jquery Programming Glossary: navigator.appversion
Reliable browser detection with javascript? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4213222/reliable-browser-detection-with-javascript to promote it. Use the navigator object to check if the browser is Firefox. navigator.appCodeName navigator.appName navigator.appVersion . What you want to do is not a critical part of your website so you don't need a fail safe detection method. If it works..
jQuery Mobile lock orientation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7009743/jquery-mobile-lock-orientation trigger sometimes before and some times after the browser has changes width height Wired if iphone ipad gi .test navigator.appVersion window .unbind resize .bind resize function window .trigger orientationchange If not iphone or ipad you are triggering..
Displaying the OS name/version and the browser name/version on the page? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7370200/displaying-the-os-name-version-and-the-browser-name-version-on-the-page the OS name and version on the page with JavaScript I am currently using this function detectOSAndBrowser var nVer navigator.appVersion var nAgt navigator.userAgent var browserName navigator.appName var nameOffset verOffset ix In Opera the true version is.. verOffset if browserName.toLowerCase browserName.toUpperCase browserName navigator.appName var OSName unknown OS if navigator.appVersion.indexOf Win 1 OSName Windows if navigator.appVersion.indexOf Mac 1 OSName Mac OS X if navigator.appVersion.indexOf X11 1.. browserName navigator.appName var OSName unknown OS if navigator.appVersion.indexOf Win 1 OSName Windows if navigator.appVersion.indexOf Mac 1 OSName Mac OS X if navigator.appVersion.indexOf X11 1 OSName UNIX if navigator.appVersion.indexOf Linux 1..
Click event called twice on touchend in iPad http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8503453/click-event-called-twice-on-touchend-in-ipad have to detect if the user is on a tablet and then relay on the touch start things... var isIOS iphone ipad gi .test navigator.appVersion var myDown isIOS touchstart mousedown var myUp isIOS touchend mouseup and then bind it like this '#next_item' .bind myDown.. jquery special events Basic normalized down event .event.special.myDown setup function var isIOS iphone ipad gi .test navigator.appVersion var myDown isIOS touchstart mousedown this .bind myDown .myDownEvent function event event.type myDown .event.handle.call.. .event.dispatch .event.handle .call this event .event.special.myDown setup function var isIOS iphone ipad gi .test navigator.appVersion var myDown isIOS touchstart mousedown this .bind myDown .myDownEvent function event event.type myDown .event.dispatch..