jquery Programming Glossary: jetty
Comet and jQuery [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/136012/comet-and-jquery that I have heard my plugin works with but I have not verified this. I have tested and verified it works with cometd jetty and erlycomet which has a jQuery Comet example included. There is more info on my blog and the current code with a basic..
CrossDomain ajax request using CORS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14185576/crossdomain-ajax-request-using-cors documentation how I can implement this I have a few questions 1 I use Glassfish Jee6 app server so can I simply add a jetty filter to my web.xml and job is done 2 And for client side mobile website is there any javascript library which helps to.. improve this question Jetty filter web app filter filter name cross origin filter name filter class org.eclipse.jetty.servlets.CrossOriginFilter filter class init param param name allowedOrigins param name param value param value init param..
How do I use Comet with Spring MVC? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4456357/how-do-i-use-comet-with-spring-mvc with it is that it uses the best mechanism available. If running on servlet 3.0 using the async support. If using jetty using its support and so on. It also has spring integration. So perhaps you should ask a concrete question about atmosphere...
JQuery, Spring MVC @RequestBody and JSON - making it work together http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5908466/jquery-spring-mvc-requestbody-and-json-making-it-work-together plugin artifactId version 2.3.2 version configuration source 1.6 source target 1.6 target configuration plugin jetty plugin groupId org.mortbay.jetty groupId artifactId jetty maven plugin artifactId version 7.4.0.v20110414 version plugin.. 2.3.2 version configuration source 1.6 source target 1.6 target configuration plugin jetty plugin groupId org.mortbay.jetty groupId artifactId jetty maven plugin artifactId version 7.4.0.v20110414 version plugin plugins build project in folder.. source 1.6 source target 1.6 target configuration plugin jetty plugin groupId org.mortbay.jetty groupId artifactId jetty maven plugin artifactId version 7.4.0.v20110414 version plugin plugins build project in folder src main webapp WEB INF web.xml..