jquery Programming Glossary: jackson
Spring JSON and 406 http error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11308294/spring-json-and-406-http-error @RequestMapping value testInit public @ResponseBody Output test throws Exception return new Output true and i had jackson libreary to classpath into applicationContext but i still get 406 error with this jquery call .ajax url testInit type get.. property name messageConverters list ref bean jacksonMessageConverter list property bean bean id jacksonMessageConverter class org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter.. property name messageConverters list ref bean jacksonMessageConverter list property bean bean id jacksonMessageConverter class org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter like shown above. share..
spring mvc not returning json content - error 406 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4069903/spring-mvc-not-returning-json-content-error-406 .val aConversion.input I would really appreciate any input on this issue. Thank you java jquery spring spring mvc jackson share improve this question Try removing remove the header limitation for Accept put a breakpoint and see what's the..
JQuery, Spring MVC @RequestBody and JSON - making it work together http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5908466/jquery-spring-mvc-requestbody-and-json-making-it-work-together ref bean xmlMessageConverter util list property bean To the almost similiar one suggested bean id jacksonMessageConverter class org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJacksonHttpMessageConverter bean bean class org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.annotation.AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter.. property name messageConverters list ref bean jacksonMessageConverter list property bean And it seems to work I don't know what exactly did the trick but it works... java jquery.. org.springframework groupId artifactId spring webmvc artifactId version 3.0.5.RELEASE version dependency dependency jackson groupId org.codehaus.jackson groupId artifactId jackson mapper asl artifactId version 1.4.2 version dependency dependencies..
jquery - is not a function error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6109847/jquery-is-not-a-function-error a' .pluginbutton I just cant seem to understand Can anyone point me in the right direction regards Phil jackson jquery function share improve this question This problem is best solved by using an anonymous function to pass in the..
jQuery ajax call to REST service http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7112672/jquery-ajax-call-to-rest-service rest service used is right from a tutorial of mkyong's blog this one http www.mkyong.com webservices jax rs integrate jackson with resteasy The service works but when i try to make a call from jQuery in Firebug there is a 200 status code but in the..