jquery Programming Glossary: jobs
Submit button with contingent links http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17427996/submit-button-with-contingent-links I'm doing. I'm going to go back to helping people find jobs. I ran everything in the Fiddle and migrated it over to two.. value No type radio No br br Have you had more than three jobs within the last two years br input name Jobs value Yes type.. value No type radio No br br Have you had more than three jobs within the last two years br input name Jobs value Yes type..
jQuery autocomplete for dynamically created inputs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2663573/jquery-autocomplete-for-dynamically-created-inputs tbody table 'a#add' .click function var newtr ' tr class jobs td input type text name item ' i ' quantity td td input type.. autocomp_opt 'a#add' .click function var newtr ' tr class jobs td input type text name item ' i ' quantity td td input type..
Using different versions of jQuery on the same page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3061618/using-different-versions-of-jquery-on-the-same-page my own DOM manipulators selectors and wasting hours for jobs that can be done with 1 line of code if I can use jQuery. Some..
JavaScript new keyword and objects scopes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3408960/javascript-new-keyword-and-objects-scopes and use those values through prototyped methods to do some jobs. What surprised me is when I did some debugging with FireBug..
A PHP and jQuery form creation and validation library available? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5362842/a-php-and-jquery-form-creation-and-validation-library-available included jQuery client side validation can run. One of the jobs I do regularly is some variation on the good old contact form..
jQuery draggable shows helper in wrong place when scrolled down page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5791886/jquery-draggable-shows-helper-in-wrong-place-when-scrolled-down-page for a work planning system I'm developing. Users drag jobs to a different day or user and then the data is updated using..
Jquery getJSON cross domain problems http://stackoverflow.com/questions/760993/jquery-getjson-cross-domain-problems 1239110600777.jpg pubId 1486976045 titletext Thousands of jobs to go at Royal Bank of Scotland paratext Edinburgh based bank.. 1239110600777.jpg pubId 1486976045 titletext Thousands of jobs to go at Royal Bank of Scotland paratext 4 cname href.. 1239110600777.jpg pubId 1486976045 titletext Thousands of jobs to go at Royal Bank of Scotland paratext Edinburgh based bank..
How reload (refresh) styles of an element (using cufon font) using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9906679/how-reload-refresh-styles-of-an-element-using-cufon-font-using-jquery about this issue. why these jquery codes can't do their jobs j '#header .nav .nav_shadow .menu li' .removeClass 'current..
First drop down menu to auto change the options of a second dropdown http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11237900/first-drop-down-menu-to-auto-change-the-options-of-a-second-dropdown 0 'Places' 0 'Animals' 0 'Praveen' 1 'Bill Gates' 1 'Steve Jobs' 1 'India' 2 'New York' 2 'London' 2 'Singapore' 2 'Cat' 3 'Dog'.. 2 Places 0 3 Animals 0 4 Praveen 1 5 Bill Gates 1 6 Steve Jobs 1 7 India 2 8 New York 2 9 London 2 10 Singapore 2 11 Cat 3.. array Name Place Animals s0 array Praveen Bill Gates Steve Jobs foreach _GET parent as id name echo ' option value ' data 'id'..
Submit button with contingent links http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17427996/submit-button-with-contingent-links than three jobs within the last two years br input name Jobs value Yes type radio Yes br input name Jobs value No type radio.. br input name Jobs value Yes type radio Yes br input name Jobs value No type radio No br br Do you have appropriate interview.. than three jobs within the last two years br input name Jobs value Yes type radio Yes br input name Jobs value No type radio..
jQuery draggable shows helper in wrong place when scrolled down page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5791886/jquery-draggable-shows-helper-in-wrong-place-when-scrolled-down-page works fine except when I scroll down the main page Jobs appear on a large week planner that exceeds the bottom of my..
Submit button with contingent links http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17427996/submit-button-with-contingent-links button with contingent links Ok. I don't know what I'm doing. I'm going to go back to helping people find jobs. I ran everything in the Fiddle and migrated it over to two different editors and everything shows up fine but nothing happens.. Unemployed value Yes type radio Yes br input name Unemployed value No type radio No br br Have you had more than three jobs within the last two years br input name Jobs value Yes type radio Yes br input name Jobs value No type radio No br br Do.. Unemployed value Yes type radio Yes br input name Unemployed value No type radio No br br Have you had more than three jobs within the last two years br input name Jobs value Yes type radio Yes br input name Jobs value No type radio No br br Do..
jQuery autocomplete for dynamically created inputs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2663573/jquery-autocomplete-for-dynamically-created-inputs table row with inputs var i 1 var table #works var tableBody tbody table 'a#add' .click function var newtr ' tr class jobs td input type text name item ' i ' quantity td td input type text id description name item ' i ' works_description td tr.. apply the .autocomplete with the options already stored in autocomp_opt 'a#add' .click function var newtr ' tr class jobs td input type text name item ' i ' quantity td td input type text class description name item ' i ' works_description td..
Using different versions of jQuery on the same page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3061618/using-different-versions-of-jquery-on-the-same-page does some manipulation on their content. I am sick of writing my own DOM manipulators selectors and wasting hours for jobs that can be done with 1 line of code if I can use jQuery. Some of the users of my service already uses jQuery or Prototype..
JavaScript new keyword and objects scopes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3408960/javascript-new-keyword-and-objects-scopes sure what's happening . I then use xyz to store values and use those values through prototyped methods to do some jobs. What surprised me is when I did some debugging with FireBug is that xyz is not existent. There is no variables attached..
A PHP and jQuery form creation and validation library available? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5362842/a-php-and-jquery-form-creation-and-validation-library-available then automatically be created by the library so that the included jQuery client side validation can run. One of the jobs I do regularly is some variation on the good old contact form and I would like to standardise this work so that I can trot..
jQuery draggable shows helper in wrong place when scrolled down page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5791886/jquery-draggable-shows-helper-in-wrong-place-when-scrolled-down-page scrolled down page I'm using jQuery draggable and droppable for a work planning system I'm developing. Users drag jobs to a different day or user and then the data is updated using a few ajax type calls. Everything works fine except when I..
Jquery getJSON cross domain problems http://stackoverflow.com/questions/760993/jquery-getjson-cross-domain-problems d7 unsecured media 1486976045 1486976045_18827378001_asset 1239110600777.jpg pubId 1486976045 titletext Thousands of jobs to go at Royal Bank of Scotland paratext Edinburgh based bank to cut 4 500 positions in the cname href edinburgh video.. d7 unsecured media 1486976045 1486976045_18827378001_asset 1239110600777.jpg pubId 1486976045 titletext Thousands of jobs to go at Royal Bank of Scotland paratext 4 cname href edinburgh video news 090407 l2 rbs thumbimg http brightcove.vo.llnwd.net.. d7 unsecured media 1486976045 1486976045_18827378001_asset 1239110600777.jpg pubId 1486976045 titletext Thousands of jobs to go at Royal Bank of Scotland paratext Edinburgh based bank to cut 4 500 positions in the cname lastlineup items..
How reload (refresh) styles of an element (using cufon font) using jquery http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9906679/how-reload-refresh-styles-of-an-element-using-cufon-font-using-jquery li a hover ul.menu li a active ul li a focus i am so confused about this issue. why these jquery codes can't do their jobs j '#header .nav .nav_shadow .menu li' .removeClass 'current active' j '#header .nav .nav_shadow .menu li#item 465' .addClass..
First drop down menu to auto change the options of a second dropdown http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11237900/first-drop-down-menu-to-auto-change-the-options-of-a-second-dropdown 0 INSERT INTO `contents` `name` `parent` VALUES 'Names' 0 'Places' 0 'Animals' 0 'Praveen' 1 'Bill Gates' 1 'Steve Jobs' 1 'India' 2 'New York' 2 'London' 2 'Singapore' 2 'Cat' 3 'Dog' 3 'Tiger' 3 'Deer' 3 Table Structure id name parent .. 3 'Deer' 3 Table Structure id name parent 1 Names 0 2 Places 0 3 Animals 0 4 Praveen 1 5 Bill Gates 1 6 Steve Jobs 1 7 India 2 8 New York 2 9 London 2 10 Singapore 2 11 Cat 3 12 Dog 3 13 Tiger 3 14 Deer 3 Initial HTML PHP Code Now lets..
Submit button with contingent links http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17427996/submit-button-with-contingent-links name Unemployed value No type radio No br br Have you had more than three jobs within the last two years br input name Jobs value Yes type radio Yes br input name Jobs value No type radio No br br Do you have appropriate interview clothing br input.. Have you had more than three jobs within the last two years br input name Jobs value Yes type radio Yes br input name Jobs value No type radio No br br Do you have appropriate interview clothing br input name Clothing value Yes type radio Yes.. name Unemployed value No type radio No br br Have you had more than three jobs within the last two years br input name Jobs value Yes type radio Yes br input name Jobs value No type radio No br br Do you have appropriate interview clothing br input..
jQuery draggable shows helper in wrong place when scrolled down page http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5791886/jquery-draggable-shows-helper-in-wrong-place-when-scrolled-down-page then the data is updated using a few ajax type calls. Everything works fine except when I scroll down the main page Jobs appear on a large week planner that exceeds the bottom of my browser window . If I try and drag a draggable element here..