jquery Programming Glossary: javabean
Loading alternative content via tabs and jQuery and JSP http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2203269/loading-alternative-content-via-tabs-and-jquery-and-jsp this question Have you considered the JSON format There are Java API's to seamlessly convert a collection or map of Javabean object s into JSON format such as Google Gson . In JavaScript jQuery you can handle JSON perfectly as if it's a worthfully.. In JavaScript jQuery you can handle JSON perfectly as if it's a worthfully JavaScript object. It is comparable with a Javabean in Java. No overheads like with formatting and parsing XML's. You can create a Servlet which writes a JSON string to the.. to the response so that it can be called by jQuery's .getJSON . Here's a kickoff example where Item is a fictive Javabean with three properties id name and value protected void doGet HttpServletRequest request HttpServletResponse response throws..
Calling a Servlet from a JSP page using jQuery Ajax http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3614703/calling-a-servlet-from-a-jsp-page-using-jquery-ajax HttpServletResponse response throws ServletException IOexception Populate response data somehow. Can be a String Javabean or Collection Map of either. Map String Object data new HashMap String Object data.put success true data.put message Hello..
What is the need of JSF. When UI can be achieved from css html javascript jQuery? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4421839/what-is-the-need-of-jsf-when-ui-can-be-achieved-from-css-html-javascript-jquery with complete code examples. If you study those examples closely then you'll see that you basically need a simple Javabean class as model and a XHTML file as view. Note that you should not see JSF as replacement of alone HTML CSS JS you should.. generating the HTML CSS JS boilerplate code. With JSF you basically end up with a XHTML page as view definition and a Javabean class as model definition. This greatly speeds up development. As with every component based web MVC framework you have..