jquery Programming Glossary: javascript_include_tag
Why is jQuery not loading in my Rails 3.2.3 app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10553343/why-is-jquery-not-loading-in-my-rails-3-2-3-app in layouts application.html.erb like so it works javascript_include_tag http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.7.2 jquery.min.js.. ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.7.2 jquery.min.js javascript_include_tag application Any thoughts on what I can do to resolve this and..
Can't include js file for client slide validation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11029197/cant-include-js-file-for-client-slide-validation rails.validations added line into application.html.erb javascript_include_tag defaults rails.validations rails.validations.custom and validation.. file in the layout anymore it should be sufficient to have javascript_include_tag application as long as the application.js contains the line..
jQuery not working on Rails 3.2.8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13193905/jquery-not-working-on-rails-3-2-8 require_tree . views layouts application.html.erb has javascript_include_tag application A simple Javascript test in test.js if jQuery alert.. two lines from stylesheet_link_tag application media all javascript_include_tag application to javascript_include_tag application stylesheet_link_tag.. media all javascript_include_tag application to javascript_include_tag application stylesheet_link_tag application media all Now it..
How to add tagging with autocomplete to an existing model in Rails? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4937185/how-to-add-tagging-with-autocomplete-to-an-existing-model-in-rails application custom theme jquery ui 1.8.9.custom javascript_include_tag defaults jquery ui #.#.#.custom.min autocomplete rails Controller..
Devise session immediately expiring on .js call [AJAX] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5049672/devise-session-immediately-expiring-on-js-call-ajax
Jquery modal windows and edit object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5766055/jquery-modal-windows-and-edit-object file e.g. application.html.erb is including those files javascript_include_tag defaults For your modal there are a lot of opinions on how to..
Rails 3.1 + Paperclip + jQuery fileupload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7883118/rails-3-1-paperclip-jquery-fileupload file_field_tag 'user photo ' multiple true f.submit javascript_include_tag jquery.fileupload.js # require all other JS files needed for..
how to fix 'jQuery is not defined' error in jquery library? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9266657/how-to-fix-jquery-is-not-defined-error-in-jquery-library be asked as a different question. Rails fix make sure javascript_include_tag application is before any script loading so that jquery gets..
Why is jQuery not loading in my Rails 3.2.3 app? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10553343/why-is-jquery-not-loading-in-my-rails-3-2-3-app require twitter bootstrap require_tree . If I load jQuery explicitly in layouts application.html.erb like so it works javascript_include_tag http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.7.2 jquery.min.js javascript_include_tag application Any thoughts on what I.. like so it works javascript_include_tag http ajax.googleapis.com ajax libs jquery 1.7.2 jquery.min.js javascript_include_tag application Any thoughts on what I can do to resolve this and get jQuery loading again Looking in .rvm gems ruby 1.9.3 p125..
Can't include js file for client slide validation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11029197/cant-include-js-file-for-client-slide-validation javascript folder. added line into application.js require rails.validations added line into application.html.erb javascript_include_tag defaults rails.validations rails.validations.custom and validation isn't working online using Devise gem In my view form_for.. If you run Rails 3.1 you don't need to add the javascript file in the layout anymore it should be sufficient to have javascript_include_tag application as long as the application.js contains the line require_tree . which includes all javascript files under app..
jQuery not working on Rails 3.2.8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13193905/jquery-not-working-on-rails-3-2-8 has the following require jquery require jquery_ujs require_tree . views layouts application.html.erb has javascript_include_tag application A simple Javascript test in test.js if jQuery alert 'Jquery is loaded' else alert 'Jquery is not loaded' gives.. it in application.html.erb I changed the ordering of these two lines from stylesheet_link_tag application media all javascript_include_tag application to javascript_include_tag application stylesheet_link_tag application media all Now it works I'm not quite sure.. the ordering of these two lines from stylesheet_link_tag application media all javascript_include_tag application to javascript_include_tag application stylesheet_link_tag application media all Now it works I'm not quite sure why though can anybody explain share..
How to add tagging with autocomplete to an existing model in Rails? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4937185/how-to-add-tagging-with-autocomplete-to-an-existing-model-in-rails and css files in your application layout stylesheet_link_tag application custom theme jquery ui 1.8.9.custom javascript_include_tag defaults jquery ui #.#.#.custom.min autocomplete rails Controller Example EDIT Made changes based on Seth Pellegrino's comments...
Devise session immediately expiring on .js call [AJAX] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5049672/devise-session-immediately-expiring-on-js-call-ajax
Jquery modal windows and edit object http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5766055/jquery-modal-windows-and-edit-object defaults w jquery rails And make sure your layout file e.g. application.html.erb is including those files javascript_include_tag defaults For your modal there are a lot of opinions on how to do it. Personally I prefer to roll my own modal windows based..
Rails 3.1 + Paperclip + jQuery fileupload http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7883118/rails-3-1-paperclip-jquery-fileupload form_for @user url users_path html multipart true do f #fileupload file_field_tag 'user photo ' multiple true f.submit javascript_include_tag jquery.fileupload.js # require all other JS files needed for the plugin jQuery jQuery UI ... stylesheet_link_tag jquery.fileupload..
how to fix 'jQuery is not defined' error in jquery library? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9266657/how-to-fix-jquery-is-not-defined-error-in-jquery-library it's something happening in the Rails asset pipeline and should be asked as a different question. Rails fix make sure javascript_include_tag application is before any script loading so that jquery gets loaded first. This seems really odd. When I load my page I..