jquery Programming Glossary: jfcoder.com
What to do with php after jquery .serialize() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6164691/what-to-do-with-php-after-jquery-serialize 'pre' .html '#category dynamic' .serialize .post http jfcoder.com test processor.php '#category dynamic' .serialize function data.. .serialize formSubmit true 'pre' .html serial .post http jfcoder.com test processor.php serial function data 'pre' .html 'pre' .html.. dynamic' .serialize 'pre' .html serial .post http jfcoder.com test processor.php formSubmit true serial serial function data..
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What to do with php after jquery .serialize() http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6164691/what-to-do-with-php-after-jquery-serialize form h3 POST Result h3 pre pre jQuery document .ready function 'pre' .html '#category dynamic' .serialize .post http jfcoder.com test processor.php '#category dynamic' .serialize function data 'pre' .html 'pre' .html n n data EDIT And the processor.php.. is document .ready function var serial '#category dynamic' .serialize formSubmit true 'pre' .html serial .post http jfcoder.com test processor.php serial function data 'pre' .html 'pre' .html n n data Note the addition of the formSubmit true to the.. See the difference document .ready function var serial '#category dynamic' .serialize 'pre' .html serial .post http jfcoder.com test processor.php formSubmit true serial serial function data 'pre' .html 'pre' .html n n data OUTPUT POST Result category..
shadowbox stops working after jquery function call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9144577/shadowbox-stops-working-after-jquery-function-call likely. If you copy paste make sure and remove this line. div id menu ul li a id menu home href index.html rel http jfcoder.com test homecontent.html Home a li li a id menu services href services.html rel http jfcoder.com test servicescontent.html.. href index.html rel http jfcoder.com test homecontent.html Home a li li a id menu services href services.html rel http jfcoder.com test servicescontent.html Services a li li a id menu tour href tour.html rel http jfcoder.com test tourcontent.html Tour.. services.html rel http jfcoder.com test servicescontent.html Services a li li a id menu tour href tour.html rel http jfcoder.com test tourcontent.html Tour a li li a id menulogin href login.html Login a li ul div Here you'll notice I have a relative..