jquery Programming Glossary: nature
Basic jQuery slideUp and slideDown driving me mad! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1092245/basic-jquery-slideup-and-slidedown-driving-me-mad be gratefully received Yours Chris PS Please forgive the nature of the source code I've ripped it out the whole project I'm..
How to capture submit event using jQuery in an ASP.NET application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1230573/how-to-capture-submit-event-using-jquery-in-an-asp-net-application __doPostBack. Take advantage of Javascript's functional nature and create a hook for adding functionality to __doPostBack...
Process chain of functions without UI block http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13250746/process-chain-of-functions-without-ui-block the UI. AJAX is not a viable solution because of the nature of the application those functions will easily reach the thousands...
jQuery Mobile: Sending data from one page to the another http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14776387/jquery-mobile-sending-data-from-one-page-to-the-another in a complex code you need a way to determine ajax action nature jsonObject json_decode _REQUEST 'outputJSON' Decode JSON object..
jQuery Mobile: How to correctly submit form data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15205437/jquery-mobile-how-to-correctly-submit-form-data in a complex code you need a way to determine ajax action nature formData json_decode _REQUEST 'formData' Decode JSON object..
jqueryUI datepicker fires input's blur before passing date, avoid/workaround? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1814292/jqueryui-datepicker-fires-inputs-blur-before-passing-date-avoid-workaround look like a hack but due to JavaScripts single threaded nature it works quite nicely. John Resig of jQuery fame talks about..
Error 'jquery-2.0.2.min.map not found' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18487596/error-jquery-2-0-2-min-map-not-found problem in the future. Since I don't really understand the nature of this error and the goofy solution what's causing this error..
jQuery UI Datepicker with jQuery tipsy http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2300118/jquery-ui-datepicker-with-jquery-tipsy the name this code will break. Although because of the nature of the function I don't see that happening soon. NOTE My first..
Can anyone explain what JSONP is, in layman terms? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3839966/can-anyone-explain-what-jsonp-is-in-layman-terms the responseText in a try catch statement . Because of the nature of a JSONP response however parse errors in the response will..
How do you trigger the “error” callback in a jQuery AJAX call using ASP.NET MVC? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/407651/how-do-you-trigger-the-error-callback-in-a-jquery-ajax-call-using-asp-net-mvc here The status code should change depending on the nature of the error generally 4xx for user generated problems and 5xx..
How can I use yepnope.js with $(document).ready() effectively? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5668311/how-can-i-use-yepnope-js-with-document-ready-effectively entirely the wrong way For those unaware the asynchronous nature of yepnope.js means that the document calls or jQuery before..
JavaScript Drag & Select functionality done right http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5851156/javascript-drag-select-functionality-done-right actual text selection which seems kind of against the very nature of a web browser. Some of the code snippets cause selection..
setTimeout speeds up with multiple tabs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6112671/settimeout-speeds-up-with-multiple-tabs question From the jQuery documentation Because of the nature of requestAnimationFrame you should never queue animations using..
Process a continuous stream of JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6558129/process-a-continuous-stream-of-json asking. This can be worked around with JSONP but JSONP by nature can't be service streamed and moreover isn't offered by twitter..
Is setInterval() and setTimeout() bad things to do in modern jQuery animations? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7142192/is-setinterval-and-settimeout-bad-things-to-do-in-modern-jquery-animations to Jsfiddle To quote some of that answer Because of the nature of requestAnimationFrame you should never queue animations using..
Load Wordpress post content into DIV using AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7526113/load-wordpress-post-content-into-div-using-ajax the newly loaded content. Considering the dynamic content nature of Wordpress or that of any other CMS the URL of that link cannot..
JavaScript asynchronous return value / assignment with jQuery [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7779697/javascript-asynchronous-return-value-assignment-with-jquery everyone myself included tried this once . It is just the nature of an asynchronous call you can't use their results as a return..
jQuery AJAX: return value on success http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9055810/jquery-ajax-return-value-on-success better change your approach to reflect an asynchronous nature of AJAX request function ChatServerQuery data callback .ajax..
jQuery scroll() detect when user stops scrolling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9144560/jquery-scroll-detect-when-user-stops-scrolling with that effect as its a transparency effect to some nature. javascript jquery javascript events scrolling scroll share..
Chrome doesn't recognize console.log when it's called log http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9612398/chrome-doesnt-recognize-console-log-when-its-called-log should work the same everywhere and preserve the variadic nature of console.log . I doubt you need to be that pedantic though..
Basic jQuery slideUp and slideDown driving me mad! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1092245/basic-jquery-slideup-and-slidedown-driving-me-mad all the usual suspects like display block Any ideas would be gratefully received Yours Chris PS Please forgive the nature of the source code I've ripped it out the whole project I'm working on so it does include some divs that don't really need..
How to capture submit event using jQuery in an ASP.NET application? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1230573/how-to-capture-submit-event-using-jquery-in-an-asp-net-application on the page and inject my own custom code into the existing __doPostBack. Take advantage of Javascript's functional nature and create a hook for adding functionality to __doPostBack. The first two seem undesirable for a couple of reasons for example..
Process chain of functions without UI block http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13250746/process-chain-of-functions-without-ui-block functions in my JavaScript jQuery but I want to avoid blocking the UI. AJAX is not a viable solution because of the nature of the application those functions will easily reach the thousands. Doing this asynchroniously will kill the browser. So..
jQuery Mobile: Sending data from one page to the another http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14776387/jquery-mobile-sending-data-from-one-page-to-the-another _REQUEST 'action' We dont need action for this tutorial but in a complex code you need a way to determine ajax action nature jsonObject json_decode _REQUEST 'outputJSON' Decode JSON object into readable PHP object username jsonObject 'username'..
jQuery Mobile: How to correctly submit form data http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15205437/jquery-mobile-how-to-correctly-submit-form-data _REQUEST 'action' We dont need action for this tutorial but in a complex code you need a way to determine ajax action nature formData json_decode _REQUEST 'formData' Decode JSON object into readable PHP object username formData 'username' Get username..
jqueryUI datepicker fires input's blur before passing date, avoid/workaround? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1814292/jqueryui-datepicker-fires-inputs-blur-before-passing-date-avoid-workaround
Error 'jquery-2.0.2.min.map not found' http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18487596/error-jquery-2-0-2-min-map-not-found idea since this may be just a temporary fix that may be a problem in the future. Since I don't really understand the nature of this error and the goofy solution what's causing this error and is there a better fix for it Apparently this is not a..
jQuery UI Datepicker with jQuery tipsy http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2300118/jquery-ui-datepicker-with-jquery-tipsy versions they decide to change it's functionality or change the name this code will break. Although because of the nature of the function I don't see that happening soon. NOTE My first approach was to hook to the onChangeMonthYear event of the..
Can anyone explain what JSONP is, in layman terms? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3839966/can-anyone-explain-what-jsonp-is-in-layman-terms potentially be caught by wrapping the attempt to evaluate the responseText in a try catch statement . Because of the nature of a JSONP response however parse errors in the response will yield an uncatchable JS Parse error. Both formats however..
How do you trigger the “error” callback in a jQuery AJAX call using ASP.NET MVC? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/407651/how-do-you-trigger-the-error-callback-in-a-jquery-ajax-call-using-asp-net-mvc
How can I use yepnope.js with $(document).ready() effectively? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5668311/how-can-i-use-yepnope-js-with-document-ready-effectively that this is a good way of doing it or am I approaching this entirely the wrong way For those unaware the asynchronous nature of yepnope.js means that the document calls or jQuery before the yepnope loader has finished throwing a is undefined error..
JavaScript Drag & Select functionality done right http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5851156/javascript-drag-select-functionality-done-right are in some way flawed. The main problem is suppressing actual text selection which seems kind of against the very nature of a web browser. Some of the code snippets cause selection twinkling that I find very annoying. Some don't behave well..
setTimeout speeds up with multiple tabs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6112671/settimeout-speeds-up-with-multiple-tabs javascript jquery timer settimeout share improve this question From the jQuery documentation Because of the nature of requestAnimationFrame you should never queue animations using a setInterval or setTimeout loop. In order to preserve..
Process a continuous stream of JSON http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6558129/process-a-continuous-stream-of-json stream from twitter that you won't be able to do what you're asking. This can be worked around with JSONP but JSONP by nature can't be service streamed and moreover isn't offered by twitter anyway. Your only option is thus to create a proxy service..
Is setInterval() and setTimeout() bad things to do in modern jQuery animations? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7142192/is-setinterval-and-settimeout-bad-things-to-do-in-modern-jquery-animations is nothing on instantly fired up animations with Queue . Link to Jsfiddle To quote some of that answer Because of the nature of requestAnimationFrame you should never queue animations using a setInterval or setTimeout loop. javascript jquery animation..
Load Wordpress post content into DIV using AJAX http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7526113/load-wordpress-post-content-into-div-using-ajax link is clicked and then scroll down to that DIV holding the newly loaded content. Considering the dynamic content nature of Wordpress or that of any other CMS the URL of that link cannot be an absolute one. Unfortunately there wasn't any concrete..
JavaScript asynchronous return value / assignment with jQuery [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7779697/javascript-asynchronous-return-value-assignment-with-jquery has been asked a million times over and I'm sure that everyone myself included tried this once . It is just the nature of an asynchronous call you can't use their results as a return value. Thats why they have you passing in a function that..
jQuery AJAX: return value on success http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9055810/jquery-ajax-return-value-on-success . javascript jquery ajax share improve this question You'd better change your approach to reflect an asynchronous nature of AJAX request function ChatServerQuery data callback .ajax url 'chat backend ' type 'POST' data data success callback..
jQuery scroll() detect when user stops scrolling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9144560/jquery-scroll-detect-when-user-stops-scrolling the one class I am trying to remove while scrolling conflicts with that effect as its a transparency effect to some nature. javascript jquery javascript events scrolling scroll share improve this question window .scroll function clearTimeout..
Chrome doesn't recognize console.log when it's called log http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9612398/chrome-doesnt-recognize-console-log-when-its-called-log console.log.apply console Array slice.call arguments That should work the same everywhere and preserve the variadic nature of console.log . I doubt you need to be that pedantic though just sending arguments in and pretending it is an array should..