent to determine the browser being used as well as the version...
How to detect chrome and safari browser (webkit) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12625876/how-to-detect-chrome-and-safari-browser-webkit http jsfiddle.net oscarj24 DJ349 var isChrome Chrome .test navigator.userAgent Google Inc .test navigator.vendor var isSafari Safari .test.. Inc .test navigator.vendor var isSafari Safari .test navigator.userAgent Apple Computer .test navigator.vendor if isChrome alert You.. .ready function Get browser .browser.chrome chrome .test navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase Detect Chrome if .browser.chrome Do something for..
Permission denied when accessing navigator.userAgent in IE9 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13378985/permission-denied-when-accessing-navigator-useragent-in-ie9 denied when accessing navigator.userAgent in IE9 I have a puzzling problem this seemingly simple page.. that jQuery gets a permission denied when trying to access navigator.userAgent . The browser writes in the log that it is switching from quirks.. document.write ' h1 testing h1 ' try document.write ' h1 ' navigator.userAgent ' h1 ' document.write ' h1 ok h1 ' catch e document.write '..
Detecting if a device is able to change orientation in JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13803838/detecting-if-a-device-is-able-to-change-orientation-in-javascript question Detecting mobile devices 1 if mobile i.test navigator.userAgent ... Simple browser sniffing 2 jQuery.browser.mobile plug in..
jquery .animate periodocially not running http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14996012/jquery-animate-periodocially-not-running Android webOS iPhone iPad iPadMini iPod BlackBerry i.test navigator.userAgent console.log here var maxTime 1000 allow movement if 1000 ms..
What are available solutions of a browser / mobile phone detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15055277/what-are-available-solutions-of-a-browser-mobile-phone-detection to begin Example script type text javascript var agent navigator.userAgent var isWebkit agent.indexOf AppleWebKit 0 var isIPad agent.indexOf..
Change position of divs with jquery drag an drop http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15343385/change-position-of-divs-with-jquery-drag-an-drop This is a fix for mobile devices iPad iPhone Android .test navigator.userAgent function var proto .ui.mouse.prototype _mouseInit proto._mouseInit..
jQuery.browser script or shim for backwards-compatibility of plugins with 1.9.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15540835/jquery-browser-script-or-shim-for-backwards-compatibility-of-plugins-with-1-9-1 jQuery.browser contains flags for the useragent read from navigator.userAgent . We recommend against using this property please try to use.. return browser match 1 version match 2 0 matched uaMatch navigator.userAgent browser if matched.browser browser matched.browser true browser.version..
Disable jQuery for mobile devices http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17104469/disable-jquery-for-mobile-devices isMobile Android webOS iPhone iPad iPod BlackBerry i.test navigator.userAgent true false '.inner slide' .click function e if isMobile e.preventDefault..
How to make tinymce paste in plain text by default http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2695731/how-to-make-tinymce-paste-in-plain-text-by-default handlers crossbrowser if tinymce.isOpera Firefox 2 .test navigator.userAgent ed.onKeyDown.add function ed e if tinymce.isMac e.metaKey..
JQuery Mobile Device Scaling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6448465/jquery-mobile-device-scaling added white space so I used the following code check the navigator.userAgent string to detect if the user is using an iPhone if navigator.userAgent.match.. string to detect if the user is using an iPhone if navigator.userAgent.match iPhone i cache the viewport tag if the user is using an..
Displaying the OS name/version and the browser name/version on the page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7370200/displaying-the-os-name-version-and-the-browser-name-version-on-the-page detectOSAndBrowser var nVer navigator.appVersion var nAgt navigator.userAgent var browserName navigator.appName var nameOffset verOffset ix..
jQuery - detecting the operating system and operating system version http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8774560/jquery-detecting-the-operating-system-and-operating-system-version share improve this question Your best bet is to use the navigator.userAgent property. It will give the windows version number. You can see.. Here is some example detection code var os function var ua navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase return isWin2K windows nt 5.0 .test ua isXP windows..
TinyMCE + Jquery + PHP + AJAX Special chars issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8863560/tinymce-jquery-php-ajax-special-chars-issue true if tinymce.isOpera Firefox 2 .test navigator.userAgent ed.onKeyDown.add function ed e if tinymce.isMac e.metaKey..
Why is $.browser deprecated - and what is a better alternative? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12372831/why-is-browser-deprecated-and-what-is-a-better-alternative and frowned upon since jQuery 1.3 but it continues to exist work in the code. It's still using the plain javascript navigator.userAgent to determine the browser being used as well as the version. Now is there something about these I don't know about navigator..
How to detect chrome and safari browser (webkit) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12625876/how-to-detect-chrome-and-safari-browser-webkit Case 1 No jQuery and no .browser just javascript Live Demo http jsfiddle.net oscarj24 DJ349 var isChrome Chrome .test navigator.userAgent Google Inc .test navigator.vendor var isSafari Safari .test navigator.userAgent Apple Computer .test navigator.vendor if.. DJ349 var isChrome Chrome .test navigator.userAgent Google Inc .test navigator.vendor var isSafari Safari .test navigator.userAgent Apple Computer .test navigator.vendor if isChrome alert You are using Chrome if isSafari alert You are using Safari These.. is tricky Live Demo http jsfiddle.net oscarj24 gNENk document .ready function Get browser .browser.chrome chrome .test navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase Detect Chrome if .browser.chrome Do something for Chrome at this point Finally if it is Chrome then jQuery thinks..
Permission denied when accessing navigator.userAgent in IE9 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13378985/permission-denied-when-accessing-navigator-useragent-in-ie9 denied when accessing navigator.userAgent in IE9 I have a puzzling problem this seemingly simple page doesn't work in IE9 xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 html xmlns.. times. When I look in the debugging console the symptom is that jQuery gets a permission denied when trying to access navigator.userAgent . The browser writes in the log that it is switching from quirks mode to IE9 mode. My hypothesis has been that jQuery is.. content IE edge head body script type text javascript document.write ' h1 testing h1 ' try document.write ' h1 ' navigator.userAgent ' h1 ' document.write ' h1 ok h1 ' catch e document.write ' h1 not ok h1 ' script body html Available at http test.m.e17.dk..
Detecting if a device is able to change orientation in JavaScript http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13803838/detecting-if-a-device-is-able-to-change-orientation-in-javascript device orientation orientation changes share improve this question Detecting mobile devices 1 if mobile i.test navigator.userAgent ... Simple browser sniffing 2 jQuery.browser.mobile plug in exhaustive browser sniffing 3 if 'ontouchstart' in window .....
jquery .animate periodocially not running http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14996012/jquery-animate-periodocially-not-running jQuery window .on 'swipeBackward' swipeHandlerPrev if Android webOS iPhone iPad iPadMini iPod BlackBerry i.test navigator.userAgent console.log here var maxTime 1000 allow movement if 1000 ms 1 sec maxDistance 50 swipe movement of 50 pixels triggers the..
What are available solutions of a browser / mobile phone detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15055277/what-are-available-solutions-of-a-browser-mobile-phone-detection mobile but it does have its virtues. Good Simple Bad Where to begin Example script type text javascript var agent navigator.userAgent var isWebkit agent.indexOf AppleWebKit 0 var isIPad agent.indexOf iPad 0 var isIOS agent.indexOf iPhone 0 agent.indexOf..
Change position of divs with jquery drag an drop http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15343385/change-position-of-divs-with-jquery-drag-an-drop 'option' 'revert' invalid ui.draggable.element this This is a fix for mobile devices iPad iPhone Android .test navigator.userAgent function var proto .ui.mouse.prototype _mouseInit proto._mouseInit .extend proto _mouseInit function this.element .bind..
jQuery.browser script or shim for backwards-compatibility of plugins with 1.9.1 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15540835/jquery-browser-script-or-shim-for-backwards-compatibility-of-plugins-with-1-9-1 A few obligatory words on jQuery.browser and jQuery.support jQuery.browser contains flags for the useragent read from navigator.userAgent . We recommend against using this property please try to use feature detection instead see jQuery.support . jQuery.browser.. .exec ua ua.indexOf compatible 0 mozilla . rv w. .exec ua return browser match 1 version match 2 0 matched uaMatch navigator.userAgent browser if matched.browser browser matched.browser true browser.version matched.version Chrome is Webkit but Webkit is also..
Disable jQuery for mobile devices http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17104469/disable-jquery-for-mobile-devices give those elements a class I'm going for .inner slide var isMobile Android webOS iPhone iPad iPod BlackBerry i.test navigator.userAgent true false '.inner slide' .click function e if isMobile e.preventDefault dataslide this .attr 'data slide' goToByScroll..
How to make tinymce paste in plain text by default http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2695731/how-to-make-tinymce-paste-in-plain-text-by-default var ed tinyMCE.get 'elm1' ed.pasteAsPlainText true adding handlers crossbrowser if tinymce.isOpera Firefox 2 .test navigator.userAgent ed.onKeyDown.add function ed e if tinymce.isMac e.metaKey e.ctrlKey e.keyCode 86 e.shiftKey e.keyCode 45 ed.pasteAsPlainText..
JQuery Mobile Device Scaling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6448465/jquery-mobile-device-scaling iPhone I noticed some strange behaviors with re scaling and added white space so I used the following code check the navigator.userAgent string to detect if the user is using an iPhone if navigator.userAgent.match iPhone i cache the viewport tag if the user.. space so I used the following code check the navigator.userAgent string to detect if the user is using an iPhone if navigator.userAgent.match iPhone i cache the viewport tag if the user is using an iPhone var viewport 'head' .children 'meta name viewport '..
Displaying the OS name/version and the browser name/version on the page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7370200/displaying-the-os-name-version-and-the-browser-name-version-on-the-page the page with JavaScript I am currently using this function detectOSAndBrowser var nVer navigator.appVersion var nAgt navigator.userAgent var browserName navigator.appName var nameOffset verOffset ix In Opera the true version is after Opera or after Version..
jQuery - detecting the operating system and operating system version http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8774560/jquery-detecting-the-operating-system-and-operating-system-version in the future. javascript jquery browser detection share improve this question Your best bet is to use the navigator.userAgent property. It will give the windows version number. You can see a table of how the Windows version number map to the OS here.. the Windows version number map to the OS here OSVERSIONINFO Here is some example detection code var os function var ua navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase return isWin2K windows nt 5.0 .test ua isXP windows nt 5.1 .test ua isVista windows nt 6.0 .test ua isWin7 windows..
TinyMCE + Jquery + PHP + AJAX Special chars issue http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8863560/tinymce-jquery-php-ajax-special-chars-issue paste function setPlainText var ed tinyMCE.get 'e_text' ed.pasteAsPlainText true if tinymce.isOpera Firefox 2 .test navigator.userAgent ed.onKeyDown.add function ed e if tinymce.isMac e.metaKey e.ctrlKey e.keyCode 86 e.shiftKey e.keyCode 45 ed.pasteAsPlainText..